package org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.server; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.gcube.common.encryption.StringEncrypter; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.server.tohl.Workspace; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceFolder; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceItemType; import org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.items.FileItem; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.client.WorkspaceExplorerAppConstants; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.client.rpc.WorkspaceExplorerAppService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.server.workspace.ItemBuilder; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.server.workspace.WorkspaceInstance; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.server.workspace.WsInstanceUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.shared.FilterCriteria; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.shared.Item; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.shared.ItemType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.workspaceexplorerapp.shared.WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class WorkspaceExplorerAppServiceImpl. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa * Jul 3, 2017 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class WorkspaceExplorerAppServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements WorkspaceExplorerAppService { public static final String THE_WORKSPACE_SHUB_INSTANCIED = "THE_WORKSPACE_SHUB_INSTANCIED"; /** * */ public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkspaceExplorerAppServiceImpl.class); public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; /** * Gets the workspace. * * @return the workspace * @throws Exception */ private Workspace getWorkspace() throws Exception { HttpSession httpSession = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); Workspace workspace = (Workspace) httpSession.getAttribute(THE_WORKSPACE_SHUB_INSTANCIED); if(workspace==null) { WorkspaceInstance workspaceInstance = new WorkspaceInstance(httpSession); workspace = workspaceInstance.get(); httpSession.setAttribute(THE_WORKSPACE_SHUB_INSTANCIED, workspace); } return workspace; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Item getRoot(List showableTypes, boolean purgeEmpyFolders, FilterCriteria filterCriteria) throws WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException {"getRoot showableTypes: "+showableTypes+" purgeEmpyFolders: "+purgeEmpyFolders+" filterCriteria: "+ filterCriteria); try { Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); logger.trace("Start getRoot..."); org.gcube.common.storagehubwrapper.shared.tohl.WorkspaceFolder root = workspace.getRoot(); logger.trace("GetRoot - Replyiing root"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.trace("start time - " + startTime); Item rootItem = ItemBuilder.getItem(null, root, root.getPath(), showableTypes, filterCriteria); //adding the children List children = workspace.getChildren(root.getId()); rootItem = ItemBuilder.addChildren(rootItem, "", children, showableTypes, filterCriteria); rootItem.setName(WorkspaceExplorerAppConstants.HOME_LABEL); rootItem.setIsRoot(true); /* SPECIAL FOLDERS Item specialFolders = ItemBuilder.getItem(null, specials, showableTypes, filterCriteria, 2); specialFolders.setShared(true); rootItem.addChild(specialFolders); */ if (purgeEmpyFolders) { rootItem = ItemBuilder.purgeEmptyFolders(rootItem); } logger.trace("Returning:"); Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; String time = String.format("%d msc %d sec", endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(endTime));"getRoot end time - " + time); Collections.sort(rootItem.getChildren(), new ItemComparator());"Returning children size: "+rootItem.getChildren().size()); return rootItem; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during root retrieving", e); throw new WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException("Sorry, an error occurred when performing get root"); } } /** * Gets the folder. * * @param item the item * @param showableTypes the showable types * @param purgeEmpyFolders the purge empy folders * @param filterCriteria the filter criteria * @return the folder * @throws WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException the workspace navigator service exception */ @Override public Item getFolder(Item item, List showableTypes, boolean purgeEmpyFolders, FilterCriteria filterCriteria) throws WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException {"called getFolder item: "+item+" showableTypes: "+showableTypes+" purgeEmpyFolders: "+purgeEmpyFolders+" filterCriteria: "+filterCriteria); WorkspaceItem workspaceItem = null; Workspace workspace = null; try { if(item==null || item.getId()==null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); workspace = getWorkspace(); workspaceItem = workspace.getItemForExplorer(item.getId(), false, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during item retrieving", e); throw new WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException("Sorry, an error occurred when performing get folder. Does it still exist?"); } if(workspaceItem != null && workspaceItem.isFolder()) { try { WorkspaceItem folder = workspaceItem; logger.trace("GetFolder - Replyiing folder"); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.trace("start time - " + startTime); String path = item.getPath()!=null && !item.getPath().isEmpty()?item.getPath():folder.getPath(); Item itemFolder = ItemBuilder.getItem(null, folder, path, showableTypes, filterCriteria); //adding the children List children = workspace.getChildren(itemFolder.getId()); itemFolder = ItemBuilder.addChildren(itemFolder, path, children, showableTypes, filterCriteria); // _log.trace("Only showable types:"); if (purgeEmpyFolders) { itemFolder = ItemBuilder.purgeEmptyFolders(itemFolder); } logger.trace("Returning:"); Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; String time = String.format("%d msc %d sec", endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(endTime));"getFolder end time - " + time); Collections.sort(itemFolder.getChildren(), new ItemComparator()); return itemFolder; }catch (Exception e) { throw new WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException(e.getMessage()); } }else { logger.error("The item requested is not a folder"); throw new WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException("Error, the item requested is not a folder"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Item getMySpecialFolder(List showableTypes, boolean purgeEmpyFolders, FilterCriteria filterCriteria) throws WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException {"called getMySpecialFolder showableTypes: "+showableTypes+" purgeEmpyFolders: "+purgeEmpyFolders+" filterCriteria: "+filterCriteria); try { Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); WorkspaceItem folder = workspace.getMySpecialFolders(); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.trace("start time - " + startTime); Item itemFolder = ItemBuilder.getItem(null, folder, folder.getPath(), showableTypes, filterCriteria); //adding the children List children = workspace.getChildren(itemFolder.getId()); itemFolder = ItemBuilder.addChildren(itemFolder, "", children, showableTypes, filterCriteria); //OVERRIDING VRE FOLDERS NAME - SET SPECIAL FOLDER /Workspace/MySpecialFolders itemFolder.setName(WorkspaceExplorerAppConstants.VRE_FOLDERS_LABEL); itemFolder.setSpecialFolder(true); logger.trace("Builded MySpecialFolder: "+itemFolder); logger.trace("Only showable types:"); if (purgeEmpyFolders) { itemFolder = ItemBuilder.purgeEmptyFolders(itemFolder); } logger.trace("Returning:"); Long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; String time = String.format("%d msc %d sec", endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(endTime));"getMySpecialFolder end time - " + time); Collections.sort(itemFolder.getChildren(), new ItemComparator()); return itemFolder; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during special folders retrieving", e); throw new WorkspaceNavigatorServiceException("Sorry, an error occurred when performing get My Special Folder"); } } /** * Gets the parents by item identifier to limit. * when limit is reached parents are null * @param itemIdentifier the item identifier * @param parentLimit the parent limit * @param includeItemAsParent the include item as parent * @return the parents by item identifier to limit * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public List getBreadcrumbsByItemIdentifierToParentLimit(String itemIdentifier, String parentLimit, boolean includeItemAsParent) throws Exception {"called getBreadcrumbsByItemIdentifierToParentLimit by Item Identifier " + itemIdentifier +" and limit: "+parentLimit + " and includeItemAsParent: "+includeItemAsParent); try { Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItemForExplorer(itemIdentifier,false,false,false);"\n\nworkspace retrieve item name: "+wsItem.getName());"\n\n"); List parents = null; try{ parents = workspace.getParentsById(itemIdentifier); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error on getting list of parents from SHUB for id: "+itemIdentifier, e); parents = new ArrayList(); } if(parents==null) //avoiding null parents = new ArrayList(); if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) { for (WorkspaceItem workspaceItem : parents) {"the parent is: "+workspaceItem.getName());"\n\n"); } } List arrayParents = new ArrayList(); parentLimit = parentLimit!