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package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.gcube.common.homelibary.model.items.type.WorkspaceItemType;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.HomeLibrary;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.Workspace;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceFolder;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceSharedFolder;
import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.accessmanager.ACLType;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.FolderContainer;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.ItemContainer;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.OpenResolver;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl.StorageHubClient;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.Metadata;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.ACL;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.AccessType;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.FolderItem;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.Item;
import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.SharedFolder;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.ConstantsSharing;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.WorkspaceSharingService;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.notifications.NotificationsProducer;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.AccessTypeComparator;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.PortalContextInfo;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.ScopeUtility;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.UserUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.server.util.WsUtil;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.AllowAccess;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.CredentialModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.ExtendedWorkspaceACL;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.FileModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.InfoContactModel;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.ReportAssignmentACL;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.SessionExpiredException;
import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.shared.WorkspaceACL;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The server side implementation of the RPC service.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa Aug 3, 2015
public class WorkspaceSharingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements WorkspaceSharingService {
protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkspaceSharingServiceImpl.class);
* Gets the notification producer.
* @param request
* the request
* @return the notification producer
protected NotificationsProducer getNotificationProducer(HttpServletRequest request) {
return WsUtil.getNotificationProducer(request);
* Gets the scope util filter.
* @return the scope util filter
protected ScopeUtility getScopeUtilFilter() {
return WsUtil.getScopeUtilFilter(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
* Checks if is test mode.
* @return true, if is test mode
protected boolean isTestMode() {
return !WsUtil.isWithinPortal(); // IS NOT INTO PORTAL
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getAllContacts(boolean, boolean)
public List<InfoContactModel> getAllContacts() throws Exception {
try {"Call getAllContacts()");
if (isTestMode()) {
List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = new ArrayList<InfoContactModel>();
for (String key : GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.getHashTestUsers().keySet()) {
InfoContactModel contact = GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder.getHashTestUsers().get(key);
return listContactsModel;
PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info);
logger.debug("Get all contacts returning a list having size: " + listContactsModel.size());
return listContactsModel;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getAllContacts(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception("Error retrieving all contacts: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(java.lang.
* String)
public List<InfoContactModel> getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(): [folderId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Error in getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(), invalid folder id: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("Invalid item id requested: " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolver =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolver.asFolder();
FolderItem folder = folderContainer.get();
if (folder.isShared()) {
if (folder instanceof SharedFolder) {
SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) folder;
return retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(sharedFolder);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) rootSharedFolder;
return retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(sharedFolder);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {"The item with id: " + itemId + " is not shared a folder!");
return new ArrayList<InfoContactModel>();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
private List<InfoContactModel> retrieveUsersListFromSharedFolder(SharedFolder sharedFolder) throws Exception {
Metadata metadata = sharedFolder.getUsers();
if (metadata != null) {
Map<String, Object> map = metadata.getMap();
if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) {
List<InfoContactModel> listShared = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet());
List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = getAllContacts();
for (String username : keys) {
for (InfoContactModel contact : listContactsModel) {
if (contact != null && contact.getLogin() != null
&& contact.getLogin().compareTo(username) == 0) {
return listShared;
} else {"The folder with id: " + sharedFolder.getId() + " has a invalid map!");
return new ArrayList<InfoContactModel>();
} else {"The folder with id: " + sharedFolder.getId() + " has a invalid metadata!");
return new ArrayList<InfoContactModel>();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getOwnerByItemId(java.lang.String)
public InfoContactModel getOwnerByItemId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getOwnerByItemId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Error in getOwnerByItemId(), invalid item id: " + itemId);
throw new Exception("Invalid request, item id: " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForFile =;
ItemContainer<Item> itemContainer = openResolverForFile.asItem();
Item item = itemContainer.get();
logger.debug("Retrieved Item: " + item);
if (item != null) {
logger.debug("Owner: " + item.getOwner());
if (item.getOwner() != null && !item.getOwner().isEmpty()) {
PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info);
for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : listContactsModel) {
if (infoContactModel.getLogin().compareTo(item.getOwner()) == 0) {
logger.debug("Retrieved: " + infoContactModel);
return infoContactModel;
logger.debug("Owner not found from user model!");
return new InfoContactModel(item.getOwner(), item.getOwner(), item.getOwner(), false);
} else {
logger.debug("Owner not found from item");
return new InfoContactModel();
} else {
logger.debug("Item retrieved is null");
return new InfoContactModel();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getOwnerByItemId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
* Gets the AC ls.
