package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Presenter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.client.uicomponents.richtext.RichTextToolbar; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.ComponentType; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.Metadata; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.Model; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.ReportExporterPopup; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.ReportExporterServiceAsync; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.event.ExportingCompletedEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.event.ExportingCompletedEventHandler; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.event.ReportExporterEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.client.event.ReportExporterEventHandler; import org.gcube.portlets.user.exporter.shared.TypeExporter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Headerbar; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ReportGenerator; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ReportService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ReportServiceAsync; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.TitleBar; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ToolboxPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.WorkspacePanel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.AddBiblioEntryDialog; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.DeleteCitationsDialog; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.ReportStructureDialog; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.ExportManifestationType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.TemplateComponent; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.TemplateModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.TemplateSection; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.AttributeMultiSelection; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.AttributeSingleSelection; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.BasicTextArea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.ClientImage; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.ClientRepeatableSequence; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.Coords; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.D4sRichTextarea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.GenericTable; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.GroupingDelimiterArea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.HeadingTextArea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.ReportTextArea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.TSArea; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets.TextTableImage; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.uibinder.ExportOptions; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.shared.SessionInfo; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.shared.UserBean; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.MessageBox; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.layout.FitLayout; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR - * */ public class Presenter { private ReportServiceAsync reportService = (ReportServiceAsync) GWT.create(ReportService.class); /** * View part */ private WorkspacePanel wp; private Headerbar header; private ToolboxPanel toolBoxPanel; private TitleBar titleBar; private HorizontalPanel exportsPanel; private UserBean currentUser; private String currentScope; /** * Model */ private TemplateModel model; private int currFocus; RichTextToolbar currentSelectedToolbar; RichTextArea areaForBiblio; /** * */ private CommonCommands commonCommands; private boolean menuForWorkflowDocument = false; /** * eventbus events handler */ HandlerManager eventBus = new HandlerManager(null); public HandlerManager getEventBus() { return eventBus; } private void handleEvents() { eventBus.addHandler(ExportingCompletedEvent.TYPE, new ExportingCompletedEventHandler() { @Override public void onExportFinished(ExportingCompletedEvent event) { showExportSaveOptions(event.getFilePath(), event.getItemName(), event.getType()); } }); eventBus.addHandler(AddBiblioEvent.TYPE, new AddBiblioEventHandler() { public void onAddCitation(AddBiblioEvent event) { addCitation(event.getCitekey(), event.getCitetext()); String keyToAdd = " (" + event.getCitekey() +") "; String currHTML = areaForBiblio.getHTML(); if (currHTML.endsWith("
