import { LoadingController, ModalOptions } from "@ionic/angular"; import { StoragehubService } from "src/app/storagehub.service"; import { WsViewerComponent } from "src/app/ws-viewer/ws-viewer.component"; import { WSItem } from "../ws-item"; import { Filesystem } from "@capacitor/filesystem"; import { UploaderInfoService } from "src/app/uploader-info.service"; export class UploadFile { getModalOptions(storagehub: StoragehubService, uploaderInfo: UploaderInfoService, loading: LoadingController, data: any, reload: Function, notify: Function, onSelectionFinished: Function): ModalOptions { return { component: WsViewerComponent, componentProps: { finishLabel: "Upload here", title: "Select destination folder", notClickableIds: [], notSelectableIds: [], onSelected: (destinationItem: WSItem) => { const itemId =; this.showLoading(loading); uploaderInfo.uploadStarted(itemId, data.title); this.actionHandler(destinationItem, data, storagehub).then( obs => obs.subscribe({ next: () => {}, error: err => { uploaderInfo.uploadFinished(itemId, data.title); notify(`error uploading file ${data.title} to workspace`); }, complete: () => { notify(`uploaded file ${data.title}`); uploaderInfo.uploadFinished(itemId, data.title), loading.dismiss(); reload(itemId); onSelectionFinished(); }, } )); } } }; } async showLoading(loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { const loading = await loadingCtrl.create({ message: 'Uploading...', duration: 100000, spinner: 'circles', }); loading.present(); return loading; } async actionHandler(destinationItem: WSItem, result: any, storagehub: StoragehubService) { const pathDecodedWebPath = decodeURIComponent(result.webPath); const file = await fetch(pathDecodedWebPath) .then(res => res.blob()) // Gets the response and returns it as a blob .then(blob => { return new File([blob], result.title)}); console.log("before uploading file "); return storagehub.uploadFile(, result.title, file); } getName(): string { return "UploadFile"; } getActionType(): string | undefined { return undefined; } }