package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class C_ExpressionParser { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(C_ExpressionParser.class); private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); /** * * @param exp * Expression * @return Client Expression * @throws ExpressionParserException * Exception */ public C_Expression parse(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { logger.debug("Parse: " + exp); C_Expression ex = null; if (exp == null) { return ex; } if (exp instanceof Addition) { return getAddition(exp); } if (exp instanceof Division) { return getDivision(exp); } if (exp instanceof Exponentiation) { // TODO return ex; } if (exp instanceof Equals) { return getEquals(exp); } if (exp instanceof GreaterOrEquals) { return getGreaterOrEquals(exp); } if (exp instanceof GreaterThan) { return getGreaterThan(exp); } if (exp instanceof LessOrEquals) { return getLessOrEquals(exp); } if (exp instanceof LessThan) { return getLessThan(exp); } if (exp instanceof Modulus) { return getModulus(exp); } if (exp instanceof Multiplication) { return getMultiplication(exp); } if (exp instanceof NotEquals) { return getNotEquals(exp); } if (exp instanceof NotGreater) { return getNotGreater(exp); } if (exp instanceof NotLess) { return getNotLess(exp); } if (exp instanceof Subtraction) { return getSubtraction(exp); } if (exp instanceof TextBeginsWith) { return getTextBeginWith(exp); } if (exp instanceof TextContains) { return getTextContains(exp); } if (exp instanceof TextEndsWith) { return getTextEndWith(exp); } if (exp instanceof TextMatchSQLRegexp) { return getTextMatchSQLRegexp(exp); } if (exp instanceof TextMatchPosixRegexp) { // TODO return ex; } if (exp instanceof TextReplaceMatchingRegex) { return getTextReplaceMatchingRegex(exp); } if (exp instanceof SubstringByRegex) { return getSubstringByRegex(exp); } if (exp instanceof SubstringByIndex) { return getSubstringByIndex(exp); } if (exp instanceof SubstringPosition) { return getSubstringPosition(exp); } if (exp instanceof RepeatText) { // TODO return ex; } if (exp instanceof Trim) { return getTrim(exp); } if (exp instanceof Length) { // TODO return ex; } if (exp instanceof Upper) { return getUpper(exp); } if (exp instanceof Lower) { return getLower(exp); } if (exp instanceof Concat) { return getConcat(exp); } if (exp instanceof MD5) { return getMD5(exp); } if (exp instanceof Soundex) { return getSoundex(exp); } if (exp instanceof Similarity) { return getSimilarity(exp); } if (exp instanceof Levenshtein) { return getLevenshtein(exp); } if (exp instanceof ValueIsIn) { return getValueIsIn(exp); } if (exp instanceof ExternalReferenceExpression) { // TODO return ex; } if (exp instanceof Between) { return getBetween(exp); } // Multiple if (exp instanceof And) { return getAnd(exp); } if (exp instanceof Or) { return getOr(exp); } if (exp instanceof Case) { // TODO return ex; } // Unary if (exp instanceof IsNotNull) { return getIsNotNull(exp); } if (exp instanceof IsNull) { return getIsNull(exp); } if (exp instanceof Not) { return getNot(exp); } // Leaf if (exp instanceof ColumnReference) { return getColumnReference(exp); } if (exp instanceof ConstantList) { return getConstantList(exp); } // TypedColumnReference.class, if (exp instanceof ColumnReferencePlaceholder) { return getColumnReferencePlaceholder(exp); } // TDTypeValue if (exp instanceof TDBoolean) { return getExpressionValue((TDBoolean) exp); } if (exp instanceof TDDate) { return getExpressionValue((TDDate) exp); } if (exp instanceof TDInteger) { return getExpressionValue((TDInteger) exp); } if (exp instanceof TDNumeric) { return getExpressionValue((TDNumeric) exp); } if (exp instanceof TDText) { return getExpressionValue((TDText) exp); } if (exp instanceof TDGeometry) { return getExpressionValue((TDGeometry) exp); } if (exp instanceof Cast) { return getCast(exp); } // Aggregation if (exp instanceof Avg) { return getAvg(exp); } if (exp instanceof Count) { return getCount(exp); } if (exp instanceof Max) { return getMax(exp); } if (exp instanceof Min) { return getMin(exp); } if (exp instanceof Sum) { return getSum(exp); } if (exp instanceof ST_Extent) { return getSTExtent(exp); } ex = new C_Expression(); return ex; } public C_MultivaluedExpression parseMultivalued(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { if (exp instanceof ConstantList) { return getConstantList((ConstantList) exp); } if (exp instanceof ExternalReferenceExpression) { return null; } return null; } private C_Expression