")) currHTML = currHTML.substring(0, currHTML.length()-4); areaForBiblio.setHTML(currHTML+keyToAdd); } }); eventBus.addHandler(RemovedCitationEvent.TYPE, new RemovedCitationEventHandler() { public void onRemovedCitation(RemovedCitationEvent event) { removeCitation(event.getCitekey()); } }); eventBus.addHandler(ReportExporterEvent.TYPE, new ReportExporterEventHandler() { @Override public void onCompletedExport(ReportExporterEvent event) { switch (event.getOperationResult()) { case SAVED: refreshWorkspace(); break; case SAVED_OPEN: refreshWorkspace(); toolBoxPanel.showExportedVersion(event.getItemId(), event.getItemId()); break; default: break; } } }); eventBus.addHandler(AddCommentEvent.TYPE, new AddCommentEventHandler() { public void onAddComment(AddCommentEvent event) { model.addCommentToComponent(event.getSourceComponent(), event.getComment(), event.getAreaHeight()); } }); eventBus.addHandler(RemovedUserCommentEvent.TYPE, new RemovedUserCommentEventHandler() { public void onRemovedComment(RemovedUserCommentEvent event) { model.removeComment(event.getSourceComponent()); } }); // eventBus.addHandler(ImportFinishedEvent.TYPE, new ImportFinishedEventHandler(){ // public void onFinishedImport(ImportFinishedEvent event) { // importDlg.hide(); // openImportedFimesXML(event.getPathFile()); // } // // }); eventBus.addHandler(ItemSelectionEvent.TYPE, new ItemSelectionEventHandler() { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void onItemSelected(ItemSelectionEvent event) { HashMap map = event.getItemSelected(); int sectionIndex = 0, compIndex = 0; if (map != null) { if (map.get("item").equals("Section")) { sectionIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) map.get("index")); seekSection(sectionIndex+1); } else { compIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) map.get("index")); sectionIndex = Integer.parseInt((String) ((HashMap) map.get("parent")).get("index")); seekSection(sectionIndex+1); int top = getModel().getSectionComponent(sectionIndex+1).get(compIndex).getContent().getAbsoluteTop(); ReportGenerator.get().getScrollerPanel().setVerticalScrollPosition(top); } } } }); } /** * constructor */ public Presenter() { model = new TemplateModel(this); titleBar = ReportGenerator.get().getTitleHeader(); handleEvents(); AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {} public void onSuccess(final SessionInfo sessionInfo) { currentUser = sessionInfo.getUsername(); currentScope = sessionInfo.getScope(); if (sessionInfo.isWorkflowDocument()) { model.getModelService().getWorkflowDocumentFromDocumentLibrary(new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(Model wfReport) { loadModel(wfReport); header.setMenuForWorkflowDocument(sessionInfo.isEditable()); pollServiceForLockRenewal(); } }); } else { model.getModelService().readTemplateFromSession(new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(Model result) { if (result != null) { loadModel(result); header.enableExports(); } } }); } } }; model.getModelService().getSessionInfo(getHost(), callback); commonCommands = new CommonCommands(this); //importDlg = new FimesFileUploadWindow(eventBus); } public void showLastChangesPopup() { } public void showSectionUserCommentsTooltips() { TemplateSection currSection = model.getSection(model.getCurrentPage()); for (TemplateComponent tc : currSection.getAllComponents()) { if (tc.getContent() instanceof ReportTextArea && tc.getUserComments() != null) { ReportTextArea rpta = (ReportTextArea) tc.getContent(); rpta.showComment(tc.getUserComments()); } } } /** * called when a citation is added * @param citekey . * @param text . */ public void addCitation(String citekey, String text) { if (! hasBibliography()) { MessageBox.alert("Warning", "Bibliography will be added as last section of this report", null); model.insertBiblioSection(); } model.addCitation(citekey, text); titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); } public boolean removeCitation(String citekey) { boolean toReturn = model.removeCitation(citekey); if (toReturn) { //if has been removed from the model if (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) { //if the view is displaying the bibliography, need to refresh it seekSection(model.getTotalPages()); } } return toReturn; } /** * look if a section with a specific metadata (that indicate sit is a biblio section) * exists in the current report model: * check whether the last section has Metadata "isBiblio" = "true" or false * @return true if bibliography is present yet false otherwise */ public boolean hasBibliography() { for (Metadata metadata : model.getSection(model.getTotalPages()).getAllMetadata()) if (metadata.getAttribute().equals(TemplateModel.BIBLIO_SECTION)) return true; return false; } /** * look if a comment with a specific metadata (that indicate sit is a comment) * exists in the current report model: * @return true if comment is present yet false otherwise */ public boolean hasComments(Widget toCheck) { TemplateSection currSection = model.getSection(model.getCurrentPage()); return currSection.hasComments(toCheck); } /** * look if a comment with a specific metadata (that indicate sit is a comment) * exists in the current report model: * @return true if comment is present yet false otherwise */ public AddCommentEvent getComponentComments(Widget toCheck) { TemplateSection currSection = model.getSection(model.getCurrentPage()); return currSection.getComponentComments(toCheck); } /** * */ private void pollServiceForLockRenewal() { final int fourteenMinutes = 840000; final Timer t = new Timer() { public void run() { model.getModelService().renewLock(new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } public void onSuccess(Void result) { schedule(fourteenMinutes); } }); } }; t.schedule(fourteenMinutes); } /** * put the commands in the hashmap */ private HashMap getCommands() { /** * commands to pass to the toolbar */ HashMap toReturn = new HashMap(); Command newTemplate= new Command() { public void execute() { changeTemplateName(TemplateModel.DEFAULT_NAME); cleanAll(); } }; toReturn.put("save", commonCommands.saveTemplate); toReturn.put("newdoc", newTemplate); toReturn.put("open_report", commonCommands.openReport); toReturn.put("open_template", commonCommands.openTemplate); toReturn.put("importing", commonCommands.importTemplateCommand); toReturn.put("insertImage", commonCommands.insertImage); toReturn.put("pickColor", commonCommands.pickColor); return toReturn; } /** * to remove the current displayed section */ public void discardCurrentSection() { if (model.getTotalPages() == 1) Window.alert("Cannot discard section, need ad least 2"); else { boolean result = Window.confirm("Are you sure you want to discard section number " + model.getCurrentPage() + "?"); if (result) { TemplateSection removed = model.discardSection(model.getCurrentPage()); if (removed == null) GWT.log("REMOVED NOTHING", null); else GWT.log("REMOVED " + removed.getAllComponents().size(), null); loadFirstSection(); } } } /** * * @param titleBar , */ public void setTitleBar(TitleBar titleBar) { this.titleBar = titleBar; } /** * * @return . */ public String getHost() { return GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "../../"; } /** * */ public void addTextToolBar() { RichTextToolbar rtbar = new RichTextToolbar(new RichTextArea(), false, getCommands(), true); SimplePanel deco = new SimplePanel(); rtbar.setEnabled(false); deco.add(rtbar); deco.setSize("100%", "25"); rtbar.setWidth("100%"); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().clear(); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().add(deco); } /** * remove the user-added components from the workspace, and from the model * */ public void cleanAll() { // reset the model model = new TemplateModel(this); //reset the UI //give the new model instance header.setModel(model); wp.setModel(model); cleanWorkspace(); titleBar.hideNextButton(); titleBar.hidePrevButton(); titleBar.setTemplateName(model.getTemplateName()); titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); resizeWorkingArea(model.getPageWidth(), model.getPageHeight()); //persists the change in the session model.storeInSession(); } /** * just clean the page */ public void cleanAllNotSession() { // reset the model model = new TemplateModel(this); //reset the UI //give the new model instance header.setModel(model); wp.setModel(model); cleanWorkspace(); titleBar.hideNextButton(); titleBar.hidePrevButton(); titleBar.setTemplateName(model.getTemplateName()); titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); resizeWorkingArea(model.getPageWidth(), model.getPageHeight()); } /** * Save the current report * @param folderid the id where to save the report * */ public void saveReport(String folderid, String name) { model.storeInSession(); model.saveReport(folderid, name); } /** * Save the current report in a given folder * */ public void saveReport() { model.storeInSession(); model.saveReport(); } /** * Save the current report in a given folder * */ public void updateWorkflowDocument(boolean update) { model.storeInSession(); model.updateWorkflowDocument(update); } /** * *@param templateName . */ public void changeTemplateName(String templateName) { //initialize the template titleBar.setTemplateName(templateName); } /** * remove the user-added components from the workspace (in the current page) but not from the model * */ public void cleanWorkspace() { wp.getMainLayout().clear(); ReportGenerator.get().getScrollerPanel().setScrollPosition(0); } /** * * @param toChange . */ public void storeChangeInSession(Widget toChange) { model.storeInSession(); } /** * * @param area . */ public void disaableTextToolBar(RichTextArea area) { } /** * used when the resizing textAreas depending on the content * @param myY a * @param pixel a */ public void shiftComponentsByTextArea(int myY, int pixel) { int section = model.getCurrentPage(); List comps = model.getSectionComponent(section); if (comps != null) { for (TemplateComponent tc : comps) { if (tc.getType() != ComponentType.FAKE_TEXTAREA) { if (tc.getY() > myY) { GWT.log("FOUND " + tc.getX() + ", " + tc.getY(), null); GWT.log("pixel " + pixel , null); int newY = tc.getY()+pixel;// : tc.getY()-pixel; // tc.setY(newY); GWT.log("moveWidget " + tc.getX() + ", " + tc.getY(), null); moveWidget(tc.getContent(), tc.getX(),newY); GWT.log("MOVED " + tc.getX() + ", " + tc.getY(), null); } } //Window.alert("myY - tc.getY() " + myY + ", " + tc.getY()); } } } /** * * @param toMove . * @param left . * @param top . */ public void moveWidget(Widget toMove, int left, int top) { //wp.getMainLayout().add(toMove); wp.moveWidget(toMove, left, top); } /** * Import a Section in the View and in the Model * @param toLoad the SerializableModel instance where toget the section * @param sectionNoToimport section to import 0 -> n-1 * @param beforeSection say where to import this section (before) * @param asLastSection say to import this section as last section in the curren template / report */ public void importSection(Model toLoad, int sectionNoToimport, int beforeSection, boolean