package org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.dsl; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.client.proxies.ItemManagerClient; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.ACL; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.acls.AccessType; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.exceptions.StorageHubException; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.FolderItem; import org.gcube.common.storagehub.model.items.GCubeItem; public class FolderContainer extends ItemContainer{ // private String folderPath = null; protected FolderContainer(ItemManagerClient itemclient, FolderItem item) { super(itemclient, item); } protected FolderContainer(ItemManagerClient itemclient, String folderId) { super(itemclient, folderId); } public ContainerType getType() { return ContainerType.FOLDER; } /** * * returns the children of this {@FolderContainer} * * By default this method return all FolderContainers (asContainers) or Items (asItems) without accounting data, content data and metadata of the item * to add these information see {@ListResolverTyped} * * @return {@ListResolverTyped} * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to read this folder */ public ListResolverTyped list() throws StorageHubException { return new ListResolverTyped((onlyType, includeHidden, excludes) -> itemclient.getChildren(itemId, onlyType, includeHidden, excludes), itemclient) ; } /** * * creates a {@AbstractFileItem} inside the folder represented by this FolderContainer * * @param stream the file stream * @param filename the name of the item in the workspace * @param description the description of the item in the workspace * @return {@FileContainer} of the Item created * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public FileContainer uploadFile(InputStream stream, String filename, String description) throws StorageHubException { return new FileContainer(itemclient, itemclient.uploadFile(stream, this.itemId , filename, description)); } /** * * creates a {@ExternalLink} inside the folder represented by this FolderContainer * * @param url the url * @param name the name of the item in the workspace * @param description the description of the item in the workspace * @return {@URLContainer} of the Item created * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public URLContainer addUrl(URL url, String name, String description) throws StorageHubException { return new URLContainer(itemclient, itemclient.createURL(this.itemId, name, description, url)); } /** * * creates a set of {@Item} in the workspace extracting the Archive * * @param stream the file stream * @param extractionFolderName the root name of the folder where the archive will be extracted (A new folder with this name will be created) * @return {@FolderContainer} of the extraction Folder * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public FolderContainer uploadArchive(InputStream stream, String extractionFolderName) throws StorageHubException { return new FolderContainer(itemclient, itemclient.uploadArchive(stream, this.itemId , extractionFolderName)); } /** * * create a new {@FolderItem} inside the {@FolderItem} represented by this FolderContainer * * @param name the name of the folder * @param description the description of the folder * @return the {@FolderContainer} representing the new folder * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public FolderContainer newFolder(String name, String description) throws StorageHubException { String newFolderId = itemclient.createFolder(this.itemId, name, description, false); return new FolderContainer(itemclient, newFolderId); } /** * * create a new hidden {@FolderItem} inside the folder represented by this FolderContainer * * @param name the name of the folder * @param description the description of the folder * @return the {@FolderContainer} representing the new folder * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public FolderContainer newHiddenFolder(String name, String description) throws Exception { String newFolderId = itemclient.createFolder(this.itemId, name, description, true); return new FolderContainer(itemclient, newFolderId); } /** * * create a new hidden Folder inside the folder represented by this FolderContainer * * @param name the name of the folder * @param description the description of the folder * @return the {@FolderContainer} representing the new folder * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to write in this folder */ public GenericItemContainer newGcubeItem(GCubeItem item) throws Exception { String itemId = itemclient.createGcubeItem(this.itemId, item); return new GenericItemContainer(itemclient, itemId); } /** * * returns the {@ACL} of the {FolderItem} represented by this FolderContainer * * @return a List of {@ACL} * @throws {@StorageHubException} */ public List getAcls() throws Exception { return itemclient.getACL(this.itemId); } /** * * changes {@ACL} of the {FolderItem} represented by this FolderContainer for a user * * @return the {@FolderContainer} * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not administrator of this folder */ public FolderContainer changeAcls(String user, AccessType accessType) throws StorageHubException { itemclient.changeACL(this.itemId, user, accessType); return this; } public boolean canWrite() throws Exception { return itemclient.canWriteInto(this.itemId); } /** * * returns the children of this {@FolderContainer} that matches the name pattern * * @return {@ListResolver} * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to read this folder */ public ListResolver findByName(String namePattern) throws StorageHubException { return new ListResolver((onlyType, includeHidden, excludes) -> itemclient.findChildrenByNamePattern(itemId, namePattern , excludes), itemclient); } /** * * shares this Folder with a list of users setting the same {@AccessType} for everyone in the list. * if the folder is already shared it add the users to the share. * * @return the current {@FolderContainer} updated * @throws {@InvalidItemException} * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to share this folder */ public FolderContainer share(Set users, AccessType accessType) throws Exception { itemclient.shareFolder(this.itemId, users, accessType); this.invalidateItem(); return this; } /** * * remove share from this Folder for a list of users, for everyone or only for the caller. Is applicable only on {@SharedFolder}. * if users is empty or null unshare the entire folder for everyone. * if users contains only the caller login the folder is removed only for him. * * @return the current {@FolderContainer} updated * @throws {@InvalidItemException} if this folder is not share * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to unshare this folder */ public FolderContainer unshare(Set users) throws Exception { String unsharedId = itemclient.unshareFolder(this.itemId, users); return new FolderContainer(itemclient, unsharedId); } /** * * unpublish this Folder. * * @return the current {@FolderContainer} updated * @throws {@InvalidCallParameter} if this is not a Folder * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to unpublish this folder */ public FolderContainer unpublish() throws Exception { itemclient.setPublic(this.itemId, false); this.invalidateItem(); return this; } /** * * makes this Folder public. * * @return the current {@FolderContainer} updated * @throws {@InvalidCallParameter} if this is not a Folder * @throws {@UserNotAuthorizedException} if user is not authorized to publish this folder */ public FolderContainer publish() throws Exception { itemclient.setPublic(this.itemId, true); this.invalidateItem(); return this; } }