package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.WorkspaceItemType; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.HomeLibrary; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.Workspace; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSharedFolder; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.accessmanager.ACLType; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.FileContainer; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.FolderContainer; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.ItemContainer; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.OpenResolver; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.StorageHubClient; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.Metadata; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.ACL; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.AccessType; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.exceptions.StorageHubException; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.AbstractFileItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.FolderItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.GCubeItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.Item; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.SharedFolder; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.TrashItem; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.ConstantsSharing; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.WorkspaceSharingService; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.notifications.NotificationsProducer; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.AccessTypeComparator; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.PortalContextInfo; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.ScopeUtility; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.UserUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.WsUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.AllowAccess; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.CredentialModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.ExtendedWorkspaceACL; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.FileModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.InfoContactModel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.ReportAssignmentACL; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.SessionExpiredException; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.WorkspaceACL; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * The server side implementation of the RPC service. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa Aug 3, 2015 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class WorkspaceSharingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements WorkspaceSharingService { protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkspaceSharingServiceImpl.class); /** * Gets the notification producer. * * @param request * the request * @return the notification producer */ protected NotificationsProducer getNotificationProducer(HttpServletRequest request) { return WsUtil.getNotificationProducer(request); } /** * Gets the scope util filter. * * @return the scope util filter */ protected ScopeUtility getScopeUtilFilter() { return WsUtil.getScopeUtilFilter(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); } /** * Checks if is test mode. * * @return true, if is test mode */ protected boolean isTestMode() { return !WsUtil.isWithinPortal(); // IS NOT INTO PORTAL } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getAllContacts(boolean, boolean) */ @Override public List getAllContacts() throws Exception { try {"Call getAllContacts()"); if (isTestMode()) { logger.debug("WORKSPACE PORTLET IS IN TEST MODE - RETURN TEST USERS AND GROUPS"); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.getHashTestUsers(); List listContactsModel = new ArrayList(); for (String key : GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.getHashTestUsers().keySet()) { InfoContactModel contact = GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.getHashTestUsers().get(key); listContactsModel.add(contact); } return listContactsModel; } PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info); listContactsModel.addAll(builder.getGXTListContactsModelFromVOs(info)); logger.debug("Get all contacts returning a list having size: " + listContactsModel.size()); return listContactsModel; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getAllContacts(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Error retrieving all contacts: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(java.lang. * String) */ @Override public List getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(): [folderId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Error in getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(), invalid folder id: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("Invalid item id requested: " + itemId); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolver =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolver.asFolder(); FolderItem folder = folderContainer.get(); if (folder.isShared()) { if (folder instanceof SharedFolder) { SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) folder; return retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(sharedFolder); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) rootSharedFolder; return retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(sharedFolder); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else {"The item with id: " + itemId + " is not shared a folder!"); return new ArrayList(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private List retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(SharedFolder sharedFolder) throws Exception { Metadata metadata = sharedFolder.getUsers(); if (metadata != null) { Map map = metadata.getMap(); if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { List listShared = new ArrayList<>(); List keys = new ArrayList(map.keySet()); List listContactsModel = getAllContacts(); for (String username : keys) { for (InfoContactModel