getValueIsIn(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { ValueIsIn v = (ValueIsIn) exp; C_MultivaluedExpression multivalued = parseMultivalued(v.getRightArgument()); C_ValueIsIn valueIsIn = new C_ValueIsIn(parse(v.getLeftArgument()), multivalued); return valueIsIn; } private C_Expression getOr(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Or o = (Or) exp; List listExp = o.getArguments(); List listCExp = new ArrayList(); C_Expression ex; for (Expression serviceExp : listExp) { ex = parse(serviceExp); listCExp.add(ex); } C_Or or = new C_Or(listCExp); return or; } private C_Expression getNot(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Not n = (Not) exp; C_Not not = new C_Not(parse(n.getArgument())); return not; } private C_Expression getIsNull(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { IsNull nullIs = (IsNull) exp; C_IsNull isNull = new C_IsNull(parse(nullIs.getArgument())); return isNull; } private C_Expression getIsNotNull(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { IsNotNull nullNotIs = (IsNotNull) exp; C_IsNotNull isNotNull = new C_IsNotNull(parse(nullNotIs.getArgument())); return isNotNull; } private C_Expression getBetween(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Between bet = (Between) exp; C_Between between = new C_Between(parse(bet.getLeftArgument()), parse(bet.getMinRangeArgument()), parse(bet.getMaxRangeArgument())); return between; } private C_Expression getAnd(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { And o = (And) exp; List listExp = o.getArguments(); List listCExp = new ArrayList(); C_Expression ex; for (Expression serviceExp : listExp) { ex = parse(serviceExp); listCExp.add(ex); } C_And and = new C_And(listCExp); return and; } private C_Expression getTextMatchSQLRegexp(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { TextMatchSQLRegexp reg = (TextMatchSQLRegexp) exp; C_TextMatchSQLRegexp regExp = new C_TextMatchSQLRegexp(parse(reg.getLeftArgument()), parse(reg.getRightArgument())); return regExp; } private C_Expression getTextEndWith(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { TextEndsWith textEnd = (TextEndsWith) exp; C_TextEndsWith textEndWith = new C_TextEndsWith(parse(textEnd.getLeftArgument()), parse(textEnd.getRightArgument())); return textEndWith; } private C_Expression getTextContains(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { TextContains textContains = (TextContains) exp; C_TextContains textCont = new C_TextContains(parse(textContains.getLeftArgument()), parse(textContains.getRightArgument())); return textCont; } private C_Expression getTextBeginWith(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { TextBeginsWith textB = (TextBeginsWith) exp; C_TextBeginsWith textBegins = new C_TextBeginsWith(parse(textB.getLeftArgument()), parse(textB.getRightArgument())); return textBegins; } private C_Expression getNotLess(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { NotLess notL = (NotLess) exp; C_NotLess notLess = new C_NotLess(parse(notL.getLeftArgument()), parse(notL.getRightArgument())); return notLess; } private C_Expression getNotGreater(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { NotGreater notG = (NotGreater) exp; C_NotGreater notGreater = new C_NotGreater(parse(notG.getLeftArgument()), parse(notG.getRightArgument())); return notGreater; } private C_Expression getNotEquals(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { NotEquals notE = (NotEquals) exp; C_NotEquals notEquals = new C_NotEquals(parse(notE.getLeftArgument()), parse(notE.getRightArgument())); return notEquals; } private C_Expression getLessThan(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { LessThan lessT = (LessThan) exp; C_LessThan lessThan = new C_LessThan(parse(lessT.getLeftArgument()), parse(lessT.getRightArgument())); return lessThan; } private C_Expression getLessOrEquals(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { LessOrEquals lessOrE = (LessOrEquals) exp; C_LessOrEquals lessOrEquals = new C_LessOrEquals(parse(lessOrE.getLeftArgument()), parse(lessOrE.getRightArgument())); return lessOrEquals; } private C_Expression getGreaterThan(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { GreaterThan greaterThan = (GreaterThan) exp; C_GreaterThan greater = new C_GreaterThan(parse(greaterThan.getLeftArgument()), parse(greaterThan.getRightArgument())); return greater; } private C_Expression getGreaterOrEquals(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { GreaterOrEquals greaterOrEq = (GreaterOrEquals) exp; C_GreaterOrEquals greaterOrEquals = new C_GreaterOrEquals(parse(greaterOrEq.getLeftArgument()), parse(greaterOrEq.getRightArgument())); return greaterOrEquals; } private TD_Value getExpressionValue(TDTypeValue value) throws ExpressionParserException { try { if (value instanceof TDBoolean) { TDBoolean tdboolean = (TDBoolean) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Boolean, String.valueOf(tdboolean.getValue())); } if (value instanceof TDDate) { TDDate tddate = (TDDate) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Date, sdf.format(tddate.getValue())); } if (value instanceof TDGeometry) { TDGeometry tdgeometry = (TDGeometry) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Geometry, tdgeometry.getValue()); } if (value instanceof TDInteger) { TDInteger tdinteger = (TDInteger) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Integer, String.valueOf(tdinteger.getValue())); } if (value instanceof TDNumeric) { TDNumeric tdnumeric = (TDNumeric) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Numeric, String.valueOf(tdnumeric.getValue())); } if (value instanceof TDText) { TDText tdtext = (TDText) value; return new TD_Value(ColumnDataType.Text, String.valueOf(tdtext.getValue())); } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("type error parsing value " + value + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return null; } private ColumnDataType mapColumnDataType(DataType columnDataType) { if (columnDataType instanceof IntegerType) { return ColumnDataType.Integer; } else { if (columnDataType instanceof NumericType) { return ColumnDataType.Numeric; } else { if (columnDataType instanceof BooleanType) { return ColumnDataType.Boolean; } else { if (columnDataType instanceof GeometryType) { return ColumnDataType.Geometry; } else { if (columnDataType instanceof TextType) { return ColumnDataType.Text; } else { if (columnDataType instanceof DateType) { return ColumnDataType.Date; } else { return null; } } } } } } } private C_Expression getConstantList(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { List l = new ArrayList(); ConstantList c = (ConstantList) exp; List arguments = c.getArguments(); TD_Value tdv; for (TDTypeValue value : arguments) { tdv = getExpressionValue(value); l.add(tdv); } C_ConstantList constList = new C_ConstantList(l); return constList; } private C_MultivaluedExpression getConstantList(ConstantList c) throws ExpressionParserException { List l = new ArrayList(); List arguments = c.getArguments(); TD_Value tdv; for (TDTypeValue value : arguments) { tdv = getExpressionValue(value); l.add(tdv); } C_ConstantList constList = new C_ConstantList(l); return constList; } private C_Expression getColumnReferencePlaceholder(Expression exp) { ColumnReferencePlaceholder c = (ColumnReferencePlaceholder) exp; C_ColumnReferencePlaceholder col = new C_ColumnReferencePlaceholder(mapColumnDataType(c.getDatatype()), c.getId(), c.getLabel()); return col; } private C_Expression getColumnReference(Expression exp) { ColumnReference c = (ColumnReference) exp; String tableId = String.valueOf(c.getTableId().getValue()); String columnId = c.getColumnId().getValue(); ColumnDataType columnDataType = mapColumnDataType(c.getType()); TRId trId = new TRId(); trId.setTableId(tableId); trId.setViewTable(false); ColumnData column = new ColumnData(); column.setId(columnId); column.setColumnId(columnId); column.setTrId(trId); column.setDataTypeName(columnDataType.toString()); column.setLabel("Unknow"); C_ColumnReference ref = new C_ColumnReference(column); return ref; } private C_Expression getUpper(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Upper e = (Upper) exp; C_Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); C_Upper upper = new C_Upper(arg); return upper; } private C_Expression getLower(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Lower e = (Lower) exp; C_Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); C_Lower lower = new C_Lower(arg); return lower; } private C_Expression getTrim(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Trim e = (Trim) exp; C_Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); C_Trim trim = new C_Trim(arg); return trim; } private C_Expression getMD5(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { MD5 e = (MD5) exp; C_Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); C_MD5 md5 = new C_MD5(arg); return md5; } private C_Expression getSoundex(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Soundex e = (Soundex) exp; C_Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); C_Soundex soundex = new C_Soundex(arg); return soundex; } private C_Expression getLevenshtein(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Levenshtein e = (Levenshtein) exp; C_Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); C_Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); C_Levenshtein levenshtein = new C_Levenshtein(left, right); return levenshtein; } private C_Expression getSimilarity(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Similarity e = (Similarity) exp; C_Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); C_Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); C_Similarity similarity = new C_Similarity(left, right); return similarity; } private C_Expression getEquals(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Equals e = (Equals) exp; C_Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); C_Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); C_Equals eq = new C_Equals(left, right); return eq; } private C_Expression getConcat(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Concat concat = (Concat) exp; C_Concat conc = new C_Concat(parse(concat.getLeftArgument()), parse(concat.getRightArgument())); return conc; } private C_Expression getSubstringByIndex(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { SubstringByIndex subByIndex = (SubstringByIndex) exp; C_SubstringByIndex sByIndex = new C_SubstringByIndex(parse(subByIndex.getSourceString()), parse(subByIndex.getFromIndex()), parse(subByIndex.getToIndex())); return sByIndex; } private C_Expression getSubstringByRegex(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { SubstringByRegex subByRegex = (SubstringByRegex) exp; C_SubstringByRegex sByRegex = new C_SubstringByRegex(parse(subByRegex.getLeftArgument()), parse(subByRegex.getRightArgument())); return sByRegex; } private C_Expression getSubstringPosition(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { SubstringPosition subPosition = (SubstringPosition) exp; C_SubstringPosition sPosition = new C_SubstringPosition(parse(subPosition.getLeftArgument()), parse(subPosition.getRightArgument())); return sPosition; } private C_Expression getTextReplaceMatchingRegex(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { TextReplaceMatchingRegex textReplaceMatchingRegex = (TextReplaceMatchingRegex) exp; TD_Value replacing = getExpressionValue(textReplaceMatchingRegex.getReplacingValue()); TD_Value regexp = getExpressionValue(textReplaceMatchingRegex.getRegexp()); C_Expression toCheckText = parse(textReplaceMatchingRegex.getToCheckText()); C_TextReplaceMatchingRegex textRepRegex = new C_TextReplaceMatchingRegex(toCheckText, regexp, replacing); return textRepRegex; } private C_Expression getAvg(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Avg avg = (Avg) exp; C_Avg av = new C_Avg(parse(avg.getArgument())); return av; } private C_Expression getCount(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Count count = (Count) exp; C_Count cnt = new C_Count(parse(count.getArgument())); return cnt; } private C_Expression getMax(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Max max = (Max) exp; C_Max ma = new C_Max(parse(max.getArgument())); return ma; } private C_Expression getMin(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Min min = (Min) exp; C_Min mi = new C_Min(parse(min.getArgument())); return mi; } private C_Expression getSTExtent(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { ST_Extent stExtent = (ST_Extent) exp; C_ST_Extent stEx = new C_ST_Extent(parse(stExtent.getArgument())); return stEx; } private C_Expression getSum(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Sum sum = (Sum) exp; C_Sum sm = new C_Sum(parse(sum.getArgument())); return sm; } private C_Expression getCast(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Cast castExp = (Cast) exp; C_Cast sm = new C_Cast(parse(castExp.getArgument()), mapColumnDataType(castExp.getCastToType())); return sm; } private C_Expression getAddition(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Addition addition = (Addition) exp; C_Addition add = new C_Addition(parse(addition.getLeftArgument()), parse(addition.getRightArgument())); return add; } private C_Expression getSubtraction(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Subtraction subtraction = (Subtraction) exp; C_Subtraction sub = new C_Subtraction(parse(subtraction.getLeftArgument()), parse(subtraction.getRightArgument())); return sub; } private C_Expression