* @return the AC ls
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public List<WorkspaceACL> getACLs() throws Exception {
try {"Call getACLs()");
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
return builder.getWorkspaceACLFromAccessType(Arrays.asList(AccessType.values()));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getACLs(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " get ACL rules. " + e.getMessage();
throw new Exception(error);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getMyLogin()
public String getMyLogin() throws Exception {
try {"Call getMyLogin()");
PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
logger.debug("Username: " + info.getUsername());
return info.getUsername();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getMyLogin(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception("Error retrieving user information: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(java.lang.String)
public FileModel getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("The item id is invalid: " + itemId);
throw new Exception("Invalid request item id is invalid: " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
ItemContainer<Item> itemContainer = openResolverForItem.asItem();
Item item = itemContainer.get();
logger.debug("Retrieved Item: " + item);
if (item == null) {
String error = "Error item not found: [itemId=" + itemId + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
if (item.getParentId() == null || item.getParentId().isEmpty()) {
String error = "Error parent item not found: [itemId=" + itemId + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
OpenResolver openResolverForParent =;
ItemContainer<Item> parentContainer = openResolverForParent.asItem();
Item parentItem = parentContainer.get();
logger.debug("Retrieved Parent: " + parentItem);
// Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
// String time = String.format("%d msc %d sec", endTime,
// TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(endTime));
// logger.debug("get child for Grid by id returning element in " +
// time);
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
FileModel parent = null;
if (parentItem != null) {"Folder parent has id: " + parentItem.getId() + " and name: " + parentItem.getName());
parent = builder.buildGXTFileModelItem(parentItem, null);
} else"Folder parent for item: " + item.getId() + " is null");
return builder.buildGXTFileModelItem(item, parent);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getFileModelByWorkpaceItemId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " retrieving the item from workspace. "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage();
throw new Exception(error);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService#
* isSessionExpired()
public boolean isSessionExpired() throws Exception {
return WsUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
* Prints the contacts.
* @param listContacts
* the list contacts
// private void printContacts(List<InfoContactModel> listContacts) {
// boolean testMode = isTestMode();
// if (testMode)
// System.out.println("Contacts: ");
// else
// logger.debug("Contacts:");
// for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : listContacts) {
// if (testMode)
// System.out.println("User: " + infoContactModel);
// else
// logger.debug("User: " + infoContactModel);
// }
// }
public boolean shareFolder(String itemId, String name, String description, String parentId,
List<InfoContactModel> listContacts, boolean isNewFolder, WorkspaceACL acl) throws Exception {
if (isSessionExpired())
throw new SessionExpiredException();
try {"Call shareFolder(): [id=" + itemId + ", name=" + name + ", description=" + description
+ ", parentId=" + parentId + ", isNewFolder=" + isNewFolder + "]");
if (listContacts == null || listContacts.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid contacts requested: " + listContacts);
throw new Exception("Invalid contacts requested");
logger.debug("ListContacts size: " + listContacts.size());
List<String> listLogin = UserUtil.getListLoginByInfoContactModel(listContacts);
boolean created = false;
if (!listLogin.isEmpty()) {
FolderContainer folderContainer = null;
if (!isNewFolder) {"Sharing item: [id=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid folder id requested: " + itemId);
throw new Exception("Invalid folder id requested: " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
} else {
if (parentId == null || parentId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid parent folder id requested: " + parentId);
throw new Exception("Invalid parent folder id requested: " + parentId);
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid folder name: " + name);
throw new Exception("Invalid folder name: " + name);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer parentFolderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
folderContainer = parentFolderContainer.newFolder(name, description);
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem != null) {
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
logger.debug("Folder is shared");
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
logger.debug("Folder type: SharedFolder");
Set<String> logins = new HashSet<>(listLogin);
folderContainer.share(logins, getAccessType(acl));
created = true;
NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
np.notifyFolderSharing(listContacts, folderItem);
} else {
logger.debug("The folder is already shared");
throw new Exception("The folder selected is already shared!");
} else {
logger.debug("Folder is not shared");
Set<String> logins = new HashSet<>(listLogin);
folderContainer.share(logins, getAccessType(acl));
created = true;
NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
np.notifyFolderSharing(listContacts, folderItem);
} else {
logger.error("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]");
} else {
logger.error("The list of users is invalid!");
throw new Exception("The list of users is invalid");
return created;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in shareFolder(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " sharing item.";
throw new Exception(error);
private AccessType getAccessType(WorkspaceACL acl) {
logger.debug("Convert GXTACL to AccessType: " + acl);
if (acl.getAclType() != null) {
switch (acl.getAclType()) {
return AccessType.READ_ONLY;
return AccessType.WRITE_ALL;
return AccessType.WRITE_OWNER;
return null;
} else {
return null;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(java.util.
