package org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.client; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.client.ui.PageHeader; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.client.ui.ResourcesTable; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.client.ui.SummaryPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.client.ui.VRECreationFormSkeleton; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.shared.Functionality; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.shared.Resource; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.shared.ResourceCategory; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.vredefinition.shared.VREDescriptionBean; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.AlertBlock; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.AppendButton; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.CheckBox; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Column; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Form; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.HelpInline; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Row; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Tab; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TabPanel; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TextBox; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.ButtonType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconSize; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.resources.Bootstrap.Tabs; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.resources.ButtonSize; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The VREDefinitionPanel class contains the form to create/edit a VRE. * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR * ( */ public class VREDefinitionPanel extends Composite { // async services VREDefinitionServiceAsync rpcService = GWT.create(VREDefinitionService.class); // main panel private VerticalPanel mainPanel; // skeleton private VRECreationFormSkeleton skeleton = new VRECreationFormSkeleton(); // summary panel private SummaryPanel summary = new SummaryPanel(); // main tab private TabPanel mainTabPanel = new TabPanel(Tabs.LEFT); // tab panel for VRE information private Tab vreInformationTab = new Tab(); // the create vre button private Button createVREButton = new Button("Upload"); // retrieving information alert block private AlertBlock retrievingInformation = new AlertBlock(AlertType.INFO); // hashmap to keep track of the selection of the subfunctionalities protected class SubFunctionalityClientBean{ private CheckBox checkbox; private Functionality subfunctionality; SubFunctionalityClientBean(CheckBox checkbox, Functionality subfunctionality){ this.checkbox = checkbox; this.subfunctionality = subfunctionality; } public CheckBox getCheckbox() { return checkbox; } public Functionality getSubfunctionality() { return subfunctionality; } } HashMap> subFunctionalityBeansMap = new HashMap>(); // keys of the hashmap returned by some rpc services private static final String DESIGNER = "Designer"; private static final String MANAGER = "Manager"; private static final String VRE_NAME_FIELD = "vreName"; private static final String VRE_MANAGER_FIELD = "vreManager"; private static final String VRE_DESIGNER_FIELD = "vreDesigner"; private static final String VRE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD = "vreDescription"; private static final String VRE_START_TIME_FIELD = "vreStartTime"; private static final String VRE_END_TIME_FIELD = "vreEndTime"; private static final String EDIT_MODE = "edit"; public VREDefinitionPanel(){ super(); // create main panel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); // init initWidget(mainPanel); // set its style mainPanel.addStyleName("vre-definition-main-panel"); // add the main tab panel to the main panel mainPanel.add(mainTabPanel); // add skeleton as tab vreInformationTab.setHeading("VRE Information"); vreInformationTab.add(skeleton); // add and set as selected mainTabPanel.add(vreInformationTab); mainTabPanel.selectTab(0); // add loader to skeletonTab retrievingInformation.setClose(false); retrievingInformation.setText("Retrieving information, please wait..."); vreInformationTab.add(retrievingInformation); // require designers/managers information or retrieve a previous bean saved