/** * */ package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.explore; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.Util; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.WorkspaceExplorerConstants; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.BreadcrumbClickEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.BreadcrumbClickEventHandler; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.ClickItemEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.ClickItemEventHandler; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.LoadFolderEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.event.LoadFolderEventHandler; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorkspaceExplorerSelectBNotification.HasWorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorkspaceExplorerSelectBNotification.WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.view.Breadcrumbs; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.view.WorkspaceExplorer; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.view.grid.ItemsTable.DISPLAY_FIELD; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.shared.FilterCriteria; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.shared.Item; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.shared.ItemType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType; import com.google.gwt.core.shared.GWT; import com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerManager; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DockPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel; import com.google.gwt.view.client.ListDataProvider; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class WorkspaceResourcesExplorerPanel. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it * Jul 11, 2017 */ public class WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel extends DockPanel implements HasWorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener{ /** The Constant ITEMS_PER_PAGE. */ protected static final int ITEMS_PER_PAGE = WorkspaceExplorerConstants.ITEMS_PER_PAGE; /** The Constant ITEM_START_INDEX. */ protected static final int ITEM_START_INDEX = WorkspaceExplorerConstants.ITEM_START_INDEX; /** The event bus. */ public final HandlerManager eventBus = new HandlerManager(null); /** The breadcrumbs. */ protected Breadcrumbs breadcrumbs = new Breadcrumbs(eventBus); /** The is select. */ protected boolean isSelect = false; /** The caption txt. */ protected String captionTxt; /** The listeners. */ protected List listeners = new ArrayList(); /** The ws explorer. */ protected WorkspaceExplorer wsExplorer; /** The center scrollable. */ protected VerticalPanel centerScrollable = new VerticalPanel(); /** The folder id. */ // private ScrollPanel southPanel = new ScrollPanel(); protected String folderId; /** The folder name. */ protected String folderName; /** The show properties. */ protected List showProperties; /** The filter criteria. */ protected FilterCriteria filterCriteria; /** The offset breadcrumb. */ protected final int offsetBreadcrumb = 40; /** The parent height. */ protected int parentHeight = -1; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget#onLoad() */ @Override protected void onLoad() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onLoad(); int newHeight = getValidAncestorsHeight(this.getElement()); if (newHeight>-1){ int nh = getNewHeightForContainer(newHeight); Util.console("Height founded through ancestors is: "+nh); if(nh>0){ parentHeight = nh; Util.console("WorkspaceResourcesExplorerPanel Set new height to center panel: "+nh); wsExplorer.getPanel().setHeight(nh+"px"); } }else Util.console("No height found through anchestors"); } /** * Gets the valid ancestors height. * * @param ele the ele * @return the valid ancestors height */ public int getValidAncestorsHeight(Element ele){ try{ if (ele == null) return -1; Element parent = ele.getParentElement(); if(parent==null){ return -1; } String height = parent.getStyle().getHeight(); if(height!