/** * */ package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.server.tostoragehub; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntry; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryCreate; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryDisabledPublicAccess; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryEnabledPublicAccess; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryPaste; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryRead; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryRestore; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryShare; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryUnshare; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountEntryUpdate; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountFolderEntryAdd; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountFolderEntryCut; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountFolderEntryRemoval; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountFolderEntryRenaming; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.nodes.accounting.AccountingEntryType; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItemType; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceSharedFolder; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.impl.WorkspaceFileVersion; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.items.GCubeItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.items.PropertyMap; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.shared.thredds.Sync_Status; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.shared.thredds.ThSyncFolderDescriptor; import org.gcube.portal.wssynclibrary.thredds.WorkspaceThreddsSynchronize; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.ConstantsExplorer; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileGridModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileTrashedModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FileVersionModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.FolderModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.server.util.UserUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.accounting.GxtAccountingEntryType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.shared.accounting.GxtAccountingField; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.InfoContactModel; import org.gcube.usecases.ws.thredds.faults.WorkspaceNotSynchedException; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class StorageHubToWorkpaceConverter. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa{@literal @}isti.cnr.it * Sep 20, 2018 */ public class StorageHubToWorkpaceConverter implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6935303928299846569L; protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageHubToWorkpaceConverter.class); private String scope; private GCubeUser loggedUser; private String workspaceRootId; /** * Instantiates a new storage hub to workpace converter. */ public StorageHubToWorkpaceConverter() { } /** * To version history. * * @param versions the versions * @return the list */ public List toVersionHistory(List versions) { if (versions == null || versions.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("Version history is null or empty!"); return new ArrayList(); } List listVersions = new ArrayList(versions.size()); for (WorkspaceFileVersion wsVersion : versions) { String user = UserUtil.getUserFullName(wsVersion.getOwner()); FileVersionModel file = new FileVersionModel(wsVersion.getId(), wsVersion.getName(), wsVersion.getRemotePath(), user, FormatterUtil.toDate(wsVersion.getCreated()), wsVersion.isCurrentVersion()); listVersions.add(file); } return listVersions; } /** * Instantiates a new storage hub to workpace converter. * * @param scope the scope * @param loggedUser the logged user */ public StorageHubToWorkpaceConverter(String scope, GCubeUser loggedUser) { this.scope = scope; this.loggedUser = loggedUser; } /** * To root folder. * * @param folder the folder * @return the folder model * @throws InternalErrorException the internal error exception */ public FolderModel toRootFolder(org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceFolder folder) throws InternalErrorException { return ObjectStorageHubToWorkpaceMapper.toRootFolder(folder); } /** * To tree file model item. * * @param wrappedItem the wrapped item * @param parentFolderModel the parent folder model * @param isParentShared the is parent shared * @return the file model * @throws InternalErrorException the internal error exception */ public FileModel toTreeFileModel(org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem wrappedItem, FileModel parentFolderModel, Boolean isParentShared) throws InternalErrorException { FileModel fileModel = ObjectStorageHubToWorkpaceMapper.toTreeFileModelItem(wrappedItem, parentFolderModel, isParentShared); return setSynchedThreddsStateFor(fileModel, wrappedItem); } /** * To grid file model. * * @param wrappedItem the wrapped item * @param parentFolderModel the parent folder model * @return the file grid model * @throws InternalErrorException the internal error exception */ public FileGridModel toGridFileModel(org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem wrappedItem, FileModel parentFolderModel) throws InternalErrorException { FileGridModel fileGridModel = ObjectStorageHubToWorkpaceMapper.toGridFileModelItem(wrappedItem, parentFolderModel, loggedUser); return (FileGridModel) setSynchedThreddsStateFor(fileGridModel, wrappedItem); } /** * Sets the synched thredds state for. * * @param fileModel the file model * @param wrappedItem item * @return the file model */ protected FileModel setSynchedThreddsStateFor(FileModel fileModel, WorkspaceItem wrappedItem) { logger.debug("called setSynchedThreddsStateFor item id: " + wrappedItem.getId()); Sync_Status status = null; try { status = WorkspaceThreddsSynchronize.getInstance().getInfo(wrappedItem.getId()); logger.debug("item id: " + wrappedItem.getId() + " has ws-thredds sync status: " + status); } catch (WorkspaceNotSynchedException e) { logger.debug("WorkspaceNotSynchedException catched, the item with id: " + wrappedItem.getId() + " is not synched"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.info( "Error on getting configuration for the item id: " + wrappedItem.getId() + ", (means not synched)"); } fileModel.setSyncThreddsStatus(status); return fileModel; } /** * To file trashed model. * * @param trashItem the trash item * @return the file trashed model */ public FileTrashedModel toFileTrashedModel(org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.TrashedItem trashItem) { FileTrashedModel fileTrashModel = new FileTrashedModel(); try { fileTrashModel.setName(trashItem.getTitle()); // ADDING THE TITLE INSTEAD OF NAME fileTrashModel.setIdentifier(trashItem.getId()); // SETTING PARENT FileModel oldParent = new FileModel(trashItem.getOriginalParentId(), "", true); fileTrashModel.setOrginalPath(trashItem.getDeletedFrom()); fileTrashModel.setParentFileModel(oldParent); // // //SETTING DELETED BY InfoContactModel deleteUser = buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(trashItem.getDeletedBy()); fileTrashModel.setDeleteUser(deleteUser); // SETTING MIME TYPE // String mimeType = ""; // if(trashItem instanceof FileItem){ // FileItem fileItem = (FileItem) trashItem; // mimeType = fileItem.getMimeType(); // } String mimeType = trashItem.getMimeType() != null ? trashItem.getMimeType() : ""; fileTrashModel.setType(mimeType); // SETTING IS DIRECTORY fileTrashModel.setIsDirectory(trashItem.isFolder()); // SETTING DELETE DATE fileTrashModel.setDeleteDate(FormatterUtil.toDate(trashItem.getDeletedTime())); fileTrashModel.setShared(trashItem.isShared()); logger.debug("Converting return trash item: " + fileTrashModel.getName() + " id: " + fileTrashModel.getIdentifier()); logger.trace("Returning trash item: " + fileTrashModel); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Error into toFileTrashedModel for item: " + fileTrashModel.getName() + " id: " + fileTrashModel.getIdentifier()); return null; } return fileTrashModel; } /** * Builds the gxt info contact from portal login. * * @param portalLogin the portal login * @return the info contact model */ public static InfoContactModel buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(String portalLogin) { if (portalLogin == null) { logger.warn("portal login is null, return empty"); portalLogin = ""; } GCubeUser theUser = null; try { theUser = UserUtil.getUserByUsername(portalLogin); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error on retrieving user information, so using the portal login"); } String fullName = null; String emailDomain = null; if (theUser != null) { fullName = theUser.getFullname(); emailDomain = theUser.getEmail(); } return new InfoContactModel(portalLogin, portalLogin, fullName, emailDomain, false); } /** * TODO ********TEMPORARY SOLUTION HL MUST MANAGE SPECIAL FOLDER AS * WORKSPACESPECIALFOLDER**** REMOVE THIS METHOD AND ADDING INSTANCE OF AT * buildGXTFolderModelItem. * * @param wsFolder the ws folder * @param parent the parent * @param specialFolderName the special folder name * @return the folder model * @throws InternalErrorException the internal error exception */ public FolderModel buildGXTFolderModelItemHandleSpecialFolder( org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem wsFolder, org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem parent, String specialFolderName) throws InternalErrorException { String name = ""; logger.debug("buildGXTFolderModelItemHandleSpecialFolder to folder: " + wsFolder.getName()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("buildGXTFolderModelItemHandleSpecialFolder has parent: " + parent); } // MANAGEMENT SHARED FOLDER NAME if (wsFolder.isShared() && wsFolder.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)) { logger.debug("MANAGEMENT SHARED Folder name.."); WorkspaceSharedFolder shared = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) wsFolder; logger.debug("shared.isVreFolder(): " + shared.isVreFolder()); // name = shared.isVreFolder()?shared.getName():wsFolder.getName(); name = shared.getName(); // MANAGEMENT SPECIAL FOLDER } else if (wsFolder.getName().compareTo(ConstantsExplorer.MY_SPECIAL_FOLDERS) == 0 && parent != null && parent.isRoot()) { // MANAGEMENT SPECIAL FOLDER logger.debug("MANAGEMENT SPECIAL FOLDER NAME REWRITING AS: " + specialFolderName); if (specialFolderName != null && !specialFolderName.isEmpty()) name = specialFolderName; else name = wsFolder.getName(); } else { logger.debug("MANAGEMENT Base Folder name.."); name = wsFolder.getName(); } logger.debug("Name is: " + name); boolean