
99 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2012 by 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH, Contact: info@52north.org
# This document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0), see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ for details.
# Author: Daniel Nuest (d.nuest@52north.org)
myLog <- function(...) {
cat(paste0("[pegel-report] ", Sys.time(), " > ", ..., "\n"))
myLog("Start script... ")
# About
# This R script creates a Sweave report about water gauge stations in Germany
# in a WPS.
# define metadata, resources, inputs, and outputs
#wps.des: id = demo.pegelReport, title = Gauge Report,
# abstract = create a pdf report for a water gauge analysis;
#wps.resource: pegel-report.Rnw, Sweave.sty;
#wps.in: id = station_name, type = string, title = Station Name
# abstract = Discover gauge station names here: http://pegelonline.wsv.de/gast/karte/standard_mini,
# minOccurs = 1, maxOccurs = 1;
#wps.in: id = days, type = integer, title = Report duration
# abstract = The number of days the reports goes back in time,
# value = 1,
# minOccurs = 0, maxOccurs = 1;
#wps.out: id = report, type = pdf, title = pegel-analysis report;
#wps.out: id = report_source, type = text, title = report source file,
# abstract = The source file to generate the report for reproducibility;
# constants and settings
report_file <- "pegel-report.Rnw"
process_description_url <- "N/A"
resource_url_report_file <- "N/A"
#cat(get("wpsServer"), "\n")
if(exists("wpsServer") && wpsServer) {
myLog("Running in a WPS...")
# get metadata when running in the server
# cat(wpsResourceURL, "\n")
# cat(wpsProcessDescription, "\n")
process_description_url <- wpsProcessDescription
resource_url_report_file <- paste0(wpsResourceURL, "/", report_file)
myLog("wps.description: ", wpsProcessDescription,
" | wps.resource: ", wpsResourceURL)
else {
myLog("process description: ", process_description_url,
" | report: ", report_file,
" | public URL: ", resource_url_report_file);
# save input variables for Rnw file
tPeriod_days <- days
procedure_filter <- station_name
myLog("tiem filter: ", tPeriod_days, " | procedures: ", procedure_filter)
# generate report
# wps.off; for local testing
files <- paste0(dirname(getwd()), "/resources/", c(report_file, "Sweave.sty"))
lapply(FUN = file.copy, X = files, to = getwd())
myLog(" LOCAL TESTING in wd ", getwd())
# wps.on;
myLog("Creating report with file ", report_file, " in ", getwd())
system("pdfLatex \"pegel-report.tex\"") #problem: doesn't run without interaction
report <- "pegel-report.pdf"
report_source <- resource_url_report_file
myLog("report file: ", report,
" | report source: ", report_source,
" | public URL: ", resource_url_report_file);