org.n52.wps.ags.spatialanalyst.extraction.sample Sample_sa Creates a table that shows the values of cells from a raster, or set of rasters, for defined locations. The locations are defined by raster cells or by a set of points. Uses ArcObjects library - Spatial Analyst in_location_data in location data Data identifying positions at which you want a sample taken. This can be a raster or a point feature dataset. application/x-zipped-shp application/x-zipped-shp application/GeoTIFF application/img in_rasters in rasters The rasters whose values will be sampled based on the input location data. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img resampling_type resampling type Resampling algorithm used when sampling a raster. NEAREST — Nearest neighbor assignment. BILINEAR — Bilinear interpolation. CUBIC — Cubic convolution. NEAREST BILINEAR CUBIC out_table out table Output table holding the sampled cell values. application/dbf application/dbf