package org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.d4sreporting.common.shared.Metadata; import org.gcube.portlets.user.gcubewidgets.client.popup.GCubeDialog; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Presenter.CommonCommands; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Presenter.Presenter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.ImporterDialog; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.dialog.PagePropertiesDialog; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.ExportManifestationType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.model.TemplateModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.shared.VMETypeIdentifier; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.client.notification.WorkspaceExplorerSelectNotification.WorskpaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener; import; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.shared.Item; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.wsexplorer.shared.ItemType; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.MessageBox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Headerbar class is the top bar component of the UI * * @author Massimiliano Assante, ISTI-CNR - */ public class Headerbar extends Composite{ private static final String ADD_BIBLIO_ENTRY = "Add citation"; private static final String VIEW_BIBLIO = "View Bibliography"; private static final String MANAGE_BIBLIO = "Delete citation(s)"; private static final String EXPORT_OPENXML = "Export to OpenXML (docx)"; private static final String EXPORT_HTML = "Export to HTML"; private static final String EXPORT_FIMES = "Export to FiMES XML"; private static final String EXPORT_XML = "Export to XML"; private static final String IMPORT_VME = "Edit VME"; // private static final String EXPORT_ENCRYPTED_REPORT = "Save an Encrypted Version to Desktop"; private static final String VIEW_USER_COMMENTS = "View user comments"; String location; private Presenter presenter; /** * the template Model */ private TemplateModel templateModel; /** * mainLayout Panel */ private CellPanel mainLayout = new HorizontalPanel(); //private MenuItem optionPDF; private MenuItem importModel; private MenuItem addBiblioEntry; private MenuItem viewBiblio; private MenuItem manageBiblio; private MenuItem optionHTML; private MenuItem optionDOCX; private MenuItem optionPDF; private MenuItem optionFimes; private MenuItem optionXML; private MenuItem optionEncryptedModel; private MenuItem viewMetadata; private MenuItem viewComments; private MenuItem discardSection; private MenuItem importVME; private MenuItem importVMERef; MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(); MenuItem fileMenu; MenuItem viewMenu; MenuItem sectionsMenu; MenuItem biblioMenu; MenuItem exportMenu; MenuItem vmeMenu; MenuItemSeparator separator1; MenuItemSeparator separator2; MenuItemSeparator separator3; MenuItemSeparator separator4; /** * Constructor * @param c the controller instance for this UI component */ public Headerbar(Presenter c) { this.presenter = c; this.templateModel = presenter.getModel(); menuBar.setAutoOpen(false); // menuBar.setWidth("100px"); menuBar.setAnimationEnabled(true); fileMenu = getFileMenu(); menuBar.addItem(fileMenu); separator1 = menuBar.addSeparator(); viewMenu = getViewMenu(); menuBar.addItem(viewMenu); separator2 = menuBar.addSeparator(); sectionsMenu = getSectionMenu(); menuBar.addItem(sectionsMenu); separator3 = menuBar.addSeparator(); biblioMenu = getBiblioMenu(); menuBar.addItem(biblioMenu); separator4 = menuBar.addSeparator(); exportMenu = getExportsMenu(); menuBar.addItem(exportMenu); mainLayout.setSize("100%", "24px"); mainLayout.setStyleName("menubar"); mainLayout.add(menuBar); //design the part for the template name and the pages handling HorizontalPanel captionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); captionPanel.setWidth("100%"); HorizontalPanel pageHandlerPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); pageHandlerPanel.setHeight("24px"); pageHandlerPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); captionPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); mainLayout.add(captionPanel); mainLayout.add(pageHandlerPanel); mainLayout.setCellHorizontalAlignment(menuBar, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); mainLayout.setCellHorizontalAlignment(captionPanel, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); mainLayout.setCellWidth(menuBar, "200px"); // mainLayout.setCellWidth(pageHandlerPanel, "200"); initWidget(mainLayout); } public void setMenuForVME() { menuBar.removeItem(viewMenu); menuBar.removeItem(sectionsMenu); menuBar.removeItem(biblioMenu); menuBar.removeSeparator(separator1); menuBar.removeSeparator(separator2); menuBar.removeSeparator(separator3); menuBar.removeItem(exportMenu); vmeMenu = getVMEMenuEdit(); menuBar.addItem(vmeMenu); menuBar.addSeparator(); MenuItem vmeMenuCreate = getVMEMenuCreate(); menuBar.addItem(vmeMenuCreate); separator4 = menuBar.addSeparator(); MenuItem vmeMenuDelete = getVMEMenuDelete(); menuBar.addItem(vmeMenuDelete); menuBar.addSeparator(); exportMenu = getExportsMenu(); menuBar.addItem(exportMenu); } public void setMenuForWorkflowDocument(boolean canUpdate) { presenter.setMenuForWorkflowDocument(true); menuBar.removeItem(fileMenu); menuBar.removeItem(viewMenu); menuBar.removeItem(sectionsMenu); menuBar.removeItem(biblioMenu); menuBar.removeSeparator(separator1); menuBar.removeSeparator(separator2); menuBar.removeItem(exportMenu); MenuBar workflowMenu = new MenuBar(true); workflowMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); separator1 = menuBar.addSeparator(); viewMenu = getViewMenu(); menuBar.addItem(viewMenu); separator2 = menuBar.addSeparator(); sectionsMenu = getSectionMenu(); menuBar.addItem(sectionsMenu); separator3 = menuBar.addSeparator(); biblioMenu = getBiblioMenu(); menuBar.addItem(biblioMenu); separator4 = menuBar.addSeparator(); exportMenu = getExportsMenu(); menuBar.addItem(exportMenu); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().clear(); ReportGenerator.get().getToolbarPanel().add(new HTML("  ", true)); enableExports(); } /** * Redirect to VRE Deployer Portlet */ private void loadWorkflowLibraryApp(){ getUrl(); location += "/../my-workflow-documents";, "_self", ""); } /** * Get URL from browser */ public native void getUrl()/*-{ this.@org.gcube.portlets.user.reportgenerator.client.Headerbar::location = $wnd.location.href; }-*/; /** * temporary command * @return the command instance */ public Command getNullCommand() { Command openNothing = new Command() { public void execute() { } }; return openNothing; } public Command getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd() { Command disabledExportMenuItemCmd = new Command() { public void execute() { MessageBox.alert("Alert", "Export is disabled for templates, please save this template as a Report and retry." + " If you just saved this Template as a Report please save it and reopen the Report", null); } }; return disabledExportMenuItemCmd; } /** * temporary command * @return the command instance */ public Command getBiblioCommand() { Command openNothing = new Command() { public void execute() { MessageBox.alert("Warning ","A textarea must be selected to add an entry", null); } }; return openNothing; } Command addCitationCmd = new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.openAddCitationDialog(); } }; Command viewBiblioCmd = new Command() { public void execute() { if (presenter.hasBibliography()) { presenter.seekLastPage(); } else { MessageBox.alert("Warning", "No bibliography found, to add bibliography start adding citations:
Bibliography > Add citation (from within a text area)", null); } } }; Command manageBiblioCmd = new Command() { public void execute() { if (presenter.hasBibliography()) { presenter.openManageCitationsDialog(); } else { MessageBox.alert("Warning", "No bibliography found, to add bibliography start adding citations:
Bibliography > Add citation (from within a text area)", null); } } }; private MenuItem getVMEMenuDelete() { MenuBar createMenu = new MenuBar(true); createMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Delete VME-DB", createMenu); toReturn.getElement().getStyle().setWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace.NOWRAP); MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Delete VME", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEDeleteDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.Vme); } }); createMenu.addItem(item); createMenu.addSeparator(); item = new MenuItem("Delete VME General Measure", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEDeleteDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.GeneralMeasure); } }); createMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Delete Information Source", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEDeleteDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.InformationSource); } }); createMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Delete Bottom fishing areas", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEDeleteDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.FisheryAreasHistory); } }); createMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Delete Regional overview of VMEs", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEDeleteDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.VMEsHistory); } }); createMenu.addItem(item); return toReturn; } private MenuItem