asLastSection) { model.importSectionInModel(toLoad, sectionNoToimport, beforeSection, asLastSection); if (asLastSection) seekLastPage(); else seekSection(beforeSection); Window.alert("Importing Complete"); } /** * in case someone imported a new section */ public void seekLastPage() { while (! (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) ) nextPageButtonClicked(); } /** * in case someone imported a new section * @param sect2Seek . */ public void seekSection(int sect2Seek) { loadFirstSection(); while (! ( model.getCurrentPage() == sect2Seek) ) nextPageButtonClicked(); } /** * enable the format text toolbar for the given Rich Textarea passed as argument * @param d4sArea the enabled text area */ public void enableTextToolBar(RichTextArea d4sArea) { RichTextToolbar rtbar = new RichTextToolbar(d4sArea, false, getCommands(), true); if (menuForWorkflowDocument) //disable open and save buttons from the toolbar rtbar.enableCommands(false); currentSelectedToolbar = rtbar; rtbar.setEnabled(true); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().clear(); SimplePanel deco = new SimplePanel(); deco.add(rtbar); deco.setSize("100%", "25"); rtbar.setWidth("100%"); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().add(deco); } /** * enable the format text toolbar for the given Rich Textarea passed as argument * @param d4sArea the enabled text area */ public void enableBiblioEntry(RichTextArea d4sArea) { ReportGenerator.get().getHeader().enableBiblioEntry(d4sArea); } /** * generate the docx to be passed to the fimesExporter * @param model */ public void generateFiMES(final TemplateModel model) { } /** * * @param model . * @param type . */ public void generateManifestation(final TemplateModel model, final ExportManifestationType type) { GWT.runAsync(ReportExporterPopup.class, new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { ReportExporterPopup popup = new ReportExporterPopup(eventBus); Model reportModel = model.getSerializableModel(); switch (type) { case DOCX: popup.export(reportModel, TypeExporter.DOCX); break; case HTML: popup.export(reportModel, TypeExporter.HTML); break; case PDF: popup.export(reportModel, TypeExporter.PDF); break; case XML: popup.export(reportModel, TypeExporter.XML); break; } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { } }); } public void openAddCitationDialog() { AddBiblioEntryDialog dlg = new AddBiblioEntryDialog(eventBus);; } public void openManageCitationsDialog() { DeleteCitationsDialog dlg = new DeleteCitationsDialog(eventBus, model.getSection(model.getTotalPages()));; } /** * * @return . */ public Headerbar getHeader() { return header; } /** * * @return . */ public TemplateModel getModel() { return model; } /** * * @return . */ public ToolboxPanel getToolBoxPanel() { return toolBoxPanel; } /** * * @return . */ public WorkspacePanel getWp() { return wp; } /** * called when nextPage Button is Clicked */ public void nextPageButtonClicked() { cleanWorkspace(); //refresh the current page in the model model.setCurrentPage(model.getCurrentPage() + 1); //refresh the current page in the UI titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); //read the previous user added elements to the template page from the model and place them back in the UI placeTemplatePageElements(model.getCurrentPage()); if (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) titleBar.hideNextButton(); else titleBar.showNextButton(); if (model.getCurrentPage() == 1) titleBar.hidePrevButton(); else titleBar.showPrevButton(); } /** * load the template to edit in the MODEL and in the VIEW * @param templateToOpen the name of the template to open without extension nor path * @param templateObjectID the id in the folder of the template to open * @param isTemplate true if you are opening a template false if you are opening a report */ public void openTemplate(String templateToOpen, String templateObjectID, final boolean isTemplate) { AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Could not Load template, please try again later: " + caught.getMessage()); } public void onSuccess(Model toLoad) { if (toLoad.getPageWidth() == TemplateModel.OLD_TEMPLATE_WIDTH) { if (isTemplate) Window.alert("OPS! we think you are trying to open a previuos version template, only gCube Templates 1.5+ are supported"); else Window.alert("OPS! we think you are trying to open a previuos version Report, only gCube Reports 1.5+ are supported"); } else loadModel(toLoad); } }; //will asyncrously return a SerializableModel instance read from disk model.getModelService().readModel(templateToOpen, templateObjectID, isTemplate, false, callback); } /** * load the template to edit in the MODEL and in the VIEW * @param serializedpath the temp file to open */ public void openImportedFimesXML(String serializedpath) { model.getModelService().readImportedModel(serializedpath, new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Could not Load report, please try again later: " + caught.getMessage()); } public void onSuccess(Model toLoad) { loadModel(toLoad); } }); } /** * * @param toLoad */ private void loadModel(Model toLoad) { //reset the UI cleanAllNotSession(); //load the serializable model in my Model