into section rpcService.getVRE(new AsyncCallback>() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void onSuccess(Map result) { // remove loader vreInformationTab.remove(retrievingInformation); if(result != null && !result.isEmpty()){ retrievingInformation.setText("Retrieving functionalities, please wait..."); vreInformationTab.add(retrievingInformation); boolean editMode = (Boolean) result.get(EDIT_MODE); // check edit mode if(editMode){ skeleton.setVREDesigner((String)result.get(VRE_DESIGNER_FIELD)); skeleton.setVREManagers((List)result.get(MANAGER), (String)result.get(VRE_MANAGER_FIELD)); // pass all the managers plus the selected one skeleton.setVREName((String)result.get(VRE_NAME_FIELD)); skeleton.setVREDescription((String)result.get(VRE_DESCRIPTION_FIELD)); skeleton.setVREFromDate((Date)result.get(VRE_START_TIME_FIELD)); skeleton.setVREToDate((Date)result.get(VRE_END_TIME_FIELD)); }else{ skeleton.setVREDesigner((String)result.get(DESIGNER)); skeleton.setVREManagers((List)result.get(MANAGER), null); } // require functionalities requireFunctionalities(editMode, mainTabPanel); }else showErrors("Unable to retrieve the current designer and managers for this Virtual Organization"); } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // remove loader vreInformationTab.remove(retrievingInformation); showErrors("Unable to retrieve the current designer and managers for this Virtual Organization"); } }); } /** * Require the list of functionalities * @param mainTabPanel */ private void requireFunctionalities(boolean isEditMode, final TabPanel mainTabPanel) { // require the list of functionalities rpcService.getFunctionality(isEditMode, new AsyncCallback>() { public void onSuccess(final ArrayList result) { // remove info vreInformationTab.remove(retrievingInformation); if(result != null){ // put these widgets into the skeleton as rows for (final Functionality functionality : result) { // create a tab Tab functionalityTab = new Tab(); functionalityTab.setHeading(functionality.getName()); // the header row of each macro functionality will look like // Title - Subtitle Row mainRow = new Row(); // title and subtitle of the macrofunctionality PageHeader header = new PageHeader(); header.setText(functionality.getName(), functionality.getDescription()); mainRow.add(header); // get subfunctionalities List children = functionality.getSubFunctionalities(); // if there are more than two, we add a button to select/deselect them all if(children.size() >= 2){ // Select/Deselect sub-functionalities button final Button selectDeselectAll = new Button("Select All"); selectDeselectAll.setTitle("Select all the sub-functionalities"); selectDeselectAll.setType(ButtonType.LINK); selectDeselectAll.setSize(ButtonSize.LARGE); selectDeselectAll.addStyleName("select-deselect-button-style"); final Boolean[] selectedAll = new Boolean[0]; selectedAll[0] = false; // add an handler to the button Select/Deselect All selectDeselectAll.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // get the list from the hashmap List listSubfs = subFunctionalityBeansMap.get(functionality.getName()); // select/deselect all the subfunctionalities within the list for this macrofunctionality if(!selectedAll[0]){ // swap to deselect all selectDeselectAll.setTitle("Deselect all the sub-functionalities"); selectDeselectAll.setText("Deselect All"); for(VREDefinitionPanel.SubFunctionalityClientBean subBean : listSubfs){ subBean.getCheckbox().setValue(true); subBean.getSubfunctionality().setSelected(true); } }else{ // swap to select all selectDeselectAll.setTitle("Select all the sub-functionalities"); selectDeselectAll.setText("Select All"); for(VREDefinitionPanel.SubFunctionalityClientBean subBean : listSubfs){ subBean.getCheckbox().setValue(false); subBean.getSubfunctionality().setSelected(false); } } // swap status selectedAll[0] = !selectedAll[0]; } }); mainRow.add(selectDeselectAll); } // append the whole row to the container functionalityTab.add(mainRow); mainTabPanel.add(functionalityTab); if(children != null){ for(final Functionality child: children){ // create a row for the subfunctionality Row subFunctionalityRow = new Row(); // put all the stuff into a form Form subFunctionalityForm = new Form(); subFunctionalityForm.addStyleName("subfunctionality-form"); // select subfunctionality checkbox CheckBox checkBoxSubfunctionality = new CheckBox(); checkBoxSubfunctionality.setText(child.getName()); checkBoxSubfunctionality.setValue(child.isSelected()); // Auth for example is already set checkBoxSubfunctionality.addStyleName("subfunctionality-textbox"); // add handler to this checkbox checkBoxSubfunctionality.