package org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.client; import net.eliasbalasis.tibcopagebus4gwt.client.PageBusAdapter; import net.eliasbalasis.tibcopagebus4gwt.client.PageBusAdapterException; import net.eliasbalasis.tibcopagebus4gwt.client.PageBusEvent; import net.eliasbalasis.tibcopagebus4gwt.client.PageBusListener; import org.gcube.portal.databook.client.GCubeSocialNetworking; import org.gcube.portal.databook.client.util.Encoder; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ShowUserStatisticAction; import; import; import; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.client.resources.Images; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.client.ui.ActivityWidget; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.client.ui.StatisticWidget; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.shared.PostsStatsBean; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.shared.QuotaInfo; import org.gcube.portlet.user.userstatisticsportlet.shared.UserInformation; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.AlertBlock; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.CheckBox; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.ButtonType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Panel to show received user's statistics * * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR */ public class StatisticsPanel extends Composite { /** * Create a remote service proxy to talk to the server-side statistics service. */ private final UserStatisticsServiceAsync statisticsService = GWT.create(UserStatisticsService.class); /** * Path of the image to be shown during loading */ public static final String imagePath = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "../images/statistics-loader.gif"; /** * tooltip for the above image */ private static final String ALERT_MESSAGE = "Information not available at the moment"; /** * Title of the page */ public static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "Your Stats "; /** * Labels */ private final static String ACTIVITY_LABEL = "Activity"; private final static String LIKES_COMMENTS_GOT_LABEL = "Got"; private final static String STORAGE_LABEL = "Space Used"; private final static String PROFILE_STRENGTH_LABEL = "Profile Strength"; private final static String SHOW_STATISTICS_OPTION_LABEL = "Show my statistics to VRE Members"; /** * Some tooltips */ private final static String QUOTA_TOOLTIP = "Percentage of your used space in the infrastructure storage"; private final static String TOOLTIP_ACTIVITY_ROOT_PROFILE = "Posts, likes, replies done during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_ACTIVITY_VRE = "Posts, likes, replies done in the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_GOT_ROOT_PROFILE = "Likes and post replies got during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_GOT_VRE = "Likes and post replies got during the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_INFRASTRUCTURE_SPACE = "Total amount of space used in the infrastructure"; private final static String TOOLTIP_PROFILE_STRENGHT = "Profile strength evaluated taking into account contacts, professional summary and current position information"; private final static String SHOW_STATISTICS_OPTION_TOOLTIP = "Show Statistics to members viewing your profile"; /** * Specific tooltips (for the values) */ private final static String TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE = "Posts done during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE_VRE = "Posts done during the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT = "Likes got during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT_VRE = "Likes got during the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_LIKES_DONE = "Likes done during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_LIKES_DONE_VRE = "Likes done during the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_REPLIES_DONE = "Post replies done during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_REPLIES_DONE_VRE = "Post replies done during the last year in this VRE"; private final static String TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT = "Post replies got during the last year"; private final static String TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT_VRE = "Post replies got during the last year in this VRE"; /** * improve profile hints */ public static String IMPROVE_PROFILE_HINT_MESSAGE_ROOT = "You can improve your profile strength by: "; /** * improve profile hints */ public static final String IMPROVE_PROFILE_HINT_MESSAGE_PROFILE = "You can improve your profile strength by: "; /** * profile button label */ private final static String IMPROVE_BUTTON_LABEL = "Improve"; /** * threshold for improving profile button */ private final static int profileImproveThreshold = 50; /** * Information about the context of the running portlet */ private boolean isRoot; /** * Image to be shown during loading */ private Image loadingImage; /** * FlowPanel to contain the statistics */ private FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); /** * Since the number of likes/comments got can be manipulated, we need a class reference */ private ActivityWidget activityGot; /** * Posts, comments, likes done */ private ActivityWidget activityDone; /** * Number