class ExtAppRoleController extends HTMLElement{ #boot; #roles; #users; #serviceurl; #appid; #groupid; #loading = false; #header; #section; #userfilter = null; #rolefilter = null; constructor(){ super() this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); } connectedCallback(){ this.#appid = this.getAttribute("appid") this.#groupid = this.getAttribute("groupid") this.#boot = document.querySelector("d4s-boot-2") this.#serviceurl = this.#boot.url if(!this.#loading){ this.#loading = true this.loadData() } this.renderStructure() } renderStructure(){ this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
` this.#header = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("header") this.#section = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("section") } renderHeader(){ this.#header.innerHTML = `
${>{ return === 'uma_protection' ? '' : `
` }).join("") }
` this.attachHeaderEvents() } renderUsers(){ var users = this.#rolefilter && this.#rolefilter.length ? this.#users.filter(u=>{ const assigned => return this.#rolefilter.reduce((a,f)=>{ return a && (assigned.indexOf(f) !== -1) }, true) }) : this.#users users = this.#userfilter ? this.#users.filter(u=>{ return u.username.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.#userfilter) || u.lastName.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.#userfilter) || u.firstName.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.#userfilter) ||}) : users const html = ` ` this.#section.innerHTML = html this.attachSectionEvents() } renderMappings(u){ const html = ` ` return html } isAssigned(u, r){ return u.mappings && u.mappings.filter(m=> === > 0 } attachSectionEvents(){ this.#section.querySelector("ul[name=users]").addEventListener("click", ev=>{ const tgt = if(tgt.getAttribute("name") === "role"){ const uid = tgt.getAttribute("data-userid") const rid = tgt.getAttribute("data-roleid") if(tgt.classList.contains("active")){ this.toggleMapping(uid, rid) }else{ this.toggleMapping(uid, rid, true) } } }) } attachHeaderEvents(){ this.#header.querySelector("#search_user_filter").addEventListener("input", ev=>{ this.#userfilter = this.renderUsers() }) this.#header.querySelector("div.role-filter").addEventListener("change", ev=>{ this.#rolefilter ="input:checked")).map(r=> this.renderUsers() }) } loadData(){ Promise.all([ this.loadEligibleUsers(), this.loadRoles() ]).then(()=>{ //console.log("Done. Ui should be complete now") }).catch(err=>alert(err)) } loadEligibleUsers(){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/groups/${this.#groupid}/members?first=0&max=-1&briefRepresentation=true` return this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching users: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching users: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ this.#users = json const prom = this.loadMappings() this.renderUsers() return prom }) } loadRoles(){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/clients/${this.#appid}/roles` return this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching roles: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching roles: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ this.#roles = json this.renderHeader() }) } loadMappings(){ return Promise.all( => { return this.loadMapping(u) }) ) } loadMapping(u){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/users/${}/role-mappings/clients/${this.#appid}` return this.#boot.secureFetch(url).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.json() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Fetching role mappings: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Fetching role mappings: Unspecified error" } }).then(json=>{ u.mappings = json this.renderUsers() }) } toggleMapping(uid, rid, add){ const url = this.#serviceurl + `/admin/realms/d4science/users/${uid}/role-mappings/clients/${this.#appid}` const role = this.#roles.filter(r=> === rid) if(role.length !== 1){ alert("Something went wrong with looking up the role") return } this.#boot.secureFetch(url, { method : add ? "POST" : "DELETE", body : JSON.stringify(role), headers : { "Content-Type" : "application/json"}}).then(resp=>{ if(resp.ok){ return resp.text() }else if(resp.status === 403){ throw "Assigning or removing role: You are not allowed to manage roles for this application." }else{ throw "Assigning or removing role: Unspecified error" } }).then(()=>{ return this.loadMapping(this.#users.filter(u=> === uid)[0]) }).catch(err=>alert(err)) } } window.customElements.define('d4s-extapp-role-manager', ExtAppRoleController);