contact : listContactsModel) { if (contact != null && contact.getLogin() != null && contact.getLogin().compareTo(username) == 0) { listShared.add(contact); break; } } } return listShared; } else {"The folder with id: " + sharedFolder.getId() + " has a invalid map!"); return new ArrayList(); } } else {"The folder with id: " + sharedFolder.getId() + " has a invalid metadata!"); return new ArrayList(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getOwnerByItemId(java.lang.String) */ @Override public InfoContactModel getOwnerByItemId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getOwnerByItemId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Error in getOwnerByItemId(), invalid item id: " + itemId); throw new Exception("Invalid request, item id: " + itemId); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForFile =; ItemContainer itemContainer = openResolverForFile.asItem(); Item item = itemContainer.get(); logger.debug("Retrieved Item: " + item); if (item != null) { logger.debug("Owner: " + item.getOwner()); if (item.getOwner() != null && !item.getOwner().isEmpty()) { PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info); for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : listContactsModel) { if (infoContactModel.getLogin().compareTo(item.getOwner()) == 0) { logger.debug("Retrieved: " + infoContactModel); return infoContactModel; } } logger.debug("Owner not found from user model!"); return new InfoContactModel(item.getOwner(), item.getOwner(), item.getOwner(), false); } else { logger.debug("Owner not found from item"); return new InfoContactModel(); } } else { logger.debug("Item retrieved is null"); return new InfoContactModel(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getOwnerByItemId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the AC ls. * * @return the AC ls * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public List getACLs() throws Exception { try {"Call getACLs()"); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); return builder.getWorkspaceACLFromAccessType(Arrays.asList(AccessType.values())); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getACLs(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " get ACL rules. " + e.getMessage(); throw new Exception(error); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getMyLogin() */ @Override public String getMyLogin() throws Exception { try {"Call getMyLogin()"); PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); logger.debug("Username: " + info.getUsername()); return info.getUsername(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getMyLogin(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Error retrieving user information: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(java.lang.String) */ @Override public FileModel getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("The item id is invalid: " + itemId); throw new Exception("Invalid request item id is invalid: " + itemId); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; ItemContainer itemContainer = openResolverForItem.asItem(); Item item = itemContainer.get(); logger.debug("Retrieved Item: " + item); if (item == null) { String error = "Error item not found: [itemId=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } if (item.getParentId() == null || item.getParentId().isEmpty()) { String error = "Error parent item not found: [itemId=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } OpenResolver openResolverForParent =; ItemContainer parentContainer = openResolverForParent.asItem(); Item parentItem = parentContainer.get(); logger.debug("Retrieved Parent: " + parentItem); // Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // // Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; // String time = String.format("%d msc %d sec", endTime, // TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(endTime)); // logger.debug("get child for Grid by id returning element in " + // time); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); FileModel parent = null; if (parentItem != null) {"Folder parent has id: " + parentItem.getId() + " and name: " + parentItem.getName()); parent = builder.buildGXTFileModelItem(parentItem, null); } else"Folder parent for item: " + item.getId() + " is null"); return builder.buildGXTFileModelItem(item, parent); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " retrieving the item from workspace. " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); throw new Exception(error); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService# * isSessionExpired() */ @Override public boolean isSessionExpired() throws Exception { return WsUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); } // DEBUG /** * Prints the contacts. * * @param listContacts * the list contacts */ // private void printContacts(List listContacts) { // // boolean testMode = isTestMode(); // if (testMode) // System.out.println("Contacts: "); // else // logger.debug("Contacts:"); // // for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : listContacts) { // if (testMode) // System.out.println("User: " + infoContactModel); // else // logger.debug("User: " + infoContactModel); // } // } @Override public boolean shareFolder(String itemId, String name, String description, String parentId, List listContacts, boolean isNewFolder, WorkspaceACL acl) throws Exception { if (isSessionExpired()) throw new SessionExpiredException(); try {"Call shareFolder(): [id=" + itemId + ", name=" + name + ", description=" + description + ", parentId=" + parentId + ", isNewFolder=" + isNewFolder + "]"); if (listContacts == null || listContacts.