fixing full scope

Francesco Mangiacrapa 3 years ago
parent e72a2b14b1
commit b16efacd9f

@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
* Gets the available THREDDS catalogues for target scope.
* @param targetScope the target scope
* @param targetFullScope the target scope
* @return the available catalogues for scope
* @throws Exception the exception
public List<ThCatalogueBean> getAvailableCataloguesForScope(String targetScope) throws Exception {
public List<ThCatalogueBean> getAvailableCataloguesForScope(String targetFullScope) throws Exception {
throw new Exception("Invalid scope null");
String originalScope = null;
@ -150,19 +150,20 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
originalScope = wsScope;
originalToken = wsUserToken;
String targetScopeUserToken = PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentUserToken(targetScope, user.getUsername());
listCtlgs = getSyncService().getAvailableCataloguesByToken(targetScope, wsUserToken, targetScopeUserToken);
String targetScopeUserToken = PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentUserToken(targetFullScope, user.getUsername());
listCtlgs = getSyncService().getAvailableCataloguesByToken(targetFullScope, wsUserToken, targetScopeUserToken);
logger.debug("Retuning "+listCtlgs.size()+" Catalogues for scope: "+targetScope);
logger.debug("Retuning "+listCtlgs.size()+" Catalogues for scope: "+targetFullScope);
for (ThCatalogueBean thCatalogueBean : listCtlgs) {
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error on checking available Catalogue in the scope: "+targetScope, e);
logger.error("Error on checking available Catalogue in the scope: "+targetFullScope, e);
}finally {
if(originalScope!=null && originalScope.compareTo(targetScope)!=0) {
if(originalScope!=null && originalScope.compareTo(targetFullScope)!=0) {"Resetting the scope: "+originalScope + " was original WS context");
if(originalToken!=null) {
@ -252,10 +253,13 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
List<GCubeGroup> listOfGroups = new ArrayList<GCubeGroup>(filteredGroupsForGatw);"list of VREs in the gateway "+gatewayHostname+" are "+listOfGroups.size());
for (GCubeGroup gCubeGroup : listOfGroups) {
long groupId = gCubeGroup.getGroupId();
String fullScope = groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(groupId);
logger.debug("For groupId: "+groupId+" got full scope: "+fullScope);
GcubeScopeType scopeType=null;
scopeType = GcubeScopeType.VRE;
}else if(groupManager.isVO(gCubeGroup.getGroupId())){
}else if(groupManager.isVO(groupId)){
scopeType = GcubeScopeType.VO;
// }else if(groupManager.isRootVO(gCubeGroup.getGroupId())){
@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
GatewayRolesThredds roles = WsUtil.getThreddsRoleFor(user, gCubeGroup);
//Adding only the scope where the user has the THREDDS_ADMIN role
GcubeScope gcubeScope = checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(roles, gCubeGroup, groupManager, scopeType);
GcubeScope gcubeScope = checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(roles, gCubeGroup.getGroupName(), fullScope, groupManager, scopeType);
if(gcubeScope!=null) {
@ -274,8 +278,9 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
GCubeGroup theRootVO = groupManager.getRootVO();
GatewayRolesThredds roles = WsUtil.getThreddsRoleFor(user, theRootVO);
String rootVOFullScope = groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(theRootVO.getGroupId());
///ADDING THE ROOT SCOPE if the user has the THREDDS_ADMIN role in the ROOT-VO
GcubeScope gcubeScope = checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(roles, theRootVO, groupManager, GcubeScopeType.ROOT);
GcubeScope gcubeScope = checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(roles, theRootVO.getGroupName(), rootVOFullScope, groupManager, GcubeScopeType.ROOT);
if(gcubeScope!=null) {
@ -309,22 +314,23 @@ public class ThreddsWorkspaceSyncServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implem
* - the scope has an available THREDDS catalogue configured
* @param role the role
* @param scope the scope
* @param scopeName the scope name e.g. devVRE
* @param fullScope the full scope e.g. /gcube/devsec/devVRE
* @param groupManager the group manager
* @param scopeType the scope type
* @return the gcube scope {@link GcubeScope} if the two conditions (see description) are satisfied, null otherwise
* @throws Exception the exception
private GcubeScope checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(GatewayRolesThredds role, GCubeGroup scope, GroupManager groupManager, GcubeScopeType scopeType) throws Exception {
private GcubeScope checkDataManagerCapacityAndThreddsCatalogue(GatewayRolesThredds role, String scopeName, String fullScope, GroupManager groupManager, GcubeScopeType scopeType) throws Exception {
logger.debug("checking Data-Manager capacity and THREEDS catalogues for role: "+role, "scope name: "+scopeName+", scope: "+fullScope + " scope type: "+scopeType);
if(role!=null && role.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GatewayRolesNames.DATA_MANAGER.getRoleName())){
try {
List<ThCatalogueBean> list = getAvailableCataloguesForScope(scope.getGroupName());
List<ThCatalogueBean> list = getAvailableCataloguesForScope(fullScope);
if(list!=null) {
return new GcubeScope(scope.getGroupName(), groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(scope.getGroupId()), scopeType);
return new GcubeScope(scopeName, fullScope, scopeType);
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error on checking available catalogue for scope: "+scope.getGroupName(), e);
logger.error("Error on checking available catalogue for scope: "+fullScope, e);
return null;

@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class WsUtil {
}"For user: "+user+" in the scope: "+scope.getGroupName()+" read the role/s: " + threddsRoles);"For user: "+user.getUsername()+" in the scope: "+scope.getGroupName()+" read the role/s: " + threddsRoles);
GatewayRolesThredds toReturn = null;
if (threddsRoles.contains(GatewayRolesThredds.DATA_MANAGER))