model.loadModel(toLoad, this); wp.setModel(model); titleBar.setTemplateName(model.getTemplateName()); titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); resizeWorkingArea(model.getPageWidth(), model.getPageHeight()); addTextToolBar(); int currPage = model.getCurrentPage(); //load the UI components of the current page GWT.log("READ CURR PAGE"+currPage, null); placeTemplatePageElements(currPage); //if there is more than one page place in the UI the next page button if (currPage < model.getTotalPages()) { titleBar.showNextButton(); } if (currPage > 1) titleBar.showPrevButton(); } private void loadFirstSection() { //reset the UI cleanWorkspace(); titleBar.hideNextButton(); titleBar.hidePrevButton(); model.setCurrentPage(1); titleBar.setTemplateName(model.getTemplateName()); titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); addTextToolBar(); int currPage = model.getCurrentPage(); //load the UI components of the current page GWT.log("READ CURR PAGE"+currPage, null); placeTemplatePageElements(currPage); //if there is more than one page place in the UI the next page button if (currPage < model.getTotalPages()) { titleBar.showNextButton(); } if (currPage > 1) titleBar.showPrevButton(); } /** * It places back the user added widgets (TemplateComponents) in the page * * @param section . the section number of the wanted TemplateComponent(s) */ public void placeTemplatePageElements(int section) { if (! (model.getSectionComponent(section) == null)) { List pageElems = model.getSectionComponent(section); for (TemplateComponent component : pageElems) { GWT.log("Reading component.. " + component.getType(), null); int uiX = component.getX(); int uiY= component.getY(); switch (component.getType()) { case HEADING_1: case HEADING_2: case HEADING_3: case HEADING_4: case HEADING_5: case TITLE: if (component.isLocked()) { HTML text = (HTML) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(text, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } else { HeadingTextArea textArea = (HeadingTextArea) component.getContent(); textArea.getMyInstance().setTop(uiY); textArea.getMyInstance().setLeft(uiX); wp.addComponentToLayout(textArea, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } break; case BODY_NOT_FORMATTED: if (component.isLocked()) { HTML text = (HTML) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(text, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } else { BasicTextArea textArea = (BasicTextArea) component.getContent(); textArea.getMyInstance().setTop(uiY); textArea.getMyInstance().setLeft(uiX); wp.addComponentToLayout(textArea, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } break; case BODY: if (component.isLocked()) { HTML text = (HTML) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(text, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } else { D4sRichTextarea textArea = (D4sRichTextarea) component.getContent(); textArea.getMyInstance().setTop(uiY); textArea.getMyInstance().setLeft(uiX); wp.addComponentToLayout(textArea, component.isDoubleColLayout()); } break; case DYNA_IMAGE: ClientImage imageDropping = (ClientImage) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(imageDropping, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case FAKE_TEXTAREA: break; case TOC: ReportTextArea dp = (ReportTextArea) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(dp, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case BIBLIO: ReportTextArea dp2 = (ReportTextArea) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(dp2, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case PAGEBREAK: ReportTextArea dp3 = (ReportTextArea) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(dp3, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case TIME_SERIES: TSArea dp5 = (TSArea) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(dp5, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case FLEX_TABLE: GenericTable gt = (GenericTable) component.getContent(); GWT.log("Reading TABLE rows: " + gt.getRowsNo() + " cols: " + gt.getCols()); wp.addComponentToLayout(gt, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case ATTRIBUTE_MULTI: AttributeMultiSelection at = (AttributeMultiSelection) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(at, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE: AttributeSingleSelection atu = (AttributeSingleSelection) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(atu, component.isDoubleColLayout()); setCurrCursorPos(uiY); break; case COMMENT: HTML text = (HTML) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(text, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case INSTRUCTION: HTML instr = (HTML) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(instr, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case REPEAT_SEQUENCE_DELIMITER: GroupingDelimiterArea gpa = (GroupingDelimiterArea) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(gpa, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case REPEAT_SEQUENCE: ClientRepeatableSequence rps = (ClientRepeatableSequence) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(rps, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; case BODY_TABLE_IMAGE: TextTableImage tti = (TextTableImage) component.getContent(); wp.addComponentToLayout(tti, component.isDoubleColLayout()); break; } } } } /** * * @param y . */ public void setCurrCursorPos(int y) { this.currFocus = y; } public Coords getInsertionPoint() { int y = getSelectedIndex(); return new Coords(25, y); } public int getSelectedIndex() { return currFocus; } /** * called when prevPage Button is Clicked */ public void prevPageButtonClicked() { cleanWorkspace(); //refresh the current page in the model model.setCurrentPage(model.getCurrentPage() - 1); //refresh the current page in the UI titleBar.setPageDisplayer(model.getCurrentPage(), model.getTotalPages()); //read the previous user added elements to the template page from the model and place them back in the UI placeTemplatePageElements(model.getCurrentPage()); if (model.getCurrentPage() == model.getTotalPages()) titleBar.hideNextButton(); else titleBar.showNextButton(); if (model.getCurrentPage() == 1) titleBar.hidePrevButton(); else titleBar.showPrevButton(); } /** * Resize the template componet just the model * * @param toResize . * @param newWidth . * @param newHeight . */ public void resizeTemplateComponentInModel(Widget toResize, int newWidth, int newHeight) { model.resizeModelComponent(toResize, newWidth, newHeight); } /** * @param width . * @param height . */ public void resizeWorkingArea(int width, int height) { //save the new state ---> TO MODEL model.setPageWidth(width); model.setPageHeight(height); //apply the change ---> TO VIEW wp.resizeWorkspace(width, height); } /** * * @param header . */ public void setHeader(Headerbar header) { this.header = header; } /** * * @param toolBoxPanel It's the tool box panel */ public void setToolBoxPanel(ToolboxPanel toolBoxPanel) { this.toolBoxPanel = toolBoxPanel; } /** * * @param wp . */ public void setWp(WorkspacePanel wp) { this.wp = wp; } /** * * @return the scope in which the application is running on */ public String getCurrentScope() { return currentScope; } /** * * @return the user username who is using the application */ public UserBean getCurrentUser() { return currentUser; } /** * * @return . */ public TitleBar getTitleBar() { return titleBar; } /** * refresh the root in the workspace */ public void refreshWorkspace() { toolBoxPanel.refreshRoot(); } /** * show the upload file popup */ public void showUploadFilePopup() { toolBoxPanel.showUploadFile(); } /** * * @return the current selected rich text area */ public RichTextToolbar getCurrentSelected() { return currentSelectedToolbar; } public void setMenuForWorkflowDocument(boolean enable) { menuForWorkflowDocument = enable; } public boolean getMenuForWorkflowDocument() { return menuForWorkflowDocument; } public void setAreaForBiblio(RichTextArea d4sArea) { areaForBiblio = d4sArea; } public void showReportStructure() { GWT.runAsync(ReportStructureDialog.class, new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { ReportStructureDialog panel = new ReportStructureDialog(eventBus, model.getSerializableModel(), ToolboxPanel.TOOLBOX_WIDTH+"px", ToolboxPanel.TOOLBOX_HEIGHT+"px"); final com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Window window = new com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.Window(); window.setTitle("Report Structure"); window.setClosable(true); window.setResizable(false); window.setWidth(ToolboxPanel.TOOLBOX_WIDTH); window.setHeight(ToolboxPanel.TOOLBOX_HEIGHT); window.setPlain(true); window.setLayout(new FitLayout()); window.add(panel); panel.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#FFF"); window.setPosition(0, getToolBoxPanel().getAbsoluteTop());; } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { } }); } public HorizontalPanel getExportsPanel() { return exportsPanel; } public void setExportsPanel(HorizontalPanel exportsPanel) { this.exportsPanel = exportsPanel; } /** * when export is done this method is called * @param filePath * @param itemName * @param type */ public void showExportSaveOptions(final String filePath, final String itemName, final TypeExporter type) { clearExportPanel(); /* * I need to save a temp file, in case the user uses the Save & Open. * Smart popup blockers will allow a popup if it is directly associated to a user’s action. * If it’s delayed in anyway, there’s a good chance it’s going to get blocked. The exported File needs to be there when clicking open. */, null, "system.tmp", type, true, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(String createdItemId) { //here i pass the temp createdItemId showExportPanel(filePath, itemName, type, createdItemId); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Window.alert("Error while trying exporting this report: " + caught.getMessage()); } }); } public void showExportPanel(final String filePath, final String itemName, final TypeExporter type, String tempFileId) { final ExportOptions exo = new ExportOptions(this, toolBoxPanel, filePath, itemName, type, reportService, tempFileId); exportsPanel.add(exo); //needed for applying the css3 transition effect final Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { exo.getMainPanel().addStyleName("exportPanel-show"); } }; t.schedule(10); } public void clearExportPanel() { exportsPanel.clear(); } }