/** * */ package org.gcube.datatransfer.resolver.services; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean.Type; import org.gcube.datatransfer.resolver.requesthandler.RequestHandler; import org.gcube.datatransfer.resolver.services.error.ExceptionManager; import org.gcube.datatransfer.resolver.util.Util; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class KnimeCreateResolver. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it * * Mar 24, 2022 */ @Path("knime") public class KnimeCreateResolver { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KnimeCreateResolver.class); private static String helpURI = "https://gcube.wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/URI_Resolver#KNIME_Resolver"; /** * Creates the knime URL. * * @param req the req * @return the response * @throws WebApplicationException the web application exception */ @POST @Path("/create") @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public Response createKnimeURL(@Context HttpServletRequest req) throws WebApplicationException { logger.info(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " POST starts..."); try { String contextToken = SecurityTokenProvider.instance.get(); String scope = ScopeProvider.instance.get(); // logger.info("SecurityTokenProvider contextToken: "+contextToken); logger.info("ScopeProvider has scope: " + scope); String appToken = req.getServletContext().getInitParameter(RequestHandler.ROOT_APP_TOKEN); if (contextToken.compareTo(appToken) == 0) { logger.error("Token not passed, SecurityTokenProvider contains the root app token: " + appToken.substring(0, 10) + "..."); throw ExceptionManager.unauthorizedException(req, "You are not authorized. You must pass a token of VRE", this.getClass(), helpURI); } ScopeBean scopeBean = new ScopeBean(scope); if (scopeBean.is(Type.VRE)) { String vreName = scopeBean.name(); String knimeGetResolverURL = String.format("%s/%s/%s", Util.getServerURL(req), "knime/get", vreName); String queryString = req.getQueryString() == null ? "" : req.getQueryString(); if (req.getQueryString() != null) knimeGetResolverURL += "?" + queryString; logger.info("Returning Knime Resolver URL: " + knimeGetResolverURL); return Response.ok(knimeGetResolverURL).header("Location", knimeGetResolverURL).build(); } else { logger.error("The input scope " + scope + " is not a VRE"); throw ExceptionManager.badRequestException(req, "Working in the " + scope + " scope that is not a VRE. Use a token of VRE", this.getClass(), helpURI); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!(e instanceof WebApplicationException)) { // UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION managing it as WebApplicationException String error = "Sorry, an error occurred on creating Knime URL. Please, contact the support!"; if (e.getCause() != null) error += "\n\nCaused: " + e.getCause().getMessage(); throw ExceptionManager.internalErrorException(req, error, this.getClass(), helpURI); } // ALREADY MANAGED AS WebApplicationException logger.error("Exception:", e); throw (WebApplicationException) e; } } }