* List)
public List<InfoContactModel> getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(List<CredentialModel> listAlreadySharedContact)
throws Exception {
try {"Call getInfoContactModelsFromCredential()");
if (listAlreadySharedContact == null || listAlreadySharedContact.size() == 0)
throw new Exception("Credentials list is null or empty");
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<InfoContactModel> listContacts = new ArrayList<InfoContactModel>(listAlreadySharedContact.size());
for (CredentialModel credentialModel : listAlreadySharedContact) {
if (!credentialModel.isGroup()) {
InfoContactModel contact = builder.buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalLogin(credentialModel.getLogin());
logger.trace("Converted contact: " + credentialModel + ", into: " + contact);
} else if (credentialModel.getName() == null || credentialModel.getName().isEmpty()) {
InfoContactModel contact = builder.buildGxtInfoContactFromPortalGroup(credentialModel.getLogin());
logger.trace("Converted group: " + credentialModel + ", into: " + contact);
return listContacts;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getInfoContactModelsFromCredential(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " retrieving contacts info from user credentials.";
throw new Exception(error);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getAdministratorsByFolderId(java.lang.String)
public List<InfoContactModel> getAdministratorsByFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getAdministratorsByFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
String error = "Invalid shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(folderContainer);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {
logger.error("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getAdministratorsByFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception("Sorry an error occurred on getting Administrators");
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService#
* addAdministratorsByFolderId(java.lang.String, java.util.List)
* true if administrators have been added, false otherwise
* Adds the administrators by folder id.
* @param itemId
* the folder id
* @param listContactLogins
* the list contact logins
* @return true, if successful
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public boolean addAdministratorsByFolderId(String itemId, List<String> listContactLogins) throws Exception {
try {"Call addAdministratorsByFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + ", listContactLogins"
+ listContactLogins + "]");"This function is not available in StorageHub!");
return false;
// if(folderId==null || listContactLogins==null ||
// listContactLogins.size()==0)
// return false;
// Workspace workspace = getWorkspace();
// WorkspaceItem item = workspace.getItem(folderId);
//"Adding administator/s to folder:
// "+folderId);
// if(item!=null &&
// item.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)){
// WorkspaceSharedFolder sharedFolder = (WorkspaceSharedFolder)
// item;
// //retrieving old administrators list
// GWTWorkspaceBuilder builder = getGWTWorkspaceBuilder();
//"Retrieving old administator/s..");
// List<InfoContactModel> oldAdmins =
// builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(sharedFolder.getAdministrators());
//"Retrieving old administator/s are/is:
// "+oldAdmins.size());
//"Setting administators:");
// printList(listContactLogins);
// sharedFolder.setAdmins(listContactLogins);
//"Converting new administator/s..");
// List<InfoContactModel> newAdmins =
// builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(listContactLogins);
// NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer();
//"Sending notifications downgrade/upgrade
// administator/s..");
// DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel diff1 = new
// DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel(oldAdmins, newAdmins);
// List<InfoContactModel> contactsDowngrade =
// diff1.getDifferentsContacts();
// for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : contactsDowngrade) {
// np.notifyAdministratorDowngrade(infoContactModel, sharedFolder);
// }
// DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel diff2 = new
// DifferenceBetweenInfoContactModel(newAdmins, oldAdmins);
// List<InfoContactModel> contactsUpgrade =
// diff2.getDifferentsContacts();
// for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : contactsUpgrade) {
// np.notifyAdministratorUpgrade(infoContactModel, sharedFolder);
// }
// return true;
// }else
// throw new Exception("The item is null or not instanceof
// "+WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in addAdministratorsByFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = "Attention, administrators can not be added by StorageHub.";
throw new Exception(error);
private List<InfoContactModel> retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
List<String> admins = new ArrayList<>();
for (ACL acl : acls) {
boolean isAdmin = false;
for (AccessType accesstype : acl.getAccessTypes()) {
if (accesstype != null && accesstype == AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR) {
isAdmin = true;
if (isAdmin) {
logger.debug("Retrieved admins list: " + admins);
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
return builder.buildGxtInfoContactsFromPortalLogins(admins);
// /**
// * DEBUG.
