package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import net.sf.csv4j.CSVFileProcessor; import net.sf.csv4j.CSVLineProcessor; import net.sf.csv4j.ParseException; import net.sf.csv4j.ProcessingException; import; import org.gcube.application.framework.accesslogger.library.impl.AccessLogger; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.SessionManager; import; import; import org.gcube.common.core.scope.GCUBEScope.MalformedScopeExpressionException; import org.gcube.common.core.utils.logging.GCUBEClientLog; import org.gcube.portal.custom.scopemanager.scopehelper.ScopeHelper; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.client.WfDocsLibrary; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.server.db.MyDerbyStore; import org.gcube.portlets.admin.wfdocslibrary.server.db.Store; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.server.ServiceUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.ComponentType; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.SerializableComponent; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.SerializableModel; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.SerializableSection; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.SerializableTable; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.SerializableTimeSeries; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.TableCell; import org.gcube.portlets.docxgenerator.DocxGenerator; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.HomeLibrary; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.exceptions.HomeNotFoundException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.Workspace; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceFolder; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItemType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.exceptions.InsufficientPrivilegesException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.exceptions.ItemAlreadyExistException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.exceptions.WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.FolderItem; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.FolderItemType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.ExternalImage; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.Report; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.ReportTemplate; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.gcube.ImageDocument; import org.gcube.portlets.user.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.ts.TimeSeries; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ReportConstants; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.ReportService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.ExportManifestationType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet.loggers.CreateReportLogEntry; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet.loggers.GenerateReportLogEntry; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet.loggers.OpenReportLogEntry; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet.loggers.OpenWorkflowLogEntry; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.server.servlet.loggers.SaveWorkflowLogEntry; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.shared.SessionInfo; import; import com.liferay.portal.service.LockLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.model.DLFileEntry; /** * * class implementing services * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR - * @version Feb 2012 (3.3) */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class ReportServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements ReportService { public static GCUBEClientLog logger = new GCUBEClientLog(ReportServiceImpl.class); /** * EXPORT DIR */ private static final String EXPORTS_DIR = "EXPORTS"; /** * */ public static final String USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE = "user"; /** * */ public static final String GIF = "image/gif"; /** * */ public static final String PNG = "image/png"; /** * */ public static final String JPEG = "image/jpeg"; /** * */ public static final String JPG = "image/jpg"; /** * */ public static final String TIFF = "image/tiff"; /** * */ public static final String BMP = "image/bmp"; /** * */ public static final String CURRENT_REPORT_ID_ATTRIBUTE = "CURRENT_REPORT_ID_ATTRIBUTE"; /** * */ public static final String CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE = "myReport"; /** * */ public static final String PREVIOUS_REPORT_INSTANCE = "myPreviousReport"; private String currentHost = ""; /** * the WF DB Store */ private Store store; //set to true if wanna test workflow menu mode boolean testWorkflow = false; /** * Called then servlet is intialized */ public void init() {"Initializing Servlet ReportServiceImpl..."); store = new MyDerbyStore(); } /** * the current ASLSession * @return . */ private ASLSession getASLSession() { String sessionID = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getId(); String user = (String) this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE); logger.error("Report PORTLET SessionID= " + sessionID); if (user == null) { user = "massimiliano.assante"; this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().setAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE, user); SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(sessionID, user).setScope("/gcube/devsec"); } return SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(sessionID, user); } /** * Retrieve the user saved template names * * @return a String[] containing the template names */ public String[] getUserTemplateNames() { ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); Vector tmp = new Vector(); String userDir = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()); logger.debug("userDir: " + userDir); File f = new File(userDir); //checking if dir exists if (! f.exists()) { try { f.mkdirs(); return new String[0]; } catch (SecurityException ex) { return new String[0]; } } else { File []f2 = f.listFiles(); for(int i = 0; i < f2.length; i++){ if(f2[i].isDirectory()) { tmp.add(f2[i].getName()); } } return tmp.toArray(new String[0]); } } /** * @return a SerializableModel instance of the imported fimes xml */ public SerializableModel readImportedModel(String tempPath) { SerializableModel toConvert = null; FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream in = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(tempPath); in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); toConvert = (SerializableModel) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Converting Imported Fimes to Serializable object, num sectionss: " + toConvert.getSections().size()); return (toConvert); } /** * @return a SerializableModel instance of the templatename passed as parameter * @param templateName : the template to read from disk * @param templateObjectID the id in the basket * @param isTemplate says if you're opening a template or a report * @param isImporting says if your importing or youre loading a template in the UI * */ public SerializableModel readModel(String templateName, String templateObjectID, boolean isTemplate, boolean isImporting) { ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); logger.debug("Reading " + templateName); if (! ReportConstants.isDeployed) { SerializableModel toConvert = null; FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream in = null; try { String path = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()); fis = new FileInputStream(path + "CURRENT_OPEN/CURRENT_OPEN.d4st"); in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); toConvert = (SerializableModel) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Converting fileToRead to Serializable object"); return toConvert; } else { Workspace root = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } WorkspaceItem item = null; try { item = root.getItem(templateObjectID); if (! isImporting) storeReportItemIDInSession(templateObjectID); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("getItem: " + templateObjectID); String zipToExtract = ""; if (item.getType() == WorkspaceItemType.FOLDER_ITEM) { logger.debug("\nItem is a BASKET_ITEM"); FolderItem bi = (FolderItem) item; boolean fromBasket = false; if (isTemplate) { if (bi.getFolderItemType() == FolderItemType.REPORT_TEMPLATE) { ReportTemplate zippedTemplate = (ReportTemplate) bi; String zipFilename = ""; if (! isTemplate) {//then is a report zipFilename = templateName + ""; //gCube report logger.debug("********************** Reading report -----------------"); } else zipFilename = templateName + ".zip"; //gCube template String zipPath = myUtil.getTemplatePath(templateName, getVreName(), getUsername()); fromBasket = getTemplateFromBasket(zippedTemplate, zipPath, zipFilename); zipToExtract = zipPath + zipFilename; } } if (bi.getFolderItemType() == FolderItemType.REPORT) { logger.debug("Item is a REPORT"); Report zippedTemplate = (Report) bi; String zipFilename = ""; if (! isTemplate) {//then is a report zipFilename = templateName + ""; //d4science template logger.debug("********************** Reading report -----------------"); } else zipFilename = templateName + ".zip"; //d4science template File toDelete = new File(zipFilename); toDelete.delete(); String zipPath = myUtil.getTemplatePath(templateName, getVreName(), getUsername()); fromBasket = getReportFromBasket(zippedTemplate, zipPath, zipFilename); zipToExtract = zipPath + zipFilename; } if (bi.getFolderItemType() == FolderItemType.REPORT || bi.getFolderItemType() == FolderItemType.REPORT_TEMPLATE) { if (fromBasket) { File toExtract = new File(zipToExtract); File outputDir = new File( myUtil.getTemplatePath(templateName, getVreName(), getUsername()) ); ZipUtil.unzipArchive(toExtract, outputDir); String templatePath = myUtil.getTemplatePath(templateName, getVreName(), getUsername()); String modelFilename = ""; try { modelFilename = seekModel(templatePath, templateName); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String fileToRead = templatePath + modelFilename + ".d4st" ; //TODO: check // String fileToCheck = templatePath + "gCube-label.d4s" ; //lo deve anche cancellare // File file2Check = new File(fileToCheck); // Logger.debug("Checking: " + fileToCheck); // if (! file2Check.exists()) { // Logger.debug("Not Found: " + fileToCheck); // return new SerializableModel(950); // } else { // file2Check.delete(); // } logger.debug("Loading fileToRead from Disk"); SerializableModel toReturn = null; SerializableModel toConvert = null; FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream in = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileToRead); in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); toConvert = (SerializableModel) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Converting fileToRead to Serializable object"); toReturn = (toConvert); // changes the template name model toReturn.setTemplateName(templateName); File toDelete1 = new File( myUtil.getTemplatePath(templateName, getVreName(), getUsername())); boolean deleted1 = toDelete1.delete(); File toDelete2 = new File(zipToExtract); boolean deleted2 = toDelete2.delete(); logger.debug("dirToDelete: " + toDelete1 + " result: " + deleted1 + " \n\n\n"); logger.debug("dirToDelete: " + toDelete2 + " result: " + deleted2 + " \n\n\n"); //**** IMPORTANT **** if (! isImporting) { storeTemplateInSession(toReturn); logger.debug("storeTemplateInSession DONE"); } AccessLogger log = AccessLogger.getAccessLogger(); OpenReportLogEntry logEntry = new OpenReportLogEntry(toReturn.getTemplateName(), templateObjectID); log.logEntry(getASLSession().getUsername(), getASLSession().getScopeName(), logEntry); return toReturn; } } logger.error("FAILED TO READ RETURING EMPTY Serializable Template"); return new SerializableModel(); } logger.error("FAILED TO READ FROM BASKET RETURING EMPTY Serializable Template"); return new SerializableModel(); } } /** * handles the case that the user has changed the template name in the basket * @param templatePath * @param templateName * @return * @throws FileNotFoundException */ private String seekModel(String templatePath, String templateName) throws FileNotFoundException { logger.debug("seekModel: tPath=" + templatePath); String fileToSeek = templatePath + templateName + ".d4st"; File toSeek = new File(fileToSeek); if (toSeek.exists()) { logger.debug("seekModel: modelName is the SAME returning"); return templateName; } else { logger.debug("seekModel: modelName DIFFERENT upgrading"); File dirToLookIn = new File(templatePath); File[] innerFiles = dirToLookIn.