package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsthreddssync.server; import static org.gcube.common.authorization.client.Constants.authorizationService; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.AuthorizationEntry; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.shared.thredds.Sync_Status; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.shared.thredds.ThSyncFolderDescriptor; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.shared.thredds.ThSynchFolderConfiguration; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsthreddssync.shared.GcubeScope; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsthreddssync.shared.GcubeScopeType; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsthreddssync.shared.WsThreddsSynchFolderConfiguration; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsthreddssync.shared.WsThreddsSynchFolderDescriptor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class BeanConverter. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Aug 2, 2019 */ public class BeanConverter { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BeanConverter.class); /** * To ws thredds folder config. * * @param t the t * @param theStatus the the status * @return the ws thredds synch folder descriptor */ public static WsThreddsSynchFolderDescriptor toWsThreddsFolderConfig(ThSyncFolderDescriptor t, Sync_Status theStatus) { if (t == null) return null; WsThreddsSynchFolderDescriptor ws = new WsThreddsSynchFolderDescriptor(); ws.setServerFolderDescriptor(t); ws.setSyncStatus(theStatus); // FROM TARGET TOKEN TO SCOPE // t.getConfiguration().getTargetToken() if (t.getConfiguration().getTargetToken() != null) { try { AuthorizationEntry entry = authorizationService().get(t.getConfiguration().getTargetToken()); String scope = entry.getContext(); GcubeScope selectedScope = new GcubeScope(toScopeTitle(scope), scope, toGcubeScope(scope)); ws.setSelectedScope(selectedScope); logger.debug("Resolved SCOPE: " + selectedScope + " from token"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } } return ws; } /** * To scope title. * * @param scope the scope * @return the string */ public static String toScopeTitle(String scope) { if (scope == null || scope.isEmpty()) return null; return scope.substring(scope.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, scope.length()); } /** * To gcube scope. * * @param scopeName the scope name * @return the gcube scope type */ public static GcubeScopeType toGcubeScope(String scopeName) { if (scopeName == null) return null; String[] components=scopeName.split("/"); if (components.length<2 || components.length>4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("scope "+scopeName+" is malformed"); if(components.length>3) { return GcubeScopeType.VRE; } else if (components.length>2) { return GcubeScopeType.VO; } else { return GcubeScopeType.ROOT; } } /** * To th synch folder configuration. * * @param t the t * @param rootFolderId the root folder id * @param targetScopeUserToken the target scope user token * @return the th synch folder configuration */ public static ThSynchFolderConfiguration toThSynchFolderConfiguration(WsThreddsSynchFolderConfiguration t, String rootFolderId, String targetScopeUserToken) { if (t == null) return null; ThSynchFolderConfiguration ts = new ThSynchFolderConfiguration(); ts.setFilter(t.getFilter()); ts.setRemotePath(t.getRemotePath()); ts.setTargetToken(targetScopeUserToken); ts.setToCreateCatalogName(t.getCatalogName()); ts.setRootFolderId(rootFolderId); return ts; }; }