getModulus(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Modulus modulus = (Modulus) exp; C_Modulus modu = new C_Modulus(parse(modulus.getLeftArgument()), parse(modulus.getRightArgument())); return modu; } private C_Expression getMultiplication(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Multiplication multiplication = (Multiplication) exp; C_Multiplication multi = new C_Multiplication(parse(multiplication.getLeftArgument()), parse(multiplication.getRightArgument())); return multi; } private C_Expression getDivision(Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { Division division = (Division) exp; C_Division divi = new C_Division(parse(division.getLeftArgument()), parse(division.getRightArgument())); return divi; } /** * * @param exp * Client expression * @return Expression * @throws ExpressionParserException * Exception */ public Expression parse(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { logger.debug("Parse: " + exp); Expression ex = null; switch (exp.getId()) { case "ColumnReferencePlaceholder": ex = getColumnReferencePlaceholder(exp); break; case "ConstantList": ex = getConstantlist(exp); break; case "ColumnReference": ex = getColumnReference(exp); break; case "TD_Value": TD_Value value = (TD_Value) exp; ex = getExpressionValue(value); break; case "Equals": ex = getEquals(exp); break; case "GreaterOrEquals": ex = getGreaterOrEquals(exp); break; case "GreaterThan": ex = getGreaterThan(exp); break; case "LessOrEquals": ex = getLessOrEquals(exp); break; case "LessThan": ex = getLessThan(exp); break; case "NotEquals": ex = getNotEquals(exp); break; case "NotGreater": ex = getNotGreater(exp); break; case "NotLess": ex = getNotLess(exp); break; case "TextBeginsWith": ex = getTextBeginWith(exp); break; case "TextContains": ex = getTextContains(exp); break; case "TextEndsWith": ex = getTextEndWith(exp); break; case "TextMatchSQLRegexp": ex = getTextMatchSQLRegexp(exp); break; case "And": ex = getAnd(exp); break; case "Between": ex = getBetween(exp); break; case "IsNotNull": ex = getIsNotNull(exp); break; case "IsNull": ex = getIsNull(exp); break; case "Not": ex = getNot(exp); break; case "Or": ex = getOr(exp); break; case "ValueIsIn": ex = getValueIsIn(exp); break; case "Concat": ex = getConcat(exp); break; case "SubstringByIndex": ex = getSubstringByIndex(exp); break; case "SubstringByRegex": ex = getSubstringByRegex(exp); break; case "SubstringPosition": ex = getSubstringPosition(exp); break; case "TextReplaceMatchingRegex": ex = getTextReplaceMatchingRegex(exp); break; case "Avg": ex = getAvg(exp); break; case "Count": ex = getCount(exp); break; case "Max": ex = getMax(exp); break; case "Min": ex = getMin(exp); break; case "Sum": ex = getSum(exp); break; case "ST_Extent": ex = getSTExtent(exp); break; case "Cast": ex = getCast(exp); break; case "Addition": ex = getAddition(exp); break; case "Subtraction": ex = getSubtraction(exp); break; case "Modulus": ex = getModulus(exp); break; case "Multiplication": ex = getMultiplication(exp); break; case "Division": ex = getDivision(exp); break; case "Upper": ex = getUpper(exp); break; case "Lower": ex = getLower(exp); break; case "Trim": ex = getTrim(exp); break; case "MD5": ex = getMD5(exp); break; case "Soundex": ex = getSoundex(exp); break; case "Levenshtein": ex = getLevenshtein(exp); break; case "Similarity": ex = getSimilarity(exp); break; default: break; } return ex; } public MultivaluedExpression parseMultivalued(C_MultivaluedExpression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { MultivaluedExpression ex = null; switch (exp.getIdMulti()) { case "ConstantList": ex = getConstantlist(exp); break; case "ExternalReferenceExpression": break; default: break; } return ex; } private Expression getValueIsIn(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_ValueIsIn v = (C_ValueIsIn) exp; MultivaluedExpression multivalued = parseMultivalued(v.getRightArgument()); ValueIsIn valueIsIn = new ValueIsIn(parse(v.getLeftArgument()), multivalued); return valueIsIn; } private Expression getOr(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Or o = (C_Or) exp; List listCExp = o.getArguments(); List listExp = new ArrayList(); Expression ex; for (C_Expression cexp : listCExp) { ex = parse(cexp); listExp.add(ex); } Or or = new Or(listExp); return or; } private Expression getNot(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Not n = (C_Not) exp; Not not = new Not(parse(n.getArgument())); return not; } private Expression