of written posts */ private long numberOfWrittenFeeds; /** * Number of likes got */ private long numberOfLikesGot; /** * Number of likes got */ private long numberOfCommentsGot; /** * Pagebus to listen for events (coming from the news feed portlet) */ final public static PageBusAdapter pageBusAdapter = new PageBusAdapter(); /** * Handler Manager for internal events */ private final HandlerManager eventBus = new HandlerManager(null); /** * Saved current user information bean */ UserInformation informationBeanRetrieved; public StatisticsPanel() { //init this object super(); initWidget(mainPanel); // bind pagebus events/ internal events bind(); // set style of the main panel mainPanel.setStyleName("user-stats-frame"); //init image loader loadingImage = new Image(imagePath); loadingImage.setStyleName("loading-image-center"); //show loader, waiting for the answer coming by the server showLoader(); /* does the profile belong to someone? (when we are on a profile page of someone other, we need / to retrieve the statistics of that person).. if it is null or empty, the current user's information / will be retrieved. */ final String userid = getUserToShowId(); // request user's information statisticsService.getUserSettings(userid, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { showError(); } @Override public void onSuccess(final UserInformation information) { // remove loading image mainPanel.remove(loadingImage); // first of all check if the statistics can be shown to other people if(userid != null && !userid.equals(information.getAslSessionUsername()) && !information.isProfileShowable()){ mainPanel.add(new HTML("Sorry but the user set statistics to private")); return; } // save it informationBeanRetrieved = information; // is a user profile page? or a vre/home one (this portlet can be also deployed in a vre) final boolean isProfilePage = isProfilePage(); // check which kind of information we have to show isRoot = information.isRoot(); if(!isRoot && !isProfilePage){ // add the border to the panel and the VRE name (check for VRE name lenght) mainPanel.addStyleName("user-stats-frame-border"); String nameToShow = DISPLAY_NAME + " in " + information.getActualVre(); final HTML name = new HTML(nameToShow); name.setTitle(DISPLAY_NAME + " in " + information.getActualVre()); name.setStyleName("user-stats-title"); mainPanel.add(name); } // save page landing if(information.getCurrentPageLanding() != null) IMPROVE_PROFILE_HINT_MESSAGE_ROOT += "Go to your profile"; // user image Images image = GWT.create(Images.class); Image userImage = new Image(image.avatarLoader()); // check if the user has an avatar if(information.getUrlAvatar() == null) userImage.setResource(image.avatarDefaultImage()); else{ userImage.setUrl(information.getUrlAvatar()); // set the title if(userid != null) userImage.setTitle("User's avatar"); else userImage.setTitle("Your current avatar"); } // set the style for the user image userImage.setStyleName("user-image"); // add image to mainPanel mainPanel.add(userImage); // feeds, posts, likes final StatisticWidget activityDoneWidgetContainer = new StatisticWidget(isRoot); activityDoneWidgetContainer.setHeader(ACTIVITY_LABEL); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityDoneWidgetContainer.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_ACTIVITY_ROOT_PROFILE); else activityDoneWidgetContainer.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_ACTIVITY_VRE); // add loading image that will be replaced by the incoming values Image postsLoader = new Image(imagePath); postsLoader.setStyleName("loading-image-center-small"); activityDoneWidgetContainer.appendToPanel(postsLoader); // append widget mainPanel.add(activityDoneWidgetContainer); // likes & comments got final StatisticWidget activityGotWidgetContainer = new StatisticWidget(isRoot); activityGotWidgetContainer.setHeader(LIKES_COMMENTS_GOT_LABEL); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityGotWidgetContainer.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_GOT_ROOT_PROFILE); else activityGotWidgetContainer.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_GOT_VRE); // add loading image that will be replaced by the incoming values Image commentsLikesLoader = new Image(imagePath); commentsLikesLoader.setStyleName("loading-image-center-small"); activityGotWidgetContainer.appendToPanel(commentsLikesLoader); // append widget mainPanel.add(activityGotWidgetContainer); // the storage and the profile strength(only in root) final StatisticWidget storage = new StatisticWidget(isRoot); final StatisticWidget profileStrength = new StatisticWidget(isRoot); if(isRoot || isProfilePage){ storage.setHeader(STORAGE_LABEL); storage.