org.n52.wps.ags.spatialanalyst.math.generalization.nibble Nibble_sa Replaces cells of raster corresponding to a mask with the values of the nearest neighbors. Uses ArcObjects library - Spatial Analyst in_raster in raster The input raster that Nibble will be applied to. It must be of integer type. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img in_mask_raster in mask raster The raster used as the mask. Cells with NoData as their value will be nibbled in the in_raster. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img nibble_values nibble values Keywords defining if NoData values in the in_raster are allowed to nibble into the area defined by the in_mask_raster. ALL — Specifies that the nearest neighbor value will be used whether it is NoData or another data value in the in_raster. NoData values in the in_raster are free to nibble into areas defined in the in_mask_raster if they are the nearest neighbor. DATAONLY — Specifies that only data values are free to nibble into areas defined in the in_mask_raster. NoData values in the in_raster are not allowed to nibble into areas defined in the in_mask_raster even if they are the nearest neighbor. out_raster out raster The raster to be created. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img