Provide support for public link, Related ticket: #1993 Link sharing and public link: generate a human-readable URL via URL shortening, Related ticket: #1921 Fixed bug on shared links, Ticket #630 Provide support for share link, Related ticket: #1504 Edit description on sharing, Related ticket: #1822 Bugs fixed, Related Tickets: #628, #633, #630 Provide support for accounting, related ticket: #1752 Enable notification for file upload in shared folder, related ticket: #1732 Workspace portlet was enhanced to meet the requests coming from the User Community Related tickets: #1500, #1498, #320, #1487, #1499, #1501, #1497, #1536 #1259 The workspace portlet was mavenized. Fixed bugs: see #1327, #1278, #1279 Ticket #873: Messaging facility to be part of the Social Portal space Ticket #872: Workspace Portlet also "outside" of VREs #111 New workspace item (resource link) was added in workspace portlet New Mail Sender Widget added, supporting multiple attachments and multiple recipients Reply and Reply all features added to messages Inbox messages sort by date reverse order Bug fixed: upload file/archive #216 New version of Workspace Portlet is developed using the GXT framework #216 Reviews workspace GUI and adding new features #216 Added toolbar with navigation path of items #216 Added toolbar for an easy access to the operations on items ("Add", "Download", "Rename", "Delete", etc.) #1555: WorkflowTemplate and WorkflowReport required in Workspace Portlet GWT 2.2.0 support added gwt-ext patch Removed Workspace and Basket type, replaced with folder option Synch with others changes in HomeLibrary #398: Workspace Details panel improvement used ScopeHelper for session settings Enabled details panel for Report, ReportTemplate and AquaMapsItem workspace items #30: FCPPS / Workspace / Help does not open Ported to GWT 2.0 Updated project structure to WebPortlet Update to LifeRay portal #424: Workspace code refactoring an enanchement code refactoring, sync with Workspace Portlet Tree changes added new details panels for Time Series, AquaMaps Item, Report, Report Template improved details panels update speed (new panel construction vs static panels) gcube release 1.7.0 gcube release 1.6.0 gcube release 1.5.0 gcube release gcube release 1.2.2 gcube release 1.2.0 gcube release 1.2.0 rc1 first release