class ExtAppRoleController extends HTMLElement{ #boot; #roles; #users; #mappings; #serviceurl; #appid; #loading = false; constructor(){ super() this.#boot = document.querySelector("d4s-boot-2") this.#serviceurl = this.#boot.url } connectedCallback(){ this.#appid = this.getAttribute("appid") if(!this.#loading){ this.#loading = true this.loadData() } } loadData(){ Promise.all([ this.loadEligibleUsers(), this.loadRoles() ]).then(()=>{ console.log("Done. Ui should be complete now") }).catch(err=>alert(err)) } loadEligibleUsers(){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/clients/${this.#appid}/roles/eligible/users?briefRepresentation=true&max=-1&first=0` return this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching users: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching users: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ console.log("Fetched eligible users can show table") this.#users = json return loadMappings() }).then(()=>{ console.log(this.#mappings) }) } loadRoles(){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/clients/${this.#appid}/roles` return this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching roles: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching roles: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ this.#roles = json console.log("Roles loaded, could draw header") }) } loadMappings(){ return Promise.all( this.#users.forEach(u => { const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/users/${}/clients/${this.#appid}/roles` this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching role mappings: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching role mappings: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ u.mappings = json console.log(`Fetched mappings for user ${} can update the proper table`) }) }) ) } } window.customElements.define('d4s-extapp-role-manager', ExtAppRoleController);