diff --git a/etc/hsqldb/vdldb.script b/etc/hsqldb/vdldb.script index 66d0a54..aee89ad 100644 --- a/etc/hsqldb/vdldb.script +++ b/etc/hsqldb/vdldb.script @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ CREATE USER SA PASSWORD "" GRANT DBA TO SA SET WRITE_DELAY 10 SET SCHEMA PUBLIC +CREATE VIEW SELECTEDNATIVEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid, mdc.id, v.collid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, NATIVEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND n.mdcollid=mdc.id +CREATE VIEW SELECTEDDERIVABLEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid, tpid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid, mdc.id, v.collid, n.tpid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, DERIVABLEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND n.mdcollid=mdc.id INSERT INTO PORTLET VALUES('Search', null, null) INSERT INTO PORTLET VALUES('search', null, 'Search') INSERT INTO PORTLET VALUES('CollectionsNavigatorPortlet','collectionsnavigator#CollectionsNavigatorPortlet', 'search') -INSERT INTO PORTLET VALUES('GSPortlet','GenericSearchPortlet#GSPortlet', 'search') -CREATE VIEW SELECTEDNATIVEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid, mdc.id, v.collid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, NATIVEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND n.mdcollid=mdc.id -CREATE VIEW SELECTEDDERIVABLEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid, tpid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid, mdc.id, v.collid, n.tpid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, DERIVABLEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND n.mdcollid=mdc.id +INSERT INTO PORTLET VALUES('GSPortlet','searchGUI#Search', 'search') INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(0,'Simple Search','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing simple keyword based queries. This is the simplest modality for discovering the Information Objects constituting the VRE Information Space. In addition to the specification of the keywords characterising the Information Objects the user is interested in, this function permit to restrict the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',9,0) INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(1,'Fielded Search (Advanced)','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing complex queries specifying per field conditions, e.g. queries like "Title contains Diligent and Creator contains Diligent Team". Such per-field conditions can be combined to request objects matching all the specified conditions (conjunctive queries) or any of the specified conditions (disjunctive queries). In addition to the specification of the conditions characterising the Information Objects the user is interested in, this function permit to restrict the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',9,0) INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(2,'Geospatial Search (Advanced)','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing complex queries specifying temporal and geographical conditions. Temporal conditions will be specified by selecting the time frame of interest; this function provide VRE users with appropriate facilities for supporting this specification. Geographical conditions will be specified by selecting the geographical area of interest; this function provide VRE users with various facilities for specifying such an area ranging from the drawing of the area borders to the specification of the two opposite vertex of a square or the selection of a predefined area via its name. In addition to the specification of the temporal and geographical conditions characterising the Information Objects the user is interested in, this function permit to restrict the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',9,0)