/** * */ package org.gcube.datatransfer.resolver; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.Resource; import org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ResourceMethod; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; /** * The Class UriResolverServices. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it) * Feb 19, 2019 */ public class UriResolverServices { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UriResolverServices.class); private ObjectNode rootResources = null; private ArrayNode arrayResources = null; private List listResourcePath = new ArrayList(); private static UriResolverServices INSTANCE; /** * Instantiates a new uri resolver services. */ private UriResolverServices() { } /** * Gets the single instance of UriResolverServices. * * @return single instance of UriResolverServices */ public static UriResolverServices getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { // synchronized block to remove overhead synchronized (UriResolverServices.class) { if (INSTANCE == null) { // if instance is null, initialize INSTANCE = new UriResolverServices(); } } } return INSTANCE; } /** * Read resources. * * @param applicationClasses the application classes * @return the list */ private List readResources(Set> applicationClasses){ log.info("Read Resources called"); String basePath = ""; rootResources = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); arrayResources = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); rootResources.set("resources", arrayResources); log.info("Checking basePath: {}",basePath); for (Class aClass : applicationClasses) { if (isAnnotatedResourceClass(aClass)) { Resource resource = Resource.builder(aClass).build(); //String uriPrefix = resource.getPath(); log.info("The resource: {} isAnnotatedResource",resource.getNames()); process(basePath, resource); } } if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ for (String path : listResourcePath) { log.debug("Found path: {}", path); } } return listResourcePath; } /** * Process. * * @param uriPrefix the uri prefix * @param resource the resource * @return the list */ private void process(String uriPrefix, Resource resource) { String pathPrefix = uriPrefix; List resources = new ArrayList<>(); resources.addAll(resource.getChildResources()); if (resource.getPath() != null) { pathPrefix+= resource.getPath(); } for (ResourceMethod method : resource.getAllMethods()) { if (method.getType().equals(ResourceMethod.JaxrsType.SUB_RESOURCE_LOCATOR)) { resources.add(Resource.from(resource.getResourceLocator().getInvocable().getDefinitionMethod().getReturnType())); } else { addTo(uriPrefix, method, pathPrefix); log.info("Adding path: {} to ListPrefix",pathPrefix); listResourcePath.add(pathPrefix); } } for (Resource childResource : resources) { log.debug("SUB RESOURCES adding: {} with path: {}"+childResource.getName(), childResource.getPath()); process(pathPrefix, childResource); } } /** * Adds the to. * * @param uriPrefix the uri prefix * @param srm the srm * @param pathPrefix the path prefix */ private void addTo(String uriPrefix, ResourceMethod srm, String pathPrefix){ ObjectNode resourceNode = (ObjectNode) arrayResources.get(uriPrefix); log.debug("The Resource Node with uriPrefix: {} is null: {}", uriPrefix, resourceNode==null); if (resourceNode == null){ //THE RESOURCE NODE DOES NOT EXIST CREATING IT... ObjectNode theNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); ObjectNode inner = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); inner.put("path", pathPrefix); inner.set("verbs", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode()); theNode.set(uriPrefix, inner); resourceNode = inner; //ADDING THE RESOURCE NODE CREATED TO THE LIST OF RESOURCES arrayResources.add(theNode); } //THE RESOURCE ALREADY ADDED SO ADDING ONLY VERB TO IT ((ArrayNode) resourceNode.get("verbs")).add(srm.getHttpMethod()); } /** * Checks if is annotated resource class. * * @param rc the rc * @return true, if is annotated resource class */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private static boolean isAnnotatedResourceClass(Class rc) { if (rc.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) { return true; } for (Class i : rc.getInterfaces()) { if (i.isAnnotationPresent(Path.class)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the list of resource path. * * @param applicationClasses the application classes * @return the list of resource path */ public List getListOfResourcePath(Set> applicationClasses) { log.trace("The Application Classes are {}", applicationClasses); if(listResourcePath.isEmpty()){ log.info("Reference to the List of Resources/Services is empty, creating it..."); readResources(applicationClasses); log.info("Hard-Coding the resource/s: "+ConstantsResolver.resourcesHardCoded); listResourcePath.addAll(Arrays.asList(ConstantsResolver.resourcesHardCoded)); } return listResourcePath; } /** * Gets the list of resource node. * * @param applicationClasses the application classes * @return the list of resource node */ public ObjectNode getListOfResourceNode(Set> applicationClasses) { if(rootResources==null){ readResources(applicationClasses); } return rootResources; } }