// *
// * @return the fake groups
// */
// private List<InfoContactModel> getFakeGroups() {
// List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = new
// ArrayList<InfoContactModel>();
// PortalContext context = PortalContext.getConfiguration();
// System.out.println("context.getInfrastructureName(): " +
// context.getInfrastructureName());
// // System.out.println("context.getVOsAsString():
// // "+context.getVOsAsString());
// List<VO> vos =
// WsUtil.getVresFromInfrastructure(context.getInfrastructureName(),
// "devsec");
// for (VO vo : vos) {
// System.out.println("vo name " + vo.getName());
// for (VRE vre : vo.getVres()) {
// System.out.println("vre name " + vre.getName());
// listContactsModel.add(new InfoContactModel(vre.getName(), vre.getName(),
// vre.getName(), true));
// }
// }
// return listContactsModel;
// }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.workspacesharingwidget.client.rpc.
* WorkspaceSharingService#getACLForSharedItemId(java.lang.String)
* return the WorkspaceACL of shared folder, null otherwise
public WorkspaceACL getACLsForSharedFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getACLsForSharedFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
String error = "Invalid shared folder: [itemId=" + itemId + "]";
return null;
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveContactsFromACLs(folderContainer);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {
logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getACLsForSharedFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = "Sorry an error occurred when getting ACL for item: " + itemId;
throw new Exception(error);
private WorkspaceACL retrieveContactsFromACLs(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<WorkspaceACL> wsAcls = builder.getWorkspaceACLFromACLs(acls);
if (wsAcls == null || wsAcls.isEmpty()) {"Converted ACLBySharedFolderId is null or empty, returning null");
return null;
}"Returning first acl with id: " + wsAcls.get(0).getId());
return wsAcls.get(0);
public String getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
String error = "Invalid shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]";
return null;
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveACLsDescription(folderContainer);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
return retrieveACLsDescription(rootSharedFolderContainer);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
return null;
} else {
String error = "This item isn't a valid shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]";
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getACLsDescriptionForSharedFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = "Sorry an error occurred when getting ACL rules for selected folder. "
+ e.getLocalizedMessage();
throw new Exception(error);
private String retrieveACLsDescription(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
return builder.getFormattedHtmlACLFromACLs(acls);
public boolean unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(String itemId) throws Exception {
if (isSessionExpired())
throw new SessionExpiredException();
try {
logger.debug("Call unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(): [id=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("Invalid folder requested: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("Invalid folder requested: [id=" + itemId + "]");
boolean unshared = false;
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolver =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolver.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem != null) {
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
logger.debug("Folder is shared");
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
logger.debug("Folder type: SharedFolder");
SharedFolder sharedFolder = (SharedFolder) folderItem;
unshared = true;
ArrayList<InfoContactModel> listContacts=new ArrayList<>();
for(String key:sharedFolder.getUsers().getMap().keySet()){
InfoContactModel contact=new InfoContactModel(key,key, key, false);
NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
np.notifyFolderUnSharing(listContacts, folderItem);
} else {
String msg = "The folder requested is not a root shared folder."
+ "To unshare this folder you have to unshare the root shared folder!";
throw new Exception("The folder requested is not a root shared folder."
+ "To unshare this folder you have to unshare the root shared folder");
} else {
logger.error("Folder requested is not a shared ");
throw new Exception("The folder requested is not shared!");
} else {
logger.error("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("Invalid folder retrieved: [id=" + itemId + "]");
return unshared;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in unSharedFolderByFolderSharedId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = ConstantsSharing.SERVER_ERROR + " unsharing item.";
throw new Exception(error);
* Gets the user acl for folder id.