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_INFRASTRUCTURE_SPACE); // add loading image that will be replaced by the incoming values Image totalSpaceLoader = new Image(imagePath); totalSpaceLoader.setStyleName("loading-image-center-small"); storage.appendToPanel(totalSpaceLoader); mainPanel.add(storage); profileStrength.setHeader(PROFILE_STRENGTH_LABEL); profileStrength.setToolTip(TOOLTIP_PROFILE_STRENGHT); // add loading image that will be replaced by the incoming values Image profileStrengthLoader = new Image(imagePath); profileStrengthLoader.setStyleName("loading-image-center-small"); profileStrength.appendToPanel(profileStrengthLoader); // add to the panel mainPanel.add(profileStrength); // require quota information statisticsService.getQuotaStorage(userid, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(QuotaInfo quota) { if(quota == null){ // ask for partial value statisticsService.getTotalSpaceInUse(userid, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { appendAlertIcon(storage); } @Override public void onSuccess(String spaceInUse) { if(spaceInUse == null){ appendAlertIcon(storage); }else{ storage.clearPanelValues(); Button storageValue = new Button(); storageValue.setType(ButtonType.LINK); storageValue.setText(spaceInUse); storageValue.addStyleName("buttons-statistics-disabled-events"); storage.appendToPanel(storageValue); } } }); }else{ Float max = quota.getMax(); Float current = quota.getCurrent(); float percent = ((float)((double)current/(double)max)) * 100.0f; String decimalFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("#.##").format(percent); storage.clearPanelValues(); Button quotaStorageValue = new Button(); quotaStorageValue.setType(ButtonType.LINK); quotaStorageValue.setText(decimalFormat + "%"); quotaStorageValue.setTitle("Currently using " + NumberFormat.getFormat("#.##").format(current) + "MB of " + max + "MB assigned in the Infrastructure Storage"); storage.setToolTip(QUOTA_TOOLTIP); storage.appendToPanel(quotaStorageValue); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { // ask for partial value statisticsService.getTotalSpaceInUse(userid, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { appendAlertIcon(storage); } @Override public void onSuccess(String spaceInUse) { if(spaceInUse == null){ appendAlertIcon(storage); }else{ storage.clearPanelValues(); Button storageValue = new Button(); storageValue.setType(ButtonType.LINK); storageValue.setText(spaceInUse); storageValue.addStyleName("buttons-statistics-disabled-events"); storage.appendToPanel(storageValue); } } }); } }); // require profile strenght statisticsService.getProfileStrength(userid, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { appendAlertIcon(profileStrength); } @Override public void onSuccess(Integer profileStrengthInt) { if(profileStrengthInt < 0){ appendAlertIcon(profileStrength); }else{ // clear panel profileStrength.clearPanelValues(); Button profileStrengthLabel = new Button(); profileStrengthLabel.setType(ButtonType.LINK); profileStrengthLabel.setText(profileStrengthInt + "%"); profileStrengthLabel.addStyleName("buttons-statistics-disabled-events"); profileStrength.appendToPanel(profileStrengthLabel); // in case too low information within the user profile if(profileStrengthInt < profileImproveThreshold && information.isOwner()){ // Show an alert block in which underline how he can improve the profile final AlertBlock improveProfileHint = new AlertBlock(); improveProfileHint.setType(AlertType.INFO); improveProfileHint.addStyleName("improve-profile-hint-message"); final Button improveProfileButton = new Button(IMPROVE_BUTTON_LABEL); improveProfileButton.setType(ButtonType.INFO); improveProfileButton.setTitle("Improve your profile"); improveProfileButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { // set text according current url if(isProfilePage) improveProfileHint.setHTML(IMPROVE_PROFILE_HINT_MESSAGE_PROFILE); else improveProfileHint.setHTML(IMPROVE_PROFILE_HINT_MESSAGE_ROOT); mainPanel.add(improveProfileHint); } }); profileStrengthLabel.setStyleName("statistic-value-inline"); improveProfileButton.addStyleName("button-improve-profile"); profileStrength.appendToPanel(improveProfileButton); } } } }); } // retrieve other information about number of feeds and post replies/likes done and got statisticsService.getPostsStats(userid, new AsyncCallback(){ public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { appendAlertIcon(activityDoneWidgetContainer); appendAlertIcon(activityGotWidgetContainer); } public void onSuccess(PostsStatsBean postsBean) { // if there are no statistics if(postsBean == null){ appendAlertIcon(activityDoneWidgetContainer); appendAlertIcon(activityGotWidgetContainer); return; } // update feeds number, comments and likes done activityDoneWidgetContainer.clearPanelValues(); activityDone = new ActivityWidget(); // set the event handler if needed if(!isProfilePage || getUserToShowId() == null) activityDone.setEventBus(eventBus); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getFeedsNumber()), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE + " (" + postsBean.getFeedsNumber() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getFeedsNumber()), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE_VRE + " (" + postsBean.getFeedsNumber() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); numberOfWrittenFeeds = postsBean.getFeedsNumber(); activityDoneWidgetContainer.appendToPanel(activityDone); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityDone.setLikes( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getLikesMade()), TOOLTIP_LIKES_DONE + " (" + postsBean.getLikesMade() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityDone.setLikes( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getLikesMade()), TOOLTIP_LIKES_DONE_VRE + " (" + postsBean.getLikesMade() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityDone.setComments( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getCommentsMade()), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_DONE + " (" + postsBean.getCommentsMade() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityDone.setComments( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getCommentsMade()), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_DONE_VRE +" (" + postsBean.getCommentsMade() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_MADE_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); activityDoneWidgetContainer.appendToPanel(activityDone); // updates comments and likes got activityGotWidgetContainer.clearPanelValues(); activityGot = new ActivityWidget(); if(!isProfilePage || getUserToShowId() == null) activityGot.setEventBus(eventBus); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getLikesReceived()), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT+ " (" + postsBean.getLikesReceived() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getLikesReceived()), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT_VRE + " (" + postsBean.getLikesReceived() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); numberOfLikesGot = postsBean.getLikesReceived(); if(isRoot || isProfilePage) activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getCommentsReceived()), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT + " (" + postsBean.getCommentsReceived() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(postsBean.getCommentsReceived()), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT_VRE + " (" + postsBean.getCommentsReceived() + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, information.getCurrentPageLanding()); numberOfCommentsGot = postsBean.getCommentsReceived(); activityGotWidgetContainer.appendToPanel(activityGot); } }); // check if we need to show the checkbox to allow the user's profile owner to edit privacy options // If the user is visiting his profile from within a vre, the checkbox WON'T be shown. if(information.isOwner() && getUserToShowId() == null && isProfilePage){ // add a checkbox with the settable privacy option CheckBox privacyOption = new CheckBox(SHOW_STATISTICS_OPTION_LABEL); privacyOption.setTitle(SHOW_STATISTICS_OPTION_TOOLTIP); privacyOption.setValue(information.isProfileShowable()); privacyOption.addStyleName("privacy-checkbox-statistics-style"); privacyOption.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // set this privacy option statisticsService.setShowMyOwnStatisticsToOtherPeople(event.getValue(), new AsyncCallback(){ @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { } }); } }); mainPanel.add(privacyOption); } } }); } /** * Bind for events of increment/decrement of user's posts coming from the news-feed portlet */ private void bind() { try { // on statistic value click handler eventBus.addHandler(ShowFeedsRelatedToUserStatisticsEvent.TYPE, new ShowFeedsRelatedToUserStatisticsEventHandler() { @Override public void onShowRelatedFeeds( ShowFeedsRelatedToUserStatisticsEvent event) { ShowUserStatisticAction actionToTake = event.getAction(); // get current url String currentUrl = Window.Location.getHref(); // if it is a profile page, we have to move the user to the sitelandingpage if(isProfilePage()){ currentUrl = event.getLandingPage(); } String[] splittedUrl = currentUrl.split("\\?"); Window.Location.assign(splittedUrl[0] + "?" + Encoder.encode(GCubeSocialNetworking.SHOW_STATISTICS_ACTION_OID) + "=" + Encoder.encode(actionToTake.toString())); } }); // increment post number pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.postIncrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.postIncrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Increment number of post message received"); numberOfWrittenFeeds ++; if(isRoot) activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(numberOfWrittenFeeds), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE + " (" + numberOfWrittenFeeds + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(numberOfWrittenFeeds), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE_VRE + " (" + numberOfWrittenFeeds + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of written posts changed to " + numberOfWrittenFeeds); } } }); // decrement post number pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.postDecrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.postDecrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Decrement number of post message received"); // they can't be less than zero... numberOfWrittenFeeds --; numberOfWrittenFeeds = numberOfWrittenFeeds < 0 ? 