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < innerFiles.length; i++) if (innerFiles[i].getName().endsWith(".d4st")) { String toReturn = innerFiles[i].getName(); toReturn = toReturn.substring(0, toReturn.length()-5); logger.debug("seekModel: returning.. =" + toReturn); return toReturn; } } throw new FileNotFoundException(); } /** * get the template instance from the Basket * @param repTmp * @return */ private boolean getTemplateFromBasket(ReportTemplate repTmp, String pathToFile, String filename) { try { File dir = new File(pathToFile); logger.debug("DIR: " + pathToFile); if (! dir.exists() ) dir.mkdirs(); File f = new File(pathToFile+filename); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = repTmp.getData(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while((len =>0) out.write(buf,0,len); out.close(); inputStream.close();"Successfully got ReportTemplate from Basket: " + pathToFile); return true; } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * get the report instance from the Basket * @param repTmp . * @param pathToFile the directory where to save the file * @param filename the filename to give to the newly created file * @return */ private boolean getReportFromBasket(Report repTmp, String pathToFile, String filename) { try { File dir = new File(pathToFile); logger.debug("DIR: " + pathToFile); if (! dir.exists() ) dir.mkdirs(); File f = new File(pathToFile+filename); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = repTmp.getData(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while((len =>0) out.write(buf,0,len); out.close(); inputStream.close();"Successfully got ReportTemplate from Basket: " + pathToFile); return true; } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * */ public String generateTempDocx(SerializableModel model) {"Generating docx file"); DocxGenerator docxGenerator = new DocxGenerator(model); logger.debug("DocxGenerator instanciated:"); boolean result = docxGenerator.exportInDocx(model); logger.trace("RESULT:" + result); if (! result) return "ERROR"; File docx = null; try { docx = docxGenerator.writeOutputTempFile(model.getTemplateName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "ERROR"; }"Generated docx file: " + docx.getAbsolutePath()); return docx.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * @param model the model * @param type the type * @return true if the generatePDF is successful */ public boolean generateManifestation(SerializableModel model, ExportManifestationType type) { //in case there are dynamic images need to get the from the HL importDynamicImagesFromHL(model); //in case there are dynamic TS need to get the CSV from HL and add it to the component for (SerializableSection section : model.getSections()) { for (SerializableComponent tc : section.getComponents()) { if (tc.getType() == ComponentType.TIME_SERIES) { SerializableTimeSeries sts = (SerializableTimeSeries) tc.getPossibleContent(); File toPass = getTimeSeriesFromWorkspace(sts); if (toPass == null) tc.setPossibleContent(null); else { sts.setCsvFile(toPass.getAbsolutePath()); tc.setPossibleContent(sts); } } } } boolean result = false; ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession());"Generating docx file"); logger.debug("Model Converted"); DocxGenerator docxGenerator = new DocxGenerator(model);"DocxGenerator instanciated:"); result = docxGenerator.exportInDocx(model); logger.trace("RESULT:" + result); //remove the extension String exportName = model.getTemplateName(); if (exportName.endsWith(".d4sT") || exportName.endsWith(".d4sR") ) exportName = model.getTemplateName().substring(0, model.getTemplateName().length() - 5); if (result) { switch (type) { case DOCX: try { File docx = docxGenerator.writeOutputTempFile(exportName); logger.debug("Generated docx file: " + docx.getAbsolutePath()); File toMoveTo = new File(myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + EXPORTS_DIR + File.separator + exportName + ".docx"); String folder = (myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + EXPORTS_DIR + File.separator); myUtil.copyFile(docx, toMoveTo, folder); logger.trace("1 File Copied to " + toMoveTo.getAbsolutePath()); String name = exportName+".docx"; String desc = name; String mimeType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"; saveInWorkSpace(name, desc, mimeType, toMoveTo, type); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case HTML: try { File html = docxGenerator.createHTML();"Generated HTML file: " + html.getAbsolutePath()); File toMoveTo = new File(myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + EXPORTS_DIR + File.separator + exportName + ".html"); String folder = (myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + EXPORTS_DIR + File.separator); myUtil.copyFile(html, toMoveTo, folder); logger.trace("1 File Copied to " + toMoveTo.getAbsolutePath()); String name = exportName+".html"; String desc = name; String mimeType = "text/html"; saveInWorkSpace(name, desc, mimeType, toMoveTo, type); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; default: break; } } return result; } /** * save the manifestation in default folder, overwrites if the file name exists already * * @param name the name in the Workspace * @param desc the desc * @param mimeType its mimetype * @param payLoad a File instance */ private boolean saveInWorkSpace(String name, String desc, String mimeType, File payLoad, ExportManifestationType type ) { try { String defaultBasketID = getDefaultBasket(); // Read the pdf input stream InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(payLoad)); Workspace wp = getWorkspaceArea(); WorkspaceFolder toSaveIn = wp.getRoot(); if (toSaveIn.exists(name)) { logger.warn("Item exists already, deleting and creating new one"); toSaveIn.removeChild(toSaveIn.find(name)); } if (type == ExportManifestationType.PDF) { wp.createExternalPDFFile(name, name, mimeType, inputStream, defaultBasketID); } else wp.createExternalFile(name, name, mimeType, inputStream, defaultBasketID); AccessLogger log = AccessLogger.getAccessLogger(); GenerateReportLogEntry logEntry = new GenerateReportLogEntry(name, mimeType, type.toString()); log.logEntry(getASLSession().getUsername(), getASLSession().getScopeName(), logEntry); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * * @return the shared session */ public String getUsername() { if (! ReportConstants.isDeployed) { return "massimiliano.assante"; } else { HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = this.getThreadLocalRequest(); HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession(); String user = (String) session.getAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE); if(session.getAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE)== null) { user = "massimiliano.assante"; logger.warn("D4ScienceSession user NULL set to: " + user); } logger.warn("ASLSession user: " + user); ASLSession d4session = SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(session.getId(), user); d4session.setAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE, user); return user; } } /** * * @return the current scope */ public String getVreName() { if (! ReportConstants.isDeployed) { return ""; } else { HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = this.getThreadLocalRequest(); HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession(); ASLSession d4session = SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(session.getId(), getUsername()); String scope = d4session.getScopeName(); if(scope == null) { scope = "gcube/devsec"; logger.warn("ASL Session scope NULL set to: " + scope); } //need to remove the initial / of the scope if (scope.charAt(0) == '/') scope = scope.substring(1, scope.length());"SCOPE: " + scope); return scope; } } /** * * @return an instance of the user WorkspaceArea * @throws HomeNotFoundException * @throws InternalErrorException * @throws WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException * @throws WorkspaceNotFoundException * @throws InternalErrorException * @throws HomeNotFoundException */ protected Workspace getWorkspaceArea() throws WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException, InternalErrorException, HomeNotFoundException { return HomeLibrary.getUserWorkspace(getASLSession()); } /** * reads from the file system and returns the user workspace as TreeNode object * * @return the Default basket if if there is no basket in session, else the basket in session id */ public String getDefaultBasket() {"getDefaultBasket()"); try { Workspace workspaceArea = getWorkspaceArea(); WorkspaceFolder basket = workspaceArea.getRoot(); return basket.getId(); } catch (MalformedScopeExpressionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return "Coud not open default basket"; } /** * * @return the model previously stored in the session */ public SerializableModel readTemplateFromSession() { ASLSession d4Session = getASLSession(); String templateid = (String) d4Session.getAttribute("idreport"); Object workflowid = getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.LAST_WORKFLOW_ID); logger.debug(" (templateid != null && workflowid != null) = " + (templateid != null) + " - " + (workflowid != null)); if (workflowid != null) { getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.LAST_WORKFLOW_ID, null); return null; } String templateName = ""; logger.debug("TEMPLATE ID==NULL " + (templateid == null)); if (templateid != null) { if (! templateid.equals("")) { logger.debug("READING SESSION VARIABLE FOR REPORT ID... " + templateid); //reset the value d4Session.setAttribute("idreport", ""); Workspace root = null; WorkspaceItem item = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); item = root.getItem(templateid);"READ REPORT FROM WP... " + item.getName()); templateName = item.getName(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace();} SerializableModel toReturn = readModel(templateName, templateid, false, false); return toReturn; } if (d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE) != null) return (SerializableModel) d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE) ; return null; } else { if (d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE) != null) { logger.debug("getAttribute(\"CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE\")..."); SerializableModel model = (SerializableModel) d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE) ; logger.debug(model.getTemplateName()); return model; } } ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); String dirToClean = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername());"RETURNING NULL, going to clean user template area: " + dirToClean); if (ReportConstants.isDeployed) delTemplateDir(new File(dirToClean)); return null; } /** * recurdively delete the templates folder of the dir dir * @param dir the dir to delete */ public void delTemplateDir(File dir) { try { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) delTemplateDir(files[i]); files[i].delete(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("WARNING: Could not cleaning temp dir: reason unknown"); } } /** * @param model to store in the session */ public void storeTemplateInSession(SerializableModel model) { ASLSession d4Session = getASLSession(); d4Session.setAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE, model); // Vector sections = model.getSections(); // for (SerialazableSection section : sections) { // for (SerializableComponent component : section.getComponents()) { // if (component.getType() == ComponentType.DYNA_IMAGE) { // Logger.debug("\n\n****FOUND DYNA IMAGE ID In Basket: " + component.getIdInBasket()); // } // } // } } private void importDynamicImagesFromHL(SerializableModel model) { ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); logger.debug("model == NULL " + (model == null)); Vector sections = model.getSections(); for (SerializableSection section : sections) { logger.debug("\n\n****section.getComponents() == NULL " + (section.getComponents() == null)); for (SerializableComponent component : section.getComponents()) { if (component.getType() == ComponentType.DYNA_IMAGE) { logger.debug("Found DP: " + component.getPossibleContent()); logger.debug("ID In Basket null?: " + (component.getIdInBasket() == null)); if (component.getIdInBasket() != null) { String imageID = component.getIdInBasket(); String imageNameFile = getRandom(12); String imageTargetDIR = myUtil.getTemplatePath(model.getTemplateName(), getVreName(), getUsername()) + "images" + File.separator; imageNameFile = copyImageFromBasket(imageID, imageTargetDIR, imageNameFile); component.setPossibleContent(getImageURL(imageNameFile, model.getTemplateName())); logger.trace("NEW setPossibleContent: " + component.getPossibleContent()); } } } } } /** * * @param imageName * @param templateName * @return */ private String getImageURL(String imageName, String templateName) { String toReturn = currentHost + "usersArea/" + getVreName() + "/templates/" + getUsername() + "/CURRENT_OPEN/images/" + imageName;"getImageURL" + toReturn); return toReturn; } /** * * @param imageIDinBasket . * @param pathToFile the directory where to save the file * @param filename the filename to give to the newly created file * @return the file imagename with its extension */ private String copyImageFromBasket(String imageIDinBasket, String pathToFile, String filename) { Workspace root = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } WorkspaceItem item = null; try { item = root.getItem(imageIDinBasket); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("pathToFile: " + pathToFile); File f = null; String toReturn =""; if (item.getType() == WorkspaceItemType.FOLDER_ITEM) { logger.debug("\nItem is a BASKET_ITEM"); FolderItem bi = (FolderItem) item; try { File dir = new File(pathToFile); logger.debug("DIR: " + pathToFile); if (! dir.exists() ) dir.mkdirs(); InputStream data = null; if (bi.getFolderItemType()==FolderItemType.EXTERNAL_IMAGE){ logger.debug("EXTERNAL_IMAGE -|- " + item.getType()); ExternalImage image = (ExternalImage)item; data = image.getData(); } if (bi.getFolderItemType()==FolderItemType.IMAGE_DOCUMENT){ ImageDocument image = (ImageDocument)item; if (image.getMimeType().equals("image/tiff")) data = image.getThumbnail(); else data = image.getData(); } toReturn = filename + "." + getImageExtension(bi); f = new File(pathToFile+toReturn); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while((len =>0) out.write(buf,0,len); out.close(); data.close(); } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }"RETURNING: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); return toReturn; } /** * return a string for the file extension given a mimetype * * @param bi the basketItem * @return a string for the file extension given a mimetype */ public static String getImageExtension(FolderItem bi) { String mimetype = ""; if (bi.getFolderItemType()==FolderItemType.EXTERNAL_IMAGE){ ExternalImage image = (ExternalImage) bi; mimetype = image.getMimeType(); } if (bi.getFolderItemType()==FolderItemType.IMAGE_DOCUMENT){ ImageDocument image = (ImageDocument) bi; mimetype = image.getMimeType(); } if (mimetype.equals(GIF)) return "gif"; else if (mimetype.equals(PNG)) return "png"; else if (mimetype.equals(JPG)) return "jpg"; else if (mimetype.equals(JPEG)) return "jpg"; else if (mimetype.equals(TIFF)) return "png"; else if (mimetype.equals(BMP)) return "bmp"; else return "jpg"; } /** * generate a random uid * @param length * @return */ private String getRandom(int length) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); String myRandom = uuid.toString(); return myRandom.substring(length); } /** * Copies a image from fromTemplate/images/imageNameFile to toTemplate/images/imageNameFile * @param fromTemplate the origin template * @param toTemplate the target template * @param imageNameFile . * @return true if the copy went fine */ public boolean copyImage(String fromTemplate, String toTemplate, String imageNameFile) { ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); String imageFrom = myUtil.getTemplatePath(fromTemplate, getVreName(), getUsername()) + "images" + File.separator + imageNameFile; String imageTarget = myUtil.getTemplatePath(toTemplate, getVreName(), getUsername()) + "images" + File.separator + imageNameFile; String imageNewFolder = myUtil.getTemplatePath(toTemplate, getVreName(), getUsername()) + "images" + File.separator; logger.debug("Copying:\n" + imageFrom + "\nto: " + imageTarget); File from = new File(imageFrom); File to = new File(imageTarget); try { myUtil.copyFile(from, to, imageNewFolder); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error While Copying: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } logger.debug("Copying Success\n"); return true; } /** * @param reportItemid the report itemd id in basket to store in the session */ public void storeReportItemIDInSession(String reportItemid) { ASLSession d4Session = getASLSession(); d4Session.setAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_ID_ATTRIBUTE, reportItemid); logger.debug("WROTE REPORT ID IN SESSION: " + reportItemid); } /** * @return the report item id in basket, or "" if doesn't exist */ public String getReportItemIDFromSession() { ASLSession d4Session = getASLSession(); if (d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_ID_ATTRIBUTE) == null) return ""; else return d4Session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_ID_ATTRIBUTE).toString(); } /** * used to save the report in the same basket * */ public void saveReport() { Workspace root = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } WorkspaceItem item = null; String folderid = ""; String itemName = ""; try { if (getReportItemIDFromSession().equals("")) { folderid = getDefaultBasket(); } else { logger.debug("getReportItemIDFromSession RETURNS -> " + getReportItemIDFromSession() + ""); item = root.getItem(getReportItemIDFromSession()); folderid = item.getParent().getId(); itemName = item.getName(); } } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { logger.error("ITEM NOT FOUND -> " + getReportItemIDFromSession()); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("folderid -> " + folderid); saveReport(folderid, itemName); } /** * @param basketidToSaveIn . * */ public void saveReport(String folderid, String newname) { SerializableModel model = readTemplateFromSession(); //raplacing " " with _"Serializing Model basketidToSaveIn: " + folderid );"Trying to convert dynamic images ... "); importDynamicImagesFromHL(model); ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); boolean result = myUtil.writeModel(model, "CURRENT_OPEN", getVreName(), getUsername()); if (!result) { logger.debug("Could not save report, serializing failed"); } else { String templatePath = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + "CURRENT_OPEN"; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Trying to zip folder: " + templatePath); String folderToZip = templatePath; String outZip = templatePath+""; try { ZipUtil.zipDir(outZip, folderToZip); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Could not zip template, serializing failed"); e.printStackTrace(); }"Folder zipped, result: "+ outZip); InputStream isZip = null; WorkspaceFolder toSaveIn = null; try { isZip = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(outZip)); toSaveIn = getBasketInstance(folderid); String templateName = newname; if (templateName.endsWith("d4sR") ) { if (toSaveIn.exists(templateName)) { logger.warn("Item exists already, deleting and creating new one"); toSaveIn.removeChild(toSaveIn.find(templateName)); } } if (toSaveIn.exists(templateName + ".d4sR")) { logger.warn("Item exists already, deleting and creating new one"); toSaveIn.removeChild(toSaveIn.find(templateName + ".d4sR")); } //remove the template extension String templateToInsert = templateName.replace(".d4sT", ""); if (! templateToInsert.endsWith(".d4sR")) templateToInsert+=".d4sR"; /** * Create a Report into this basket. * @param name the report name. * @param description the report description. * @param created the report creation time. * @param lastEdit the last edit time. * @param author the report author. * @param lastEditBy the last report editor. * @param templateName the source template name. * @param numberOfSections the number of sections. * @param status the report status. * @param reportData the report data. * @return the report. * @throws InsufficientPrivilegesException if the user don't have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. * @throws InternalErrorException if an internal error occurs. * @throws ItemAlreadyExistException if an item with the specified name already exists. */ Calendar dateCreated = Calendar.getInstance(); dateCreated.setTime(model.getDateCreated()); Calendar lastEdit = Calendar.getInstance(); lastEdit.setTime(model.getLastEdit()); Report rep = toSaveIn.createReportItem(templateToInsert, templateToInsert, dateCreated, lastEdit, model.getAuthor(), model.getLastEditBy(), templateToInsert, model.getSections().size(), "no-status", isZip); //Report rep = toSaveIn.createReportItem(templateToInsert, templateToInsert, isZip); storeReportItemIDInSession(rep.getId()); AccessLogger log = AccessLogger.getAccessLogger(); CreateReportLogEntry logEntry = new CreateReportLogEntry(model.getTemplateName(), rep.getId()); log.logEntry(getASLSession().getUsername(), getASLSession().getScopeName(), logEntry); } catch (InsufficientPrivilegesException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ItemAlreadyExistException e) { } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } private boolean removeIfExist(String name2Check, WorkspaceFolder basket) throws InternalErrorException, InsufficientPrivilegesException { List items = basket.getChildren(); for (WorkspaceItem item : items) if (item.getName().equals(name2Check)) { item.remove();"ITEM REMOVED: "+ name2Check); return true; } return false; } /** * Return an instance of * @param basketId * @return * @throws ItemNotFoundException */ private WorkspaceFolder getBasketInstance(String basketId) throws ItemNotFoundException { Workspace root = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } WorkspaceItem item = null; try { item = root.getItem(basketId); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {"BASKET : " + basketId + " NOT FOUND RETURNING DEFAULT ONE"); return(WorkspaceFolder)root.getItem(getDefaultBasket()); } logger.debug("Item Type: "+item.getType()); if (item.getType() != WorkspaceItemType.FOLDER) { logger.error("The item id does not belong to a basket id:" + basketId); return null; } return (WorkspaceFolder) item; } /** * return a sample of the given TS to the client * @param sTS . * @return . */ public SerializableTable getSampleTimeSeries(SerializableTimeSeries sTS) { File csvTS = getTimeSeriesFromWorkspace(sTS); SerializableTable toReturn = null; try { toReturn = parseCSV(csvTS, sTS); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ProcessingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return toReturn; } /** * retrieve the given TS csv representation and writes it into /tmp returning the File * @param sTS serializable TS * @return a File csv */ private File getTimeSeriesFromWorkspace(SerializableTimeSeries sTS) { try { String timeSeriesBasketID = sTS.getTsMetadata().getId(); Workspace root = null; try { root = getWorkspaceArea(); } catch (WorkspaceFolderNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (HomeNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } WorkspaceItem item = null; try { item = root.getItem(timeSeriesBasketID); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Got Item TS From HL, Item Type: "+item.getType()); if (item.getType() != WorkspaceItemType.FOLDER_ITEM) { logger.debug("The item id does not belong to a timeseries, id:" + timeSeriesBasketID); return null; } FolderItem bItem = (FolderItem) item; if (bItem.getFolderItemType() != FolderItemType.TIME_SERIES) { logger.debug("The basket item does not belong to a timeseries, id:" + timeSeriesBasketID); return null; } TimeSeries ts = (TimeSeries) bItem; return getTSFromBasket(ts); } catch (NullPointerException e) { logger.error("No TS was dragged in the Area returning NULL"); return null; } } /** * * @param toParse the csv to parse * @throws ProcessingException . * @throws IOException . * @throws ParseException . */ private SerializableTable parseCSV(File toParse, final SerializableTimeSeries sTS) throws ParseException , IOException, ProcessingException { final SerializableTable toReturn; final boolean isFiltered; final int fromLine; final int toLine; //if there is no filter if ( sTS.getFilter() == null) { toReturn = new SerializableTable(sTS.getTsMetadata().getHeaderLabels().size()); isFiltered = false; fromLine = 1; toLine = 10; } else { int headers = sTS.getFilter().getColsNumberToShow().size(); toReturn = new SerializableTable(headers); isFiltered = true; fromLine = sTS.getFilter().getFrom(); toLine = fromLine + 10; } final CSVFileProcessor fp = new CSVFileProcessor(); fp.processFile(toParse.getAbsolutePath() , new CSVLineProcessor() { boolean keepGoing = true; public void processHeaderLine( final int linenumber, final List fieldNames ) { ArrayList toInsert = new ArrayList(); for (String field : fieldNames) { toInsert.add(new TableCell(field)); } if (! isFiltered) toReturn.addRow((ArrayList) toInsert); else { ArrayList filteredHeaders = new ArrayList(); for (Integer colNo : sTS.getFilter().getColsNumberToShow()) { String toAdd = sTS.getTsMetadata().getHeaderLabels().get(colNo); filteredHeaders.add(toAdd); toInsert = new ArrayList(); for (String field : filteredHeaders) { toInsert.add(new TableCell(field)); } } toReturn.addRow(toInsert); } } public void processDataLine( final int linenumber, final List fieldValues ) { if (linenumber > toLine) keepGoing = false; if (linenumber >= fromLine && linenumber <= toLine) { ArrayList toInsert = new ArrayList(); for (String field : fieldValues) { toInsert.add(new TableCell(field)); } if (! isFiltered) toReturn.addRow(toInsert); else { ArrayList filteredFields = new ArrayList(); for (Integer colNo : sTS.getFilter().getColsNumberToShow()) { String toAdd = fieldValues.get(colNo); filteredFields.add(toAdd); toInsert = new ArrayList(); for (String field : filteredFields) { toInsert.add(new TableCell(field)); } } toReturn.addRow(toInsert); } } } public boolean continueProcessing() { return keepGoing; } } ); return toReturn; } /** * get the TS from the Basket * @param ts * @return a csv file */ private File getTSFromBasket(TimeSeries ts) { try { File temp = File.createTempFile(ts.getName(), ".csv"); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = ts.getData(); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while((len =>0) out.write(buf,0,len); out.close(); inputStream.close(); logger.debug("Successfully got TimeSeries from Basket: \n" + temp.getAbsolutePath()); return temp; } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } catch (InternalErrorException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * each portlet instance runs in a scope * each portlet instance is used by a unique username from within the portal * @param currentHost . * @return a SessionInfo bean containing the username the scope andis opening a workflow document or not */ public SessionInfo getSessionInfo(String currentHost) { this.currentHost = currentHost; if (testWorkflow) { getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE, "1"); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_GIVEN_NAME, "TEST REPORT"); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE, true); return new SessionInfo(getUsername(), getVreName(), true, true); } if (getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE) == null) { logger.debug("WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE is NULL: "); return new SessionInfo(getUsername(), getVreName(), false, false); } else { logger.debug("FOUND WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE ***** "); //String workflowid = getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE).toString(); Boolean canEdit = ! (Boolean) getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE); return new SessionInfo(getUsername(), getVreName(), true, canEdit); } } public SerializableModel getWorkflowDocumentFromDocumentLibrary() { ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(getASLSession()); if (testWorkflow) { FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream in = null; SerializableModel toConvert = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream("/Users/massi/portal/CURRENT_OPEN.d4st"); in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); toConvert = (SerializableModel) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } toConvert.setTemplateName("TEST");" Converting TEST REPORT to Serializable object, model name: \n" + toConvert.getTemplateName()); return toConvert; } else { String workflowid = getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE).toString(); Boolean canEdit = ! (Boolean) getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE); String documentName = getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_GIVEN_NAME).toString();"getWorkflowDocumentFromDocumentLibrary() CALLED ***** ID = " + workflowid + " name:\n " + documentName); //TODO: check this //reset the values in session"Reset the values in session ... "); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.LAST_WORKFLOW_ID, workflowid); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_ID_ATTRIBUTE, null); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_READONLY_ATTRIBUTE, null); getASLSession().setAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.WORKFLOW_GIVEN_NAME, null); try { InputStream inputStream = DocLibraryUtil.getFileEntryAsStream(getASLSession(), workflowid); String templatePath = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + "CURRENT_OPEN/"; String pathToFile = templatePath; File toExtract = writeReportToDisk(inputStream, pathToFile, ""); File outputDir = new File( myUtil.getTemplatePath("", getVreName(), getUsername()) ); ZipUtil.unzipArchive(toExtract, outputDir); toExtract.delete(); FileInputStream fis = null; ObjectInputStream in = null; SerializableModel toConvert = null; try { String path = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()); fis = new FileInputStream(path + "CURRENT_OPEN/CURRENT_OPEN.d4st"); in = new ObjectInputStream(fis); toConvert = (SerializableModel) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } toConvert.setTemplateName(documentName); logger.debug("Converting fileToRead to Serializable object, model name: \n" + toConvert.getTemplateName()); SerializableModel toReturn = (toConvert); //saves this model as previous one in session getASLSession().setAttribute(PREVIOUS_REPORT_INSTANCE, toConvert); AccessLogger log = AccessLogger.getAccessLogger(); OpenWorkflowLogEntry logEntry = new OpenWorkflowLogEntry(toConvert.getTemplateName(), toConvert.getUniqueID(), toConvert.getAuthor()); log.logEntry(getASLSession().getUsername(), getASLSession().getScopeName(), logEntry); return toReturn; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } } /** * get the report instance from the Basket * @param repTmp . * @param pathToFile the directory where to save the file * @param filename the filename to give to the newly created file * @return */ private File writeReportToDisk(InputStream isData, String pathToFile, String filename) { try { File dir = new File(pathToFile); logger.debug("DIR: " + pathToFile); if (! dir.exists() ) dir.mkdirs(); File f = new File(pathToFile+filename); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f); IOUtils.copy(isData, out); out.close(); logger.debug("Successfully WROTE ReportTemplate from DL: " + pathToFile); return f; } catch (IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * update the Workflow Document in session */ public void updateWorkflowDocument(boolean update) { ASLSession session = getASLSession(); ServiceUtil myUtil = new ServiceUtil(session); String workflowid = session.getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.LAST_WORKFLOW_ID).toString(); SerializableModel model = null; String documentWorkflowOwnerId = store.getWorkflowById(workflowid).getAuthor(); String documentWorkflowName = store.getWorkflowById(workflowid).getName(); if (update) { logger.debug("SAVING in WorkflowDocument Library "); model = (SerializableModel) session.getAttribute(CURRENT_REPORT_INSTANCE); logger.debug("Trying to convert dynamic images ... "); importDynamicImagesFromHL(model); boolean result = myUtil.writeModel(model, "CURRENT_OPEN", getVreName(), getUsername()); if (!result) { logger.error("Could not save report, serializing failed"); } else { String templatePath = myUtil.getTemplateFolder(getVreName(), getUsername()) + "CURRENT_OPEN"; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } logger.debug("Trying to zip folder: " + templatePath); String folderToZip = templatePath; String outZip = templatePath+""; try { ZipUtil.zipDir(outZip, folderToZip); logger.debug("Folder zipped, result: "+ outZip); InputStream isZip = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(outZip)); DocLibraryUtil.updateFileIntoDocLibrary(getASLSession(), workflowid, getBytesFromInputStream(isZip));"Updated in DOC LIB OK"); store.addWorkflowLogAction(workflowid, getASLSession().getUsername(), "Updated"); //send the notification NotificationsManager nm = new ApplicationNotificationsManager(session, "org.gcube.admin.portlet.wfdocviewer.server.WorkflowDocServiceImpl"); nm.notifyDocumentWorkflowUpdate(documentWorkflowOwnerId, workflowid, documentWorkflowName); AccessLogger log = AccessLogger.getAccessLogger(); SaveWorkflowLogEntry logEntry = new SaveWorkflowLogEntry(model.getTemplateName(), model.getUniqueID(), model.getAuthor()); log.logEntry(getASLSession().getUsername(), getASLSession().getScopeName(), logEntry); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not zip template, serializing failed"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { store.addWorkflowLogAction(workflowid, getASLSession().getUsername(), "Viewed"); //send the notification NotificationsManager nm = new ApplicationNotificationsManager(session, "org.gcube.admin.portlet.wfdocviewer.server.WorkflowDocServiceImpl"); nm.notifyDocumentWorkflowView(documentWorkflowOwnerId, workflowid, documentWorkflowName); } //unlocks unlock(workflowid); getASLSession().setAttribute("idreport", null); } /** */ byte[] getBytesFromInputStream(InputStream is) { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { IOUtils.copy(is, os); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return os.toByteArray(); } /** * * @param workflowid . */ private void unlock(String workflowid) { DLFileEntry fileEntry; try { fileEntry = DocLibraryUtil.getFileEntry(getASLSession(), workflowid);"Log action saved, trying ot unlock document ..."); LockLocalServiceUtil.unlock(DLFileEntry.class.getName(), fileEntry.getFileEntryId());"UNLOCK OK!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void renewLock() { HttpSession httpSes = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); httpSes.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1); //session won't expire String workflowid = getASLSession().getAttribute(WfDocsLibrary.LAST_WORKFLOW_ID).toString(); try { DLFileEntry fileEntry = DocLibraryUtil.getFileEntry(getASLSession(), workflowid);"Renewing Lock ..."); long fifteenMin = 900000; Date currTimePlus15 = new Date(new Date().getTime() + fifteenMin); LockLocalServiceUtil.getLock(DLFileEntry.class.getName(), fileEntry.getFileEntryId()).setExpirationDate(currTimePlus15);"Lock Renewed, expiring: " + currTimePlus15); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }