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Raw Normal View History

#wps.des: uncertweb.make-realizations, title = Realization process UncertWeb,
# abstract = Makes realizations out of two geotiffs;
#wps.in: spdf, geotiff;
#wps.in: uspdf, geotiff;
spdf = readGDAL(spdf)
uspdf = readGDAL(uspdf)
makeRealizations = function(spdf, uspdf, nsim) {
# if variable name is null
if (is.null(names(spdf))) names(spdf) = "var"
sppdf = spdf
# make SpatialPointsDataFrame from SpatialGridDataFrame
gridded(sppdf) = FALSE
# number of cells in the raster
nall = dim(sppdf)[1]
##### sample 3000 cells from all cells #####
# random non-spatial sample
spsdf = sppdf[sample(1:nall, 3000),]
# centering and scaling of pixel values
# centering: subtract overall average from all pixels
# scaling: dividing all pixels by overall standard deviation
spsdf@data = as.data.frame(scale(spsdf@data))
##### fit variogram to cell sample #####
# variogram for centered and scaled data from sample
vario = autofitVariogram(as.formula(paste(names(spsdf), "~1")), spsdf)$var_model
rang = vario$range[2]
# define number of new samples by range and grid area (minimum 5)
nsamp = as.integer(areaSpatialGrid(spdf)/(rang*rang)) + 5
# slocs = sppdf[sample(1:nall, nsamp),]
##### new spatial sample from cell sample #####
# random spatial sample
slocs = spsample(spsdf, nsamp, "random")
# get cell size in x and y direction from the original grid
gp = gridparameters(spdf)
dx = gp$cellsize[1]
dy = gp$cellsize[2]
# shift coordinates by a random factor (-0.5 to 0.5) times the cell size
slocs@coords = slocs@coords +
matrix( runif(nsamp*2) -0.5, ncol = 2)*matrix(c(rep(dx,nsamp),rep(dy,nsamp)),ncol=2)
# build spatial points dataframe from the sample with the new coordinates and values of 0
# this will serve as prediction locations
slocs = SpatialPointsDataFrame(slocs, data = data.frame(dat = rep(0,nsamp)))
##### Conditional simulation using the new sample locations #####
# creates a new grid based on the original grid with nsim simulations for residuals (mean=0)
sims = krige(as.formula(paste(names(slocs), "~1")), slocs, spdf, vario, nsim = nsim, nmax = 8)
sims2 = sims
#sims2@data = spdf@data + sims@data * uspdf@data
# recalculate final results by multiplying scaled simulations with uncertainty grid and adding to mean grid
sims2@data = as.data.frame(apply(sims@data, 2, rescale))
# helper function to recalculate values from residual simulations
rescale = function(df1){
df = spdf@data+df1*uspdf@data
nsims <- makeRealizations(spdf, uspdf, nsim = 10)
output = writeGDAL(nsims, "output.tif", driver="GTiff")
#wps.out: output, geotiff;