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Invalid contacts requested: " + listContacts); throw new Exception("Invalid contacts requested"); } logger.debug("ListContacts size: " + listContacts.size()); List listLogin = UserUtil.getListLoginByInfoContactModel(listContacts); boolean created = false; if (!listLogin.isEmpty()) { FolderContainer folderContainer = null; if (!isNewFolder) {"Sharing item: [id=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Invalid folder id requested: " + itemId); throw new Exception("Invalid folder id requested: " + itemId); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); } else { if (parentId == null || parentId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Invalid parent folder id requested: " + parentId); throw new Exception("Invalid parent folder id requested: " + parentId); } if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Invalid folder name: " + name); throw new Exception("Invalid folder name: " + name); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer parentFolderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); folderContainer = parentFolderContainer.newFolder(name, description); } FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem != null) { if (folderItem.isShared()) { logger.debug("Folder is shared"); if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { logger.debug("Folder type: SharedFolder"); SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) folderItem; String currentUser = getMyLogin(); logger.debug("Current User: " + currentUser); Set alreadySharedUsers = null; Metadata usersMetadata = sharedFolder.getUsers(); if (usersMetadata != null) { Map usersMap = usersMetadata.getMap(); if (usersMap != null) { alreadySharedUsers = usersMap.keySet(); logger.debug("Already shared logins: " + alreadySharedUsers); if (alreadySharedUsers.contains(currentUser)) { alreadySharedUsers.remove(currentUser); } } } Set logins = new HashSet<>(listLogin); if (logins.contains(currentUser)) { logins.remove(currentUser); } logger.debug("Share logins: " + logins); folderContainer = folderContainer.share(logins, getAccessType(acl)); logger.debug("Shared done"); if (alreadySharedUsers != null && !alreadySharedUsers.isEmpty()) { alreadySharedUsers.removeAll(logins); if (!alreadySharedUsers.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Unshare the logins: " + alreadySharedUsers); folderContainer = folderContainer.unshare(alreadySharedUsers); logger.debug("Unshare done"); } } created = true; NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); np.notifyFolderSharing(listContacts, folderContainer.get()); } else { logger.debug("The folder is already shared"); throw new Exception("The folder selected is already shared!"); } } else { logger.debug("Folder is not shared"); Set logins = new HashSet<>(listLogin); logger.debug("Share logins: " + logins); folderContainer = folderContainer.share(logins, getAccessType(acl)); logger.debug("Shared done"); created = true; NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); np.notifyFolderSharing(listContacts, folderContainer.get()); } } else { logger.error("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]"); } } else { logger.error("The list of users is invalid!"); throw new Exception("The list of users is invalid"); } return created; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in shareFolder(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " sharing item."; throw new Exception(error); } } private AccessType getAccessType(WorkspaceACL acl) { logger.debug("Convert GXTACL to AccessType: " + acl); if (acl.getAclType() != null) { switch (acl.getAclType()) { case READ_ONLY: return AccessType.READ_ONLY; case WRITE_ANY: return AccessType.WRITE_ALL; case WRITE_OWNER: return AccessType.WRITE_OWNER; default: return null; } } else { return null; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(java.util. * List) */ @Override public List getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(List listAlreadySharedContact) throws Exception { try {"Call getInfoContactModelsFromCredential()"); if (listAlreadySharedContact == null || listAlreadySharedContact.size() == 0) throw new Exception("Credentials list is null or empty"); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List listContacts = new ArrayList(listAlreadySharedContact.size()); for (CredentialModel credentialModel : listAlreadySharedContact) { if (!credentialModel.isGroup()) { InfoContactModel contact = builder.buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(credentialModel.getLogin()); contact.setReferenceCredential(credentialModel); listContacts.add(contact); logger.trace("Converted contact: " + credentialModel + ", into: " + contact); } else if (credentialModel.getName() == null || credentialModel.getName().isEmpty()) { InfoContactModel contact = builder.buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalGroup(credentialModel.getLogin()); contact.setReferenceCredential(credentialModel); listContacts.add(contact); logger.trace("Converted group: " + credentialModel + ", into: " + contact); } } return listContacts; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " retrieving contacts info from user credentials."; throw new Exception(error); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getAdministratorsByFolderId(java.lang.String) */ @Override public List getAdministratorsByFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getAdministratorsByFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { String error = "Invalid shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(folderContainer); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else { logger.error("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getAdministratorsByFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Sorry an error occurred on getting Administrators"); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService# * addAdministratorsByFolderId(java.lang.String, java.util.List) * * true if administrators have been added, false otherwise */ /** * Adds the administrators by folder id. * * @param itemId * the folder id * @param listContactLogins * the list contact logins * @return true, if successful * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public boolean addAdministratorsByFolderId(String itemId, List listContactLogins) throws Exception { try {"Call addAdministratorsByFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + ", listContactLogins" + listContactLogins + "]");"This function is not available in StorageHub!"); return false; // if(folderId==null || listContactLogins==null || // listContactLogins.size()==0) // return false; // Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); // WorkspaceItem item = workspace.getItem(folderId); //"Adding administator/s to folder: // "+folderId); // // if(item!