# Changelog for uri-resolver All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [v2.10.1-SNAPSHOT] - Bug fixing StorageID resolver [#28276] ## [v2.10.0] - GeoPortal-Resolver enhancement: implemented share link towards Geoportal Data-Entry facility [#27135] - Added Geoportal Exporter as PDF [#27274] - Migrated to `catalogue-util-library` [#27423] - Included new SHUB client library [#27944] - Moved to `gcube-smartgears-bom 2.5.1{-SNAPSHOT}` [#28026] ## [v2.9.0] - GeoPortal-Resolver implemented [#24792] ## [v2.8.1] - 2022-06-13 **New** - [#23156] CatalogueResolver enhanced to manage (create/resolve) an input query string **Bug Fixing** - [#23495] Removed the check on the gcube token stored in thread local. The working context of VRE will be checked from ScopeProvider ## [v2.7.3-SNAPSHOT] - 2022-04-27 **Bug Fixing** - [#23213] Fixed NoClassDefFoundError: org/geotoolkit/xml/XML ## [v2.7.2] - 2022-04-06 **New** - [#23113] Implemented a new legacy-token resolver interface - [#23049] Integrated Enunciate engine for Java Web service API (https://github.com/stoicflame/enunciate/) - [#20743] Integrated JavaMelody - [#23105] Added D4Science brand in the APIs Documentation pages - [#22757] Moved to storagehub-client-library 2.0.0[-SNAPSHOT] **Bug Fixing** - [#20743] Integration with javamelody ## [v2.6.1] - 2022-01-17 **New features** - [#21411] add forceClose method from storage-manager, used for closing mongodb connections related to the old https urls (managed by storage-manager) - migrated to storage-manager3 **Bug fixes** - [#21560] Checking the bug fix done - Moved to gcube-smartgears-bom.2.1.0 ## [v2.5.0] - 2021-04-08 **New features** [#20993] Supported new resource "Wekeo Interface" - gettoken. **Bug fixes** [#21093] StorageHubResolver HEAD request does not support Content-Length ## [v2.4.1] - 2021-01-13 **Bug Fixes** [#19942] Fixing master build fails ## [v2-4-0] [r4-24-0]- 2020-06-18 **New Features** [#18967] Extend the URIResolver behaviour to deal with Catalogue items belonging to Dismissed VREs ## [v2-3-2] [r4-23-0]- 2020-05-18 [#19288] Release the URI-Resolver to integrate the patched Uri-Resolver-Manager ## [2-3-1] - [2020-04-06] [Bug #18951] URI-Resolver: redirect to catalogue public item must manage the case 'catalogue-' ## [2-2-0] - [2019-11-12] [Feature #18038] Catalogue Resolver: resolve a public ITEM URL to the public VRE Catalogue (if available) ## [2-2-0] - [2019-10-04] [Feature #17630] Support parametric Content-Disposition [Bug #17650] Bug #17650: URI-Resolver: HEAD request to StorageID link does not return the "content-disposition ## [2-1-1] - [2019-07-16] [Incident #17180] Bug fixes ## [2-1-0] - [2019-03-14] [Feature #16263] Added new dataminer-invocation-model [Task #16296] Bug fixes [Task #16471] Tested Catalogue Resolver backward compatibility [Incident #16671] Fixing Catalogue Resolver in case of working with INFRASTRUCTURE and VO scope [Incident #16713] GN harvesting from CKAN does not work properly ## [2-0-0] - [2018-10-23] [Task #12740] Developed as web-service by using jersey framework [Task #12294] Created the resolver 'parthenosregistry' [Task #13006] Fixing issue on resolving public Catalogues [Task #12969] Create the new resolvers: "Analitycs" and "Knime" [Feature #13072] Provide Metadata of a public link ## [1-15-0] - [2018-07-20] [Task #10070] Catalogue Resolver enhancement: resolve public/private items to public/private catalogue ## [1-14-0] - [2017-09-06] [Task #9538] Geonetwork-Uri Resolver enhancement: provide new filters and improve current ones ## [1-13-0] - [2017-07-03] [Feature #9108] Edit the GenericResource (ApplicationProfile-Gis Viewer Application) ## [1-12-0] - [2017-05-15] [Feature #8494] Remove GeoServices query from URI-Resolver ## [1-11-0] - [2017-03-22] [Feature #7350] GeoExplorer Resolver: resolve a GeoExplorer Link [Task #7626] Fix issue on set/reset scope [Task #7807] Provide a check for HAProxy ## [1-10-0] - [2017-02-28] [Task #6492] Catalogue Resolver: "improve"/"build better" public URLs to products [Task #6952] Catalogue Resolver: update on the fly the Application Profile for VRE's used to resolve Product URL ## [1-9-0] - [2016-12-20] [Task #6119] Provide CatalogueResolver: get/resolve a link to a CKAN Entity [Task #6262] Catalogue Resolver: get/resolve a direct link ## [1-8-0] - [2016-10-26] Removed scope provider from several resolver ## [1-7-0] - [2016-06-09] [Feature #4207] Uri Resolver upgrade: it must support new Geonetwork Manager [Task #4250] Geonetwork Resolver upgrade: it must return only "private" Metadata Ids for CKAN harversting ## [1-6-0] - [2016-05-16] [Task #3135] Uri Resolver enhancements: create a Geonetwork Resolver [Feature #4000] URI Resolver - must support HEAD request ## [1-5-0] - [2016-03-17] [Feature #2008] Updated the method to resolve gCube Storage ID [Feature #1925] Added class UriResolverRewriteFilter to filter the different public link types, see: #1959 [gCube - Support #2695] Uri Resolver: patch to fix old bug in HL renaming files ## [1-4-0] - [2015-09-21] [Feature #416] Added code to read fileName and content-type (mime type) from Storage ## [1-3-0] - [2015-04-28] Fixed bug on encoding Added new resolver: Storage ID Resolver ## [1-2-0] - [2014-10-20] Integrated Gis-Resolver ## [1-1-0] - [2013-07-09] Added fileName and contentType parameters to SMP URI resolver ## [1-0-0] - [2013-04-19] first release