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package org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.GroupRetrievalFault;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.RoleRetrievalFault;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.TeamRetrievalFault;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserManagementSystemException;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserRetrievalFault;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeRole;
import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeTeam;
* This interface defines the manager class that manages the Roles and the Teams.
* Groups (Sites) can group a set of user by creating a team.
* The notion of a Team is somewhat similar to a Role but a Role is a portal wide entity (Role exists in any Site)
* while a Team is restricted to a particular Site.
* @author Massimiliano Assante, CNR-ISTI
public interface RoleManager {
* @param userId the LR UserId, not the username
* @return true if the user is a portal administrator, false otherwise
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
boolean isAdmin(long userId) throws UserRetrievalFault;
* @param userId userId the LR UserId, not the username
* @param groupId the LR groupId
* @param roleId the LR roleId
* @return
boolean hasRole(long userId, long groupId, long roleId);
* @param userId userId the LR UserId, not the username
* @param teamId the LR teamId
* @param roleId the LR roleId
* @return
boolean hasTeam(long userId, long teamId);
* @param userId the LR UserId
* @param groupId the LR groupId
* @param roleId the LR roleId
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
boolean assignRoleToUser(long userId, long groupId, long roleId) throws UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault,RoleRetrievalFault;
* @param userId the LR UserId
* @param groupId the LR groupId
* @param roleId the LR roleId
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
boolean assignRolesToUser(long userId, long groupId, long[] roleId) throws UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault,RoleRetrievalFault;
* @param roleName
* @param roleDescription
* @return true if the role is created succesfully
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
boolean createRole(String roleName, String roleDescription) throws UserManagementSystemException;
* @param roleId
* @return true if the role is deleted succesfully, false otherwise
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
boolean deleteRole(long roleId) throws UserManagementSystemException, RoleRetrievalFault ;
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @param roleId
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
boolean removeRoleFromUser(long userId, long groupId, long roleId) throws UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault,RoleRetrievalFault;
* @param userId
* @param groupIds
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
boolean removeAllRolesFromUser(long userId, long... groupIds) throws UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault;
* @param roleId
* @param roleName
* @param roleDescription
* @return
GCubeRole updateRole(long roleId, String roleName, String roleDescription) throws RoleRetrievalFault;
* @param roleId
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
GCubeRole getRole(long roleId) throws UserManagementSystemException, RoleRetrievalFault;
* @param roleName
* @param groupId the LR groupId
* @return an instance of {@link GcubeRole} if the roleName exists, null otherwise
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault if the roleName does not exist
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault if the groupId does not exist
GCubeRole getRole(String roleName, long groupId) throws RoleRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault;
* * @param roleName
* @param groupId the LR groupId
* @return the LR RoleId if the roleName exists
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault if the roleName does not exist
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault if the groupId does not exist
long getRoleId(String roleName, long groupId) throws RoleRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault;
* * @param roleName
* @return the LR RoleId if the roleName exists
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault if the roleName does not exist
long getRoleIdByName(String roleName) throws RoleRetrievalFault;
* @return a list of {@link GcubeRole} independent from the roleType
List<GCubeRole> listAllRoles();
* @return a list of {@link GcubeRole} of type Site Role (Type=2)
List<GCubeRole> listAllGroupRoles();
* @param groupId
* @param userId
* @return a list of {@link GcubeRole} of type Site Role (Type=2)
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
List<GCubeRole> listRolesByUserAndGroup(long userId, long groupId) throws GroupRetrievalFault,UserRetrievalFault;
* The notion of a Team is somewhat similar to a Role but a Role is a portal wide entity, (Role exists in any Site)
* while a Team is restricted to a particular Site.
* */
* @param userId the username of who is creating the team
* @param groupId the site group id where the team exists
* @param teamName the name you want to assign to this team
* @param teamDescription
* @return the GCubeTeam if the team is created succesfully, null otherwise
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
GCubeTeam createTeam(long creatorUserId, long groupId, String teamName, String teamDescription) throws GroupRetrievalFault, TeamRetrievalFault, UserManagementSystemException;
* it will crate the Team as Administrator, use the other method to pass the userId
* @param groupId the site group id where the team exists
* @param teamName the name you want to assign to this team
* @param teamDescription
* @return the GCubeTeam if the team is created succesfully, null otherwise
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
GCubeTeam createTeam(long groupId, String teamName, String teamDescription) throws GroupRetrievalFault, TeamRetrievalFault, UserManagementSystemException;
* @param groupId
* @param teamName
* @return
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws TeamRetrievalFault
GCubeTeam getTeam(long groupId, String teamName) throws GroupRetrievalFault, TeamRetrievalFault;
* @param teamId
* @return the GCubeTeam istance
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
GCubeTeam getTeam(long teamId) throws UserManagementSystemException, TeamRetrievalFault;
* @param groupId the site group id where the team exists
* @param teamId the LR team Id
* @return the team instance that was removed
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws RoleRetrievalFault
GCubeTeam deleteTeam(long teamId) throws UserManagementSystemException, TeamRetrievalFault ;
* @param groupId the LR GroupId of the Site
* @return true if the teams are deleted succesfully, false otherwise
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
boolean deleteTeams(long groupId) throws UserManagementSystemException;
* delete a user from a list of teams
* @param userId
* @param teamIds
* @return
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws TeamRetrievalFault
boolean deleteUserTeams(long userId, long[] teamIds);
* delete a user from a list of teams
* @param userId
* @param teams
* @return
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws TeamRetrievalFault
boolean deleteUserTeams(long userId, List<GCubeTeam> teams);
* @param roleId
* @param roleName
* @param roleDescription
* @return
GCubeTeam updateTeam(long teamId, String teamName, String teamDescription) throws TeamRetrievalFault;
* associate or not associate teams to a user
* @param userId
* @param teamIds
* @return
* @throws TeamRetrievalFault if a system exception occurred or a team does not exists
boolean setUserTeams(long userId, long[] teamIds) throws TeamRetrievalFault;
* associate one team to the existing teams of user
* @param userId
* @param teamId
* @return
* @throws UserManagementSystemException
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
* @throws TeamRetrievalFault
boolean assignTeamToUser(long userId, long teamId) throws UserManagementSystemException, UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault,TeamRetrievalFault;
* @return a list of {@link GCubeTeam} belonging to a give group
List<GCubeTeam> listTeamsByGroup(long groupId) throws GroupRetrievalFault;
* @param userId the LR userId of the Site
* @param groupId the LR GroupId of the Site
* @return a list of {@link GCubeTeam} belonging to a user in a given group
* @throws UserRetrievalFault
* @throws GroupRetrievalFault
List<GCubeTeam> listTeamsByUserAndGroup(long userId, long groupId) throws UserRetrievalFault, GroupRetrievalFault;