import os import tarfile import time from datetime import timedelta import pendulum from airflow.decorators import dag from airflow.decorators import task from import S3Hook from botocore.exceptions import ClientError S3_CONN_ID = os.getenv("S3_CONN_ID", "s3_conn") EXECUTION_TIMEOUT = int(os.getenv("EXECUTION_TIMEOUT", 6)) default_args = { "execution_timeout": timedelta(hours=EXECUTION_TIMEOUT), "retries": int(os.getenv("DEFAULT_TASK_RETRIES", 1)), "retry_delay": timedelta(seconds=int(os.getenv("DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_SECONDS", 60))), } def check_for_key_with_backoff(hook: S3Hook, key:str, bucket:str) -> bool: delay = 10 # initial delay delay_incr = 10 # additional delay in each loop max_delay = 60 # max delay of one loop. Total delay is (max_delay**2)/2 while delay < max_delay: try: return hook.check_for_key(key=key, bucket_name=bucket) except ClientError as err: code = err.response.get('Error',{}).get('Code', '') if code in ['NoSuchBucket']: print(f"Error: {code}. Check s3path: s3://{bucket}/{key}") raise err time.sleep(delay) delay += delay_incr def load_file_obj_with_backoff(hook: S3Hook, fileobj, key:str, bucket:str, replace:bool) -> bool: delay = 10 # initial delay delay_incr = 10 # additional delay in each loop max_delay = 60 # max delay of one loop. Total delay is (max_delay**2)/2 while delay < max_delay: try: return hook.load_file_obj(fileobj, key, bucket, replace=replace) except ClientError as err: code = err.response.get('Error',{}).get('Code', '') if code in ['NoSuchBucket']: print(f"Error: {code}. Check s3path: s3://{bucket}/{key}") raise err time.sleep(delay) delay += delay_incr @dag( start_date=pendulum.datetime(2021, 1, 1, tz="UTC"), schedule=None, catchup=False, default_args=default_args, params={ "src_key": "File to untar", "src_bucket": "bucket containing the zip file", "dst_key_prefix": "", "dst_bucket": "bucket that will contain unzipped files" }, tags=["s3"], ) def s3_untar(): @task def untar(**context): hook = S3Hook(S3_CONN_ID, transfer_config_args={'use_threads': False}) s3_obj = hook.get_key(context["params"]["src_key"], bucket_name=context["params"]["src_bucket"]) with["Body"], mode='r|*') as tar: for member in tar: dst_key = context["params"]["dst_key_prefix"] + "/" + dst_key = os.path.normpath(dst_key) # Ignore directories, links, devices, fifos, etc. if (not member.isfile()) or'/'): print(f"Skipping {}: is not a file") continue if check_for_key_with_backoff(hook, key=dst_key, bucket=context["params"]["dst_bucket"]): print(f"Skipping {}: already exists") continue print(f"Extracting {} to {dst_key}") fileobj = tar.extractfile(member) fileobj.seekable = lambda: False load_file_obj_with_backoff(hook, fileobj, dst_key, context["params"]["dst_bucket"], replace=True) untar() s3_untar()