
gCube is an open-source software toolkit used for building and operating Hybrid Data Infrastructures enabling the dynamic deployment of Virtual Research Environments

VRE removed publisher tool
Updated 2024-05-16 15:24:14 +02:00
This service fills information like start time, end time, managers, and description in the CSV file of removed VREs.
Updated 2024-03-26 16:00:43 +01:00
Updated 2023-07-04 15:00:03 +02:00
VRE Members Portlet displays the members of the current VRE
Updated 2024-01-30 18:11:37 +01:00
Updated 2024-01-30 18:09:43 +01:00
This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Hook which starts at portal startup and publishes the association amoncg VREs and Gateway on the Information System
Updated 2024-01-17 17:11:39 +01:00
Updated 2021-12-02 14:23:17 +01:00
gCube VRE Definition Portlet shows a Wizard to create VREs.
Updated 2021-10-27 15:32:37 +02:00
Updated 2022-07-13 09:40:58 +02:00
A portlet used by F.A.O. of the United Nations to update Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Reports
Updated 2021-11-25 12:06:52 +01:00
Updated 2023-08-01 10:41:25 +02:00
This component is a Liferay 6.2.6 CE Porlet which interacts with workspace and social service to gather usage statistics (e.g. disk space in use, number of posts etc.)
Updated 2024-01-31 18:08:38 +01:00
Updated 2021-08-05 17:20:26 +02:00
A library that sits between the Liferay portal services and portlets. Provide management of users, roles and organizations. It provides a layer of abstraction above the liferay services, hiding the configuration complexities of roles and organizations.
Updated 2024-04-16 16:23:23 +02:00
This JAVA library takes the access to gCube Resolvers provided by the URI-Resolver in the D4Science Infrastructure
Updated 2024-05-07 10:13:37 +02:00

Members 12