package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.targets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.BasicComponent; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.ComponentType; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.Metadata; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.RepeatableSequence; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.Tuple; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Presenter.Presenter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.TemplateComponent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SequenceWidget extends Composite { /** * for the RSG case, whenever a new Sequence is added it sets the metadata named "bindingContext" to ...[-1] to identify it is new */ protected static final String RSG_BINDING_PROPERTY = "binding"; protected static final String RSG_BINDING_CONTEXT_PROPERTY = "bindingContext"; private static final int RSG_BINDING_PROPERTY_VALUE = -1; private VerticalPanel myPanel; private Button addAnotherB = new Button("Add another Entry"); private Button removeThisB = new Button("Remove Entry"); private Button selectNewB = new Button("Add Source"); private Button clearB = new Button("Clear Association"); private HorizontalPanel buttonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HorizontalPanel buttonsWrapperPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private ClientSequence owner; private RepeatableSequence repSequence; private ArrayList seqGroupedComponents = new ArrayList(); //in case of references tells if the ref is empty private boolean isEmptyRef = false; public SequenceWidget(Presenter p, ClientSequence owner, RepeatableSequence repSequence, boolean notRemovable, boolean isNew) { this.owner = owner; this.repSequence = repSequence; addAnotherB.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); addAnotherB.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(130, Unit.PX); addAnotherB.addStyleName("addEntryButton"); buttonPanel.getElement().getStyle().setMarginTop(20, Unit.PX); myPanel = new VerticalPanel(); myPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); myPanel.setStyleName("seqWidget"); int size = repSequence.getGroupedComponents().size(); //GWT.log("SequenceWidget Size = " + size); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { BasicComponent sComp = repSequence.getGroupedComponents().get(j); if (j == size-1) { myPanel.add(buttonPanel); //add the button before the last element buttonPanel.setWidth("100%"); buttonPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); buttonPanel.add(buttonsWrapperPanel); } //if isNew and is not locked and is of type BODY then put fields to blank if (isNew && (!sComp.isLocked()) && (sComp.getType() == ComponentType.BODY || sComp.getType() == ComponentType.BODY_NOT_FORMATTED || sComp.getType() == ComponentType.DYNA_IMAGE) ) { sComp.setPossibleContent(""); sComp.setMetadata(setPropertiesForRSG(sComp.getMetadata())); } TemplateComponent toAdd = new TemplateComponent(p.getModel(), sComp, p, false, null); if (isNew && sComp.getType() == ComponentType.REPORT_REFERENCE ) { //when adding a new Sequence blanks the Ref GWT.log("Ref j=" + j); ClientReportReference cRef = (ClientReportReference) toAdd.getContent(); //need to clone the Tuple otherwise when blanking the ref it blanks the source too ArrayList clonedTuples = new ArrayList(); for (Tuple tuple : cRef.getTupleList()) { Tuple clonedTuple = tuple.clone(); clonedTuple.setKey("-1"); clonedTuples.add(clonedTuple); } ClientReportReference clonedRef = new ClientReportReference(p, cRef.getRefType(), clonedTuples, cRef.isSingleRelation()); clonedRef.setMetadata(setPropertiesForRSG(sComp.getMetadata())); //copy the metadata and signal is new toAdd.setContent(clonedRef); clonedRef.clear(); } add(toAdd); } //end for initWidget(myPanel); if (notRemovable) { buttonsWrapperPanel.add(addAnotherB); addAnotherB.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { addAnother(); } }); } else { removeThisB.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(130, Unit.PX); removeThisB.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); removeThisB.addStyleName("deleteEntryButton"); buttonsWrapperPanel.add(removeThisB); removeThisB.