=null && !height.isEmpty() && height.contains("px")){ String purgedHeight = height.replaceAll("px", ""); return Integer.parseInt(purgedHeight); } return getValidAncestorsHeight(ele.getParentElement()); }catch (Exception e){ GWT.log(e.getMessage()); return -1; } } /** * Instantiates a new workspace resources explorer panel. */ public WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel(){ } /** * Instantiates a new workspace folder explorer panel. * * @param folderId the folder id like root folder to explore * @param folderName the folder name * @throws Exception the exception */ public WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel(String folderId, String folderName) throws Exception { initExplorer(folderId, folderName, ItemType.values(), ItemType.values(), null, null, false, null); } /** * Instantiates a new workspace explorer panel. * * @param folderId the folder id * @param showOnlyFolders the show only folders * @throws Exception the exception */ public WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel(String folderId, boolean showOnlyFolders) throws Exception { if(showOnlyFolders){ ItemType[] itemsType = new ItemType[1]; itemsType[0] = ItemType.FOLDER; initExplorer(folderId, "", itemsType, itemsType, null, null, false, null); }else{ initExplorer(folderId, "", ItemType.values(), ItemType.values(), null, null, false, null); } } /** * Instantiates a new workspace explorer panel. * * @param folderId the folder id * @param showOnlyFolders the show only folders * @param showProperties the show properties - show the input properties as column/s * @param filter the filter - get only workspace item/s with input key=value like GcubeProperty * @throws Exception the exception */ public WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel(String folderId, boolean showOnlyFolders, List showProperties, FilterCriteria filter) throws Exception { if(showOnlyFolders){ ItemType[] itemsType = new ItemType[1]; itemsType[0] = ItemType.FOLDER; initExplorer(folderId, "", itemsType, itemsType, showProperties, filter, false, null); }else{ initExplorer(folderId, "", ItemType.values(), ItemType.values(), showProperties, filter, false, null); } } /** * Instantiates a new workspace explorer panel. * * @param folderId the folder id * @param showOnlyFolders the show only folders * @param showProperties the show properties - show the input properties as column/s * @param filter the filter - get only workspace item/s with input key=value like GcubeProperty * @param showGcubeInfo the show gcube info - if true shows all the properties associated to a file (or a gcube item) by opening a popup window when clicking on the item * @param sortByColumn the sort by column * @throws Exception the exception */ public WorkspaceResourcesBExplorerPanel(String folderId, boolean showOnlyFolders, List showProperties, FilterCriteria filter, boolean showGcubeInfo, DISPLAY_FIELD sortByColumn) throws Exception { if(showOnlyFolders){ ItemType[] itemsType = new ItemType[4]; itemsType[0] = ItemType.FOLDER; itemsType[1] = ItemType.PRIVATE_FOLDER; itemsType[2] = ItemType.SHARED_FOLDER; itemsType[3] = ItemType.VRE_FOLDER; initExplorer(folderId, "", itemsType, itemsType, showProperties, filter, showGcubeInfo, sortByColumn); }else{ initExplorer(folderId, "", ItemType.values(), ItemType.values(), showProperties, filter, showGcubeInfo, sortByColumn); } } /** * Inits the explorer. * * @param folderId the folder id * @param folderName the folder name * @param selectableTypes the selectable types * @param showableTypes the showable types * @param showProperties the show properties * @param filter the filter * @param showGcubeInfo the show gcube info * @param sortByColumn the sort by column * @throws Exception the exception */ protected void initExplorer(String folderId, String folderName, ItemType[] selectableTypes, ItemType[] showableTypes, List showProperties, FilterCriteria filter, boolean showGcubeInfo, DISPLAY_FIELD sortByColumn) throws Exception{ GWT.log("Using base init"); setParameters(folderId, folderName, showProperties, filter); bindEvents(); wsExplorer = new WorkspaceExplorer(eventBus, filter, showableTypes, selectableTypes, showProperties, showGcubeInfo, sortByColumn, new DISPLAY_FIELD[]{DISPLAY_FIELD.ICON, DISPLAY_FIELD.NAME,DISPLAY_FIELD.CREATION_DATE}); wsExplorer.initTable(new ListDataProvider()); Item item = new Item(folderId, folderName, true); wsExplorer.loadFolder(item, true, -1, -1, false); initPanel(""); } /** * Sets the parameters. * * @param folderId the folder id * @param folderName the folder name * @param showProperties the show properties * @param filterCriteria the filter criteria */ protected void