/** * */ package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; //import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.User; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.ACL; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.AccessType; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.AbstractFileItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.ExternalURL; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.FolderItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.GCubeItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.GenericFileItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.ImageFile; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.Item; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.PDFFileItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.SharedFolder; //import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.usermanager.GCubeGroup; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.ConstantsSharing; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.PortalContextInfo; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.ScopeUtility; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.UserUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.WsUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.ACL_TYPE; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.FileModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.FolderModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.GXTFolderItemTypeEnum; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.InfoContactModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.WorkspaceACL; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.WorkspaceACL.USER_TYPE; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.system.VO; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.system.VRE; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeGroup; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa Feb 25, 2014 */ public class GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.class); private static HashMap hashTestUser = null; /** * Used in test mode. * * @return the hash test users */ public static HashMap getHashTestUsers() { if (hashTestUser == null) { hashTestUser = new HashMap(); hashTestUser.put("federico.defaveri", new InfoContactModel("federico.defaveri", "federico.defaveri", "Federico de Faveri", false)); hashTestUser.put("antonio.gioia", new InfoContactModel("antonio.gioia", "antonio.gioia", "Antonio Gioia", false)); hashTestUser.put("fabio.sinibaldi", new InfoContactModel("fabio.sinibaldi", "fabio.sinibaldi", "Fabio Sinibaldi", false)); hashTestUser.put("pasquale.pagano", new InfoContactModel("pasquale.pagano", "pasquale.pagano", "Pasquale Pagano", false)); hashTestUser.put("francesco.mangiacrapa", new InfoContactModel("francesco.mangiacrapa", "francesco.mangiacrapa", "Francesco Mangiacrapa", false)); hashTestUser.put("massimiliano.assante", new InfoContactModel("massimiliano.assante", "massimiliano.assante", "Massimiliano Assante", false)); hashTestUser.put("leonardo.candela", new InfoContactModel("leonardo.candela", "leonardo.candela", "Leonardo Candela", false)); hashTestUser.put("valentina.marioli", new InfoContactModel("valentina.marioli", "valentina.marioli", "Valentina Marioli", false)); hashTestUser.put("devVRE", new InfoContactModel("devVRE", "devVRE", "devVRE", true)); // hashTestUser.put(WsUtil.TEST_USER.toString(), // new InfoContactModel( // WsUtil.TEST_USER, WsUtil.TEST_USER, // WsUtil.TEST_USER_FULL_NAME)); } return hashTestUser; } /** * Sets the user logged. * * @param info * Portal Context info * @return List of contacts */ public List getGXTListContactsModelFromVOs(PortalContextInfo info) { logger.info("Reading group names as scopes from Infrastructure.."); List listContactsModel = new ArrayList<>(); PortalContext context = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); logger.info("context.getInfrastructureName(): " + context.getInfrastructureName()); // String groupName = info.getCurrentGroupName(request); logger.info("context.getGroupId(): " + info.getCurrGroupId()); logger.info("context.getScope(): " + info.getCurrentScope()); try { ScopeUtility scopeUtility = new ScopeUtility(info.getCurrentScope()); if (scopeUtility.getVoName() != null) { logger.info("VO name is not null, trying to calculate List VO"); List lsVOs = WsUtil.getVresFromInfrastructure(context.getInfrastructureName(), scopeUtility.getVoName()); listContactsModel.addAll(buildGXTListContactsModelFromVOs(lsVOs, scopeUtility.getVo())); } else logger.warn("VO name is null, skipping list VO " + info.getCurrGroupId()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("An error occurred on recovering vo name, skipping list VO " + info.getCurrGroupId()); } return listContactsModel; } /** * Builds the gxt list contacts model from gcube group. * * @param list * the list * @return the list * @throws Exception * the internal error exception */ public List buildGXTListContactsModelFromGcubeGroup(List list) throws Exception { List listContactsModel = new ArrayList(); if (list == null) return listContactsModel; logger.trace("List size returned from GcubeGroup is: " + list.size()); logger.trace("Building