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { removeMe(); } }); buttonsWrapperPanel.add(addAnotherB); addAnotherB.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { addAnother(); } }); } } /** * this is specific for the RSG case * * whenever a new Sequence is added it sets the metadata named bindingContext to ...[-1] to identify it is new * @param properties the properties of the compoenent * @return the list of metadata with bindingContext set to -1 */ private List setPropertiesForRSG(List properties) { List toReturn = new ArrayList(); //cloning metadata for (Metadata metadata : properties) { Metadata toAdd = new Metadata(metadata.getAttribute(), metadata.getValue()); toReturn.add(toAdd); } boolean keepLooking = true; for (Metadata prop : toReturn) { if (prop.getAttribute().equals(RSG_BINDING_PROPERTY) && (prop.getValue().contains("[") && prop.getValue().contains("]")) ) { prop.setValue(replaceIndexFromBinding(prop.getValue(), RSG_BINDING_PROPERTY_VALUE)); keepLooking = false; } } if (keepLooking) { for (Metadata prop : toReturn) { if (prop.getAttribute().equals(RSG_BINDING_CONTEXT_PROPERTY) && (prop.getValue().contains("[") && prop.getValue().contains("]")) ) { prop.setValue(replaceIndexFromBindingContext(prop.getValue(), RSG_BINDING_PROPERTY_VALUE)); } } } return toReturn; } private String replaceIndexFromBindingContext(String binding, int newIndex) { String toReturn = ""; GWT.log("got bindingContext = " + binding + " newIndex = " + newIndex); int openSquareBracket = binding.lastIndexOf("[")+1; int closeSquareBracket = binding.lastIndexOf("]"); toReturn = binding.substring(0, openSquareBracket) + newIndex + binding.substring(closeSquareBracket); return toReturn; } private String replaceIndexFromBinding(String binding, int newIndex) { String toReturn = ""; GWT.log("got binding = " + binding + " newIndex = " + newIndex); int openSquareBracket = binding.lastIndexOf("[")+1; int closeSquareBracket = binding.lastIndexOf("]"); toReturn = binding.substring(0, openSquareBracket) + newIndex + binding.substring(closeSquareBracket); return toReturn; } protected boolean hideClearAssociationButton() { return buttonsWrapperPanel.remove(clearB); } protected boolean hideAddEntryButton() { return buttonsWrapperPanel.remove(addAnotherB); } private void addAnother() { owner.AddButtonClicked(repSequence); } private void selectNew() { owner.AddButtonClicked(repSequence); } public void enableClear() { clearB.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(130, Unit.PX); clearB.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); clearB.addStyleName("deleteAssociationButton"); clearB.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { clearAssociation(); } }); buttonsWrapperPanel.insert(clearB, 0); } public void clearAssociation() { GWT.log("Clearing Association"); //in the MODEL leave only the delimiters ArrayList cleanedRef = new ArrayList(); owner.cleanInModel(); for (BasicComponent bc : repSequence.getGroupedComponents()) { if (bc.getType() == ComponentType.REPEAT_SEQUENCE_DELIMITER) { cleanedRef.add(bc); } } repSequence.setGroupedComponents(cleanedRef); //in the VIEW for (TemplateComponent tc : seqGroupedComponents) { if (tc.getType() == ComponentType.BODY_NOT_FORMATTED || tc.getType() == ComponentType.HEADING_2) { myPanel.remove(tc.getContent()); } } buttonsWrapperPanel.clear(); selectNewB.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(130, Unit.PX); selectNewB.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); selectNewB.addStyleName("deleteAssociationButton"); selectNewB.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { selectNew(); } }); buttonsWrapperPanel.add(selectNewB); isEmptyRef = true; } protected boolean isAnEmptyRef() { return isEmptyRef; } public void add(TemplateComponent toAdd) { if (toAdd.getType() != ComponentType.REPEAT_SEQUENCE_INNER) { owner.addTemplateComponent(toAdd); seqGroupedComponents.add(toAdd); myPanel.add(toAdd.getContent()); } } public ArrayList getSeqGroupedComponents() { return seqGroupedComponents; } public void removeAddAnotherButton() { buttonsWrapperPanel.remove(addAnotherB); } private void removeMe() { owner.remove(this); } public RepeatableSequence getSequence() { return repSequence; } public void alignButtonsLeft() { buttonPanel.setWidth("10%"); } }