getIsNull(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_IsNull nullIs = (C_IsNull) exp; IsNull isNull = new IsNull(parse(nullIs.getArgument())); return isNull; } private Expression getIsNotNull(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_IsNotNull nullNotIs = (C_IsNotNull) exp; IsNotNull isNotNull = new IsNotNull(parse(nullNotIs.getArgument())); return isNotNull; } private Expression getBetween(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Between bet = (C_Between) exp; Between between = new Between(parse(bet.getLeftArgument()), parse(bet.getMinRangeArgument()), parse(bet.getMaxRangeArgument())); return between; } private Expression getAnd(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_And o = (C_And) exp; List listCExp = o.getArguments(); List listExp = new ArrayList(); Expression ex; for (C_Expression cexp : listCExp) { ex = parse(cexp); listExp.add(ex); } And and = new And(listExp); return and; } private Expression getTextMatchSQLRegexp(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_TextMatchSQLRegexp reg = (C_TextMatchSQLRegexp) exp; TextMatchSQLRegexp regExp = new TextMatchSQLRegexp(parse(reg.getLeftArgument()), parse(reg.getRightArgument())); return regExp; } private Expression getTextEndWith(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_TextEndsWith textEnd = (C_TextEndsWith) exp; TextEndsWith textEndWith = new TextEndsWith(parse(textEnd.getLeftArgument()), parse(textEnd.getRightArgument())); return textEndWith; } private Expression getTextContains(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_TextContains textContains = (C_TextContains) exp; TextContains textCont = new TextContains(parse(textContains.getLeftArgument()), parse(textContains.getRightArgument())); return textCont; } private Expression getTextBeginWith(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_TextBeginsWith textB = (C_TextBeginsWith) exp; TextBeginsWith textBegins = new TextBeginsWith(parse(textB.getLeftArgument()), parse(textB.getRightArgument())); return textBegins; } private Expression getNotLess(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_NotLess notL = (C_NotLess) exp; NotLess notLess = new NotLess(parse(notL.getLeftArgument()), parse(notL.getRightArgument())); return notLess; } private Expression getNotGreater(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_NotGreater notG = (C_NotGreater) exp; NotGreater notGreater = new NotGreater(parse(notG.getLeftArgument()), parse(notG.getRightArgument())); return notGreater; } private Expression getNotEquals(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_NotEquals notE = (C_NotEquals) exp; NotEquals notEquals = new NotEquals(parse(notE.getLeftArgument()), parse(notE.getRightArgument())); return notEquals; } private Expression getLessThan(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_LessThan lessT = (C_LessThan) exp; LessThan lessThan = new LessThan(parse(lessT.getLeftArgument()), parse(lessT.getRightArgument())); return lessThan; } private Expression getLessOrEquals(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_LessOrEquals lessOrE = (C_LessOrEquals) exp; LessOrEquals lessOrEquals = new LessOrEquals(parse(lessOrE.getLeftArgument()), parse(lessOrE.getRightArgument())); return lessOrEquals; } private Expression getGreaterThan(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_GreaterThan greaterThan = (C_GreaterThan) exp; GreaterThan greater = new GreaterThan(parse(greaterThan.getLeftArgument()), parse(greaterThan.getRightArgument())); return greater; } private Expression getGreaterOrEquals(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_GreaterOrEquals greaterOrEq = (C_GreaterOrEquals) exp; GreaterOrEquals greaterOrEquals = new GreaterOrEquals(parse(greaterOrEq.getLeftArgument()), parse(greaterOrEq.getRightArgument())); return greaterOrEquals; } private TDTypeValue getExpressionValue(TD_Value value) throws ExpressionParserException { TDTypeValue ex = null; try { switch (value.getValueType()) { case Boolean: ex = new TDBoolean(Boolean.valueOf(value.getValue())); break; case Date: Date d = null; try { d = sdf.parse(value.getValue()); } catch (ParseException e) { logger.error("Unparseable using " + sdf); throw new ExpressionParserException(value.getValue() + " is not valid Date type"); } ex = new TDDate(d); break; case Geometry: if (TDGeometry.validateGeometry(value.getValue())) { ex = new TDGeometry(value.getValue()); } else { throw new ExpressionParserException(value.getValue() + " is not valid Geometry type"); } break; case Integer: Integer vInteger; try { vInteger = Integer.valueOf(value.