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { child.setSelected(event.getValue()); } }); // subfunctionality description HelpInline helpBlock = new HelpInline(); helpBlock.setText(child.getDescription()); subFunctionalityForm.add(checkBoxSubfunctionality); subFunctionalityForm.add(helpBlock); // add form to row subFunctionalityRow.add(subFunctionalityForm); // insert this entry > to the map if(subFunctionalityBeansMap.containsKey(functionality.getName())){ // we need to update the list List oldList = subFunctionalityBeansMap.get(functionality.getName()); oldList.add(new SubFunctionalityClientBean(checkBoxSubfunctionality, child)); }else{ // there is not yet such macro functionality List newList = new ArrayList(); newList.add(new SubFunctionalityClientBean(checkBoxSubfunctionality, child)); // put into the hashmap subFunctionalityBeansMap.put(functionality.getName(), newList); } // append to the main row functionalityTab.add(subFunctionalityRow); // iterate over resources (of the subfunctionality) List categoryResources = child.getResources(); if(categoryResources != null){ for (ResourceCategory resourceCategory : categoryResources) { // skip the category and go to its children (i.e. the resources) List resources = resourceCategory.getItems(); // if there are resources, add a filter widget to the form and a table if(resources.size() > 0){ AppendButton apButton = new AppendButton(); TextBox searchBox = new TextBox(); searchBox.setPlaceholder("Filter by name"); Button searchButton = new Button(); searchButton.setIcon(IconType.SEARCH); searchButton.setIconSize(IconSize.DEFAULT); searchButton.setType(ButtonType.DEFAULT); apButton.add(searchBox); apButton.add(searchButton); apButton.addStyleName("filter-functionalities-box"); subFunctionalityForm.add(apButton); // create a table whose rows are // and show the first 5 rows ResourcesTable table = new ResourcesTable(resources, apButton, checkBoxSubfunctionality); // append to the form subFunctionalityForm.add(table); } } } } } } // add SummaryTabPane final Tab summaryTab = new Tab(); summaryTab.setHeading("Summary"); summaryTab.add(summary); summaryTab.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { onGenerateSummarySubmit(result, summaryTab); } }); // add to the tab panel mainTabPanel.add(summaryTab); }else{ // remove info vreInformationTab.remove(retrievingInformation); showErrors("Unable to retrieve VRE functionalities"); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // remove info vreInformationTab.remove(retrievingInformation); showErrors("Unable to retrieve VRE functionalities"); } }); } /** * Generate summary * @param result * @param summaryTab */ private void onGenerateSummarySubmit(final ArrayList result, final Tab summaryTab) { // we need to generate the current summary and check if something wrong is present (e.g., vre's name missing) final String vreName = skeleton.getCurrentVREName(); String vreDesigner = skeleton.getCurrentVREDesigner(); String vreSelectedManager = skeleton.getCurrentVREManager(); String vreDescription = skeleton.getCurrentVREDescription(); Date vreStartDate = skeleton.getCurrentVREStartDate(); Date vreToDate = skeleton.getCurrentVREToDate(); // check errors: vreName, vreDesigner, vreDescription cannot be empty if(vreName.isEmpty() || vreName.contains(" ")){ Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { mainTabPanel.selectTab(0); } }; t.schedule(100); skeleton.showAlertBlockVREName(); return; } if(vreDescription.isEmpty() || vreDescription.trim().length() == 0){ skeleton.showAlertBlockVREDescritption(); Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { mainTabPanel.selectTab(0); } }; t.schedule(100); return; } // we can show the panel summary.setVisible(true); // ok, we can create the bean final VREDescriptionBean vreDescriptionBean = new VREDescriptionBean(vreName, vreDescription, vreDesigner, vreSelectedManager, vreStartDate, vreToDate); // clear functionalities panel summary.clearFunctionalitiesPanel(); // collect information on functionalities/subfunctionalities/resources