This commit is contained in:
Lucio Lelii 2009-02-19 16:34:20 +00:00
parent 0d690cb16b
commit 5b97b72a16
1 changed files with 12 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -30,18 +30,24 @@ SET SCHEMA PUBLIC
CREATE VIEW SELECTEDNATIVEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid,, v.collid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, NATIVEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND
CREATE VIEW SELECTEDDERIVABLEMDFORMAT(vreid, mdfid, mdcollid, collectionid, tpid) AS SELECT v.vreid, v.mfid,, v.collid, n.tpid FROM VRERELATEDMETADATAFORMAT AS v, MDCOLLECTION AS mdc, DERIVABLEMDF AS n WHERE v.mfid=n.MDFID AND v.collid=mdc.relatedcollectionid AND
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(0,'Search (Browse, Simple, and Combined)','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing simple keyword based queries. This is the simplest modality for discovering the Information Objects constituting the VRE Information Space. In addition to the specification of the keywords characterising the Information Objects the user is interested in, this function permit to restrict the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(0,'Search (Browse, Simple, and Combined)','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing keyword based queries. This is the simplest modality for discovering Information Objects constituting the VRE Information Space. In addition to the specification of the keywords characterising the Information Objects the user is interested in, this function permits to restrict the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(1,'Annotation','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities for annotating Information Objects. Annotations are additional Information Objects including notes, structured comments or links that an Actor may associate to an existing Information Object to add an interpretative value. This function is particularly useful to support co-operation between the users of a VRE since it allows not only to enrich an Information Object with personal observation and thus share this comment within the VRE community but, in general, also as a mean for transmitting and sharing ideas and thus doing research.',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(2,'Report definition','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities for report management, e.g. report creation. Reports are a special type of Information Object that is characterised by an intensional definition, i.e. the creator defines the report template that characterised the report in a definitional way by specifying the shape and content of this compound Information Object. Such an Information Objects is a "living object", i.e. each time the report is accessed its specification is interpreted and the constituent parts are materialised by using the information currently available in the VRE. Each of such "living objects" can be materialised as to produce a version of it to be recorded into the VRE either as an HTML or a PDF Information Object',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(2,'Report definition','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities for report creation. Starting from a report template, users will be able to instantiate such template by using the information currently available in the VRE. Each of such "living objects" can be materialised as to produce a version of it to be recorded into the VRE either as an HTML or a PDF Information Object.',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(3,'Course management','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities for courses management, e.g. course creation and course attendance. Each course is a learning environment providing consumers with an organised set of Information Objects and tools (e.g. chats,forums) tailored to support distant learning activities on a specific topic. This function rely on the MooVREe system, i.e. an open-source e-Learning environment system, and is fully integrated with the rest of the VRE content and functions, e.g. a course will be populated by using Information Objects residing into the VRE Information Space and discovered by using the search function. In addition to curate the content of each course, teachers (designated users) can customise each course by selecting among the activity modules supported by the system, e.g. chat, Glossary, Survey.',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(4,'Automatic Source Description, Selection, and Fusion','',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(6,'Report Template Definition','',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(7,'Access Functions','This class of functions characterises the facilities that can be activated in the Virtual Research Environment to support users in requesting, locating, and delivering the Virtual Research Environment Content.',NULL,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(6,'Report Template Definition','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities for report template creation. This means that the creator defines the report template in a definitional way by specifying the shape and content of this compound Information Object. Such an Information Objects can then be instantiated by using the information currently available in the VRE. ',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(7,'Access Functions','This class of functions characterises the facilities that can be activated in the Virtual Research Environment to support users in requesting, locating, and accessing the Virtual Research Environment content.',NULL,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(8,'Content Functions','This class of functions characterises the additional Content Management facilities that can be activated in the Virtual Research Environment. The meaning of additional is related to the fact that a fundamental set of Content Management facilities are supported by any VRE and not subject to design choices, e.g. Information Object storage and visualisation. This class contains only the functions providing potential extra-features that can be activated in this specific VRE, e.g. the possibility to annotate Information Object and the possibility to edit Information Objects.',NULL,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(9,'Search by Query Expression','',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(9,'Search by Query Expression','The Search by Query Expression will allow users to type their query in the gCube query language. In order the user to submit a valid query, he/she must be well aware of both the syntax of the query and the current status of the infrastructure. Since users must know the IDs of the content and also the existence or not of several types of indexes the full set of this information is dispayed together with the input form.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(10,'Google Search','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects through Google and thus conceptually residing in the Web. Google is nowadays one of the most used search engines for the World Wide Web, the activation of this function integrates the power of such a search engine into the Virtual Research Environment providing thus providing the VRE users with operations for searching the Web and using the discovered objects to accomplish their activities.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(11,'Metadata Editing','',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(12,'Quick Search','Using Quick Search the user will be provided with facilities to perform a generic search in the infrastructure. No selection of collections is required in order to search using this feature. The system automatically identifies the most appropriate collections to search, taking into account the terms specified by the user.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(13,'Geographic Search','By selecting this function VRE users will be provided with facilities supporting the discovery of Information Objects by issuing geographic queries. These queries are expressed by defining a polygon on a map and by identifying the Information Space in which to search by specifying the set of Collections against which the query will be evaluated.',7,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(14,'Metadata Editing','By selecting this function the VRE users will be provided with a graphical user interface to edit the metadata of an object beloing to the VRE Information Space. Depending on the schema of the metadata different editors can be displayed. There are two visual editors for Dublin Core and eiDB schemas and a generic one for all other metadata format by default. Specific visula editors can be added by the VO and VRE Managers at any time. However, for some collections, it is forbidden to change the metadata, something that is stated on screen with a relevant message.The visual metadata editors provide an easy and user friendly way of editing the metadata. Adding, deleting and editing elements can be performed by clicking on the appropriate buttons and filling in text fields. When the desired changes are completed, the user has to apply the changes he has done by clicking on the “Save Changes” button. Please notice that the modified metadata is not re-indexed automatically but a specific action has to be taken by the VRE Manager to maintain the consistency between the metadata collection and indexes for that collection.',8,0)
INSERT INTO FUNCTIONALITY VALUES(15,'Thumbnail','Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures, used to help in recognizing and organizing them, serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words. Thumbnails are in general created on demand when somebody is asking for them, as for example in the case of a user browsing the content stored in the VRE Information Space through the portal. ',8,0)
INSERT INTO PORTLETRELTOFUNCT VALUES(0,'quicksearchportlet#QuickSearchPortlet')
INSERT INTO PORTLETRELTOFUNCT VALUES(0,'collectionsnavigator#CollectionsNavigatorPortlet')