=null && // item.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)){ // WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) // item; // // //retrieving old administrators list // GWTWorkspaceBuilder builder = getGWTWorkspaceBuilder(); //"Retrieving old administator/s.."); // List oldAdmins = // builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(sharedFolder.getAdministrators()); //"Retrieving old administator/s are/is: // "+oldAdmins.size()); // //"Setting administators:"); // printList(listContactLogins); // sharedFolder.setAdmins(listContactLogins); // //"Converting new administator/s.."); // List newAdmins = // builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(listContactLogins); // NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(); // //"Sending notifications downgrade/upgrade // administator/s.."); // DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel diff1 = new // DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel(oldAdmins, newAdmins); // List contactsDowngrade = // diff1.getDifferentsContacts(); // // for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : contactsDowngrade) { // np.notifyAdministratorDowngrade(infoContactModel, sharedFolder); // } // // DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel diff2 = new // DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel(newAdmins, oldAdmins); // List contactsUpgrade = // diff2.getDifferentsContacts(); // // for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : contactsUpgrade) { // np.notifyAdministratorUpgrade(infoContactModel, sharedFolder); // } // // return true; // // }else // throw new Exception("The item is null or not instanceof // "+WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in addAdministratorsByFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = "Attention, administrators can not be added by StorageHub."; throw new Exception(error); } } private List retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception { if (folderContainer == null) { logger.debug("FolderContainer is null"); return new ArrayList(); } else { logger.debug("Retrieve Admins for: " + folderContainer.get()); List admins = new ArrayList<>(); List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); for (ACL acl : acls) { boolean isAdmin = false; for (AccessType accesstype : acl.getAccessTypes()) { if (accesstype != null && accesstype == AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR) { isAdmin = true; break; } } if (isAdmin) { admins.add(acl.getPricipal()); } } logger.debug("Retrieved admins list: " + admins); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); return builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(admins); } } // /** // * DEBUG. // * // * @return the fake groups // */ // private List getFakeGroups() { // // List listContactsModel = new // ArrayList(); // // PortalContext context = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); // System.out.println("context.getInfrastructureName(): " + // context.getInfrastructureName()); // // System.out.println("context.getVOsAsString(): // // "+context.getVOsAsString()); // List vos = // WsUtil.getVresFromInfrastructure(context.getInfrastructureName(), // "devsec"); // // for (VO vo : vos) { // System.out.println("vo name " + vo.getName()); // // for (VRE vre : vo.getVres()) { // System.out.println("vre name " + vre.getName()); // listContactsModel.add(new InfoContactModel(vre.getName(), vre.getName(), // vre.getName(), true)); // } // } // // return listContactsModel; // } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc. * WorkspaceSharingService#getACLForSharedItemId(java.lang.String) * * return the WorkspaceACL of shared folder, null otherwise */ @Override public WorkspaceACL getACLsForSharedFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getACLsForSharedFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { String error = "Invalid shared folder: [itemId=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveContactsFromACLs(folderContainer); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else { logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getACLsForSharedFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = "Sorry an error occurred when getting ACL for item: " + itemId; throw new Exception(error); } } private WorkspaceACL retrieveContactsFromACLs(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception { List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List wsAcls = builder.getWorkspaceACLFromACLs(acls); if (wsAcls == null || wsAcls.isEmpty()) {"Converted ACLBySharedFolderId is null or empty, returning null"); return null; }"Returning first acl with id: " + wsAcls.get(0).getId()); return wsAcls.get(0); } @Override public String getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { String error = "Invalid shared item: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; ItemContainer itemContainer = openResolverForItem.asItem(); Item item = itemContainer.get(); if (item instanceof AbstractFileItem) { FileContainer fileContainer = openResolverForItem.asFile(); AbstractFileItem file = fileContainer.get(); if (file.isShared()) { String parentId = file.getParentId(); openResolverForItem =; return retrieveACLFromFolder(parentId, openResolverForItem); } else { String error = "This item isn't a shared File: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } else { if (item instanceof FolderItem) { return retrieveACLFromFolder(itemId, openResolverForItem); } else { if (item instanceof GCubeItem) { GCubeItem gcubeItem = (GCubeItem) item; if (gcubeItem.isShared()) { String parentId = gcubeItem.getParentId(); openResolverForItem =; return retrieveACLFromFolder(parentId, openResolverForItem); } else { String error = "This item isn't a shared GCubeItem: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } else { if (item instanceof TrashItem) { TrashItem trashItem = (TrashItem) item; if (trashItem.isShared()) { String