getVMEMenuEdit() { MenuBar importMenu = new MenuBar(true); importMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Edit VME-DB", importMenu); toReturn.getElement().getStyle().setWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace.NOWRAP); Command importVMEReport = new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEImportDialog(); } }; importVME = new MenuItem(IMPORT_VME, true, importVMEReport); importMenu.addItem(importVME); importMenu.addSeparator(); MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Edit VME General Measures", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEReportRefImportDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.GeneralMeasure); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Edit Information Sources", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEReportRefImportDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.InformationSource); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Edit Bottom fishing areas", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEReportRefImportDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.FisheryAreasHistory); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Edit Regional overview of VMEs", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.showVMEReportRefImportDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.VMEsHistory); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); // item = new MenuItem("Edit Rfmo", true, new Command() { // public void execute() { // presenter.showVMEReportRefImportDialog(VMETypeIdentifier.Rfmo); // } // }); // importMenu.addItem(item); // // importMenu.addSeparator(); // MenuItem exportVME = new MenuItem("Export Current to VME-DB", true, importVMEReport); // importMenu.addItem(exportVME); return toReturn; } private MenuItem getVMEMenuCreate() { MenuBar importMenu = new MenuBar(true); importMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Create VME-DB", importMenu); toReturn.getElement().getStyle().setWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace.NOWRAP); MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Create new VME", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.importVMETemplate(VMETypeIdentifier.Vme); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); importMenu.addSeparator(); item = new MenuItem("Create new General Measure", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.importVMETemplate(VMETypeIdentifier.GeneralMeasure); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Create new Information Source", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.importVMETemplate(VMETypeIdentifier.InformationSource); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Create new Bottom fishing areas", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.importVMETemplate(VMETypeIdentifier.FisheryAreasHistory); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); item = new MenuItem("Create new Regional overview of VMEs", true, new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.importVMETemplate(VMETypeIdentifier.VMEsHistory); } }); importMenu.addItem(item); return toReturn; } /** * * @return */ private MenuItem getBiblioMenu() { // Create the Options menu MenuBar biblioMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Bibliography", biblioMenu); biblioMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); addBiblioEntry = new MenuItem(""+ ADD_BIBLIO_ENTRY +"", true, getBiblioCommand()); biblioMenu.addItem(addBiblioEntry); viewBiblio = new MenuItem(VIEW_BIBLIO, true, viewBiblioCmd); manageBiblio = new MenuItem(MANAGE_BIBLIO, true, manageBiblioCmd); biblioMenu.addSeparator(); biblioMenu.addItem(manageBiblio); biblioMenu.addItem(viewBiblio); return toReturn; } /** * * @return */ private MenuItem getSectionMenu() { // Create the Options menu MenuBar insertsMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Section", insertsMenu); insertsMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); importModel = new MenuItem("Import from Template or Report", true, getNullCommand()); insertsMenu.addItem(importModel); viewMetadata = new MenuItem("View Metadata", true, getNullCommand()); discardSection = new MenuItem("Discard current", true, getNullCommand()); viewComments = new MenuItem(""+ VIEW_USER_COMMENTS+"", true, getNullCommand()); insertsMenu.addItem(discardSection); insertsMenu.addSeparator(); insertsMenu.addItem(viewMetadata); insertsMenu.addItem(viewComments); return toReturn; } private MenuItem getExportsMenu() { MenuBar exportsMenu = new MenuBar(true); exportsMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("Export", exportsMenu); optionDOCX = new MenuItem(""+ EXPORT_OPENXML +"", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); optionPDF = new MenuItem("Export to PDF", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); optionHTML = new MenuItem(""+ EXPORT_HTML +"", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); optionFimes = new MenuItem(""+ EXPORT_FIMES +"", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); optionXML = new MenuItem(""+ EXPORT_XML +"", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); // optionEncryptedModel = new MenuItem(""+ EXPORT_ENCRYPTED_REPORT +"", true, getDisabledExportMenuItemCmd()); exportsMenu.addItem(optionDOCX); exportsMenu.addItem(optionHTML); exportsMenu.addItem(optionPDF); exportsMenu.addItem(optionXML); exportsMenu.addSeparator(); // exportsMenu.addItem(optionEncryptedModel); //optionsMenu.addItem(optionPDF); //exportsMenu.addItem(optionFimes); return toReturn; } private MenuItem getViewMenu() { Command openPageProperties = new Command() { public void execute() { int left = mainLayout.getAbsoluteLeft() + 50; int top = mainLayout.getAbsoluteTop() + 25; PagePropertiesDialog dlg = new PagePropertiesDialog(templateModel, presenter); dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top); dlg.setAnimationEnabled(true);; } }; Command showReportStructure = new Command() { public void execute() { presenter.toggleReportStructure(); } }; // Create the Options menu MenuBar optionsMenu = new MenuBar(true); optionsMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("View", optionsMenu); optionsMenu.addItem("View Properties", openPageProperties); optionsMenu.addItem("View/Hide Structure", showReportStructure); optionsMenu.addSeparator(); return toReturn; } /** * rewrite with setHTML to remove the gray color */ public void enableExports() { optionDOCX.setHTML(EXPORT_OPENXML); optionDOCX.setScheduledCommand(generateDOCX); optionPDF.setHTML("Export to PDF"); optionPDF.setScheduledCommand(generatePDF); optionHTML.setHTML(EXPORT_HTML); optionHTML.setScheduledCommand(generateHTML); optionFimes.setHTML(EXPORT_FIMES); optionFimes.setScheduledCommand(generateFimes); optionXML.setHTML(EXPORT_XML); optionXML.setScheduledCommand(generatedXML); // optionEncryptedModel.setHTML(EXPORT_ENCRYPTED_REPORT); // // importModel.setHTML("Import from Template or Report"); // importModel.setScheduledCommand(importModelOrReport); // // viewMetadata.setHTML("View Metadata"); // viewMetadata.setScheduledCommand(openMetadata); // discardSection.setHTML("Discard current"); // discardSection.setScheduledCommand(discardSectionCom); } /** * rewrite with setHTML to remove the gray color * @param d4sArea */ public void enableBiblioEntry(RichTextArea d4sArea) { addBiblioEntry.setHTML(ADD_BIBLIO_ENTRY); addBiblioEntry.setScheduledCommand(addBiblioEntryCommand); presenter.setAreaForBiblio(d4sArea); } /** * build the File Menu * @return */ private MenuItem getFileMenu() { CommonCommands cmd = new CommonCommands(presenter); Command openHelp = new Command() { public void execute() { if (! ReportConstants.isDeployed) { presenter.openTemplate("", "", true); enableExports(); } else { String url = ""; int width = Window.getClientWidth(); int height = Window.getClientHeight(); int winWidth = (int) (Window.getClientWidth() * 0.8); int winHeight = (int) (Window.getClientHeight() * 0.7); int left = (width - winWidth) / 2; int top = (height - winHeight) / 2;, null,"left=" + left + "top" + top + ", width=" + winWidth + ", height=" + winHeight + ", resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=yes"); } } }; Command saveReportAs = new Command() { public void execute() { CommonCommands cmd = new CommonCommands(presenter); cmd.saveReportAsDialog(); } }; Command saveReport = new Command() { public void execute() { if (templateModel.getTemplateName().endsWith("d4sR")) presenter.saveReport(); else { CommonCommands cmd = new CommonCommands(presenter); cmd.saveReportAsDialog(); } } }; // Create the file menu MenuBar fileMenu = new MenuBar(true); fileMenu.setAnimationEnabled(true); MenuItem toReturn = new MenuItem("File", fileMenu); fileMenu.addItem("Open Report from Workspace", cmd.openReport); //fileMenu.addItem("Open template...", cmd.openTemplate); fileMenu.addSeparator(); fileMenu.addItem("Save", saveReport); fileMenu.addItem("Save As ..", saveReportAs); fileMenu.addSeparator(); // fileMenu.addItem("Import from FiMES XML", importFimes); fileMenu.addItem("Close Report", cmd.newTemplate); fileMenu.addSeparator(); // fileMenu.addItem("? Open User's Guide", openHelp); return toReturn; } /** * * @param model . */ public void setModel(TemplateModel model ) { this.templateModel = model; } //************** COMMANDS ********************************//// ScheduledCommand generateFimes = new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { presenter.generateFiMES(templateModel); } }; ScheduledCommand