
69 lines
2.9 KiB

csvSourceSelection = CSV source selection
csvImportFileUpload = CSV Import File Upload
csvImportFromWorkspace = CSV Import From Workspace
workspaceSelection = Workspace Selection
csvConfiguration = CSV Configuration
errorRetrievingTheFileFromWorkspace = Error retrieving the file from the workspace!
comboEncodingsToolTip = The CSV file encoding
comboEncodingsLabel = File encoding
comboHeaderToolTip = The CSV file header
comboHeaderLabel = Header
radioCommaDelimiterLabel = Comma
radioSpaceDelimiterLabel = Space
radioTabDelimiterLabel = Tab
radioSemicolonDelimiterLabel = Semicolon
radioOtherDelimiterLabel = Other delimiter
insertAvalidDelimiterElseCommaIsUsed = Insert a valid delimiter else comma is used!
delimitersPanelToolTip = The delimiter use to delimit the CSV fields
delimitersPanelLabel = Delimiter
commentFieldToolTip = The character used as comment line prefix
commentFieldLabel = Comment
anErrorOccuredCheckingTheFileHead = An error occured checking the file
anErrorOccuredCheckingTheFile = Please retry, if the error perstists change the CSV configuration!
gridCSVSampleMask = Updating...
errorLoadingCharsetListHead = Error loading charset list
errorLoadingCharsetList = Error loading charset list!
tabularResourceDetail = Tabular Resource Detail
csvTableDetailCardFormHeader = Details
fieldSetInformationHead = Information
fieldNameEmptyText = Enter a name...
fieldNameLabel = Name
txtAreaDescriptionEmptyText = Enter a description...
txtAreaDescriptionLabel = Description
txtAreaRightsEmptyText = Enter rights...
txtAreaRightsLabel = Rights
fieldValidFromLabel = Valid From
fieldValidUntilToLabel = Valid Until To
comboLicencesLabel = Licence
errorRetrievingLicences = Error retrieving licences!
fillInNameField = Fill in name field!
fillInDescriptionField = Fill in description field!
fillInRightsField = Fill in rights field!
validFromFieldIsHigherThanValidUntilToField = Valid From field is higher than Valid Until To field!
btnCheckConfigurationText = Check configuration
chBoxSkipInvalidLabel = Skip invalid lines
failedMoreThanNumberErrors = Failed (more than {0} errors)
failedErrors = Failed ({0} errors)
checkTheConfigurationBeforeSubmit = Check the configuration before submit it
checkingTheConfiguration = Checking the configuration...
clickToObtainMoreInformation = Click to obtain more information
failed = Failed
correct = Correct.
btnCloseText = Close
csvErrorWindowHead = CSV error details
gridErrorColumnNLine = # line
gridErrorCololumnLine = Line
gridErrorCololumnError = Error
fUpFieldLabel = Select the csv file to import
btnUploadText = Upload
btnCancelText = Cancel
csvFileMissingHead = CSV file missing
csvFileMissing = Please specify a CSV file
errorUploadingCSVFileHead = Error uploading the csv file
csvOperationInProgressDocumentLabel = Document:
csvOperationInProgressSourceLabel = Source:
csvOperationInProgressFileLabel = File:
summaryImport = Import Summary
csvOperationInProgressCSVFile = CSV File
errorInImportCSV = An error occured in import CSV: