package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBELog; import org.gcube.portal.custom.communitymanager.OrganizationsUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.shared.PermissionType; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.shared.Step; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.shared.WfRole; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException; import com.liferay.portal.model.Organization; import com.liferay.portal.model.ResourceConstants; import com.liferay.portal.model.Role; import com.liferay.portal.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.service.CompanyLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.OrganizationLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.PermissionLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.ResourceLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.NoSuchFolderException; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.DLFileEntry; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.DLFolder; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.DLFolderLocalServiceUtil; public class DocLibraryUtil { public static final String WORKFLOWS_FOLDER = "Workflow Documents"; /** * */ private static GCUBELog log = new GCUBELog(DocLibraryUtil.class); /** * write the Report File (payload) into Liferay DocLibrary in the workflowdocs folder * @param roles * @param start each Step contains a Map> that is needed in the writeFileIntoDocLibrary * @param fileName * @param buffer the payload as byte array */ public static boolean writeFileIntoDocLibrary(ASLSession session, List roles, Step start, String fileName, byte[] buffer) { long docfolderid = -1; try { docfolderid = getWfFolder(session); long userId = getUserId(session); //write the file into doclib DLFileEntry fileEntry = DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.addFileEntry( userId, getGroupID(session), docfolderid, fileName, fileName, "workflow document", "", "", buffer, new ServiceContext()); log.debug("Wrote file into DocumentLibrary"); //get the file entry resource id long resourceId = ResourceLocalServiceUtil.getResource(fileEntry.getCompanyId(), DLFileEntry.class.getName(), ResourceConstants.SCOPE_INDIVIDUAL, String.valueOf(fileEntry.getFileEntryId())).getResourceId(); //set the permission on the file for each role for (Role role : roles) { String[] actionIds = getPermissionsFromWfStep(role, start); PermissionLocalServiceUtil.setRolePermissions(role.getRoleId(), actionIds, resourceId); log.debug("set the permissions for Role: " + role.getName()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } log.debug(" WROTE INTO DOCsLib and ADDING permissions for name: " + fileName); return true; } public static DLFileEntry updateFileIntoDocLibrary(ASLSession session, String workflowid, byte[] buffer) { long docfolderid = -1; DLFileEntry fileEntry = null; try { fileEntry = getFileEntry(session, workflowid); docfolderid = getWfFolder(session); long userId = getUserId(session); String fileName = fileEntry.getTitle(); log.debug("Update file into DocumentLibrary with Name: " + fileName); DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.updateFileEntry( userId, getGroupID(session), docfolderid, fileEntry.getName(), fileEntry.getName(), fileName, fileEntry.getDescription(), "", true, "", buffer, new ServiceContext()); log.debug("Update file into DocumentLibrary"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return fileEntry; } public static boolean deleteFileFromDocLibrary(ASLSession session, String workflowid) { DLFileEntry fileEntry = null; try { fileEntry = getFileEntry(session, workflowid); DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.deleteDLFileEntry(fileEntry); log.debug("Deleted"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * * @param session * @param workflowid * @return * @throws Exception * @throws SystemException * @throws PortalException */ public static InputStream getFileEntryAsStream(ASLSession session, String workflowid) throws Exception { String titleWithExtension = workflowid+".zip"; DLFileEntry fileEntry = DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByTitle(getGroupID(session), getWfFolder(session), titleWithExtension); return DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileAsStream(fileEntry.getCompanyId(), getUserId(session), getGroupID(session), getWfFolder(session), fileEntry.getName()); } public static DLFileEntry