package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.server.util.scope; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class ScopeUtilFilter { private static final String SCOPE_SEPARATOR = "/"; private String scopeRoot = null; public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ScopeUtilFilter.class); public Map hashScopesFiltered = new HashMap(); public static final String ALLSCOPE = "All spaces"; public static final String IDALLSCOPE = "ID All spaces"; /** * * @param scopeName * @param addIdAllSpaces if true add "ID All spaces" - "All spaces" pair into map */ public ScopeUtilFilter(String scopeName, boolean addIdAllSpaces) { if(scopeName!=null){ String[] scopes = scopeName.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR); if(scopes!=null && scopes.length>1){ scopeRoot = SCOPE_SEPARATOR+scopes[1]; logger.trace("found root "+scopeRoot); } else{ logger.warn("root scope not found!"); scopeRoot = SCOPE_SEPARATOR; } if(addIdAllSpaces) hashScopesFiltered.put(ALLSCOPE, IDALLSCOPE); //PUT DEFAULT ID ALL SCOPE } } public List convertListScopeToPortlet(List listScopes){ logger.trace("Scope converting..."); List scopesConverted = new ArrayList(); scopesConverted.add(ALLSCOPE); if(scopeRoot.compareTo(SCOPE_SEPARATOR)==0){ logger.warn("root scope is '"+SCOPE_SEPARATOR+"' return list scopes passed in input"); return listScopes; } for (String scope : listScopes) { if(scope.compareTo(scopeRoot)==0){ //CASE SCOPE IS ROOT logger.trace("found scope root "+scope+" added to list without converting"); hashScopesFiltered.put(scopeRoot, scopeRoot); scopesConverted.add(scopeRoot); } else{ int index = scope.indexOf(scopeRoot,0); int start = index+scopeRoot.length(); int end = scope.length(); //DEBUG // System.out.println("\n\n "); // System.out.println("index "+index); // System.out.println("start "+start); // System.out.println("end "+end); if(index!=-1){ //CASE SCOPE ROOT IS FOUND String filerString = scope.substring(index+start, scope.length()); hashScopesFiltered.put(filerString, scope); scopesConverted.add(filerString); logger.trace("scope "+scope+ " is converted in: "+filerString); }else{ //CASE SCOPE ROOT NOT IS FOUND logger.warn("scope "+scope + " was reject from filter"); } } } logger.trace("Scope converting was completed"); return scopesConverted; } public String getPortalScopeFromFilteredScope(String scope){ String portalScope = hashScopesFiltered.get(scope); if(portalScope==null){ logger.warn("scope not found in scope fiter, return root scope "+scopeRoot); return scopeRoot; } return portalScope; } public Map getHashScopesFiltered() { return hashScopesFiltered; } //TEST private void printScopeName(String scopeName){ String[] scopes = scopeName.split(SCOPE_SEPARATOR); for (String scope : scopes) { System.out.println("scope split: "+scope); } } private void printScopes(){ for (String key : hashScopesFiltered.keySet()) { System.out.println("Scope found: "+ hashScopesFiltered.get(key) +" with key: "+ key); } } public String getScopeRoot() { return scopeRoot; } public static void main(String[] args) { String scope = "/gcube"; List listTest = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"/gcube/devsec/devre", "/gcube/devsec","/gcube/devsec/devNEXT", "/", "/gcub", "/gcube"}); ScopeUtilFilter filter = new ScopeUtilFilter(scope, false); System.out.println("scope root is: "+filter.getScopeRoot()); filter.convertListScopeToPortlet(listTest); System.out.println("get portal scope for /devsec: "+filter.getPortalScopeFromFilteredScope("/devsec")); filter.printScopes(); } }