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package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.interfaces;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.ConstantsExplorer.ViewSwitchType;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.ConstantsExplorer.WS_UPLOAD_TYPE;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FolderModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.WorkspaceTrashOperation;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
// Implements this interface to receive events by tree async
* The Interface SubscriberInterface.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa{@literal @}
* Oct 6, 2015
public interface SubscriberInterface {
* Added file.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
* @param parentId the parent
* @param file the file
* @param isOverwrite the is overwrite
void addedFile(String itemIdentifier, String parentId, WS_UPLOAD_TYPE file, boolean isOverwrite);
* Selected item.
* @param item the item
* @param parents the parents
void selectedItem(FileModel item, List<FileModel> parents);
* Expand folder item.
* @param itemFolder the item folder
void expandFolderItem(FolderModel itemFolder);
* Sets the parent item selected.
* @param listParents the new parent item selected
void setParentItemSelected(ArrayList<FileModel> listParents);
* Rename item.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
* @param newName the new name
* @param extension the extension
* @return true, if successful
boolean renameItem(String itemIdentifier, String newName, String extension);
* Delete items.
* @param ids the ids
* @return true, if successful
boolean deleteItems(List<String> ids);
* Added folder.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
* @param parent the parent
void addedFolder(String itemIdentifier, FileModel parent);
* Root loaded.
* @param root the root
void rootLoaded(FileModel root);
* Smart folder selected.
* @param folderId the folder id
* @param gxtCategorySmartFolder the gxt category smart folder
void smartFolderSelected(String folderId, GXTCategorySmartFolder gxtCategorySmartFolder);
* Moved items.
* @param sourceParentIdentifier the source parent identifier
* @param targetParent the target parent
void movedItems(String sourceParentIdentifier, FileModel targetParent);
* Switch view.
* @param type the type
void switchView(ViewSwitchType type);
* Refresh folder.
* @param fileModel the file model
* @param forceRefreshContent the force refresh content
* @param forceRefreshBreadcrumb the force refresh breadcrumb
void refreshFolder(FileModel fileModel, boolean forceRefreshContent,
boolean forceRefreshBreadcrumb);
* File downloaded.
* @param itemIdentifier the item identifier
void fileDownloaded(String itemIdentifier);
* View session expired panel.
void viewSessionExpiredPanel();
* Move event is completed.
* @param isTreeRefreshable the is tree refreshable
* @param folderDestinationId the folder destination id
void moveEventIsCompleted(boolean isTreeRefreshable, String folderDestinationId);
* Copy event is completed.
* @param folderDestinationId the folder destination id
void copyEventIsCompleted(String folderDestinationId);
* Trash event.
* @param trashOperation the trash operation
* @param targetFileModels the target file models
void trashEvent(WorkspaceTrashOperation trashOperation,
List<FileModel> targetFileModels);
* Updated VRE permissions.
* @param vreFolder the vre folder
void updatedVREPermissions(FileModel vreFolder);
* Changed file model id.
* @param oldId the old id
* @param newId the new id
void changedFileModelId(String oldId, String newId);
* Update worksapace size.
* @param delayCall the delay call
void updateWorksapaceSize(boolean delayCall);
* Versioning history.
* @param file the file
void versioningHistory(FileModel file);
* Load folder.
* @param folderTarget the folder target
void loadFolder(FileModel folderTarget);
* Show details.
* @param fileModel the file model
* @param mapAllowedMimeTypesForPreview the map allowed mime types for preview
void showDetails(FileModel fileModel, Map<String,List<String>> mapAllowedMimeTypesForPreview);