list contact model..."); for (GCubeGroup group : list) { try { String groupDN = group.getGroupName(); if (groupDN == null || groupDN.isEmpty()) groupDN = group.getGroupName(); if (group.getGroupName() == null || group.getGroupName().isEmpty()) logger.warn("Skipping group with null or empty name " + group); else { InfoContactModel contact = new InfoContactModel(group.getGroupName(), group.getGroupName(), groupDN, true); logger.trace("Adding group " + contact); listContactsModel.add(contact); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Dispaly name is not available to group " + group); logger.warn("Adding get name property " + group.getGroupName()); if (group.getGroupName() == null || group.getGroupName().isEmpty()) logger.warn("Skipping group with null or empty name " + group); else listContactsModel.add(new InfoContactModel(group.getGroupName(), group.getGroupName(), group.getGroupName(), true)); } } logger.trace("List GCubeGroup contact model completed, return " + listContactsModel.size() + " contacts"); return listContactsModel; } /** * Builds the gxt list contacts model from v os. * * @param listVO * the list vo * @param voPath * the vo path * @return the list * @throws Exception * the internal error exception */ public List buildGXTListContactsModelFromVOs(List listVO, String voPath) throws Exception { List listContactsModel = new ArrayList(); if (voPath == null) { voPath = ConstantsSharing.PATH_SEPARATOR; } if (voPath != null && !voPath.endsWith(ConstantsSharing.PATH_SEPARATOR)) { voPath += ConstantsSharing.PATH_SEPARATOR; } if (listVO == null) { logger.warn("List is null, returning"); return listContactsModel; } logger.trace("List size is: " + listVO.size()); logger.trace("Building list contact model..."); logger.trace("voPath is: " + voPath); for (VO vo : listVO) { List vres = vo.getVres(); logger.trace("vo getGroupName: " + vo.getGroupName()); logger.trace("vo getName: " + vo.getName()); logger.trace("Building list contact model..."); if (vres != null) { logger.trace("vres from VO " + vo.getName() + " having size :" + vres.size() + ", converting"); for (VRE vre : vres) { if (vre.getName() != null || !vre.getName().isEmpty()) { String groupId = voPath + vre.getName(); logger.trace("adding contact groupId: " + groupId + " VRE name: " + vre.getName()); // InfoContactModel contact = new // InfoContactModel(groupId, groupId, vre.getName(), // true); // logger.trace("Adding group contact " + contact); // listContactsModel.add(contact); } } } else logger.trace("vres list is null, skipping VO " + vo.getName()); } logger.trace("List GCubeGroup contact model completed, return " + listContactsModel.size() + " contacts"); return listContactsModel; } /** * * @param info * Portal Context info * @return the list of users * @throws Exception * Error */ public List buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(PortalContextInfo info) throws Exception { List listUsers = UserUtil.getOrganizationUsers(info.getCurrentScope()); if (listUsers == null) { logger.error("No users found in: " + info.getCurrentScope()); throw new Exception("An error occurred on recovering users from Portal, try again later"); } List listContactsModel = new ArrayList(); logger.trace("List size returned from Portal VO is: " + listUsers.size()); logger.trace("Building list contact model list user model"); for (GCubeUser userModel : listUsers) { String fullName = userModel.getFullname(); if (fullName != null && !fullName.isEmpty()) listContactsModel.add( new InfoContactModel(userModel.getUserId() + "", userModel.getUsername(), fullName, false)); else logger.trace("buildGXTListContactsModel is not returning user: " + userModel.getUsername() + "because name is null or empty"); } logger.trace("List contact model completed, return " + listContactsModel.size() + " contacts"); return listContactsModel; } public List searchUsersFromKeyword(PortalContextInfo info, String keyword) throws Exception { try { logger.debug("Search Keyword: " + keyword); List listInfoContactModel = new ArrayList<>(); UserManager userManager = new LiferayUserManager(); List users = userManager.searchUsersByGroup(keyword, info.getCurrGroupId()); for (GCubeUser user : users) { InfoContactModel icm = new InfoContactModel(String.valueOf(user.getUserId()), user.getUsername(), user.getFullname(), false); listInfoContactModel.add(icm); } return listInfoContactModel; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error searching user by kewords: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw e; } } /** * Builds the gxt info contacts from portal logins. * * @param listPortalLogin * the list portal login * @return the list */ public List buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(List listPortalLogin) { List listContact = new ArrayList(); try { for (String portalLogin : listPortalLogin) { listContact.add(buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(portalLogin)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in build list of contacts from portal logins: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return listContact; } /** * Builds the gxt info contact from portal login. * * @param portalLogin * the portal login * @return