isPublicDir = ((org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceFolder) wsFolder) .isPublicFolder(); // TODO FileModel parentModel = null; if (parent != null) parentModel = ObjectStorageHubToWorkpaceMapper.toTreeFileModelItem(parent, null, parent.isShared()); FolderModel folder = new FolderModel(wsFolder.getId(), name, parentModel, true, wsFolder.isShared(), false, isPublicDir); folder.setShareable(true); folder.setIsRoot(wsFolder.isRoot()); folder.setDescription(wsFolder.getDescription()); // folder.setOwner(wsFolder.getOwner()); if (parent != null && parent.isShared()) { folder.setShared(true); folder.setShareable(false); } return folder; } /** * Gets the workspace root id. * * @return the workspaceRootId */ public String getWorkspaceRootId() { return workspaceRootId; } /** * Sets the workspace root id. * * @param workspaceRootId the workspaceRootId to set */ public void setWorkspaceRootId(String workspaceRootId) { this.workspaceRootId = workspaceRootId; } /** * To simple map. * * @param propertyMap the property map * @return the map */ public Map toSimpleMap(PropertyMap propertyMap) { if (propertyMap == null) return null; try { Map properties = null; Map map = propertyMap.getValues(); if (map != null) { properties = new HashMap(map.size()); for (String key : map.keySet()) { Object theValue = map.get(key); properties.put(key, (String) theValue); } } if (properties != null) logger.error("Converted: " + properties.size() + " property/properties"); return properties; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on converting a PropertyMap to simple Map: ", e); return null; } } /** * Builds the GXT accounting item. * * @param accoutings the accoutings * @param gxtEntryType the gxt entry type * @return the list */ public List buildGXTAccountingItem(List accoutings, GxtAccountingEntryType gxtEntryType) { List listAccFields = new ArrayList(); if (accoutings != null) { logger.trace("accouting entry/entrie is/are " + accoutings.size() + ", converting it/them..."); for (AccountEntry shubAccEntry : accoutings) { GxtAccountingField af = new GxtAccountingField(); String theUser = shubAccEntry.getUser(); InfoContactModel user = null; // Ignoring get user details from Liferay in case of user equal to 'ALL' if (theUser != null && !theUser.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { user = buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(shubAccEntry.getUser()); } af.setUser(user); af.setDate(FormatterUtil.toDate(shubAccEntry.getDate())); switch (shubAccEntry.getType()) { case CREATE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE)) { AccountEntryCreate create = (AccountEntryCreate) shubAccEntry; af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE); // af.setDescription(GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE.getName() + " by // "+user.getName()); String msg = ""; if (create.getItemName() == null || create.getItemName().isEmpty()) msg = GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE.getId() + " by " + user.getName(); else { if (create.getVersion() == null) msg = create.getItemName() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg = create.getItemName() + " v. " + create.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.CREATE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); } af.setDescription(msg); } break; case READ: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.READ)) { AccountEntryRead read = (AccountEntryRead) shubAccEntry; af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.READ); af.setDescription(read.getItemName() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.READ.getName() + " by " + user.getName()); String msg = ""; if (read.getItemName() == null || read.getItemName().isEmpty()) msg = GxtAccountingEntryType.READ.getId() + " by " + user.getName(); else { if (read.getVersion() == null) msg = read.getItemName() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.READ.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg = read.getItemName() + " v." + read.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.READ.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); } af.setDescription(msg); } break; case CUT: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.CUT)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.CUT); if (shubAccEntry instanceof AccountFolderEntryCut) { AccountFolderEntryCut cut = (AccountFolderEntryCut) shubAccEntry; String msg = ""; if (cut.getItemName() == null || cut.getItemName().isEmpty()) msg = GxtAccountingEntryType.CUT.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else { if (cut.getVersion() == null) msg = cut.getItemName() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.CUT.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg = cut.getItemName() + " v." + cut.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.CUT.