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExpressionParserException(value.getValue() + " is not valid Integer type"); } ex = new TDInteger(vInteger); break; case Numeric: Double vNumeric; try { vNumeric = Double.valueOf(value.getValue()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ExpressionParserException(value.getValue() + " is not valid Double type"); } ex = new TDNumeric(vNumeric); break; case Text: if (value.getValue() == null) { ex = new TDText(""); } else { ex = new TDText(value.getValue()); } break; default: break; } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("type error parsing value " + value + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return ex; } private DataType mapColumnDataType(ColumnDataType columnDataType) { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Integer) { return new IntegerType(); } else { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Numeric) { return new NumericType(); } else { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Boolean) { return new BooleanType(); } else { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Geometry) { return new GeometryType(); } else { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Text) { return new TextType(); } else { if (columnDataType == ColumnDataType.Date) { return new DateType(); } else { return null; } } } } } } } private Expression getConstantlist(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { List l = new ArrayList(); C_ConstantList c = (C_ConstantList) exp; List arguments = c.getArguments(); TDTypeValue tdv; for (TD_Value value : arguments) { tdv = getExpressionValue(value); l.add(tdv); } ConstantList constList = new ConstantList(l); return constList; } private MultivaluedExpression getConstantlist(C_MultivaluedExpression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { List l = new ArrayList(); C_ConstantList c = (C_ConstantList) exp; List arguments = c.getArguments(); TDTypeValue tdv; for (TD_Value value : arguments) { tdv = getExpressionValue(value); l.add(tdv); } ConstantList constList = new ConstantList(l); return constList; } private Expression getColumnReferencePlaceholder(C_Expression exp) { C_ColumnReferencePlaceholder c = (C_ColumnReferencePlaceholder) exp; ColumnReferencePlaceholder col = new ColumnReferencePlaceholder(mapColumnDataType(c.getDataType()), c.getColumnId(), c.getLabel()); return col; } private Expression getColumnReference(C_Expression exp) { C_ColumnReference c = (C_ColumnReference) exp; String tableIdS = null; if (c.getColumn().getTrId().isViewTable()) { tableIdS = c.getColumn().getTrId().getReferenceTargetTableId(); } else { tableIdS = c.getColumn().getTrId().getTableId(); } TableId tableId = new TableId(Long.valueOf(tableIdS)); ColumnLocalId columnId = new ColumnLocalId(c.getColumn().getColumnId()); ColumnReference ref = new ColumnReference(tableId, columnId, mapColumnDataType(ColumnDataType.getColumnDataTypeFromId(c.getColumn().getDataTypeName()))); return ref; } private Expression getUpper(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Upper e = (C_Upper) exp; Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); Upper upper = new Upper(arg); return upper; } private Expression getLower(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Lower e = (C_Lower) exp; Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); Lower lower = new Lower(arg); return lower; } private Expression getTrim(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Trim e = (C_Trim) exp; Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); Trim trim = new Trim(arg); return trim; } private Expression getMD5(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_MD5 e = (C_MD5) exp; Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); MD5 md5 = new MD5(arg); return md5; } private Expression getSoundex(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Soundex e = (C_Soundex) exp; Expression arg = parse(e.getArgument()); Soundex soundex = new Soundex(arg); return soundex; } private Expression getLevenshtein(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Levenshtein e = (C_Levenshtein) exp; Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); Levenshtein levenshtein = new Levenshtein(left, right); return levenshtein; } private Expression getSimilarity(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Similarity e = (C_Similarity) exp; Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); Similarity similarity = new