* @param itemId
* the folder id
* @return the user acl for folder id
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public List<ExtendedWorkspaceACL> getUserACLForFolderId(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getUserACLForFolderId(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
String error = "Invalid shared folder: [itemId=" + itemId + "]";
return null;
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
List<WorkspaceACL> acls = retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(folderContainer);
List<ExtendedWorkspaceACL> listEACL = new ArrayList<ExtendedWorkspaceACL>(acls.size());
for (WorkspaceACL workspaceACL : acls) {
boolean isBaseSharedFolder = true;
ExtendedWorkspaceACL eac = new ExtendedWorkspaceACL(workspaceACL.getId(),
workspaceACL.getAclType(), workspaceACL.getLabel(), workspaceACL.getDefaultValue(),
workspaceACL.getUserType(), workspaceACL.getDescription(), folderItem.getOwner(),
itemId, isBaseSharedFolder);
logger.debug("ACL " + workspaceACL + " converted in: " + eac);
return listEACL;
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
List<WorkspaceACL> acls = retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(folderContainer);
List<ExtendedWorkspaceACL> listEACL = new ArrayList<ExtendedWorkspaceACL>(acls.size());
for (WorkspaceACL workspaceACL : acls) {
boolean isBaseSharedFolder = true;
ExtendedWorkspaceACL eac = new ExtendedWorkspaceACL(workspaceACL.getId(),
workspaceACL.getAclType(), workspaceACL.getLabel(), workspaceACL.getDefaultValue(),
workspaceACL.getUserType(), workspaceACL.getDescription(), folderItem.getOwner(),
itemId, isBaseSharedFolder);
logger.debug("ACL " + workspaceACL + " converted in: " + eac);
return listEACL;
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {
logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getUserACLForFolderId(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception("Error retrieving ACL rules for selected folder: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
private List<WorkspaceACL> retrieveACLsFromFolderContainer(FolderContainer folderContainer) throws Exception {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<WorkspaceACL> wsAcls = builder.getWorkspaceACLFromACLs(acls);
if (wsAcls == null || wsAcls.isEmpty()) {"Converted ACLBySharedFolderId is null or empty, returning null");
return null;
}"Returning first acl with id: " + wsAcls.get(0).getId());
return wsAcls;
* Gets ACLs Description For WorkspaceItem ById.
* @param itemId
* the folder id
* @return a description of the ACLs
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public String getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(): " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
String aclDescription = retrieveACLsDescription(folderContainer);
logger.debug("Retrieved ACL description: " + aclDescription);
return aclDescription;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in getACLsDescriptionForWorkspaceItemById(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
throw new Exception("Error retrieving ACL descriptions for requested item: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService#
* accessToFolderLink(java.lang.String)
* Access to folder link.
* @param itemId
* the item id
* @return the allow access
* @throws SessionExpiredException
* the session expired exception
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public AllowAccess accessToFolderLink(String itemId) throws Exception {
try {"Call accessToFolderLink(): " + itemId);
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
InfoContactModel owner = null;
if (folderItem != null) {
logger.debug("Owner: " + folderItem.getOwner());
PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
if (folderItem.getOwner() != null && !folderItem.getOwner().isEmpty()) {
GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder builder = new GWTWorkspaceSharingBuilder();
List<InfoContactModel> listContactsModel = builder.buildGXTListContactsModelFromUserModel(info);
for (InfoContactModel icm : listContactsModel) {
if (icm.getLogin().compareTo(folderItem.getOwner()) == 0) {
logger.debug("Retrieved: " + icm);
owner = icm;
logger.debug("Owner not found from user model!");
owner = new InfoContactModel(folderItem.getOwner(), folderItem.getOwner(), folderItem.getOwner(),
} else {
logger.debug("Owner not found from item");
owner = new InfoContactModel();
String username = info.getUsername();
if (folderItem.isPublicItem()) {"The folder is already public. Access granted to " + username);
return new AllowAccess(itemId, true, "The folder is already public. Access granted to " + username,
}"owner of: " + folderItem.getName() + " is: " + owner);"current context user: " + username);
if (owner.getLogin().compareToIgnoreCase(username) == 0) {"Access to Folder Link " + folderItem.getName() + " granted, " + username
+ " is the owner of: " + itemId);
return new AllowAccess(itemId, true,
info.getUserFullName() + " is the owner of: " + folderItem.getName(), null);
try {
List<InfoContactModel> admins = null;
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
admins = retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(folderContainer);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
admins = retrieveAdminContactsFromACLs(rootSharedFolderContainer);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {
logger.error("The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception(
"The item requested is not a valid shared folder : [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
for (InfoContactModel infoContactModel : admins) {
if (infoContactModel.getLogin().compareToIgnoreCase(username) == 0) {"Access to Folder Link " + logger.getName() + " granted, " + username
+ " is the admin of: " + itemId);
return new AllowAccess(itemId, true,
info.getUserFullName() + " is the admin of: " + folderItem.getName(), null);
} catch (Exception e) {
return new AllowAccess(itemId, false,
"You have not permission to get Folder Link, you must be owner or administrator to the folder",
return new AllowAccess(itemId, false,
"You have not permission to get Folder Link, you must be owner or administrator to the folder",
} else {
return new AllowAccess(itemId, false, "The item is not a folder", null);
} catch (
Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in server FormattedGcubeItemProperties: " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = "Error when reading access policy to Folder Link: " + itemId + ", Refresh and try again";
throw new Exception(error, e);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.gcube.portlets.user.workspace.client.rpc.GWTWorkspaceService#setACLs(
* java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.lang.String)
* Sets the ac ls.
