
26 lines
679 B

# wps.des: test.echo, title = dummy echo process, abstract = you get what you put in;
# wps.in: id = inputVariable, type = string, title = input variable, minOccurs = 1, maxOccurs = 1;
# wps.off;
inputVariable <- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
# wps.on;
# test that the renaming measures do not affect the script
quitter <- inputVariable
uuunlinkkk <- quitter
evaluator <- uuunlinkkk
qevalq <- evaluator
systemo <- qevalq
setwdsetwdsetwd <- systemo
outputVariable <- setwdsetwdsetwd
if(inputVariable == "Hallo Echo!")
outputVariable <- "Hallo Otto!"
#wps.out: id = outputVariable, type = string, title = returning input variable;
# wps.off;