parentId = trashItem.getParentId(); openResolverForItem =; return retrieveACLFromFolder(parentId, openResolverForItem); } else { String error = "This item isn't a shared GCubeItem: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } else { String error = "Unknows type of item: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = "Sorry an error occurred when getting ACL rules for selected item. " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); throw new Exception(error); } } private String retrieveACLFromFolder(String itemId, OpenResolver openResolverForItem) throws Exception, StorageHubException { FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveACLsDescription(folderContainer); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { return retrieveACLsDescription(rootSharedFolderContainer); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } } else { String error = "This item isn't a shared Folder: [id=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } } private String retrieveACLsDescription(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception { List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); return builder.getFormattedHtmlACLFromACLs(acls); } @Override public boolean unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(String itemId) throws Exception { if (isSessionExpired()) throw new SessionExpiredException(); try { logger.debug("Call unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(): [id=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { logger.error("Invalid folder requested: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("Invalid folder requested: [id=" + itemId + "]"); } boolean unshared = false; StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolver =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolver.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem != null) { if (folderItem.isShared()) { logger.debug("Folder is shared"); if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { logger.debug("Folder type: SharedFolder"); SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) folderItem; List listACL = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("List of ACL: " + listACL); String currentUser = getMyLogin(); logger.debug("Current User: " + currentUser); if (listACL != null) { ACL userACL = null; for (ACL acl : listACL) { if (currentUser.compareTo(acl.getPricipal()) == 0) { userACL = acl; break; } } if (userACL != null) { List listOfAccessType = userACL.getAccessTypes(); if (listOfAccessType != null && !listOfAccessType.isEmpty()) { boolean isAdmin = false; for (AccessType accessType : listOfAccessType) { if (accessType.compareTo(AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR) == 0) { isAdmin = true; break; } } Set users; if (isAdmin) { users = sharedFolder.getUsers().getMap().keySet(); folderContainer.unshare(users);"Unshared folded for users: " + users); ArrayList listContacts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String key : users) { InfoContactModel contact = new InfoContactModel(key, key, key, false); listContacts.add(contact); } NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer( this.getThreadLocalRequest()); np.notifyFolderUnSharing(listContacts, folderItem); } else { users = new HashSet(); users.add(currentUser); folderContainer.unshare(users);"Unshared folded for users: " + users); } unshared = true; } else { String msg = "Invalid AccessType permission on this folder for the user."; logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } } else { String msg = "Invalid permission on this folder for the user."; logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } } else { String msg = "Invalid ACL list for this forlder: null."; logger.error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } } else { String msg = "The folder requested is not a root shared folder." + "To unshare this folder you have to unshare the root shared folder!"; logger.debug(msg); throw new Exception("The folder requested is not a root shared folder." + "To unshare this folder you have to unshare the root shared folder"); } } else { logger.error("Folder requested is not a shared "); throw new Exception("The folder requested is not shared!"); } } else { logger.error("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]"); } return unshared; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " unsharing item."; throw new Exception(error); } } /** * Gets the user acl for folder id. * * @param itemId * the folder id * @return the user acl for folder id * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public List getUserACLForFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getUserACLForFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { String error = "Invalid shared folder: [itemId=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { List acls = retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(folderContainer); List listEACL = new ArrayList(acls.size()); for (WorkspaceACL workspaceACL : acls) { boolean isBaseSharedFolder = true; ExtendedWorkspaceACL eac = new ExtendedWorkspaceACL(workspaceACL.getId(), workspaceACL.getAclType(), workspaceACL.getLabel(), workspaceACL.getDefaultValue(), workspaceACL.getUserType(), workspaceACL.getDescription(), folderItem.getOwner(), itemId, isBaseSharedFolder); logger.debug("ACL " + workspaceACL + " converted in: " + eac); listEACL.add(eac); } return listEACL; } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { List acls = retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(rootSharedFolderContainer); List listEACL = new ArrayList(acls.size()); for (WorkspaceACL workspaceACL : acls) { boolean isBaseSharedFolder = true; ExtendedWorkspaceACL eac = new ExtendedWorkspaceACL(workspaceACL.getId(), workspaceACL.getAclType(), workspaceACL.getLabel(), workspaceACL.getDefaultValue(), workspaceACL.getUserType(), workspaceACL.getDescription(), folderItem.getOwner(), itemId, isBaseSharedFolder); logger.debug("ACL " + workspaceACL + " converted in: " + eac); listEACL.add(eac); } return listEACL; } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else { logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getUserACLForFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Error retrieving ACL rules for selected folder: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private List retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception { List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List wsAcls = builder.getWorkspaceACLFromACLs(acls); if (wsAcls == null || wsAcls.isEmpty()) {"Converted ACLBySharedFolderId is null or empty, returning null"); return null; }"Returning first acl with id: " + wsAcls.get(0).getId()); return wsAcls; } /** * Gets ACLs Description For WorkspaceItem ById. * * @param itemId * the folder id * @return a description of the ACLs * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public String getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(): " + itemId); StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); String aclDescription = retrieveACLsDescription(folderContainer); logger.debug("Retrieved ACL description: " + aclDescription); return aclDescription; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); throw new Exception("Error retrieving ACL descriptions for requested item: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService# * accessToFolderLink(java.lang.String) */ /** * Access to folder link. * * @param itemId * the item id * @return the allow access * @throws SessionExpiredException * the session expired exception * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public AllowAccess accessToFolderLink(String itemId) throws Exception { try {"Call accessToFolderLink(): " + itemId); StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); InfoContactModel owner = null; if (folderItem != null) { logger.debug("Owner: " + folderItem.getOwner()); PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); if (folderItem.getOwner() != null && !folderItem.getOwner().isEmpty()) { GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder(); List listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info); boolean ownerFound = false; for (InfoContactModel icm : listContactsModel) { if (icm.getLogin().compareTo(folderItem.getOwner()) == 0) { logger.debug("Owner Retrieved: " + icm); owner = icm; ownerFound = true; break; } } if (!ownerFound) { logger.debug("Owner not found from user model!"); owner = new InfoContactModel(folderItem.getOwner(), folderItem.getOwner(), folderItem.getOwner(), false); } } else { logger.debug("Owner not found from item"); owner = null; } String username = info.getUsername(); if (folderItem.isPublicItem()) {"The folder is already public. Access granted to " + username); return new AllowAccess(itemId, true, "The folder is already public. Access granted to " + username, null); }"The owner of: " + folderItem.getName() + " is: " + owner);"The current context user: " + username); if (owner != null && owner.getLogin().compareToIgnoreCase(username) == 0) {"Access to Folder Link " + folderItem.getName() + " granted, " + username + " is the owner of: " + itemId); return new AllowAccess(itemId, true, info.getUserFullName() + " is the owner of: " + folderItem.getName(), null); } try { List admins = null; if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { admins = retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(folderContainer); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { admins = retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else { logger.error("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception( "The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); } if (admins != null) { for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : admins) { if (infoContactModel.getLogin().compareToIgnoreCase(username) == 0) {"Access to Folder Link " + logger.getName() + " granted, " + username + " is the admin of: " + itemId); return new AllowAccess(itemId, true, info.getUserFullName() + " is the admin of: " + folderItem.getName(), null); } } } else { return new AllowAccess(itemId, false, "You have not permission to get Folder Link, you must be owner or administrator to the folder", "Permission not found"); } } catch (Exception e) { return new AllowAccess(itemId, false, "You have not permission to get Folder Link, you must be owner or administrator to the folder", e.getMessage()); } return new AllowAccess(itemId, false, "You have not permission to get Folder Link, you must be owner or administrator to the folder", null); } else { return new AllowAccess(itemId, false, "The item is not a folder", null); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in server FormattedGcubeItemProperties: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = "Error when reading access policy to Folder Link: " + itemId + ", Refresh and try again"; throw new Exception(error, e); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService#setACLs( * java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.lang.String) */ /** * Sets the ac ls. * * @param itemId * the folder id * @param listLogins * the list logins * @param aclType * the acl type * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public void setACLs(String itemId, List listLogins, String aclType) throws Exception { try {"Call setACLs(): [itemId=" + itemId + ", listLogins=" + listLogins + ", aclType=" + aclType); String error = "Set ACLs is not enabled in StorageHub. You must share, or unshare a root folder for set ACLs."; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); // if(folderId == null) // throw new Exception("Folder id is null"); // // if(listLogins==null || listLogins.size()==0) // throw new Exception("List Logins is null or empty"); // // logger.trace("Setting ACL for folder id: "+folderId); // logger.trace("ACL type is: "+aclType); // Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); // WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItem(folderId); // // //IS A WORKSPACE FOLDER? // if(wsItem!= null && wsItem.isFolder() && wsItem.isShared()){ // WorkspaceFolder ite; // if(wsItem.