package org.gcube.vremanagement.vremodeler.impl; import; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.axis.components.uuid.UUIDGen; import org.apache.axis.components.uuid.UUIDGenFactory; import org.apache.axis.message.addressing.EndpointReferenceType; import org.gcube.common.core.faults.GCUBEFault; import org.gcube.common.core.porttypes.GCUBEStartupPortType; import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBELog; import org.gcube.vremanagement.vremodeler.db.DBInterface; import org.globus.wsrf.encoding.ObjectDeserializer; import org.globus.wsrf.tests.basic.CreateResource; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; public class ModelFactoryService extends GCUBEStartupPortType{ private GCUBELog logger = new GCUBELog(this); private static final UUIDGen uuidGen = UUIDGenFactory.getUUIDGen(); @Override protected ServiceContext getServiceContext() { return ServiceContext.getContext(); } /* Implementation of createResource Operation */ public EndpointReferenceType createResource(CreateResource request) throws GCUBEFault { String id=uuidGen.nextUUID(); ModelerResource mr; try{ ModelerContext pctx= ModelerContext.getPortTypeContext(); mr=(ModelerResource)pctx.getWSHome().create(pctx.makeKey(id), id); return mr.getEPR(); }catch (Exception e){logger.error("error creating resource",e); throw new GCUBEFault(e);} } /** * return the existing DL Name * * @param request void * @return array of string qith exististin dl names * @throws RemoteException - */ public GetExistingNamesResponseMessage getExistingNamesDLs() throws GCUBEFault { ArrayList toReturn= new ArrayList(); ResultSet res=null; try{ DBInterface.connect(); res= DBInterface.queryDB("select from DL;"); while ( toReturn.add(res.getString(1)); //String customXquery="for $query in collection(\"/db/Profiles/VDL\")//Document/Data/child::*[local-name()='Profile']/DILIGENTResource return $query/Profile/Name/string()"; //String queryResult= DISHLSClient.getGeneralQueryManager(cred, factoryEPR).queryDISIC(customXquery,cred, factoryEPR); //logger.debug("VDL get Name QUERY: "+queryResult); }catch(Exception e) {logger.error("VDL Model: error on DB"); throw new GCUBEFault(e);} GetExistingNamesResponseMessage response = new GetExistingNamesResponseMessage(); response.setNames(toReturn.toArray(new String[0])); return response; } /** * Initialize the DB * * @param request void * @return void * @throws RemoteException remote exception */ public void initDB() throws GCUBEFault { logger.debug("initDB method"); //new InitThread(factoryEPR, cred).start(); } /** * * @param request void * @return String * @throws RemoteException - */ public String getAllVREs() throws GCUBEFault{ String toReturn = null; ResultSet res=null; try{ DBInterface.connect(); res= DBInterface.queryDB("select, DL.description, DL.status, DL.epr from DL;"); }catch(Exception e) {logger.error("VDL Model: error on DB"); throw new GCUBEFault(e);} try { toReturn=XMLUtil.PrepareAllVREsXML(res); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("VDLModel parsing error in function getAllDLs "+e.getMessage()); throw new GCUBEFault(e); } return toReturn; } /** * * remove the DL instance * * @param request the id of DL to remove * @return void * @throws RemoteException - */ public void removeDL(String request) throws GCUBEFault{ try{ ResultSet res=DBInterface.queryDB("Select VRE.epr from VRE where'"+request+"';"); EndpointReferenceType dlEpr; if ({ StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(res.getString(1)); InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(stringReader); dlEpr = (EndpointReferenceType) ObjectDeserializer.deserialize(inputSource, EndpointReferenceType.class); }else throw new Exception("VRE not retreived in DB"); //destroy the resource; DBInterface.ExecuteUpdate("DELETE FROM VRE where'"+request+"';"); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("VDLModel: "+e.getMessage()); throw new GCUBEFault( e); } } }