class CCPInputWidgetEditorController extends HTMLElement{ #input = null #index = null #type = null #messages = { "en" : { "input_id_help" : "The Id of the input. This has to be unique accross all the inputs the method. This is used as variable expansion in scripts.", "input_delete_help" : "Delete this input", "title" : "Title", "title_help" : "Title of the input. This is how the input will appear in forms.", "description" : "Description", "description_help" : "A description for this input", "min_occurs" : "Min. count", "max_occurs" : "Max. count", "min_occurs_help" : "Minimum cardinality of this input", "max_occurs_help" : "Maximum cardinality of this input", "type" : "Type", "type_help" : "Set the type of the input. Either String or Enumeration", "mime" : "Mime", "mime_help" : "Set MIME type of expected input", "format" : "Format", "format_help" : "Set specific format to tune the widget that will be used in forms", "readonly" : "Read only", "readonly_help" : "If enabled this input will not be editable in forms", "string" : "String", "enum" : "Enumerated", "options" : "Options", "options_help" : "A comma separated list of options for this enumerated input", "options_ext_help" : "Comma separated list of options", "choice" : "Single choice", "multichoice" : "Multiple choices", "default" : "Default value", "default_help" : "The default value applied for this input when nothing is set explicitly" } } #delete_icon = ` ` constructor(){ super(); } connectedCallback(){ } getLabel(key, localehint){ const locale = localehint ? localehint : navigator.language const actlocale = this.#messages[locale] ? locale : "en" const msg = this.#messages[actlocale][key] return msg == null || msg == undefined ? key : this.#messages[actlocale][key] } get index(){ return this.#index } isSelectedFormat(fmt){ return this.#input.schema.format === fmt } renderDefaultByType(){ return `` } renderDeleteButton(){ return `` } render(input, i, reopen){ this.#index = i this.#input = input this.#type = input.schema.enum ? "enum" : "string" const minOccurs = input.minOccurs = Number(input.minOccurs) ? Number(input.minOccurs) : 0 const maxOccurs = input.maxOccurs = Number(input.maxOccurs) ? Number(input.maxOccurs) : 0 this.innerHTML = `
${ !== 'ccpimage' ? this.renderDeleteButton() : ''}
` this.addEventListener("click", ev=>{ const ename ="name") if(ename === "password_toggle"){ const w = this.querySelector("div[name=input-default] input[name=default]") w.type = (w.type === "password" ? "" : "password") ev.preventDefault() } }) const defaultinp = this.querySelector("div[name='input-default']") defaultinp.addEventListener("input", ev=>{ const inp = this.querySelector("d4s-ccp-input") this.#input.schema.default = inp.value }) defaultinp.addEventListener("change", ev=>{ const inp = this.querySelector("d4s-ccp-input") this.#input.schema.default = inp.value }) defaultinp.addEventListener("click", ev=>{ const src ="name") if (src === "plus" || src === "minus") { const inp = this.querySelector("d4s-ccp-input") this.#input.schema.default = inp.value } }) this.addEventListener("input", ev=>{ const val = const ename ="name") const display = this.querySelector("div[name='default-container']") if(ename === "id"){ = val } else if(ename === "title"){ this.#input.title = val display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "description"){ this.#input.description = val display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "minOccurs"){ this.#input.minOccurs = Number(val) ? Number(val) : 0 display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "maxOccurs"){ this.#input.maxOccurs = Number(val) ? Number(val) : 0 display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "format"){ this.#input.schema.format = val display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "contentMediaType"){ this.#input.schema.contentMediaType = val display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "options"){ this.#input.schema.enum = val.split(",") display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "readonly"){ this.#input.schema.readOnly = display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } else if(ename === "type"){ this.#type = if(this.#type === "enum"){ this.querySelector("div[name=string-input]").classList.add("d-none") this.querySelector("div[name=enum-input]").classList.remove("d-none") this.#input.schema.enum = this.querySelector("input[name=options]").value.split(",") }else if(this.#type === "string"){ this.querySelector("div[name=enum-input]").classList.add("d-none") this.querySelector("div[name=string-input]").classList.remove("d-none") delete this.#input.schema['enum'] } display.innerHTML = this.renderDefaultByType() } }) } } window.customElements.define('d4s-ccp-input-editor', CCPInputWidgetEditorController);