the info contact model */ protected InfoContactModel buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(String portalLogin) { if (portalLogin == null) { logger.warn("Contact login is null, return empty"); portalLogin = ""; } return new InfoContactModel(portalLogin, portalLogin, UserUtil.getUserFullName(portalLogin), false); } /** * Builds the gxt info contact from portal group. * * @param groupLogin * the grouo login * @return the info contact model */ protected InfoContactModel buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalGroup(String groupLogin) { String groupName = ""; if (groupLogin == null) { logger.warn("GroupLogin is null, return empty"); groupLogin = ""; } // RECOVERING VRE NAME if (groupLogin.contains("/")) { int start = groupLogin.lastIndexOf("/"); int end = groupLogin.length(); if (start < end) groupName = groupLogin.substring(start + 1, end); else groupName = groupLogin; } return new InfoContactModel(groupLogin, groupLogin, groupName, true); } /** * Used in test mode. * * @param listPortalLogin * the list portal login * @return the list */ protected List buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLoginTestMode(List listPortalLogin) { List listContact = new ArrayList(); for (String portalLogin : listPortalLogin) listContact.add(getHashTestUsers().get(portalLogin)); logger.trace("returning " + listContact.size() + " info contacts test"); return listContact; } /** * Builds the gxt file model item. * * @param item * the item * @param parent * the parent folder model * @return the file model * @throws Exception * the exception */ public FileModel buildGXTFileModelItem(Item item, FileModel parent) throws Exception { try { FileModel fileModel = null; logger.info("Workspace item converting..."); if (item instanceof SharedFolder) { logger.info("Workspace item is a SharedFolder..."); SharedFolder shared = (SharedFolder) item; String name = shared.isVreFolder() ? shared.getDisplayName() : item.getName(); fileModel = new FolderModel(item.getId(), name, item.getDescription(), parent, true, true, shared.isVreFolder()); fileModel.setType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.SHARED_FOLDER.toString()); fileModel.setDescription(item.getDescription()); } else { if (item instanceof FolderItem) { logger.info("Workspace item is a Folder..."); fileModel = new FolderModel(item.getId(), item.getName(), item.getDescription(), parent, true, false, false); fileModel.setType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.FOLDER.toString()); fileModel.setDescription(item.getDescription()); } else { if (item instanceof AbstractFileItem) { logger.info("Workspace item is a AbstractFileItem..."); fileModel = new FileModel(item.getId(), item.getName(), item.getDescription(), parent, false, false); AbstractFileItem abstractFileItem = (AbstractFileItem) item; fileModel = setFolderItemType(fileModel, abstractFileItem); } else { if (item instanceof GCubeItem) { logger.info("Workspace item is a GCubeItem..."); fileModel = new FileModel(item.getId(), item.getName(), item.getDescription(), parent, false, false); fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.GCUBE_ITEM); } else { logger.error("gxt conversion return null for item " + item.getName()); } } } } return fileModel; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Build GXTFileModelItem error: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Error building item model: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /** * Sets item type. * * @param fileModel * the file model * @param abstractfileItem * the worspace folder item * @return the file model */ protected FileModel setFolderItemType(FileModel fileModel, AbstractFileItem abstractfileItem) { if (abstractfileItem instanceof ExternalURL) { fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.EXTERNAL_URL); } else { if (abstractfileItem instanceof GenericFileItem) { fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.DOCUMENT); GenericFileItem doc = (GenericFileItem) abstractfileItem; String mimetype = doc.getContent().getMimeType(); if (mimetype != null && !mimetype.isEmpty()) { fileModel.setType(mimetype); } else { logger.error("Error retrieving MimeType on file id: " + abstractfileItem.getId()); } } else { if (abstractfileItem instanceof ImageFile) { fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.IMAGE_DOCUMENT); ImageFile img = (ImageFile) abstractfileItem; String mimetype = img.getContent().getMimeType(); if (mimetype != null && !mimetype.isEmpty()) { fileModel.setType(mimetype); } else { logger.error("Error retrieving MimeType on file id: " + abstractfileItem.getId()); } } else { if (abstractfileItem instanceof PDFFileItem) { fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.PDF_DOCUMENT); } else { fileModel.setFolderItemType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.UNKNOWN_TYPE); fileModel.setType(GXTFolderItemTypeEnum.UNKNOWN_TYPE.toString()); } } } } return fileModel; } /** * Gets the workspace acl from ac ls. * * @param types * the types * @return the workspace acl from ac ls * @throws Exception * the exception */ public List getWorkspaceACLFromAccessType(List types) throws Exception { List acls = new ArrayList(); for (AccessType