package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.server.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.model.InfoContactModel; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserManagementPortalException; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserManagementSystemException; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserRetrievalFault; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.liferay.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.UserModel; /** * The Class UserUtil. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa * Nov 17, 2015 */ public class UserUtil { static UserManager um = new LiferayUserManager(); protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UserUtil.class); /** * Gets the user full name. * * @param portalLogin the portal login * @return the user full name if is available, the input parameter portalLogin otherwise */ public static String getUserFullName(String portalLogin){ // return user.getPortalLogin(); //for testing in eclipse // logger.trace("Finding full name for: "+portalLogin); if(portalLogin==null) return ""; if (WsUtil.isWithinPortal()) { //INTO PORTAL UserModel curr = null; try { try { curr = um.getUserByScreenName(portalLogin); } catch (UserManagementSystemException e) { logger.error("An error occurred in getUserFullName "+e,e); } catch (UserRetrievalFault e) { logger.error("An error occurred in getUserFullName "+e,e); } } catch (UserManagementPortalException ume) { logger.error("An error occurred in getUserFullName "+ume,ume); }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred in getUserFullName "+e,e); logger.warn("Return portal login "+portalLogin); return portalLogin; } if (curr != null){ // logger.trace("Return "+curr.getFullname() +" full name for: "+portalLogin); return curr.getFullname(); } }else{ logger.trace("DEVELOPEMENT MODE ON"); logger.trace("Returning "+WsUtil.TEST_USER_FULL_NAME +" full name for: "+portalLogin); return WsUtil.TEST_USER_FULL_NAME; } logger.trace("Return portal login as full name for: "+portalLogin); return portalLogin; } /** * Gets the list login by info contact model. * * @param listContacts the list contacts * @return the list login by info contact model */ public static List getListLoginByInfoContactModel(List listContacts){ List listUsers = new ArrayList(); for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : listContacts) { listUsers.add(infoContactModel.getLogin()); } return listUsers; } /** * Separate users names to comma. * * @param listContacts the list contacts * @return the string */ public static String separateUsersNamesToComma(List listContacts){ String users = ""; for (int i = 0; i < listContacts.size()-1; i++) { users+= listContacts.get(i).getName() + ", "; } if(listContacts.size()>1) users += listContacts.get(listContacts.size()-1).getName(); return users; } /** * Separate full name to comma for portal login. * * @param listLogin the list login * @return the string */ public static String separateFullNameToCommaForPortalLogin(List listLogin){ String users = ""; logger.trace("SeparateFullNameToCommaForPortalLogin converting: "+listLogin); //N-1 MEMBERS for (int i = 0; i < listLogin.size()-1; i++) { // logger.trace("Converting: "+i+") "+listLogin.get(i)); users+= getUserFullName(listLogin.get(i)) + ", "; } //LAST MEMBER if(listLogin.size()>=1){ // logger.trace("Converting: "+(listLogin.size()-1)+") " +listLogin.get(listLogin.size()-1)); users += getUserFullName(listLogin.get(listLogin.size()-1)); } logger.trace("SeparateFullNameToCommaForPortalLogin returning: "+users); return users; } /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { List login = new ArrayList(); // login.add("ale"); // login.add("pepe"); System.out.println(separateFullNameToCommaForPortalLogin(login)); } }