package; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import; import; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.Window; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.SelectEvent; import com.sencha.gxt.widget.core.client.event.SelectEvent.SelectHandler; /** * * @author Giancarlo Panichi * * */ public class ReplaceExpressionDialog extends Window implements HasExpressionWrapperNotificationListener { private static final String WIDTH = "900px"; private static final String HEIGHT = "360px"; private ArrayList listeners; private ColumnData column; private ArrayList columns; // private String columnLocalId; private TRId trId; private EventBus eventBus; private ReplaceExpressionPanel replaceExpressionPanel; private ReplaceExpressionType type; /** * * Column must have set columnId, label, columnTypeCode and ColumnDataType. * Column is not used to construct the expression. Columns are retrieved * from TRId. * * * @param column * Column * @param trId * Tabular Resource id * @param eventBus * Event bus */ public ReplaceExpressionDialog(ColumnData column, TRId trId, EventBus eventBus) { listeners = new ArrayList(); this.eventBus = eventBus; this.trId = trId; this.column = column; type = ReplaceExpressionType.Replace; initWindow(); load(); } /** * * ColumnMockUp must have set columnId, label, columnTypeCode and * ColumnDataType. Column is not used to construct the expression. Columns * are retrieved from TRId. * * * @param columnMockUp * Column mockup * @param trId * Tabular Resource id * @param eventBus * Event bus */ public ReplaceExpressionDialog(ColumnMockUp columnMockUp, TRId trId, EventBus eventBus) { listeners = new ArrayList(); this.eventBus = eventBus; this.trId = trId; column = new ColumnData(); column.setId(columnMockUp.getId()); column.setColumnId(columnMockUp.getColumnId()); column.setLabel(columnMockUp.getLabel()); column.setDataTypeName(columnMockUp.getColumnDataType().toString()); column.setTypeCode(columnMockUp.getColumnType().toString()); type = ReplaceExpressionType.AddColumn; initWindow(); load(); } /** * * ColumnMockUp and ColumnMockUpList must have set columnId, label, * columnTypeCode and ColumnDataType. Column is not used to construct the * expression. * * * * @param columnMockUp * Column mockup * @param columnMockUpList * List of column mockup * @param eventBus * Event bus */ public ReplaceExpressionDialog(ColumnMockUp columnMockUp, ArrayList columnMockUpList, EventBus eventBus) { listeners = new ArrayList(); this.eventBus = eventBus; column = new ColumnData(); column.setId(columnMockUp.getId()); column.setColumnId(columnMockUp.getColumnId()); column.setLabel(columnMockUp.getLabel()); column.setDataTypeName(columnMockUp.getColumnDataType().toString()); column.setTypeCode(columnMockUp.getColumnType().toString()); Log.debug("ReplaceExpressionDialog: Column: " + column); columns = new ArrayList(); Log.debug("ReplaceExpressionDialog Columns:"); for (ColumnMockUp colMock : columnMockUpList) { ColumnData col = new ColumnData(); col.setId(colMock.getId()); col.setColumnId(colMock.getColumnId()); col.setLabel(colMock.getLabel()); col.setDataTypeName(colMock.getColumnDataType().toString()); col.setTypeCode(colMock.getColumnType().toString()); Log.debug("Columns: " + col); columns.add(col); } type = ReplaceExpressionType.Template; initWindow(); sanitizesColumns(); create(); } protected void initWindow() { setWidth(WIDTH); setHeight(HEIGHT); setModal(true); setBodyBorder(false); setResizable(false); setHeadingText("Replace Expression"); setClosable(true); getHeader().setIcon(ExpressionResources.INSTANCE.columnReplaceByExpression()); } @Override protected void initTools() { super.initTools(); closeBtn.addSelectHandler(new SelectHandler() { public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) { close(); } }); } protected void create() { replaceExpressionPanel = new ReplaceExpressionPanel(this, column, columns, type, eventBus); add(replaceExpressionPanel); } protected void applyReplaceColumnByExpression(ExpressionWrapperNotification expressionWrapperNotification) { fire(expressionWrapperNotification); } protected void load() { TDGWTServiceAsync.INSTANCE.getColumns(trId, new AsyncCallback>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { if (caught instanceof TDGWTSessionExpiredException) { eventBus.fireEvent(new SessionExpiredEvent(SessionExpiredType.EXPIREDONSERVER)); } else { if (caught instanceof TDGWTIsLockedException) { Log.error(caught.getLocalizedMessage()); UtilsGXT3.alert("Error Locked", caught.getLocalizedMessage()); } else { Log.error("Error retrieving column: " + caught.getMessage()); UtilsGXT3.alert("Error retrieving column", caught.getMessage()); } } } public void onSuccess(ArrayList result) { Log.debug("Retrived columns: " + result); columns = result; sanitizesColumns(); create(); } }); } protected void sanitizesColumns() { ArrayList removableColumn = new ArrayList(); for (ColumnData c : columns) { if (c.getTypeCode().compareTo(ColumnTypeCode.DIMENSION.toString()) == 0 || c.getTypeCode().compareTo(ColumnTypeCode.TIMEDIMENSION.toString()) == 0) { removableColumn.add(c); } else { if (column.getColumnId() != null && c.getColumnId().compareTo(column.getColumnId()) == 0) { removableColumn.add(c); } } } columns.removeAll(removableColumn); } protected void close() { fireAborted(); } @Override public void addExpressionWrapperNotificationListener(ExpressionWrapperNotificationListener handler) { listeners.add(handler); } @Override public void removeExpressionWrapperNotificationListener(ExpressionWrapperNotificationListener handler) { listeners.remove(handler); } protected void fire(ExpressionWrapperNotification notification) { for (ExpressionWrapperNotificationListener listener : listeners) { listener.onExpression(notification); } hide(); } protected void fireAborted() { for (ExpressionWrapperNotificationListener listener : listeners) { listener.aborted(); } hide(); } protected void fireFailed(Throwable throwable) { for (ExpressionWrapperNotificationListener listener : listeners) { listener.failed(throwable); ; } hide(); } }