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)){ // //IS ROOT SHARED FOLDER // ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) wsItem; // logger.trace("Folder " +ite.getName()+" is a // "+WorkspaceSharedFolder.class.getName()); // // ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) // workspace.getItemByPath(wsItem.getPath()); // }else{ // // IS SUB FOLDER OF THE SHARING // ite = (WorkspaceFolder) wsItem; // logger.trace("Folder " +ite.getName()+" is a // "+WorkspaceFolder.class.getName()); // // ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) // workspace.getItem(wsItem.getIdSharedFolder()); // } // // ite.setACL(listLogins, ACLType.valueOf(aclType)); // }else // throw new Exception("Source item is not shared or shared // folder"); // //"Setting ACL for "+wsItem.getName()+" completed, // returning"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in setACLs(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); String error = "Error setting permissions. " + e.getLocalizedMessage(); throw new Exception(error, e); } } /** * Validate acl to user. * * @param itemId * the folder id * @param listLogins * the list logins * @param aclType * the acl type * @return the report assignment acl * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public ReportAssignmentACL validateACLToUser(String itemId, List listLogins, String aclType) throws Exception { try {"Call validateACLToUser(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]"); if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) { String error = "Invalid folder id: [itemId=" + itemId + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } AccessType settingACL = AccessType.valueOf(aclType); if (settingACL == null) { String error = "Invalid acl type requested: [AccessType=" + aclType + "]"; logger.error(error); return null; } StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient(); OpenResolver openResolverForItem =; FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder(); FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get(); if (folderItem.isShared()) { if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) { List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); return createReportAssignementACL(acls, listLogins, settingACL); } else { FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder(); FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get(); if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) { List acls = folderContainer.getAcls(); logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); return createReportAssignementACL(acls, listLogins, settingACL); } else { String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id=" + rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]"; logger.error(error); throw new Exception(error); } } } else { logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]"); throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on setting ACLs", e); throw new Exception("Sorry, an error occurred when validating ACL assignment, try again later"); } } private ReportAssignmentACL createReportAssignementACL(List acls, List listLogins, AccessType settingACL) { logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls); List admins = new ArrayList<>(); // REMOVE ADMINS for (ACL acl : acls) { boolean isAdmin = false; for (AccessType accesstype : acl.getAccessTypes()) { if (accesstype != null && accesstype == AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR) { isAdmin = true; break; } } if (isAdmin) { admins.add(acl.getPricipal()); } } List errors = new ArrayList(); if (!admins.isEmpty()) { for (String admin : admins) { boolean removed = listLogins.remove(admin);"Reject username: " + admin + " as " + AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR); if (removed) { String fullname = isTestMode() ? admin : UserUtil.getUserFullName(admin); errors.add("Unable to grant the privilege " + settingACL + " for " + fullname + ", he/she is an: " + AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR); } } } // COMPLETE REPORT AccessTypeComparator comparator = new AccessTypeComparator(); List validLogins = new ArrayList(listLogins); ReportAssignmentACL reportValidation = new ReportAssignmentACL(); logger.debug("\nChecking listLogins: " + listLogins); for (String username : listLogins) { logger.trace("\nChecking username: " + username); String fullname = isTestMode() ? username : UserUtil.getUserFullName(username); for (ACL acl : acls) { if (acl.getPricipal().compareTo(username) == 0) { checkAccessType(settingACL, errors, comparator, validLogins, username, fullname, acl); break; } } }"Valid logins: "); for (String username : validLogins) {"Set ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username); } reportValidation.setAclType(; reportValidation.setErrors(errors); reportValidation.setValidLogins(validLogins); return reportValidation; } private void checkAccessType(AccessType settingACL, List errors, AccessTypeComparator comparator, List validLogins, String username, String fullname, ACL acl) { for (AccessType currentAccessType : acl.getAccessTypes()) { int cmp =, currentAccessType); if (cmp == -1) { // CHANGE ACL IS NOT VALID logger.debug("Reject ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username); validLogins.remove(username); errors.add("Unable to grant the privilege " + settingACL + " for " + fullname + ", it's lower than (parent privilege) " + currentAccessType); break; } else if (cmp == 0) { // SAME ACL logger.debug("Skipping ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username); errors.add(settingACL + " privilege for " + fullname + " already assigned"); validLogins.remove(username); break; } else if (cmp == 1) { // CHANGE ACL IS VALID logger.debug("Valid ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + fullname); } } } /** * Update acl for vr eby group name. * * @param folderId * the folder id * @param aclType * the acl type * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public void updateACLForVREbyGroupName(String folderId, String aclType) throws Exception { try { if (folderId == null) throw new Exception("Folder id is null"); logger.trace("Updating ACL to VRE FOLDER id: " + folderId); logger.trace("ACL type is: " + aclType); logger.trace("Get Workspace"); PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); logger.trace("PortalContextInfo: " + info); ScopeProvider.instance.set(info.getCurrentScope()); logger.trace("Scope provider set: " + info.getCurrentScope()); Workspace workspace = HomeLibrary.getUserWorkspace(info.getUsername()); WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItem(folderId); if (wsItem.isShared() && wsItem.