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* AphiaNameServicePortType.java
* This file was auto-generated from WSDL
* by the Apache Axis 1.2RC2 Nov 16, 2004 (12:19:44 EST) WSDL2Java emitter.
package aphia.v1_0.worms;
public interface AphiaNameServicePortType extends java.rmi.Remote {
* <strong>Get the (first) exact matching AphiaID for a given
* name.<br/>Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><u>marine_only</u>: limit to marine taxa. Default=true.</li>
* </ul>
* </strong>
public int getAphiaID(java.lang.String scientificname, boolean marine_only) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get one or more matching (max. 50) AphiaRecords for
* a given name.<br/>Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><u>like</u>: add a '%'-sign added after the ScientificName
* (SQL LIKE function). Default=true.</li>
* <li><u>fuzzy</u>: fuzzy matching. Default=true.</li>
* <li><u>marine_only</u>: limit to marine taxa. Default=true.</li>
* <li><u>offset</u>: starting recordnumber, when retrieving next chunck
* of (50) records. Default=1.</li>
* </ul>
* </strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord[] getAphiaRecords(java.lang.String scientificname, boolean like, boolean fuzzy, boolean marine_only, int offset) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get the correct name for a given AphiaID</strong>.
public java.lang.String getAphiaNameByID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get the complete Aphia Record for a given AphiaID.</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord getAphiaRecordByID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get the Aphia Record for a given TSN (ITIS Taxonomic
* Serial Number).</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord getAphiaRecordByTSN(int TSN) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>For each given scientific name, try to find one or
* more AphiaRecords.<br/>
* This allows you to match multiple names in one call. Limited to
* 500 names at once for performance reasons.
* <br/>Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><u>like</u>: add a '%'-sign after the ScientificName (SQL
* LIKE function). Default=false.</li>
* <li><u>fuzzy</u>: fuzzy matching. Default=true.</li>
* <li><u>marine_only</u>: limit to marine taxa. Default=true.</li>
* </ul></strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord[][] getAphiaRecordsByNames(java.lang.String[] scientificnames, boolean like, boolean fuzzy, boolean marine_only) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get one or more Aphia Records (max. 50) for a given
* vernacular.</strong><br/>Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><u>like</u>: add a '%'-sign before and after the input (SQL
* LIKE '%vernacular%' function). Default=false.</li>
* <li><u>offset</u>: starting record number, when retrieving next chunck
* of (50) records. Default=1.</li>
* </ul>
* </strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord[] getAphiaRecordsByVernacular(java.lang.String vernacular, boolean like, int offset) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get the complete classification for one taxon. This
* also includes any sub or super ranks.</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.Classification getAphiaClassificationByID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get one or more sources/references including links,
* for one AphiaID</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.Source[] getSourcesByAphiaID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get all synonyms for a given AphiaID.</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord[] getAphiaSynonymsByID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get all vernaculars for a given AphiaID.</strong>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.Vernacular[] getAphiaVernacularsByID(int aphiaID) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
* <strong>Get the direct children (max. 50) for a given AphiaID.</strong><br
* />Parameters:
* <ul>
* <li><u>offset</u>: starting record number, when retrieving next chunck
* of (50) records. Default=1.</li>
* </ul>
public aphia.v1_0.worms.AphiaRecord[] getAphiaChildrenByID(int aphiaID, int offset) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;