* @param itemId
* the folder id
* @param listLogins
* the list logins
* @param aclType
* the acl type
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public void setACLs(String itemId, List<String> listLogins, String aclType) throws Exception {
try {"Call setACLs(): [itemId=" + itemId + ", listLogins=" + listLogins + ", aclType=" + aclType);
String error = "Set ACLs is not enabled in StorageHub. You must share, or unshare a root folder for set ACLs.";
throw new Exception(error);
// if(folderId == null)
// throw new Exception("Folder id is null");
// if(listLogins==null || listLogins.size()==0)
// throw new Exception("List Logins is null or empty");
// logger.trace("Setting ACL for folder id: "+folderId);
// logger.trace("ACL type is: "+aclType);
// Workspace workspace = getWorkspace();
// WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItem(folderId);
// if(wsItem!= null && wsItem.isFolder() && wsItem.isShared()){
// WorkspaceFolder ite;
// if(wsItem.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)){
// ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) wsItem;
// logger.trace("Folder " +ite.getName()+" is a
// "+WorkspaceSharedFolder.class.getName());
// // ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder)
// workspace.getItemByPath(wsItem.getPath());
// }else{
// ite = (WorkspaceFolder) wsItem;
// logger.trace("Folder " +ite.getName()+" is a
// "+WorkspaceFolder.class.getName());
// // ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder)
// workspace.getItem(wsItem.getIdSharedFolder());
// }
// ite.setACL(listLogins, ACLType.valueOf(aclType));
// }else
// throw new Exception("Source item is not shared or shared
// folder");
//"Setting ACL for "+wsItem.getName()+" completed,
// returning");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in setACLs(): " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
String error = "Error setting permissions. " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
throw new Exception(error, e);
* Validate acl to user.
* @param itemId
* the folder id
* @param listLogins
* the list logins
* @param aclType
* the acl type
* @return the report assignment acl
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public ReportAssignmentACL validateACLToUser(String itemId, List<String> listLogins, String aclType)
throws Exception {
try {"Call validateACLToUser(): [itemId=" + itemId + "]");
if (itemId == null || itemId.isEmpty()) {
String error = "Invalid folder id: [itemId=" + itemId + "]";
return null;
AccessType settingACL = AccessType.valueOf(aclType);
if (settingACL == null) {
String error = "Invalid acl type requested: [AccessType=" + aclType + "]";
return null;
StorageHubClient shc = new StorageHubClient();
OpenResolver openResolverForItem =;
FolderContainer folderContainer = openResolverForItem.asFolder();
FolderItem folderItem = folderContainer.get();
if (folderItem.isShared()) {
if (folderItem instanceof SharedFolder) {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
return createReportAssignementACL(acls, listLogins, settingACL);
} else {
FolderContainer rootSharedFolderContainer = folderContainer.getRootSharedFolder();
FolderItem rootSharedFolder = rootSharedFolderContainer.get();
if (rootSharedFolder instanceof SharedFolder) {
List<ACL> acls = folderContainer.getAcls();
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
return createReportAssignementACL(acls, listLogins, settingACL);
} else {
String error = "The root shared folder has a invalid type: RootSharedFolder[id="
+ rootSharedFolder.getId() + "]";
throw new Exception(error);
} else {
logger.error("The item is not a shared folder: [id=" + itemId + "]");
throw new Exception("The item is not a shared folder");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error on setting ACLs", e);
throw new Exception("Sorry, an error occurred when validating ACL assignment, try again later");
private ReportAssignmentACL createReportAssignementACL(List<ACL> acls, List<String> listLogins,
AccessType settingACL) {
logger.debug("Retrieved acls: " + acls);