selected and show them for(Functionality macroFunctionality: result){ // get its name String name = macroFunctionality.getName(); // start building a tree having as root this macro functionality Tree t = new Tree(); TreeItem root = new TreeItem(); root.setText(name); t.addItem(root); // panel to add later to the summary for this macrofunctionality VerticalPanel partialSummaryFunctionality = new VerticalPanel(); partialSummaryFunctionality.getElement().getStyle().setMarginBottom(10, Unit.PX); // get the child list List subfunctionalities = macroFunctionality.getSubFunctionalities(); for (Functionality subfunctionality : subfunctionalities) { // set as name the subfunctionality TreeItem subfuncItem = new TreeItem(); subfuncItem.setText(subfunctionality.getName()); if(subfunctionality.isSelected()){ // add to the root root.addItem(subfuncItem); // we need the categories but we need not to put theme into the tree List categories = subfunctionality.getResources(); if(categories == null) continue; for (ResourceCategory resourceCategory : categories) { // iterate over its resources ArrayList resources = resourceCategory.getItems(); for (Resource resource : resources) { if(resource.isSelected()){ TreeItem resourceItem = new TreeItem(); resourceItem.setText(resource.getName()); // add to the subfunctionality subfuncItem.addItem(resourceItem); } } } } } // add the tree to the summary partialSummaryFunctionality.add(t); summary.addFunctionality(partialSummaryFunctionality); } // fill the summary panel with main information summary.setVreMainInformation(vreName, vreSelectedManager, vreDesigner, vreDescription, vreStartDate, vreToDate); // add the summary summaryTab.add(summary); // add the buttons into a flow panel final FlowPanel summaryButtons = new FlowPanel(); summaryButtons.addStyleName("summary-buttons-panel"); summaryButtons.add(createVREButton); summaryTab.add(summaryButtons); // add style to goBackToDefinition button // set as primary the create one createVREButton.setType(ButtonType.PRIMARY); // make them large createVREButton.setSize(ButtonSize.LARGE); // add handler to createVRE button createVREButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { boolean confirmed = Window.confirm("Do you want to create " + vreName + " ?"); // disable buttons createVREButton.setEnabled(false); if(confirmed){ // add waiting block final AlertBlock waitingCreation = new AlertBlock(AlertType.INFO); waitingCreation.setText("Please wait..."); waitingCreation.setClose(false); summaryTab.add(waitingCreation); // try to set the vre rpcService.setVRE(vreDescriptionBean, result, new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { // remove waiting summaryTab.remove(waitingCreation); // add alert block addAlertOnCreation(vreName, result, summaryTab); // remove the buttons if(result) summaryTab.remove(summaryButtons); else{ // enable again createVREButton.setEnabled(true); } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // remove waiting summaryTab.remove(waitingCreation); // add alert block addAlertOnCreation(vreName, false, summaryTab); // enable again createVREButton.setEnabled(true); } }); } // enable again createVREButton.setEnabled(true); } }); } /** * Show errors on async request */ private void showErrors(String msg){ skeleton.removeLoader(); // error block AlertBlock errorMsg = new AlertBlock(); errorMsg.setType(AlertType.ERROR); errorMsg.setClose(false); errorMsg.setText(msg); // put it into a column of width 12 Row errorRow = new Row(); Column errorCol = new Column(12); errorCol.add(errorMsg); errorRow.add(errorCol); // pass to the skeleton skeleton.appendRow(errorRow); } /** * After creation show an alert message * @param vreName * @param success * @param summaryTab */ private void addAlertOnCreation(String vreName, boolean success, final Tab summaryTab){ String msg = "VRE with name " + vreName; if(success) msg += " created correctly!"; else msg += " not created. Please retry later."; final AlertBlock confirmation = new AlertBlock(msg); if(success) confirmation.setType(AlertType.SUCCESS); else confirmation.setType(AlertType.ERROR); // add to the panel summaryTab.add(confirmation); // remove after a while Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { summaryTab.remove(confirmation); } }; // remove after two seconds t.schedule(2000); } }