Similarity(left, right); return similarity; } private Expression getEquals(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Equals e = (C_Equals) exp; Expression left = parse(e.getLeftArgument()); Expression right = parse(e.getRightArgument()); Equals eq = new Equals(left, right); return eq; } private Expression getConcat(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Concat concat = (C_Concat) exp; Concat conc = new Concat(parse(concat.getLeftArgument()), parse(concat.getRightArgument())); return conc; } private Expression getSubstringByIndex(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_SubstringByIndex subByIndex = (C_SubstringByIndex) exp; SubstringByIndex sByIndex = new SubstringByIndex(parse(subByIndex.getSourceString()), parse(subByIndex.getFromIndex()), parse(subByIndex.getToIndex())); return sByIndex; } private Expression getSubstringByRegex(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_SubstringByRegex subByRegex = (C_SubstringByRegex) exp; SubstringByRegex sByRegex = new SubstringByRegex(parse(subByRegex.getSourceString()), parse(subByRegex.getRegex())); return sByRegex; } private Expression getSubstringPosition(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_SubstringPosition subPosition = (C_SubstringPosition) exp; SubstringPosition sPosition = new SubstringPosition(parse(subPosition.getLeftArgument()), parse(subPosition.getRightArgument())); return sPosition; } private Expression getTextReplaceMatchingRegex(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_TextReplaceMatchingRegex textReplaceMatchingRegex = (C_TextReplaceMatchingRegex) exp; TDText tdRegexp = new TDText(textReplaceMatchingRegex.getRegexp().getValue()); String replacement = textReplaceMatchingRegex.getReplacing().getValue(); if (replacement == null) { replacement = ""; } TDText tdReplacing = new TDText(replacement); TextReplaceMatchingRegex textRepRegex = new TextReplaceMatchingRegex( parse(textReplaceMatchingRegex.getToCheckText()), tdRegexp, tdReplacing); return textRepRegex; } private Expression getAvg(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Avg avg = (C_Avg) exp; Avg av = new Avg(parse(avg.getArgument())); return av; } private Expression getCount(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Count count = (C_Count) exp; Count cnt = new Count(parse(count.getArgument())); return cnt; } private Expression getMax(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Max max = (C_Max) exp; Max ma = new Max(parse(max.getArgument())); return ma; } private Expression getMin(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Min min = (C_Min) exp; Min mi = new Min(parse(min.getArgument())); return mi; } private Expression getSTExtent(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_ST_Extent stExtent = (C_ST_Extent) exp; ST_Extent stEx = new ST_Extent(parse(stExtent.getArgument())); return stEx; } private Expression getSum(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Sum sum = (C_Sum) exp; Sum sm = new Sum(parse(sum.getArgument())); return sm; } private Expression getCast(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Cast castExp = (C_Cast) exp; Cast sm = new Cast(parse(castExp.getLeftArgument()), mapColumnDataType(castExp.getRightArgument())); return sm; } private Expression getAddition(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Addition addition = (C_Addition) exp; Addition add = new Addition(parse(addition.getLeftArgument()), parse(addition.getRightArgument())); return add; } private Expression getSubtraction(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Subtraction subtraction = (C_Subtraction) exp; Subtraction sub = new Subtraction(parse(subtraction.getLeftArgument()), parse(subtraction.getRightArgument())); return sub; } private Expression getModulus(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Modulus modulus = (C_Modulus) exp; Modulus modu = new Modulus(parse(modulus.getLeftArgument()), parse(modulus.getRightArgument())); return modu; } private Expression getMultiplication(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Multiplication multiplication = (C_Multiplication) exp; Multiplication multi = new Multiplication(parse(multiplication.getLeftArgument()), parse(multiplication.getRightArgument())); return multi; } private Expression getDivision(C_Expression exp) throws ExpressionParserException { C_Division division = (C_Division) exp; Division divi = new Division(parse(division.getLeftArgument()), parse(division.getRightArgument())); return divi; } }