package; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import gr.uoa.di.madgik.grs.record.Record; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * The definitions of an eDSL of stream and stream-related expressions. * * @author Fabio Simeoni * */ public class Streams { //CONSUME /** * Starts a sentence to consume a {@link Stream} * @param stream the stream * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static ConsumeWithClause consume(Stream stream) { return new ConsumeWithClause(stream); } //CONVERT /** * Converts an {@link Iterator} to a {@link Stream}. * @param itarator the iterator * @return the stream */ public static Stream convert(Iterator itarator) { return new IteratorStream(itarator); } /** * Converts a custom {@link IteratorAdapter} to a {@link Stream}. * @param adapter the adapter * @return the stream */ public static IteratorStream convert(IteratorAdapter adapter) { return new IteratorStream(adapter); } /** * Converts an {@link Iterable} to a {@link Stream}. * @param iterable the iterable * @return the stream */ public static Stream convert(Iterable iterable) { return convert(iterable.iterator()); } /** * Converts one or more elements into a {@link Stream}. * @param elements the elements * @return the stream */ public static Stream convert(E ...elements) { return convert(asList(elements)); } /** * Converts a mixture of exceptions and elements of a given type to a {@link Stream} of a that type. * It's the client's responsibility to ensure that the elements that are not exceptions are homogeneously typed as the type indicated in input. * @param clazz the stream type * @param elements the elements * @return the stream */ public static Stream convertWithFaults(Class clazz, Object...elements) { return convertWithFaults(clazz,asList(elements)); } /** * Converts a mixture of exceptions and elements of a given type to a {@link Stream} of a that type. * It's the client's responsibility to ensure that the elements that are not exceptions are homogeneously typed as the type indicated in input. * @param clazz the stream type * @param elements the elements * @return the stream */ public static Stream convertWithFaults(Class clazz,List elements) { return convert(new FallibleIterator(clazz, elements)); } /** * Starts a sentence to convert a resultset into a {@link Stream}. * @param locator the locator of the resultset * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static RsOfClause convert(URI locator) { return new RsOfClause(locator); } /** * Returns a {@link Stream} of strings extracted from a resultset of {@link RsStringRecordFactory#STRING_RECORD}s. * @param locator the locator of the resultset * @return the stream */ public static Stream stringsIn(URI locator) { return convert(locator).ofStrings().withTimeout(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } /** * Returns a {@link Stream} of strings extracted from a resultset of {@link RsStringRecordFactory#STRING_RECORD}s. * @param locator the locator of the resultset * @return the stream */ public static Stream stringsIn(URI locator, int timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { return convert(locator).ofStrings().withTimeout(timeout, timeUnit); } // PIPE /** * Starts a sentence to produce a {@link Stream} generated from another {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream. * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static PipeThroughClause pipe(Stream stream) { return new PipeThroughClause(stream); } // FOLD /** * Starts a sentence to produce a {@link Stream} that groups of elements of another {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream. * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static InClause fold(Stream stream) { return new InClause(stream); } // UNFOLD /** * Starts a sentence to produce a {@link Stream} that unfolds the elements of another {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream. * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static UnfoldThroughClause unfold(Stream stream) { return new UnfoldThroughClause(stream); } // GUARD /** * Starts a sentence to produce a {@link Stream} that controls the error raised by another {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream. * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static GuardWithClause guard(Stream stream) { return new GuardWithClause(stream); } /** * Starts a sentence to produce a {@link Stream} that notifies key events in the iteration of another {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream. * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static MonitorWithClause monitor(Stream stream) { return new MonitorWithClause(stream); } // PUBLISH /** * Starts a sentence to publish a {@link Stream} as a resultset. * @param stream the stream * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static PublishRsUsingClause publish(Stream stream) { return new PublishRsUsingClause(stream); } /** * Starts a sentence to publish a {@link Stream} as a resultset. * @param stream the stream * @return the next clause of the sentence */ public static PublishRsWithClause publishStringsIn(Stream stream) { return new PublishRsUsingClause(stream).using(no_serialiser); } /** * Returns a {@link Stream} that logs the throughput of an input {@link Stream}. * @param stream the input stream * @return the output stream */ public static Stream log(Stream stream) { LoggingListener listener = new LoggingListener(); return monitor(pipe(stream).through(listener)).with(listener); } // GENERATORS /** * A {@link NoOpGenerator}. */ public static NoOpGenerator no_serialiser = new NoOpGenerator(); /** * Returns a {@link NoOpGenerator}. * @return the generator */ public static NoOpGenerator no_op(Stream stream) { return new NoOpGenerator(); } // HANDLERS /** * A {@link RethrowHandler} for failure handling. */ public static FaultHandler RETHROW_POLICY = new RethrowHandler(); /** * A {@link RethrowUnrecoverableHandler} for failure handling. */ public static FaultHandler RETHROW_UNRECOVERABLE_POLICY = new RethrowUnrecoverableHandler(); /** * A {@link StopFastHandler} for failure handling. */ public static FaultHandler STOPFAST_POLICY= new StopFastHandler(); /** * A {@link IgnoreHandler} for failure handling. */ public static FaultHandler IGNORE_POLICY = new IgnoreHandler(); }