=null?parentLimit:"";"parent size returned by SHUB is: "+parents.size()); switch (parents.size()) { case 0: // itemIdentifier is ROOT logger.trace("itemIdentifier isRoot..."); if (includeItemAsParent) { //ADDIND ROOT WorkspaceFolder wsFolder =(WorkspaceFolder) wsItem; Item root = ItemBuilder.buildFolderForBreadcrumbs(wsFolder, null); List listParents = new ArrayList(1); listParents.add(root); // workspaceLogger.trace("returning: "+listParents.toString()); return listParents; } else{ logger.trace("returning empty list"); return new ArrayList(); // empty list } } //Adding the item passed as last first parent if(includeItemAsParent && wsItem.isFolder()) { WorkspaceFolder wsItemAsFolder =(WorkspaceFolder) wsItem; Item theItem = ItemBuilder.buildFolderForBreadcrumbs(wsItemAsFolder, null); arrayParents.add(theItem); } /** HANDLE MY_SPECIAL_FOLDER TO AVOID COMPLETE PATH WORKSPACE/MY_SPECIAL_FOLDER * BUT RETURNING ONLY /MY_SPECIAL_FOLDER */ WorkspaceItem theFirstParent = parents.get(0); if(wsItem.isFolder()){ if(ItemBuilder.isSpecialFolder((WorkspaceFolder) wsItem, theFirstParent.isRoot())){ logger.debug("item id is special folder, returning"); return new ArrayList(arrayParents); } if(itemIdentifier.compareTo(parentLimit)==0){ logger.debug("item and parent limit are identical element, returning"); return new ArrayList(arrayParents); } } //CONVERTING PATH logger.debug("converting parents..."); //for (int i = parents.size()-2; i >= 0; i--) { for (int i = 0; i(Arrays.asList(arrayParents)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in get List Parents By Item Identifier ", e); throw new Exception("Sorry, an error occurred during path retrieving!"); } } /** * Checks if is a shared folder. * * @param item the item * @param asRoot the as root * @return true, if is a shared folder */ private boolean isASharedFolder(WorkspaceItem item, boolean asRoot) { try { if (item != null && item.isFolder() && item.isShared()) { // IS A SHARED SUB-FOLDER if (asRoot) { return item.getType().equals(WorkspaceItemType.SHARED_FOLDER); // IS ROOT? } return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error in server isASharedFolder", e); return false; } } /** * Gets the public link for item id. * * @param itemId the item id * @return the public link for item id * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public String getPublicLinkForItemId(String itemId) throws Exception{"calle getPublicLinkForItemId: "+ itemId); try{ if(itemId==null) throw new Exception("Sorry, the itemId is null. The public link for empty item is unavailable"); Workspace workspace = getWorkspace(); WorkspaceItem wsItem = workspace.getItemForExplorer(itemId,false,false,false); if(wsItem==null) throw new Exception("Sorry, the workspace item is null. The public link for empty item is unavailable"); if(wsItem instanceof FileItem){ URL theURL = workspace.getPublicLinkForFile(wsItem.getId()); if(theURL==null) throw new Exception("Sorry, the public link for "+wsItem.getName() +" is not available"); return theURL.toString(); }else{ logger.warn("ItemId: "+ itemId +" is not available, sent exception Public Link unavailable"); throw new Exception("Sorry, the Public Link for selected item is unavailable"); } }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on getting public link for item: "+itemId, e); throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the valid id from encrypted. * * @param encodedFolderId the encrypted folder id * @return the valid id from encrypted * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public String getFolderIdFromEncrypted(String encodedFolderId) throws Exception{ try{ String scope = WsInstanceUtil.getScope(this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession()); ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope);"Trying to decode encoded folder Id: "+encodedFolderId +" in the scope: "+scope); String base64DecodedId = StringUtil.base64DecodeString(encodedFolderId); // String useThis = "P+IpJ6F6cTaGENfKMQWmStGUE79gbri5bVGRnzOvb8YUNIsJqFrdhceBrF+/u00j";"Base 64 decoded folder Id: "+base64DecodedId +", now decrypting..."); String decryptedFId = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(base64DecodedId);"Decrypted folder Id: "+decryptedFId, " returning"); return decryptedFId; }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error during decrypting folder Id: "+encodedFolderId,e); throw new Exception("Sorry, an error occurred when decrypting the folder id. Try again or contact the support"); } } }