setParameters( String folderId, String folderName, List showProperties, FilterCriteria filterCriteria) { this.folderId = folderId; this.folderName = folderName; this.showProperties = showProperties; this.filterCriteria = filterCriteria; } /** * Bind events. */ private void bindEvents(){ eventBus.addHandler(ClickItemEvent.TYPE, new ClickItemEventHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickItemEvent clickItemEvent) { isSelect = false; Item item = wsExplorer.getItemSelected(); //Return if item is not selectable if(!itemIsSelectable(item)){ notifyNotValidSelection(); return; } notifySelectedItem(wsExplorer.getItemSelected()); isSelect = true; } }); eventBus.addHandler(LoadFolderEvent.TYPE, new LoadFolderEventHandler() { @Override public void onLoadFolder(LoadFolderEvent loadFolderEvent) { if(loadFolderEvent.getTargetItem()!=null){ if(loadFolderEvent.getTargetItem() instanceof Item){ Item item = (Item) loadFolderEvent.getTargetItem(); if(item.isFolder()){ try { wsExplorer.loadFolder(item, true, ITEM_START_INDEX, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); loadParentBreadcrumbByItemId(item.getId(), true); clearMoreInfo(); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log(e.getMessage()); } } } } } }); eventBus.addHandler(BreadcrumbClickEvent.TYPE, new BreadcrumbClickEventHandler() { @Override public void onBreadcrumbClick(BreadcrumbClickEvent breadcrumbClickEvent) { eventBus.fireEvent(new LoadFolderEvent(breadcrumbClickEvent.getTargetItem())); } }); } /** * Load parent breadcrumb by item id. * * @param itemIdentifier the item identifier * @param includeItemAsParent the include item as parent */ protected void loadParentBreadcrumbByItemId(final String itemIdentifier, boolean includeItemAsParent){ GWT.log("Reload Parent Breadcrumb: [Item id: "+itemIdentifier+"]"); WorkspaceExplorerConstants.workspaceNavigatorService.getBreadcrumbsByItemIdentifierToParentLimit(itemIdentifier, folderId, includeItemAsParent, new AsyncCallback>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { GWT.log(caught.getMessage()); wsExplorer.setAlert(caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR); } @Override public void onSuccess(List result) { if(result!=null){ notifyOnBreadcrumbChanged(result.get(result.size()-1)); breadcrumbs.setPath(result); clearMoreInfo(); } } }); } /** * Refresh root folder view. */ public void refreshRootFolderView(){ Item item = new Item(folderId, folderName, true); eventBus.fireEvent(new LoadFolderEvent(item)); } /** * Clear more info. */ protected void clearMoreInfo(){ // southPanel.clear(); } /** * Inits the panel. * * @param captionTxt the caption txt is the tool-tip */ protected void initPanel(String captionTxt) { this.captionTxt = captionTxt; if(this.captionTxt!=null && !this.captionTxt.isEmpty()) setTitle(this.captionTxt); add(breadcrumbs, DockPanel.NORTH); setCellHeight(breadcrumbs, offsetBreadcrumb+"px"); centerScrollable.add(wsExplorer.getPanel()); add(centerScrollable, DockPanel.CENTER); } /** * Gets the north panel height. * * @return the north panel height */ public void getNorthPanelHeight(){ } /** * Notify selected item. * * @param selected the selected */ protected void notifySelectedItem(Item selected){ for (WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener : listeners) { worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener.onSelectedItem(selected); } } /** * Notify on breadcrumb changed. * * @param selected the selected */ protected void notifyOnBreadcrumbChanged(Item selected){ for (WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener : listeners) { worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener.onBreadcrumbChanged(selected); } } /** * Notify aborted. */ protected void notifyAborted(){ for (WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener : listeners) { worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener.onAborted(); } } /** * Notify not valid selection. */ protected void notifyNotValidSelection(){ for (WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener : listeners) { worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener.onNotValidSelection(); } } /** * Notify failed. * * @param t the t */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void notifyFailed(Throwable t){ for (WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener : listeners) { worskpaceExplorerNotificationListener.onFailed(t); } } /** * Gets the caption txt. * * @return the captionTxt */ public String getCaptionTxt() { return captionTxt; } /** * Checks if is valid hide. * * @return the isValidHide */ public boolean isValidHide() { return isSelect; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorskpaceExplorerNotification.HasWorskpaceExplorerNotificationListener#addWorkspaceExplorerNotificationListener(org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorskpaceExplorerNotification.WorskpaceExplorerNotificationListener) */ @Override public void addWorkspaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener(WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener handler) { if(handler!=null) listeners.add(handler); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorskpaceExplorerNotification.HasWorskpaceExplorerNotificationListener#removeWorkspaceExplorerNotificationListener(org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorskpaceExplorerNotification.WorskpaceExplorerNotificationListener) */ @Override public void removeWorkspaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener(WorskpaceExplorerSelectBNotificationListener handler) { if(handler!=null){ if(listeners.contains(handler)) listeners.remove(handler); } } /** * Item is selectable. * * @param item the item * @return true, if successful */ public boolean itemIsSelectable(Item item){ //GWT.log("Selectable type: "+wsExplorer.getSelectableTypes()); //GWT.log("item: "+item); if (item!=null){ boolean selectable = wsExplorer.getSelectableTypes().contains(item.getType()); return selectable?true:false; } return false; } /** * Gets the filter criteria. * * @return the filterCriteria */ public FilterCriteria getFilterCriteria() { return filterCriteria; } /** * Updates filter criteria. * * @param filterCriteria the filter criteria */ public void updatesFilterCriteria(FilterCriteria filterCriteria) { this.filterCriteria = filterCriteria; wsExplorer.setNewFilterCriteria(filterCriteria); try { wsExplorer.loadFolder(wsExplorer.getDisplayingFolderItem(), true, ITEM_START_INDEX, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); } catch (Exception e) { wsExplorer.setAlert("Sorry, an error occurred during filter update", AlertType.ERROR); } } /** * Updates filter criteria. * * @param showProperties the show properties */ public void updatesShowProperties(List showProperties) { this.showProperties = showProperties; wsExplorer.setNewShowProperties(showProperties); try { wsExplorer.loadFolder(wsExplorer.getDisplayingFolderItem(), true, ITEM_START_INDEX, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); } catch (Exception e) { wsExplorer.setAlert("Sorry, an error occurred during show properties update", AlertType.ERROR); } } /** * Updates filters and properties. * * @param filterCriteria the filter criteria * @param showProperties the show properties */ public void updatesFiltersAndProperties(FilterCriteria filterCriteria, List showProperties) { this.filterCriteria = filterCriteria; this.showProperties = showProperties; wsExplorer.setNewFilterCriteria(filterCriteria); wsExplorer.setNewShowProperties(showProperties); try { wsExplorer.loadFolder(wsExplorer.getDisplayingFolderItem(), true, ITEM_START_INDEX, ITEMS_PER_PAGE, true); } catch (Exception e) { wsExplorer.setAlert("Sorry, an error occurred during filters or properties update", AlertType.ERROR); } } /** * Gets the show properties. * * @return the showProperties */ public List getShowProperties() { return showProperties; } /** * Gets the new height for container. * * @param parentHeight the parent height * @return the new height for container */ protected int getNewHeightForContainer(int parentHeight){ GWT.log("getNewHeightForContainer: "+parentHeight); if(parentHeight>0){ int bh = breadcrumbs.getHeight(); bh = bh>offsetBreadcrumb?bh:offsetBreadcrumb; if(parentHeight>bh) return parentHeight-bh; } return -1; } /** * Sets the height to internal scroll. * * @param height the new height to internal scroll */ public void setHeightToInternalScroll(int height){ GWT.log("setHeightToInternalScroll: "+height); int nh = getNewHeightForContainer(height); if(nh>0){ Util.console("Set new height to center panel: "+nh); wsExplorer.getPanel().setHeight(nh+"px"); } } public WorkspaceExplorer getWsExplorer() { return wsExplorer; } }