
gCube is an open-source software toolkit used for building and operating Hybrid Data Infrastructures enabling the dynamic deployment of Virtual Research Environments

Updated 2 years ago

A portlet used by F.A.O. of the United Nations to update Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Reports

Updated 2 years ago

Updated 9 months ago

This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Porlet which interacts with workspace and social service to gather usage statistics (e.g. disk space in use, number of posts etc.)

Updated 3 months ago

Updated 3 years ago

A library that sits between the Liferay portal services and portlets. Provide management of users, roles and organizations. It provides a layer of abstraction above the liferay services, hiding the configuration complexities of roles and organizations.

Updated 3 days ago

This JAVA library takes the access to gCube Resolvers provided by the URI-Resolver in the D4Science Infrastructure

Updated 2 weeks ago

The URI Resolver is a RESTful service which gives access via HTTP(s) to different gCube Resolver services and gCube Applications

Updated 2 hours ago

Updated 1 year ago

Trending Topics Portlet (former Top Topics) visualises a list of topics (#hashtags) that are present in the context where it is deployed. The #hashtags are ranked according to their "trendiness".

Updated 3 months ago

This component is a Liferay Terms of Use (ToU) Hook which intercepts the user not agreeing to the ToU and take care of implementing all the required actions to remove the user account from D4Science.

Updated 3 years ago

This component cleans the Smartgears ThreadLocal variables each time a new Thread is assigned to a request from tomcat thread pool

Updated 3 years ago

This front-end components lists the D4Science Infrastructure Gateways available in the infrastructure together with their logo and description.

Updated 3 years ago

Test project for issue at https://support.d4science.org/issues/23578

Updated 2 years ago
