org.n52.wps.ags.spatialanalyst.extraction.extractbyrectangle ExtractByRectangle_sa Extracts the cells of a raster based on a rectangle. Uses ArcObjects library - Spatial Analyst in_raster inp raster The input raster from which cells will be extracted. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img rectangle rectangle X minimum and y minimum define the lower-left coordinates of the area to be extracted, and x maximum and y maximum define the upper-right coordinates. extraction_area extraction area Identifies whether to extract cells inside or outside the input rectangle. INSIDE — A keyword specifying that the cells inside the input rectangle should be selected and written to the output raster. All cells outside the rectangle will receive NoData values on the output raster. OUTSIDE — A keyword specifying that the cells outside the input rectangle should be selected and written to the output raster. All cells inside the rectangle will receive NoData values on the output raster. INSIDE OUTSIDE out_raster out raster The raster to be created. application/img application/GeoTIFF application/img