List<String> admins = new ArrayList<>();
for (ACL acl : acls) {
boolean isAdmin = false;
for (AccessType accesstype : acl.getAccessTypes()) {
if (accesstype != null && accesstype == AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR) {
isAdmin = true;
if (isAdmin) {
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
if (!admins.isEmpty()) {
for (String admin : admins) {
boolean removed = listLogins.remove(admin);"Reject username: " + admin + " as " + AccessType.ADMINISTRATOR);
if (removed) {
String fullname = isTestMode() ? admin : UserUtil.getUserFullName(admin);
errors.add("Unable to grant the privilege " + settingACL + " for " + fullname + ", he/she is an: "
AccessTypeComparator comparator = new AccessTypeComparator();
List<String> validLogins = new ArrayList<String>(listLogins);
ReportAssignmentACL reportValidation = new ReportAssignmentACL();
logger.debug("\nChecking listLogins: " + listLogins);
for (String username : listLogins) {
logger.trace("\nChecking username: " + username);
String fullname = isTestMode() ? username : UserUtil.getUserFullName(username);
for (ACL acl : acls) {
if (acl.getPricipal().compareTo(username) == 0) {
checkAccessType(settingACL, errors, comparator, validLogins, username, fullname, acl);
}"Valid logins: ");
for (String username : validLogins) {"Set ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username);
return reportValidation;
private void checkAccessType(AccessType settingACL, List<String> errors, AccessTypeComparator comparator,
List<String> validLogins, String username, String fullname, ACL acl) {
for (AccessType currentAccessType : acl.getAccessTypes()) {
int cmp =, currentAccessType);
if (cmp == -1) {
logger.debug("Reject ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username);
errors.add("Unable to grant the privilege " + settingACL + " for " + fullname
+ ", it's lower than (parent privilege) " + currentAccessType);
} else if (cmp == 0) {
logger.debug("Skipping ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + username);
errors.add(settingACL + " privilege for " + fullname + " already assigned");
} else if (cmp == 1) {
logger.debug("Valid ACL: " + settingACL + " to " + fullname);
* Update acl for vr eby group name.
* @param folderId
* the folder id
* @param aclType
* the acl type
* @throws Exception
* the exception
public void updateACLForVREbyGroupName(String folderId, String aclType) throws Exception {
try {
if (folderId == null)
throw new Exception("Folder id is null");
logger.trace("Updating ACL to VRE FOLDER id: " + folderId);
logger.trace("ACL type is: " + aclType);
logger.trace("Get Workspace");
PortalContextInfo info = WsUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest());
logger.trace("PortalContextInfo: " + info);
logger.trace("Scope provider set: " + info.getCurrentScope());
Workspace workspace = HomeLibrary.getUserWorkspace(info.getUsername());
WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItem(folderId);
if (wsItem.isShared() && wsItem.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER)) {
WorkspaceSharedFolder ite = (WorkspaceSharedFolder) wsItem;
if (ite.isVreFolder()) {
List<String> groupName = new ArrayList<String>();
ite.setACL(groupName, ACLType.valueOf(aclType));
} else
throw new Exception("Source item is not shared or shared folder");
logger.trace("Updating ACL completed, retuning");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error in set ACLs", e);
String error = "Error updating the permissions. " + e.getMessage();
throw new Exception(error);
* Check notify add item to share.
* @param destinationItem
* the destination item
* @param sourceSharedId
* the source shared id
* @param folderDestinationItem
* the folder destination item
// private void checkNotifyAddItemToShare(final WorkspaceItem
// destinationItem,
// final String sourceSharedId, final WorkspaceItem folderDestinationItem) {
// logger.trace("checkNotifyAddItemToShare");
// if(folderDestinationItem!=null){
// try{
// //if folder destination is shared folder
// if(folderDestinationItem.isShared()){ //Notify Added Item To Sharing?
