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package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileGridModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileTrashedModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileVersionModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FolderModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.GcubeVRE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.SubTree;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.workspace.GWTWorkspaceItem;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.GarbageItem;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.PublicLink;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.TrashContent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.TrashOperationContent;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.UserBean;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.WorkspaceOperationResult;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.WorkspaceTrashOperation;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.WorkspaceUserQuote;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.WorkspaceVersioningOperation;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.accounting.GxtAccountingField;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* The Interface GWTWorkspaceServiceAsync.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa{@literal @}
public interface GWTWorkspaceServiceAsync {
* Gets the user workspace size.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the user workspace size
void getUserWorkspaceSize(AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Gets the root for tree.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the root for tree
void getRootForTree(AsyncCallback<FolderModel> callback);
* Gets the folder children.
* @param folder the folder
* @param callback the callback
* @return the folder children
void getFolderChildren(FolderModel folder, AsyncCallback<List<FileModel>> callback);
* Gets the folder children for file grid.
* @param folder the folder
* @param callback the callback
* @return the folder children for file grid
void getFolderChildrenForFileGrid(FileModel folder, AsyncCallback<List<FileGridModel>> callback);
* Delete item.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param callback
* the callback
void deleteItem(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Rename item.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param newName
* the new name
* @param oldName
* the old name
* @param callback
* the callback
void renameItem(String itemId, String newName, String oldName, AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Creates the folder.
* @param nameFolder
* the name folder
* @param description
* the description
* @param parent
* the parent
* @param callback
* the callback
void createFolder(String nameFolder, String description, FileModel parent, AsyncCallback<FolderModel> callback);
* Gets the children sub tree to root by identifier.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
* @param callback the callback
* @return the children sub tree to root by identifier
void getChildrenSubTreeToRootByIdentifier(String itemIdentifier, AsyncCallback<ArrayList<SubTree>> callback);
* Gets the items by search name.
* @param text the text
* @param folderId the folder id
* @param callback the callback
* @return the items by search name
void getItemsBySearchName(String text, String folderId, AsyncCallback<List<FileGridModel>> callback);
// /**
// * Gets the smart folder results by category.
// *
// * @param category
// * the category
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void getSmartFolderResultsByCategory(GXTCategorySmartFolder category, AsyncCallback<List<FileGridModel>> callback);
// /**
// * Creates the smart folder.
// *
// * @param name
// * the name
// * @param description
// * the description
// * @param query
// * the query
// * @param parentId
// * the parent id
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void createSmartFolder(String name, String description, String query, String parentId,
// AsyncCallback<SmartFolderModel> callback);
// /**
// * Gets the smart folder results by id.
// *
// * @param folderId
// * the folder id
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void getSmartFolderResultsById(String folderId, AsyncCallback<List<FileGridModel>> callback);
// /**
// * Gets the all smart folders.
// *
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void getAllSmartFolders(AsyncCallback<List<SmartFolderModel>> callback);
* Gets the image by id.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param isInteralImage the is interal image
* @param fullDetails the full details
* @param callback the callback
* @return the image by id
void getImageById(String identifier, boolean isInteralImage, boolean fullDetails,
AsyncCallback<GWTWorkspaceItem> callback);
* Gets the url by id.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param isInternalUrl the is internal url
* @param fullDetails the full details
* @param callback the callback
* @return the url by id
void getUrlById(String identifier, boolean isInternalUrl, boolean fullDetails,
AsyncCallback<GWTWorkspaceItem> callback);
* Creates the external url.
* @param parentId
* the parent id
* @param name
* the name
* @param description
* the description
* @param url
* the url
* @param callback
* the callback
void createExternalUrl(String parentId, String name, String description, String url,
AsyncCallback<FileModel> callback);
* Sets the value in session.
* @param name
* the name
* @param value
* the value
* @param callback
* the callback
void setValueInSession(String name, String value, AsyncCallback<Void> callback);
// /**
// * Removes the smart folder.
// *
// * @param itemId
// * the item id
// * @param name
// * the name
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void removeSmartFolder(String itemId, String name, AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback);
// /**
// * Gets the all scope.
// *
// * @param callback
// * the callback
// */
// void getAllScope(AsyncCallback<List<ScopeModel>> callback);
* Gets the list parents by item identifier.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
* @param includeItemAsParent the include item as parent
* @param callback the callback
* @return the list parents by item identifier
void getListParentsByItemIdentifier(String itemIdentifier, boolean includeItemAsParent,
AsyncCallback<List<FileModel>> callback);
* Item exists in workpace folder.
* @param parentId
* the parent id
* @param itemName
* the item name
* @param callback
* the callback
void itemExistsInWorkpaceFolder(String parentId, String itemName, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Gets the item creation date by id.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param asyncCallback the async callback
* @return the item creation date by id
void getItemCreationDateById(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Date> asyncCallback);
* Load size by item id.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param asyncCallback
* the async callback
void loadSizeByItemId(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Long> asyncCallback);
* Load last modification date by id.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param callback
* the callback
void loadLastModificationDateById(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Date> callback);
* Gets the parent by item id.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param asyncCallback the async callback
* @return the parent by item id
void getParentByItemId(String identifier, AsyncCallback<FileModel> asyncCallback);
* Gets the accounting readers.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param callback the callback
* @return the accounting readers
void getAccountingReaders(String identifier, AsyncCallback<List<GxtAccountingField>> callback);
* Gets the accounting history.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param callback the callback
* @return the accounting history
void getAccountingHistory(String identifier, AsyncCallback<List<GxtAccountingField>> callback);
* Gets the item for file grid.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param callback the callback
* @return the item for file grid
void getItemForFileGrid(String itemId, AsyncCallback<FileGridModel> callback);
* Gets the item for file tree.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param asyncCallback the async callback
* @return the item for file tree
void getItemForFileTree(String itemId, AsyncCallback<FileModel> asyncCallback);
* Gets the folder children for file grid by id.