generateDOCX = new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { presenter.generateManifestation(templateModel, ExportManifestationType.DOCX); } }; ScheduledCommand generatePDF = new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { // Window.alert("PDF Exporting may not be fully working, you can also generate a PDF using your Word Processor application starting from the docx exported file"); presenter.generateManifestation(templateModel, ExportManifestationType.PDF); } }; ScheduledCommand generateHTML = new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { presenter.generateManifestation(templateModel, ExportManifestationType.HTML); } }; ScheduledCommand generatedXML = new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { presenter.generateManifestation(templateModel, ExportManifestationType.XML); } }; ScheduledCommand generateEncryptedModel = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { GWT.runAsync(WorkspaceExplorerSelectDialog.class, new RunAsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess() { ItemType[] types = {ItemType.REPORT_TEMPLATE, ItemType.REPORT}; final WorkspaceExplorerSelectDialog wpTreepopup = new WorkspaceExplorerSelectDialog("Select the Report (or Template) to encrypt", Arrays.asList(types), Arrays.asList(types)); WorskpaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener listener = new WorskpaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener() { @Override public void onSelectedItem(Item item) { final String itemId = item.getId(); final String url = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "downloadEncryptedReport?itemId=" + itemId;, "_blank", ""); } @Override public void onFailed(Throwable throwable) { Window.alert("There are networks problem, please check your connection."); } @Override public void onAborted() {} @Override public void onNotValidSelection() { } }; wpTreepopup.addWorkspaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener(listener);; } public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { Window.alert("There are networks problem, please check your connection."); } }); } }; //************** COMMANDS ********************************//// Command addBiblioEntryCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { presenter.openAddCitationDialog(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { } }); } }; /** * */ Command openMetadata = new Command() { public void execute() { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { int left = mainLayout.getAbsoluteLeft() + 50; int top = mainLayout.getAbsoluteTop() + 25; GCubeDialog dlg = new GCubeDialog(true); dlg.setText("Report Metadata:"); int pageNo = presenter.getModel().getCurrentPage(); List metadatas = presenter.getModel().getSection(pageNo).getAllMetadata(); int nRows = metadatas.size(); Grid metadataGrid = new Grid(nRows, 2); int i = 0; for (Metadata md : metadatas) { metadataGrid.setWidget(i, 0, new HTML("" + md.getAttribute() + ": ")); metadataGrid.setWidget(i, 1, new HTML(md.getValue())); i++; } dlg.setWidget(metadataGrid); dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top); dlg.setAnimationEnabled(true);; } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) {} }); } }; Command importModelOrReport = new Command() { public void execute() { if (! ReportConstants.isDeployed) { int left = mainLayout.getAbsoluteLeft() + 50; int top = mainLayout.getAbsoluteTop() + 25; ImporterDialog dlg = new ImporterDialog(null, presenter); dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top); dlg.setAnimationEnabled(true);; } else { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { ItemType[] types = {ItemType.REPORT_TEMPLATE, ItemType.REPORT}; final WorkspaceExplorerSelectDialog wpTreepopup = new WorkspaceExplorerSelectDialog("Pick the item you want to import from", Arrays.asList(types), Arrays.asList(types)); WorskpaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener listener = new WorskpaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener() { @Override public void onSelectedItem(Item item) { int left = mainLayout.getAbsoluteLeft() + 50; int top = mainLayout.getAbsoluteTop() + 25; ImporterDialog dlg = new ImporterDialog(item, presenter); dlg.setPopupPosition(left, top); dlg.setAnimationEnabled(true);; presenter.getHeader().enableExports(); } @Override public void onFailed(Throwable throwable) { Window.alert("There are networks problem, please check your connection."); } @Override public void onAborted() {} @Override public void onNotValidSelection() { } }; wpTreepopup.addWorkspaceExplorerSelectNotificationListener(listener);; } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { } }); } } }; /** * * @return . */ public CellPanel getMainLayout() { return mainLayout; } }