package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.components; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.ImageUploaderDialog; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * FancyFileUpload class is use to upload images from client in the UI * * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR - * @version October 2008 (0.2) */ public class FancyFileUpload extends Composite implements HasText, HasWordWrap, SourcesChangeEvents{ /** * State definitions */ public final int EMPTY_STATE = 1; /** * */ public final int PENDING_STATE = 2; /** * */ public final int UPLOADING_STATE = 3; /** * */ public final int UPLOADED_STATE = 4; /** * */ public final int DELETED_STATE = 5; /** * */ public final int FAILED_STATE = 6; /** * Initial State of the widget. */ private int widgetState = EMPTY_STATE; /** * Default delay to check an empty FileUpload widget for * arrival of a filename. * */ private int searchUpdateDelay = 500; /** * Default delay for pending state, when delay over the form is submitted. */ private int pendingUpdateDelay = 5000; /** * the panel where this widget is in */ private ImageUploaderDialog theOwner; /** * OK message expected from file upload servlet to indicate successful upload. */ //private String retursOKMessage = "
"; private FormPanel uploadForm = new FormPanel(); private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); /** * Internal timer for checking fileupload text for a value. */ private Timer t; /** * Internal timer for checking if pending delay is over. */ private Timer p; /** * Widget representing file to be uploaded. */ private UploadDisplay uploadItem; /** * FileName to be uploaded */ String fileName = ""; /** * Class used for the display of filename to be uploaded, * and handling the update of the display states. * * */ protected class UploadDisplay extends Composite{ /** * FileUpload Widget */ FileUpload uploadFileWidget = new FileUpload(); /** * Label to display after file widget is filled with a filename */ Label uploadFileName = new Label(); /** * Panel to hold the widget */ FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); /** * Panel to hold pending, loading, loaded or failed state details. */ HorizontalPanel pendingPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); /** * Constructor * */ public UploadDisplay(){ mainPanel.add(uploadFileWidget); pendingPanel.add(uploadFileName); uploadFileName.setStyleName("HTMLObjectStyle-font"); uploadFileName.setWordWrap(true); uploadFileWidget.setWidth("100%"); mainPanel.add(pendingPanel); pendingPanel.setVisible(false); initWidget(mainPanel); } /** * Set the widget into pending mode by altering style * of pending panel and displaying it. Hide the FileUpload * widget and finally set the state to Pending. * */ private void setPending(){ uploadFileName.setText("Please wait, fetching image from your file system.. ");//uploadFileWidget.getFilename()); uploadFileWidget.setVisible(false); pendingPanel.setVisible(true); pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-pending"); widgetState = PENDING_STATE; } /** * Set the widget into Loading mode by changing the style name * and updating the widget State to Uploading. * */ private void setLoading(){ pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-loading"); widgetState = UPLOADING_STATE; } /** * Set the widget to Loaded mode by changing the style name * and updating the widget State to Loaded. * */ private void setLoaded(){ pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-loaded"); uploadFileName.setText("Image Successfully uploaded"); widgetState = UPLOADED_STATE; } /** * Set the widget to Failed mode by changing the style name * and updating the widget State to Failed. * Additionally, hide the pending panel and display the FileUpload * widget. * */ private void setFailed(){ widgetState = FAILED_STATE; uploadFileName.setText("Operation Failed"); } } /** * Perform the uploading of a file by changing state of display widget * and then calling form.submit() method. * */ private void uploadFiles(){ fileName = uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename(); uploadItem.setLoading(); uploadForm.submit(); } /** * Put the widget into a Pending state, set the Pending delay timer * to call the upload file method when ran out. * */ private void pendingUpload(){ // Fire an onChange event to anyone who is listening uploadItem.setPending(); p = new Timer(){ public void run() { uploadFiles(); } }; p.schedule(pendingUpdateDelay); } /** * Method to check if FileUpload Widget has a filename within it. * If so, cancel the timer that was set to call this method and then * call the pendingUpload() method. * If not, do nothing. * */ private void checkForFileName(){ // GWT.log(uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename()+" :"+fileName,null); // if (!uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename().equals("")){ // if (!uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename().equals(fileName)){ // t.cancel(); // pendingUpload(); // } // } } /** * This method sets up a repeating schedule to call the checkforfilename * method to see if the FileUpload widget has any text in it. * */ private void startWaiting(){ t = null; t = new Timer(){ public void run() { checkForFileName(); } }; t.scheduleRepeating(searchUpdateDelay); } /** * * @param owner the caller * @param templateName . */ public FancyFileUpload(ImageUploaderDialog owner, String templateName){ this.theOwner = owner; // Set Form details // Set the action to call on submit uploadForm.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "ImagesUploadServlet?currTemplateName=" + templateName); // Set the form encoding to multipart to indicate a file upload uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); // Set the method to Post uploadForm.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); uploadForm.setWidget(mainPanel); // Create a new upload display widget uploadItem = new UploadDisplay(); // Set the name of the upload file form element uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.setName("uploadFormElement"); // Add the new widget to the panel. mainPanel.add(uploadItem); HorizontalPanel wrapper = new HorizontalPanel(); wrapper.setSpacing(4); // Add a 'submit' button. wrapper.add(new Button("Submit", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { String fName = uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename(); int slashPosition = fName.lastIndexOf("/"); String fileNameToCheck = "" ; if (slashPosition == -1) //it is windows slashPosition = fName.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (slashPosition != -1) fileNameToCheck = fName.substring(slashPosition+1, fName.length()); if (fName.equals("")) { Window.alert("The text box must not be empty"); } else if (fileNameToCheck.indexOf(" ") > -1) { Window.alert("File name cannot contain empty spaces"); } else { t.cancel(); pendingUpload(); } } })); // Add a 'close' button. wrapper.add(new Button("Cancel", new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { theOwner.hide(); } })); mainPanel.add(wrapper); // Start the waiting for a name to appear in the file upload widget. startWaiting(); // Initialise the widget. initWidget(uploadForm); // Add an event handler to the form. uploadForm.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() { public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) { // Fire an onChange Event fireChangeEvent(); // Cancel all timers to be absolutely sure nothing is going on. t.cancel(); p.cancel(); // Ensure that the form encoding is set correctly. uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); // Check the result to see if an OK message is returned from the server. if(event.getResults().toString().contains("OK") || event.getResults().toString().startsWith("OK")) { uploadItem.setLoaded(); String fName = uploadItem.uploadFileWidget.getFilename(); String nameToPass = ""; if (fName.lastIndexOf("/") == -1) //windows nameToPass = fName.substring(fName.lastIndexOf("\\")+1); else nameToPass = fName.substring(fName.lastIndexOf("/")+1); theOwner.insertImage(nameToPass); theOwner.hide(); } else { // If no, set the widget to failed state. uploadItem.setFailed(); Window.alert("There were some errors during File Uploading processing,Please try again"); } } public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) { //No validation in this version. } }); } /** * Fire a change event to anyone listening to us. * */ private void fireChangeEvent(){ if (changeListeners != null) changeListeners.fireChange(this); } /** * Get the text from the widget - which in reality will be retrieving any * value set in the Label element of the display widget. * @return . */ public String getText() { return uploadItem.uploadFileName.getText(); } /** * Cannot set the text of a File Upload Widget, so raise an exception. * @param text . */ public void setText(String text) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set text of a FileUpload Widget"); } /** * Retrieve the status of the upload widget. * @return Status of upload widget. * */ public int getUploadState(){ return widgetState; } /** * Set the delay for checking for a filename to appear in the FileUpload widget * Might be useful if there are performance issues. * @param newDelay . */ public void setCheckForFileNameDelay(int newDelay){ searchUpdateDelay = newDelay; } /** * Set the delay value indicating how long a file will remain in pending mode * prior to the upload action taking place. * @param newDelay . */ public void setPendingDelay(int newDelay){ pendingUpdateDelay = newDelay; } /** * Return the delay value set for checking a file. * @return . */ public int getCheckForFileNameDelay(){ return searchUpdateDelay; } /** * Return value set for pending delay. * @return . */ public int getPendingDelay(){ return pendingUpdateDelay; } /** * Return if the label in the display widget is wordwrapped or not. * @return . */ public boolean getWordWrap() { return uploadItem.uploadFileName.getWordWrap(); } /** * Set the word wrap value of the label in the display widget. * @param wrap . */ public void setWordWrap(boolean wrap) { uploadItem.uploadFileName.setWordWrap(wrap); } /** * */ private ChangeListenerCollection changeListeners; /** * Add a change listener * @param listener , */ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) { if (changeListeners == null) changeListeners = new ChangeListenerCollection(); changeListeners.add(listener); } /** * Remove a change listener * @param listener . */ public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener listener) { if (changeListeners != null) changeListeners.remove(listener); } }