/** * */ package org.gcube.portlets.user.td.wizardwidget.client; import org.gcube.portlets.user.td.wizardwidget.client.dataresource.ResourceBundle; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.Component; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.ContentPanel; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.container.BorderLayoutContainer; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.SelectEvent.SelectHandler; /** * * @author "Giancarlo Panichi" * g.panichi@isti.cnr.it * */ public class WizardCard extends BorderLayoutContainer { private WizardWindow wizardWindow; protected ContentPanel titlePanel; protected ContentPanel footerPanel; protected boolean calculateFooter = false; protected HTML titleHtml; protected HTML footerHtml; final protected ResourceBundle res=ResourceBundle.INSTANCE; /** * Creates a new wizard card. * The footer is automatically calculated. * @param title the card title. */ public WizardCard(String title) { this(title,""); calculateFooter = true; } /** * Creates a new wizard card. * @param title the card title. * @param footer the card footer. */ public WizardCard(String title, String footer) { Log.info(title); res.wizardCSS().ensureInjected(); //add the title panel titlePanel = new ContentPanel(); titlePanel.setHeight(30); titlePanel.setBodyStyle("background-color:#C3D9FF"); titlePanel.setHeaderVisible(false); titleHtml = new HTML(title); titleHtml.setStylePrimaryName(res.wizardCSS().getWizardTitle()); titlePanel.add(titleHtml); setNorthWidget(titlePanel, new BorderLayoutData(30)); //add the footer panel footerPanel = new ContentPanel(); footerPanel.setHeight(30); footerPanel.setBodyStyle("background-color:#CDEB8B"); footerPanel.setHeaderVisible(false); footerHtml = new HTML(footer); footerHtml.setStylePrimaryName(res.wizardCSS().getWizardFooter()); footerPanel.add(footerHtml); setSouthWidget(footerPanel, new BorderLayoutData(30)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setTitle(String title) { titleHtml.setHTML("


"); } /** * Sets the card footer. * @param footer the footer. */ public void setFooter(String footer) { footerHtml.setHTML("


"); } /** * Sets the card content. * @param content the card content. */ public void setContent(Component content) { setCenterWidget(content); } /** * Sets the card content. * @param content the card content. */ public void setContent(com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Panel content) { setCenterWidget(content); } /** * Enables the next button. * @param enable true to enable it, false otherwise. */ public void setEnableNextButton(boolean enable) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setEnableNextButton(enable); } } /** * Enables the back button. * @param enable true to enable the button, false otherwise. */ public void setEnableBackButton(boolean enable) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setEnableBackButton(enable); } } /** * Sets the next button label. * @param text the button label. */ public void setNextButtonText(String text) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setNextButtonText(text); } } /** * Sets the back button label. * @param text the button label. */ public void setBackButtonText(String text) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setBackButtonText(text); } } /** * Visible the next button. * @param visible true to show the button, false otherwise. */ public void setNextButtonVisible(boolean visible) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setNextButtonVisible(visible); } } /** * Visible the back button. * @param visible true to show the button, false otherwise. */ public void setBackButtonVisible(boolean visible) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setBackButtonVisible(visible); } } public void setNextButtonToFinish() { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.setNextButtonToFinish(); } } /** * Sets the WizardWindow for this import card. * @param wizardWindow the WizardWindow. */ protected void setWizardWindow(WizardWindow wizardWindow) { this.wizardWindow = wizardWindow; if (calculateFooter) { StringBuilder footer = new StringBuilder(); footer.append("Step "); footer.append(getCardPosition()); footer.append(" of "); footer.append(getCardSize()); setFooter(footer.toString()); } } /** * Returns the current wizard window. * @return the wizard window. */ protected WizardWindow getWizardWindow() { if (wizardWindow==null) throw new IllegalStateException("No Wizard Window setup"); return wizardWindow; } public void addToWindowTitle(String toAdd) { wizardWindow.setTitle(wizardWindow.getOriginalTitle()+toAdd); } /** * Called before the card is showed. */ public void setup() { } /** * Called when the card is disposed. */ public void dispose() {} /** * Add a listener to the next button. * @param listener the listener to add. */ public void addNextButtonListener(SelectHandler listener) { if (wizardWindow!=null){ wizardWindow.addNextButtonListener(listener); } } /** * Gets the number of cards in the wizard window. * @return the number of cards. */ public int getCardSize() { return getWizardWindow().getCardStackSize(); } /** * Returns this card position on card list. * @return the card position on the card stack. */ public int getCardPosition() { int indexPosition = getWizardWindow().getCardStack().indexOf(this); return (indexPosition>=0)?indexPosition+1:indexPosition; } public void showErrorAndHide(String title, final String failureReason, final String failureDetails, final Throwable throwable) { wizardWindow.showErrorAndHide(title, failureReason, failureDetails, throwable); } public void hideWindow() { wizardWindow.hide(); } }