0: numberOfWrittenFeeds; if(isRoot) activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(numberOfWrittenFeeds), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE + " (" + numberOfWrittenFeeds + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityDone.setPosts( formattedNumbers(numberOfWrittenFeeds), TOOLTIP_POSTS_DONE_VRE + " (" + numberOfWrittenFeeds + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.POSTS_MADE_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of written posts changed to " + numberOfWrittenFeeds); } }}); // increment likes got number pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.likesIncrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.likesIncrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Increment number of likes received"); numberOfLikesGot ++; if(isRoot) activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(numberOfLikesGot), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT + " (" + numberOfLikesGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(numberOfLikesGot), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT_VRE + " (" + numberOfLikesGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of likes got changed to " + numberOfLikesGot); } } }); // decrement likes got pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.likesDecrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.likesDecrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Decrement number of likes received"); // they can't be less than zero... numberOfLikesGot --; numberOfLikesGot = numberOfLikesGot < 0 ? 0: numberOfLikesGot; if(isRoot) activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(numberOfLikesGot), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT + " (" + numberOfLikesGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setLikes( formattedNumbers(numberOfLikesGot), TOOLTIP_LIKES_GOT_VRE + " (" + numberOfLikesGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.LIKES_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of likes got changed to " + numberOfLikesGot); } } }); // increment comments got number pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.commentsIncrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.commentsIncrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Increment number of comments received"); numberOfCommentsGot ++; if(isRoot) activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(numberOfCommentsGot), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT + " (" + numberOfCommentsGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(numberOfCommentsGot), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT_VRE + " (" + numberOfCommentsGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of comments got changed to " + numberOfCommentsGot); } } }); // decrement comments got pageBusAdapter.PageBusSubscribe(PageBusEvents.commentsDecrement, null, null, null, null); pageBusAdapter.addPageBusSubscriptionCallbackListener(new PageBusListener(){ @Override public String getName() { return PageBusEvents.commentsDecrement; } @Override public void onPageBusSubscriptionCallback(PageBusEvent event) { if(event.getSubject().equals(this.getName())){ GWT.log("Decrement number of comments received"); // they can't be less than zero... numberOfCommentsGot --; numberOfCommentsGot = numberOfCommentsGot < 0 ? 0: numberOfCommentsGot; if(isRoot) activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(numberOfCommentsGot), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT + " (" + numberOfCommentsGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); else activityGot.setComments( formattedNumbers(numberOfCommentsGot), TOOLTIP_REPLIES_GOT_VRE + " (" + numberOfCommentsGot + ")", ShowUserStatisticAction.COMMENTS_GOT_BY_USER, informationBeanRetrieved.getCurrentPageLanding()); GWT.log("Number of comments got changed to " + numberOfCommentsGot); } } }); GWT.log("Subscriptions ok"); } catch (PageBusAdapterException e) { GWT.log(e.toString()); } } /** * Show loading image */ private void showLoader() { mainPanel.clear(); mainPanel.add(loadingImage); } /** * Error when is not possible to receive data or the received data is null */ private void showError() { mainPanel.clear(); HTML messageError = new HTML( "Sorry but it is not possible to retrieve your statistics at the moment. Retry later." ); messageError.setStyleName("error-msg"); mainPanel.add(messageError); } /** * Add alert icon/message for this statistic * @param w */ private void appendAlertIcon(StatisticWidget w) { w.clearPanelValues(); Button alert = new Button(); alert.setType(ButtonType.LINK); alert.setIcon(IconType.BAN_CIRCLE); alert.setTitle(ALERT_MESSAGE); alert.addStyleName("alert-icon-center"); w.appendToPanel(alert); } /** * Format a given value and append k, M, G * @param value * @return */ private String formattedNumbers(long value){ String formattedString = null; double v = value; double k = (double)value/1000.0; double m = (double)value/1_000_000.0; double g = (double)value/1_000_000_000.0; NumberFormat dec = NumberFormat.getFormat("###.###"); if ( g >= 1.0 ) { formattedString = dec.format(g).concat("G"); } else if ( m >= 1.0 ) { formattedString = dec.format(m).concat("M"); } else if ( k >= 1.0 ) { formattedString = dec.format(k).concat("K"); } else { formattedString = dec.format(v).concat(""); } return formattedString; } /** * decode the userid from the location param * @return the decoded (base64) userid */ public static String getUserToShowId() { String encodedOid = Encoder.encode(GCubeSocialNetworking.USER_PROFILE_OID); if (Window.Location.getParameter(encodedOid) == null) return null; String encodedUserId = Window.Location.getParameter(encodedOid); return Encoder.decode(encodedUserId); } /** * The user-statistics can be deployed in a vre, within the home or in a profile page * @return true if the current page is a profile page, false otherwise */ private boolean isProfilePage() { return Window.Location.getHref().endsWith("profile") || Window.Location.getHref().contains("profile?"); } }