// logger.trace("checkNotifyAddItemToShare destination item:
// "+destinationItem.getName()+" sourceSharedId: "+sourceSharedId + " folder
// destination: "+folderDestinationItem.getName());
// //share condition is true if source shared folder is null or not equal to
// destination shared folder
// boolean shareChangeCondition = sourceSharedId==null ||
// sourceSharedId.compareTo(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder())!=0;
// logger.trace("shareChangeCondition add item: "+shareChangeCondition);
// //if shareChangeCondition is true.. notifies added item to sharing
// if(shareChangeCondition){
// List<InfoContactModel> listContacts =
// getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder());
// //DEBUG
// //printContacts(listContacts);
// Workspace workspace = getWorkspace();
// WorkspaceItem destinationSharedFolder =
// workspace.getItem(folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder());
// NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer();
// if(destinationSharedFolder instanceof WorkspaceSharedFolder){
// np.notifyAddedItemToSharing(listContacts, destinationItem,
// (WorkspaceSharedFolder) destinationSharedFolder);
// logger.trace("The notifies sent correctly");
// }
// else
// logger.warn("Notifies added item: "+destinationItem+ "to share doesn't
// sent
// because "+destinationSharedFolder+" is not istance of
// WorkspaceSharedFolder");
// // np.notifyAddedItemToSharing(listContacts, (WorkspaceFolder)
// folderDestinationItem);
// }
// }
// else
// logger.trace("folder destination is not shared");
// }catch (Exception e) {
// logger.error("An error occurred in verifyNotifyAddItemToShare ",e);
// }
// }else
// logger.warn("The notifies is failure in verifyNotifyAddItemToShare
// because
// folder destination item is null");
// }
* Check notify move item from share.
* @param sourceItemIsShared
* the source item is shared
* @param sourceItem
* the source item
* @param sourceSharedId
* the source shared id
* @param folderDestinationItem
* the folder destination item
// private void checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare(final boolean
// sourceItemIsShared,
// final WorkspaceItem sourceItem, final String sourceSharedId, final
// WorkspaceItem folderDestinationItem) {
// logger.trace("checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare:");
// try{
// if(folderDestinationItem!=null){
// String idSharedFolder =
// folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder()!=null?folderDestinationItem.getIdSharedFolder():"";
// //share condition is true if source shared folder is not equal to
// destination
// shared folder
// boolean shareChangeCondition =
// sourceSharedId==null?false:sourceSharedId.compareTo(idSharedFolder)!=0;
// logger.trace("checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare source item:
// "+sourceItem.getName()+" sourceSharedId: "+sourceSharedId + " folder
// destination: "+folderDestinationItem.getName() +" sourceItemIsShared:
// "+sourceItemIsShared);
// // System.out.println("shareChangeCondition remove item: "+
// shareChangeCondition);
// logger.trace("shareChangeCondition remove item: "+ shareChangeCondition);
// //Notify Removed Item To Sharing?
// //if source Item is shared and folder destination is not shared or
// shareChangeCondition is true.. notifies removed item to sharing
// if(sourceItemIsShared && (!folderDestinationItem.isShared() ||
// shareChangeCondition)){
// //get contacts
// List<InfoContactModel> listContacts =
// getListUserSharedByFolderSharedId(sourceSharedId);
// //DEBUG
// printContacts(listContacts);
// Workspace workspace = getWorkspace();
// WorkspaceItem sourceSharedFolder = workspace.getItem(sourceSharedId);
// NotificationsProducer np = getNotificationProducer();
// if(sourceSharedFolder instanceof WorkspaceSharedFolder){
// np.notifyMovedItemToSharing(listContacts, sourceItem,
// (WorkspaceSharedFolder)
// sourceSharedFolder);
// logger.trace("The notifies was sent correctly");
// }else
// logger.warn("Notifies moved item: "+sourceItem+ "from share doesn't sent
// because "+sourceSharedFolder+" is not istance of WorkspaceSharedFolder");
// }
// }else
// logger.warn("The notifies is failure in checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare
// because
// folder destination item is null");
// }catch (Exception e) {
// logger.error("An error occurred in checkNotifyMoveItemFromShare ",e);
// }
// }