acl : types) { switch (acl) { case ADMINISTRATOR: // acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), // ACL_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "Admin", false, // USER_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "")); break; case READ_ONLY: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.READ_ONLY, "Read Only", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can read any file but cannot update/delete")); break; case WRITE_OWNER: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, "Write Own", true, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can update/delete only their files")); break; case WRITE_ALL: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_ALL, "Write Any", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Any user can update/delete any file")); break; default: // acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), // ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, // acl.toString(), false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "")); break; } } if (acls.size() == 0) throw new Exception("No ACLs rules found!"); return acls; } /** * Gets the workspace acl from list of acl. * * @param listACL * the types * @return the workspace acl from ac ls * @throws Exception * the exception */ public List getWorkspaceACLFromACLs(List listACL) throws Exception { List acls = new ArrayList(); for (ACL acl : listACL) { List listAccessType = acl.getAccessTypes(); for (AccessType accessType : listAccessType) { switch (accessType) { case ADMINISTRATOR: // acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), // ACL_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "Administrator", false, // USER_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "Users are administrator and can // update/delete any file")); break; case READ_ONLY: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.READ_ONLY, "Read Only", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can read any file but cannot update/delete")); break; case WRITE_OWNER: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, "Write Own", true, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can update/delete only their files")); break; case WRITE_ALL: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_ALL, "Write Any", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Any user can update/delete any file")); break; default: // acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), // ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, // acl.toString(), false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "")); break; } } } if (acls.size() == 0) throw new Exception("No ACLs rules found!"); return acls; } /** * Gets the workspace acl from list of acl. * * @param acl * the types * @return the workspace acl from acl * @throws Exception * the exception */ public List getWorkspaceACLForUser(ACL acl) throws Exception { List acls = new ArrayList(); List listAccessType = acl.getAccessTypes(); for (AccessType accessType : listAccessType) { switch (accessType) { case ADMINISTRATOR: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "Admin", false, USER_TYPE.ADMINISTRATOR, "Users are administrator and can update/delete any file")); break; case READ_ONLY: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.READ_ONLY, "Read Only", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can read any file but cannot update/delete")); break; case WRITE_OWNER: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, "Write Own", true, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Users can update/delete only their files")); break; case WRITE_ALL: acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), ACL_TYPE.WRITE_ALL, "Write All", false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "Any user can update/delete any file")); break; default: // acls.add(new WorkspaceACL(acl.toString(), // ACL_TYPE.WRITE_OWNER, // acl.toString(), false, USER_TYPE.OTHER, "")); break; } } if (acls.size() == 0) throw new Exception("No ACLs rules found!"); return acls; } /** * Gets the formatted html acl from ac ls. * * @param acls * the acl owner * @return the formatted html acl from ac ls */ public String getFormattedHtmlACLFromACLs(List acls) { String html = "
"; logger.trace("Formatting " + acls.size() + " ACL/s"); Map> aclOwner = new HashMap<>(); for (ACL acl : acls) { for (AccessType accessType : acl.getAccessTypes()) { if (aclOwner.containsKey(accessType)) { List users = aclOwner.get(accessType); boolean notfound = true; for (String user : users) { if (user.compareTo(acl.getPricipal()) == 0) { notfound = false; break; } } if (notfound) { users.add(acl.getPricipal()); aclOwner.put(accessType, users); } } else { List users = new ArrayList(); users.add(acl.getPricipal()); aclOwner.put(accessType, users); } } } for (AccessType type : aclOwner.keySet()) { List listLogins = aclOwner.get(type); html += "" + type + ": "; html += ""; for (String login : listLogins) { logger.trace("Adding login " + login); String fullName = UserUtil.getUserFullName(login); if (fullName != null && !fullName.isEmpty()) html += fullName + "; "; else html += login + "; "; } html += "
"; } html += "
"; return html; } }