package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.view.sharing.multisuggest; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.util.MaskPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.view.sharing.ContactFetcher; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.InfoContactModel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class MultiValuePanel. * * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR * @version 0.2 Gen 2013 modified by Francesco Mangiacrapa * @version 0.3 Gen 2017 modified by Francesco Mangiacrapa * Facebook style autocompleter */ public class MultiValuePanel extends Composite { // private final WsMailServiceAsync mailingService = GWT.create(WsMailService.class); private List itemsSelected = new ArrayList(); FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel(); // private HandlerManager eventBus; private HashMap users = new HashMap(); private BulletList listBullet = new BulletList(); private SuggestBox box; private ContactFetcher userFetch; private MultiWordSuggestOracle oracle = new MultiWordSuggestOracle(); private MaskPanel mask = new MaskPanel("Loading Contacts..."); /** * Instantiates a new multi value panel. * * @param userFetch the ContactFetcher */ public MultiValuePanel(ContactFetcher userFetch) { this.userFetch = userFetch; initWidget(panel); this.getElement().setId("MultiValuePanel_"+Random.nextInt()); panel.setWidth("100%"); listBullet.setStyleName("multivalue-panel-suggest"); final ListItem item = new ListItem(); final TextBox itemBox = new TextBox(); itemBox.getElement().setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); itemBox.getElement().setAttribute("style", "outline-color: -moz-use-text-color; outline-style: none; outline-width: medium; border: none;"); maskSuggestionPanel(true); box = new SuggestBox(getSuggestions(), itemBox); item.add(box); listBullet.add(item); // needed to be set on the itemBox instead of the box, otherwise backspace gets executed twice itemBox.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() { public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { // handle backspace if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_BACKSPACE) { if ("".equals(itemBox.getValue().trim())) { if(listBullet.getWidgetCount()>2){ ListItem li = (ListItem) listBullet.getWidget(listBullet.getWidgetCount() - 2); if(li.getWidget(0) instanceof Paragraph){ Paragraph p = (Paragraph) li.getWidget(0); // GWT.log("p "+p.getText() +" is removable : " + p.isRemovable()); if (itemsSelected.contains(p.getText()) && p.isRemovable()==true) { itemsSelected.remove(p.getText()); GWT.log("Removing selected item: " + p.getText() + "'"); listBullet.remove(li); } itemBox.setFocus(true); } } } } } }); box.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent selectionEvent) { chosenContactItem(itemBox, listBullet); } }); panel.add(listBullet); box.getElement().setId("suggestion_box"); //needed for the focus on click panel.getElement().setAttribute("onclick", "document.getElementById('suggestion_box').focus()"); } /** * Box set focus. */ public void boxSetFocus(){ box.getElement().focus(); box.setFocus(true); } /** * Gets the flow panel. * * @return the flow panel */ public FlowPanel getFlowPanel(){ return panel; } private void maskSuggestionPanel(boolean bool){ try{ if(bool){ GWT.log("Disabling panel suggestion"); this.getElement().addClassName("disabledDIV"); panel.add(mask); }else{ GWT.log("Enabling panel suggestion"); this.getElement().removeClassName("disabledDIV"); panel.remove(mask); } }catch(Exception e){ GWT.log("error: "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * actually insert the contact in the flow panel. * * @param itemBox the item box * @param list the list */ private void chosenContactItem(final TextBox itemBox, final BulletList list) { if (itemBox.getValue() != null && !"".equals(itemBox.getValue().trim())) { final ListItem displayItem = new ListItem(); displayItem.setStyleName("multivalue-panel-token-ws"); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(itemBox.getValue()); Span span = new Span("x"); span.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { removeListItem(displayItem, list); } }); displayItem.add(p); displayItem.add(span); //original value of the item selected GWT.log("Adding selected item '" + itemBox.getValue()); itemsSelected.add(itemBox.getValue()); GWT.log("Total: " + itemsSelected); list.insert(displayItem, list.getWidgetCount() - 1); itemBox.setValue(""); itemBox.setFocus(true); } } /** * Gets the selected user. * * @return the selected contacts (user logins e.g. pino.pini) */ public List getSelectedUser() { if (users == null) return new ArrayList(); else { List toReturn = new ArrayList(); for (String login : itemsSelected) { InfoContactModel wsuser = users.get(login); if(wsuser!= null && !toReturn.contains(wsuser)){ toReturn.add(wsuser); } } return toReturn; } } /** * Removes the list item. * * @param displayItem the display item * @param list the list */ private void removeListItem(ListItem displayItem, BulletList list) { GWT.log("Removing: " + displayItem.getWidget(0).getElement().getInnerHTML(), null); itemsSelected.remove(displayItem.getWidget(0).getElement().getInnerHTML()); list.remove(displayItem); } /** * Gets the suggestions. * * @return names of possible contacts */ private MultiWordSuggestOracle getSuggestions() { userFetch.getListContact(contacts, false); return oracle; } /** * Update suggestions. * * @param result the result */ public void updateSuggestions(List result) { oracle.clear(); for (InfoContactModel wsUser : result) { oracle.add(wsUser.getName()); } } private AsyncCallback> contacts = new AsyncCallback>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { maskSuggestionPanel(false); } @Override public void onSuccess(List result) { maskSuggestionPanel(false); users.clear(); for (InfoContactModel wsUser : result) { oracle.add(wsUser.getName()); users.put(wsUser.getName(), wsUser); } } }; /** * Reset item selected. */ public void resetItemSelected(){ listBullet.clear(); itemsSelected.clear(); ListItem item = new ListItem(); item.add(box); listBullet.add(item); } /** * Adds the recipient. * * @param fullName the full name * @param displayRemoveItem the display remove item */ public void addRecipient(String fullName, boolean displayRemoveItem) { if (fullName != null) { TextBox itemBox = new TextBox(); itemBox.setText(fullName); itemBox.setValue(fullName); final ListItem displayItem = new ListItem(); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(fullName); displayItem.add(p); if(displayRemoveItem){ displayItem.setStyleName("multivalue-panel-token-ws"); p.setRemovable(true); Span span = new Span("x"); span.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent clickEvent) { removeListItem(displayItem, listBullet); } }); displayItem.add(span); } else{ displayItem.setStyleName("multivalue-panel-token-ws-notselectable"); p.setRemovable(false); } GWT.log("Adding selected wp item '" + itemBox.getValue()); itemsSelected.add(itemBox.getValue()); GWT.log("Total: " + itemsSelected); listBullet.insert(displayItem, listBullet.getWidgetCount()-1); itemBox.setValue(""); itemBox.setFocus(true); } } /** * Clear list. */ public void clearList() { listBullet.clear(); } /** * Gets the box. * * @return the box */ public SuggestBox getBox() { return box; } }