getFileEntry(ASLSession session, String workflowid) throws PortalException, SystemException, Exception { String titleWithExtension = workflowid+".zip"; return DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByTitle(getGroupID(session), getWfFolder(session), titleWithExtension); } /** * * @param role is the liferay role, for convention is created as ROLENAME_WFID e.g. EDITOR_123 * @param step containts the permissions attached to each role (just the name, e.g. EDITOR) * @return the permissions to apply */ public static String[] getPermissionsFromWfStep(Role role, Step step) { ArrayList toConvert = new ArrayList(); for (WfRole steprole : step.getPermissions().keySet()) { System.out.println("Steprole: "+ steprole.getRolename()); String name = role.getName().split("_")[0]; //e.g. EDITOR <- EDITOR_123 System.out.println("role Name: "+ name); if (steprole.getRolename().equals(name)) { toConvert = step.getPermissions().get(steprole); } } String[] toReturn = new String[toConvert.size()]; int i = 0; for (PermissionType p : toConvert) { toReturn[i] = getLRActionIdFromWfPermissionType(p); i++; } return toReturn; } /** * check the existence of the WFFolder or create it if not exists * @param session * @return true is everything goes ok * @throws PortalException * @throws SystemException */ public static long getWfFolder(ASLSession session) throws Exception { long parentFolderId = 0; DLFolder folder = null; if (! wfFolderExists(session)) { folder = DLFolderLocalServiceUtil.addFolder(getUserId(session), getGroupID(session), parentFolderId, WORKFLOWS_FOLDER, "Folder for Workflow Documents", new ServiceContext()); log.debug("Folder for WorkflowDocs created: /" + WORKFLOWS_FOLDER); } else folder = DLFolderLocalServiceUtil.getFolder( getGroupID(session), parentFolderId, WORKFLOWS_FOLDER); return folder.getFolderId(); } /** * * @param session the ASL Session instance * @return true if the workflow docs exists */ public static boolean wfFolderExists(ASLSession session) { try { long groupid = getGroupID(session); long parentfolder = 0; if (DLFolderLocalServiceUtil.getFolder(groupid, parentfolder, "Workflow Documents") != null) return true; else return false; } catch (NoSuchFolderException ex) { log.debug("Folder does not exists"); return false; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * * @param session * @return * @throws PortalException * @throws SystemException */ public static long getGroupID(ASLSession session) throws PortalException, SystemException { long organizationid = session.getGroupId(); Organization myOrg = OrganizationLocalServiceUtil.getOrganization(organizationid); return myOrg.getGroup().getGroupId(); } /** * * @return the company webid * @throws PortalException * @throws SystemException */ public static long getCompanyID() throws PortalException, SystemException { return OrganizationsUtil.getCompany().getCompanyId(); } /** * * @param session the ASL Session instance * @return the list of the root folders * @throws SystemException . * @throws PortalException . */ public static List getFolders(ASLSession session) throws SystemException, PortalException { long companyid = getCompanyID(); List folders = null; folders = DLFolderLocalServiceUtil.getFolders(companyid); for (DLFolder folder : folders) { log.debug("Folder name: " + folder.getName() + " ID: " + folder.getFolderId() + " Parent: " + folder.getParentFolderId() + " Groupid: " + folder.getGroupId()); } return folders; } /** * * @param session the ASL Session instance * @return the userid in the liferay system */ public static long getUserId(ASLSession session) { List users = null; long userId = 0; try { users = UserLocalServiceUtil.getUsers(0, UserLocalServiceUtil.getUsersCount()); } catch (SystemException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for(User user: users){ if(user.getScreenName().equalsIgnoreCase(session.getUsername())){ userId = user.getUserId(); break; } } return userId; } /** * needed to convert Workflows permission into Lifearay permissions (ActionIDs) * @param type * @return */ private static String getLRActionIdFromWfPermissionType(PermissionType type) { switch (type) { case EDIT_PERMISSIONS: return "PERMISSIONS"; case VIEW: return "VIEW"; case UPDATE: return "UPDATE"; case DELETE: return "DELETE"; case ADD_DISCUSSION: return "ADD_DISCUSSION"; case DELETE_DISCUSSION: return "DELETE_DISCUSSION"; case UPDATE_DISCUSSION: return "UPDATE_DISCUSSION"; default: return ""; } } }