Added Export JSON Added multi tabular resources management Added Main Box Added flows support Added template share Added Resources management Added Statistical Widget Added Map creation Added Resume UI state Added Time Aggregation Fixed Final and Lock errors Fixed template diplay Fixed JAXP jdk.xml.entityExpansionLimit error Updated monitor Updated Commons Event Updated Toolbox Updated Ribbon Updated GwtService Added validation from and validation until to Added licences Added union Added replace by expression Added background tasks Fixed edit row Fixed add row Updated clone Updated expression Updated validation tasks Updated extract codelist Updated split column Updated merge column Updated monitor Updated Commons Event Updated Toolbox Updated Ribbon Updated GwtService Added GroupBy Added Column Mapping Added context menu to Validations Added Security Exception Added Normalize Added Denormalize Added Share for groups Updated Extract Codelist Updated Codelist Mapping Import Updated informations properties Updated open tabular resource Updated replace column Updated grid, added error colored lines Updated grid, now shows single view column Updated Open Tabular Resource Updated context menu of grid Updated header column menu of grid Updated TabularDataController Updated Commons Event Updated Toolbox Updated Ribbon Updated GwtService Added Replace Bacth Added History Added Validations Added Inline Filter Added Extract Codelist Added Codelist Mapping Import Added Add Column Added Merge Column Added Split Column Added Add Row Added Edit Row Updated Commons Event Updated Toolbox Updated CSV Export Updated SDMX Export Updated CSV Import Updated SDMX Import Updated Open Tabular Resource Updated context menu of grid Updated header column menu of grid Updated TabularDataController Updated Ribbon Added Clone Added Share Added New, Delete and Apply Template Added HelpPanel Added LabelColumnPanel Added ChangeTableTypePanel Added DuplicatesRowsPanel Added Filter column Added Replace Value Updated Commons Event Updated Toolbox Updated CSV Export Updated SDMX Export Updated CSV Import Updated SDMX Import Updated Open Tabular Resource Updated context menu of grid Updated header column menu of grid Updated TabularDataController Updated Ribbon Added Timeline Added MenĂ¹ to grid Added Common Event Added Toolbox Added tooltip information to grid Added column delete operation Added column change type operation Added CSV Export Added SDMX Export Updated CSV Import Updated SDMX Import Updated information on tabular resources Fixed rows display on grid First Release