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); } af.setDescription(msg); } else { logger.warn("Found an " + AccountingEntryType.class.getSimpleName() + " of kind " + shubAccEntry.getType() + " not castable to (instance of) " + AccountFolderEntryCut.class.getSimpleName()); } } break; case PASTE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.PASTE)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.PASTE); AccountEntryPaste paste = (AccountEntryPaste) shubAccEntry; if (paste.getVersion() == null) af.setDescription(GxtAccountingEntryType.PASTE.getName() + " from " + paste.getFromPath() + " by " + user.getName()); else af.setDescription(GxtAccountingEntryType.PASTE.getName() + " v. " + paste.getVersion() + " from " + paste.getFromPath() + " by " + user.getName()); } break; case REMOVAL: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.REMOVE)) { if (shubAccEntry instanceof AccountFolderEntryRemoval) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.REMOVE); AccountFolderEntryRemoval rem = (AccountFolderEntryRemoval) shubAccEntry; String msg = rem.getItemName() == null || rem.getItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : rem.getItemName() + " "; if (rem.getVersion() == null) msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.REMOVE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.REMOVE.getName() + " v." + rem.getVersion() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } else { logger.warn("Found an " + AccountingEntryType.class.getSimpleName() + " of kind " + shubAccEntry.getType() + " not castable to (instance of) " + AccountFolderEntryRemoval.class.getSimpleName()); } } break; case RENAMING: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.RENAME)) { if (shubAccEntry instanceof AccountFolderEntryRenaming) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.RENAME); AccountFolderEntryRenaming ren = (AccountFolderEntryRenaming) shubAccEntry; String msg = ren.getOldItemName() == null || ren.getOldItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : ren.getOldItemName() + " "; if (ren.getVersion() == null) msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.RENAME.getName() + " to " + ren.getNewItemName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg += " v." + ren.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.RENAME.getName() + " to " + ren.getNewItemName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } else { logger.warn("Found an " + AccountingEntryType.class.getSimpleName() + " of kind " + shubAccEntry.getType() + " not castable to (instance of) " + AccountFolderEntryRenaming.class.getSimpleName()); } } break; case ADD: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ADD)) { if (shubAccEntry instanceof AccountFolderEntryAdd) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.ADD); AccountFolderEntryAdd acc = (AccountFolderEntryAdd) shubAccEntry; String msg = acc.getItemName() == null || acc.getItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : acc.getItemName() + " "; if (acc.getVersion() == null) msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.ADD.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg += " v." + acc.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.ADD.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } else { logger.warn("Found an " + AccountingEntryType.class.getSimpleName() + " of kind " + shubAccEntry.getType() + " not castable to (instance of) " + AccountFolderEntryAdd.class.getSimpleName()); } } break; case UPDATE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.UPDATE)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.UPDATE); AccountEntryUpdate upd = (AccountEntryUpdate) shubAccEntry; String msg = upd.getItemName() == null || upd.getItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : upd.getItemName() + " "; if (upd.getVersion() == null) msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.UPDATE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg += " v." + upd.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.UPDATE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } break; case SHARE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.SHARE)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.SHARE); AccountEntryShare acc = (AccountEntryShare) shubAccEntry; String msg = ""; if (acc.getItemName() == null || acc.getItemName().isEmpty()) msg = "\"" + user.getName() + "\" " + GxtAccountingEntryType.SHARE.getName() + " folder"; else msg = user.getName() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.SHARE.getName() + " folder " + acc.getItemName(); if (acc.getMembers() != null && acc.getMembers().length > 0) msg += " with " + UserUtil.separateFullNameToCommaForPortalLogin(Arrays.asList(acc.getMembers())); af.setDescription(msg); } break; case UNSHARE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.UNSHARE)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.UNSHARE); AccountEntryUnshare uns = (AccountEntryUnshare) shubAccEntry; String msg = "Folder "; msg += uns.getItemName() == null || uns.getItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : "\"" + uns.getItemName() + "\" "; // see Task #19544 if (shubAccEntry.getUser().equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { // CASE ALL msg = "The folder is no longer shared with others"; user = new InfoContactModel(theUser, "n.a.", "n.a.", null, false); } else { msg += "is no longer shared with " + user.getName(); user = new InfoContactModel(theUser, "Owner / Admin", "Owner / Admin", null, false); } af.setUser(user); af.setDescription(msg); } break; case RESTORE: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.RESTORE)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.RESTORE); AccountEntryRestore acc = (AccountEntryRestore) shubAccEntry; String msg = acc.getItemName() == null || acc.getItemName().isEmpty() ? "" : acc.getItemName() + " "; if (acc.getVersion() == null) msg += GxtAccountingEntryType.RESTORE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); else msg += " v." + acc.getVersion() + " " + GxtAccountingEntryType.RESTORE.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } break; case DISABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.DISABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.DISABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS); AccountEntryDisabledPublicAccess acc = (AccountEntryDisabledPublicAccess) shubAccEntry; // TODO acc.getItemName() is missing in SHUB // String msg = acc.getItemName()==null || // acc.getItemName().isEmpty()?"":acc.getItemName()+" "; String msg = GxtAccountingEntryType.DISABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } break; case ENABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS: if (gxtEntryType == null || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALL) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ALLWITHOUTREAD) || gxtEntryType.equals(GxtAccountingEntryType.ENABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS)) { af.setOperation(GxtAccountingEntryType.ENABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS); AccountEntryEnabledPublicAccess acc = (AccountEntryEnabledPublicAccess) shubAccEntry; // TODO acc.getItemName() is missing in SHUB // String msg = acc.getItemName()==null || // acc.getItemName().isEmpty()?"":acc.getItemName()+" "; String msg = GxtAccountingEntryType.ENABLED_PUBLIC_ACCESS.getName() + " by " + user.getName(); af.setDescription(msg); } break; default: break; } listAccFields.add(af); } } logger.debug("get accounting readers converting completed - returning size " + listAccFields.size()); return listAccFields; } /** * Gets the gcube item properties for gcube item as HTML. * * @param wsItem the ws item * @return the gcube item properties for gcube item as HTML */ public String getGcubeItemPropertiesForGcubeItemAsHTML(WorkspaceItem wsItem) { Map properties = getGcubeItemProperties(wsItem); if (properties != null) { if (properties.size() == 0) { logger.warn("Map of Gcube Item Properties is empty for item: " + wsItem.getId()); return null; } String html = "
"; for (String key : properties.keySet()) { String value = properties.get(key); logger.trace("Getting property: [" + key + "," + properties.get(key) + "]"); html += "" + key + ": "; html += ""; html += value; html += "
"; } html += "
"; return html; } else { logger.warn("Gcube Item Properties not found for item: " + wsItem.getId()); return null; } } /** * Gets the gcube item properties. * * @param wsItem the ws item * @return the gcube item properties */ public Map getGcubeItemProperties(WorkspaceItem wsItem) { if (wsItem instanceof org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.items.GCubeItem) { GCubeItem gItem = (GCubeItem) wsItem; try { if (gItem.getProperties() != null) { PropertyMap map = gItem.getProperty(); return toSimpleMap(map); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on reading getProperty: ", e); return null; } } return null; } /********************************************************************************************************************************************** * * * * * TESTING MODE METHODS * * * * ***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ protected static HashMap hashTestUser = null; /** * Used in test mode. * * @return the hash test users */ public static HashMap getHashTestUsers() { if (hashTestUser == null) { hashTestUser = new HashMap(); // USERS hashTestUser.put("federico.defaveri", new InfoContactModel("federico.defaveri", "federico.defaveri", "Federico de Faveri", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("antonio.gioia", new InfoContactModel("antonio.gioia", "antonio.gioia", "Antonio Gioia", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("fabio.sinibaldi", new InfoContactModel("fabio.sinibaldi", "fabio.sinibaldi", "Fabio Sinibaldi", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("pasquale.pagano", new InfoContactModel("pasquale.pagano", "pasquale.pagano", "Pasquale Pagano", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("valentina.marioli", new InfoContactModel("valentina.marioli", "valentina.marioli", "Valentina Marioli", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("roberto.cirillo", new InfoContactModel("roberto.cirillo", "roberto.cirillo", "Roberto Cirillo", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("francesco.mangiacrapa", new InfoContactModel("francesco.mangiacrapa", "francesco.mangiacrapa", "Francesco Mangiacrapa", null, false)); hashTestUser.put("massimiliano.assante", new InfoContactModel("massimiliano.assante", "massimiliano.assante", "Massimiliano Assante", null, false)); } return hashTestUser; } public static List buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLoginTestMode(List listPortalLogin) { List listContact = new ArrayList(); for (String portalLogin : listPortalLogin) listContact.add(getHashTestUsers().get(portalLogin)); return listContact; } /********************************************************************************************************************************************** * * * * * END TESTING MODE * * * * ***********************************************************************************************************************************************/ }