* @param folderId the folder id
* @param callback the callback
* @return the folder children for file grid by id
void getFolderChildrenForFileGridById(String folderId, AsyncCallback<List<FileGridModel>> callback);
* Gets the short url.
* @param longUrl the long url
* @param callback the callback
* @return the short url
void getShortUrl(String longUrl, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Gets the public link for file item id.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param shortenUrl the shorten url
* @param callback the callback
* @return the public link for file item id
void getPublicLinkForFileItemId(String itemId, boolean shortenUrl, AsyncCallback<PublicLink> callback);
* Gets the public link for file item id to version.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param version the version
* @param shortenUrl the shorten url
* @param callback the callback
* @return the public link for file item id to version
void getPublicLinkForFileItemIdToVersion(String itemId, String version, boolean shortenUrl,
AsyncCallback<PublicLink> callback);
* Checks if is session expired.
* @param callback
* the callback
void isSessionExpired(AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Delete list items for ids.
* @param ids
* the ids
* @param callback
* the callback
void deleteListItemsForIds(List<String> ids, AsyncCallback<List<GarbageItem>> callback);
* Copy items.
* @param idsItem
* the ids item
* @param destinationFolderId
* the destination folder id
* @param callback
* the callback
void copyItems(List<String> idsItem, String destinationFolderId, AsyncCallback<WorkspaceOperationResult> callback);
* Move items.
* @param ids
* the ids
* @param destinationId
* the destination id
* @param callback
* the callback
void moveItems(List<String> ids, String destinationId, AsyncCallback<WorkspaceOperationResult> callback);
* Gets the my login.
* @param currentPortletUrl the current portlet url
* @param callback the callback
* @return the my login
void getMyLogin(String currentPortletUrl, AsyncCallback<UserBean> callback);
* Gets the trash content.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the trash content
void getTrashContent(AsyncCallback<List<FileTrashedModel>> callback);
* Update trash content.
* @param operation
* the operation
* @param callback
* the callback
void updateTrashContent(WorkspaceTrashOperation operation, AsyncCallback<TrashContent> callback);
* Execute operation on trash.
* @param listTrashItemIds the list trash item ids
* @param destinationFolderId the destination folder id
* @param operation the operation
* @param callback the callback
void executeOperationOnTrash(List<String> listTrashItemIds, String destinationFolderId, WorkspaceTrashOperation operation,
AsyncCallback<TrashOperationContent> callback);
* Gets the user workspace total items.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the user workspace total items
void getUserWorkspaceTotalItems(AsyncCallback<Long> callback);
* Gets the user workspace quote.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the user workspace quote
void getUserWorkspaceQuote(AsyncCallback<WorkspaceUserQuote> callback);
* Gets the item description by id.
* @param identifier the identifier
* @param callback the callback
* @return the item description by id
void getItemDescriptionById(String identifier, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Load gcube item properties.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param asyncCallback
* the async callback
void loadGcubeItemProperties(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Map<String, String>> asyncCallback);
* Gets the HTML gcube item properties.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param callback the callback
* @return the HTML gcube item properties
void getHTMLGcubeItemProperties(String itemId, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Sets the gcube item properties.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param properties
* the properties
* @param callback
* the callback
void setGcubeItemProperties(String itemId, Map<String, String> properties, AsyncCallback<Void> callback);
* Gets the my first name.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the my first name
void getMyFirstName(AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Mark folder as public for folder item id. return the PublicLink in case
* of setPublic is true, null otherwise
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param setPublic
* the set public
* @param callback
* the callback
void markFolderAsPublicForFolderItemId(String itemId, boolean setPublic, AsyncCallback<PublicLink> callback);
* Gets the servlet context path.
* @param protocol the protocol
* @param callback the callback
* @return the servlet context path
void getServletContextPath(String protocol, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
* Gets the version history.
* @param fileIdentifier the file identifier
* @param callback the callback
* @return the version history
void getVersionHistory(String fileIdentifier, AsyncCallback<List<FileVersionModel>> callback);
* Perform operation on versioned file.
* @param fileId
* the file id
* @param olderVersionIds
* the older version ids
* @param operation
* the operation
* @param callback
* the callback
void performOperationOnVersionedFile(String fileId, List<String> olderVersionIds,
WorkspaceVersioningOperation operation, AsyncCallback<List<FileVersionModel>> callback);
* Gets the images for folder.
* @param folderId the folder id
* @param currentImageId the current image id
* @param asyncCallback the async callback
* @return the images for folder
void getImagesForFolder(String folderId, String currentImageId,
AsyncCallback<List<GWTWorkspaceItem>> asyncCallback);
* Gets the list of vr es for logged user.
* @param callback the callback
* @return the list of VR es for logged user
void getListOfVREsForLoggedUser(AsyncCallback<List<GcubeVRE>> callback);
* Checks if is item under sync.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @param callback
* the callback
void isItemUnderSync(String itemId, AsyncCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Gets the link for send to switch board.
* @param itemId the item id
* @param callback the callback
* @return the link for send to switch board
void getLinkForSendToSwitchBoard(String itemId, AsyncCallback<String> callback);