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)) { WorkspaceSharedFolder ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) wsItem; // PATCH TODO TEMPORARY SOLUTION if (ite.isVreFolder()) { List groupName = new ArrayList(); groupName.add(wsItem.getName()); ite.setACL(groupName, ACLType.valueOf(aclType)); } } else throw new Exception("Source item is not shared or shared folder"); logger.trace("Updating ACL completed, retuning"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in set ACLs", e); String error = "Error updating the permissions. " + e.getMessage(); throw new Exception(error); } } /** * Check notify add item to share. * * @param destinationItem * the destination item * @param sourceSharedId * the source shared id * @param folderDestinationItem * the folder destination item */ // private void checkNotifyAddItemToShare(final WorkspaceItem // destinationItem, // final String sourceSharedId, final WorkspaceItem folderDestinationItem) { // // logger.trace("checkNotifyAddItemToShare"); // // if(folderDestinationItem!=null){ // // try{ // //if folder destination is shared folder // if(folderDestinationItem.isShared()){ //Notify Added Item To Sharing? // logger.trace("checkNotifyAddItemToShare destination item: // "+destinationItem.getName()+" sourceSharedId: "+sourceSharedId + " folder // destination: "+folderDestinationItem.getName()); // //share condition is true if source shared folder is null or not equal to // destination shared folder // boolean shareChangeCondition = sourceSharedId==null || // sourceSharedId.compareTo(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder())!=0; // logger.trace("shareChangeCondition add item: "+shareChangeCondition); // //if shareChangeCondition is true.. notifies added item to sharing // if(shareChangeCondition){ // // List listContacts = // getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder()); // // //DEBUG // //printContacts(listContacts); // Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); // WorkspaceItem destinationSharedFolder = // workspace.getItem(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder()); // NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(); // // if(destinationSharedFolder instanceof WorkspaceSharedFolder){ // np.notifyAddedItemToSharing(listContacts, destinationItem, // (WorkspaceSharedFolder) destinationSharedFolder); // logger.trace("The notifies sent correctly"); // } // else // logger.warn("Notifies added item: "+destinationItem+ "to share doesn't // sent // because "+destinationSharedFolder+" is not istance of // WorkspaceSharedFolder"); // // np.notifyAddedItemToSharing(listContacts, (WorkspaceFolder) // folderDestinationItem); // } // } // else // logger.trace("folder destination is not shared"); // // }catch (Exception e) { // logger.error("An error occurred in verifyNotifyAddItemToShare ",e); // } // }else // logger.warn("The notifies is failure in verifyNotifyAddItemToShare // because // folder destination item is null"); // } /** * Check notify move item from share. * * @param sourceItemIsShared * the source item is shared * @param sourceItem * the source item * @param sourceSharedId * the source shared id * @param folderDestinationItem * the folder destination item */ // private void checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare(final boolean // sourceItemIsShared, // final WorkspaceItem sourceItem, final String sourceSharedId, final // WorkspaceItem folderDestinationItem) { // // logger.trace("checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare:"); // // try{ // // if(folderDestinationItem!=null){ // // String idSharedFolder = // folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder()!=null?folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder():""; // // //share condition is true if source shared folder is not equal to // destination // shared folder // boolean shareChangeCondition = // sourceSharedId==null?false:sourceSharedId.compareTo(idSharedFolder)!=0; // // logger.trace("checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare source item: // "+sourceItem.getName()+" sourceSharedId: "+sourceSharedId + " folder // destination: "+folderDestinationItem.getName() +" sourceItemIsShared: // "+sourceItemIsShared); // // // System.out.println("shareChangeCondition remove item: "+ // shareChangeCondition); // // logger.trace("shareChangeCondition remove item: "+ shareChangeCondition); // // //Notify Removed Item To Sharing? // //if source Item is shared and folder destination is not shared or // shareChangeCondition is true.. notifies removed item to sharing // if(sourceItemIsShared && (!folderDestinationItem.isShared() || // shareChangeCondition)){ // // //get contacts // List listContacts = // getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(sourceSharedId); // // //DEBUG // printContacts(listContacts); // Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); // WorkspaceItem sourceSharedFolder = workspace.getItem(sourceSharedId); // NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(); // // if(sourceSharedFolder instanceof WorkspaceSharedFolder){ // np.notifyMovedItemToSharing(listContacts, sourceItem, // (WorkspaceSharedFolder) // sourceSharedFolder); // logger.trace("The notifies was sent correctly"); // }else // logger.warn("Notifies moved item: "+sourceItem+ "from share doesn't sent // because "+sourceSharedFolder+" is not istance of WorkspaceSharedFolder"); // } // // }else // logger.warn("The notifies is failure in checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare // because // folder destination item is null"); // // }catch (Exception e) { // logger.error("An error occurred in checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare ",e); // } // // } }